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D&D 5E EB's One Shot - Irongrad (IC)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ssz'irac nods eagerly.

"I like this Ghilarite fellow. Is he as crazy as that mad Merrim?" the drow says with a smile. In truth, he cares nothing for mages, but if the sage can restore his drow magic, he and Zuleyka can always run away afterwards.

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"What charges would those be again?" Al said. "I don't remember doin' nothin' wrong. I remember them durned Drow tryin' ta steal the wiz'rds stuff, and I remember gettin' attacked by the durned wiz'rd. Aye, I did take a swing at 'im, just to try to get 'im to stop 'is attacks, but I don't remember doin' nothin that would get me locked up fer a week!"

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Bilkkar Gnome Druid

When caught:
"Hands off Bilkar you oaf! Bilkar did nothing. Bilkar hate this place."
"Shut up. You're coming with me."
Bilkar flails around a moment unable to reach the guard or the ground, before crossing his arms tightly over his chest. "You smell." Bilkar doesn't fight or resist any more than this fully confused about exactly what it is he did wrong.
OOC: While flailing and growling at the guard he casts Druidcraft on the guard, who smells of skunk now.

With the magistrate:
"Bilkar did nothing vulture. Your laws mean nothing to Bilkar. Bring Bilkar to the Sage. If the Sage will stop Bilkar from glowing Bilkar will help the sage." Bilkars stance is defiant and his tone holds no respect for the Magistrate, but it's obvious he's willing to make a deal as long as he thinks he's getting something out of it.


"What charges would those be again?" Al said. "I don't remember doin' nothin' wrong. I remember them durned Drow tryin' ta steal the wiz'rds stuff, and I remember gettin' attacked by the durned wiz'rd. Aye, I did take a swing at 'im, just to try to get 'im to stop 'is attacks, but I don't remember doin' nothin that would get me locked up fer a week!"

db9905540f28ab96132a808ed193c2df--character-portraits-fictional-characters.jpg "Fighting in the market is two to ten days, depending on the grievance of the offense. Unlike most cities we don't have people bound their weapons, but we still do not tolerate open bloodshed in the streets, even in defense."

"You don't seem affected like the gnome or dragonborn, Master Dwarf, if Ghilarite's offer is of no use to you I'll testify your self-defense testimony, and you may only get a couple nights imprisonment. Is that what you wish?"
he asks.

He responds with a nod to Ssz'irac and thinks Bilkar's tanturm slightly amusing, as he was told what happened to the half-ogre guard.



Round 0

Zuleyka almost cackled in triumph as she reached the crowded marketplace. Now to just cast a spell and blend into all the--

The world exploded in white light and pain, and then stars danced in her vision as she staggered to her knees. She hears shouting from a seemingly long way off. Then she is grabbed roughly, spitting curses of Lolth down on the guards as they roughly tied her hands. And then someone stuck a dirty rag into her mouth and tied it off. She about gagged on the scent and taste.

She spent the next two hours bound and gagged in a guard post, unable to fight or cast a spell, her weapons taken from her in any case. She glowered as the magistrate entered and presented them with a choice. With the way the guards were leering at the beautiful drow, she doubted she wanted to go to gaol.

Of course, she couldn’t exactly decline or accept while gagged. One of the guards put a dagger to her throat and removed the gag.

“I do not subscribe to your surface justcice,” she snarled. That got her a clock alongside the head from the pommel of the dagger, which left her dazed and starred on the floor.

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 7/7
AC: 13

Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Green Flame Blade, Shocking Grasp
L1 (1/2): Absorb Elements, Burning Hands*, Disguise Self*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep


"A couple night's imprisonment fer doin nothin but tryin ta help? Ye can stick yer testifyin up yer arse, ye great...uh...green gob o'...um...horse spit!"

That's odd. Usually, Al was great at insulting people.

OOC: Trying to use Vicious Mockery. Assuming it doesn't work.

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OOC: No that was pretty insulting lol, but you are correct you no longer have the cantrip

db9905540f28ab96132a808ed193c2df--character-portraits-fictional-characters.jpg "Listen, I don't know what is happening to you, now that you fought Mad Merrim, but I can guess." the magistrate says to Zulekya and Al. "From what I have figured out whatever spell he used on you takes away your magical ability, FOR GOOD. You lose the ability to remember a spell here and there and as it progresses you lose the ability to cast spells all together. We believe it is what is driving the old wizard mad. He is losing his art, and soon you all will as well."

OOC: Let's try a group challenge. Everyone make one Insight check please
DC 12 - (your gut tells you there is something else, other info)
You will need 3 posted success before 3 fails. Good Luck.



Round 0

Zuleyka stared up at the magistrate. “You lie, surfacer!” she spat at him. “There is no such magic!”

Was there? She didn’t know what magic those on the surface wielded. If this was the case, this was more powerful magic than even the drow wizards had, which should be impossible for a surfacer!

And yet she couldn’t remember the simple cantrip to create lights, the first she had learned as a child.

Insight: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 7/7
AC: 13

Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Green Flame Blade, Shocking Grasp
L1 (1/2): Absorb Elements, Burning Hands*, Disguise Self*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep


Bilkar Gnome Druid

"Dark Elf doesn't GLOW." Bilkar says wide eyed and in a tone that says - yeah you think you have problems look at me. Not understanding that she is loosing magical skills, only seeing that this glowing affect seems to be not affecting her.

"Show Bilkar this sage. Bilkar tires of city folk."

OOC: Insight: [roll0]


Voidrunner's Codex

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