D&D 5E EB's Out of My Abysmal Mind - OOC (FULL)


So I am about to set up the RG but I need a place to discuss the concepts and the characters, so need this link to add to that thread.

After looking over the characters and reading the post please ask any questions here. Remember this is an experiment that I want to do in real life but with a limited group once one or two said no, we didn't. I feel there has to be four people willing to give this a go.

Out of the Abyss - RG
Out of the Abyss - IC
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Great! That is part of the fun. I was tempted to write the backgrounds that were going through my head, but I thought that was more of a personality thing and not a stat/feature. Anyway writing a background will also help you to develop the personality as you go.

So again have fun.


Am I correct in thinking that your backstory has top end with you being a prisoner of the drow? It's been a while since I looked at OotA.

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Charwoman Gene

Should we post our proposed background and personality here?


Trait: Atallia is reserved and graceful in speech and movement.
She's gone through a lot of upheaval in her life, and forms bonds quick but also lets them go easily.

Ideal: Freedom for those who have wronged no one.

Bond: Her mentor and family still live under her original master's control.

Flaw: She tends to default to the simplest answer to a problem, without learning the intricacies.

Atallia is cool and unruffled. Her emotions run deep and true but she demonstrates her feelings by acting, not talking.

Born into service to a cruel fire Genasi noble house, Atallia learned to keep herself centered in difficult situations all her life. Her loyalty wass never suspect, as her parents and sisters were also held by the master. Her training as a monk came when another slave, a gnome named Maarten the Quick, thought she had potential and trained her in seret.
She was "gifted" to a rival noble house, trained to ingratiate herself and find out their secrets. When found out, her master would not acknowledge her and the rivals were free to do with her as they pleased. Eager to be rid of her buit keep a profit, they sold her to a drow slaver, whu took her to the underdark, where she now finds herself alone and posessionless.

Off topic: Am I the only who sees Missandei, Tyrion, Tormund and Danerys for GoT in the pictures?
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Am I correct in thinking that your backstory has top end with you being a prisoner of the drow? It's been a while since I looked at OotA.

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Correct we will be starting with everyone captured so you should at least put what your character was doing up till then.


Finnan, EDIT: some updates

Trait: I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.

Trait: I'm convinced that people are always trying to steal my secrets.

Ideal: The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.

Bond: I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands.

Flaw: Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilization.

Personality: Being the "small one" for last few years, without the usual halfling escapes, has dampened Finnan's usual halfling enthusiasm. He is quite and a little broody, but willing to point out where others are wrong - usually without giving the correct information for fear of it being stolen. The old Finnan is there below the surface though, as he occasionally reverts to his younger, babbly self.

Finnan had a typical Halfling childhood in a typical Halfling community. Perhaps it was this typical life that led to his wanderlust to explore farther afield. Whatever the reason Finnan, when he came of age, decided to explore the world before settling down for good. He didn’t have to venture far before crossing paths with a wizard recruiting apprentices. Finnan was charmed by the idea. Magic, what could be more atypical?

Krelius took Finnan on, along with a handful of other apprentices, returning to his humble tower to begin their training. It proved frustrating, the training was minimal and Krelius was often locked away in his private chambers. Halfling curiosity got him onto trouble more than once, with both his fellow students and his master. One particular encounter nearly killed the Halfling.

Choosing a time when his master was away, Finnan broke into Krelius’s private library, hoping to find something interesting. Interesting he did find, Krelius’s library was full of dark rituals allowing the master to feed off the power of others. Finnan could comprehend none of them, but his skill was just enough to work out the effects. One particular tome though drew Finnan in. He stared at the swirling text, until a voice in his head said, Not yet, but soon. Many hours later Krelius found the unconscious Halfling on the floor.

The repercussions were severe, Finnan was made to wear a ring, that he could never take off, and since then his halfling drive faded, he was disinclined to resist Krelius’s instructions or leave his service. Finnan continued life of mediocrity and poor training until Krelius announced that they were to embark on a journey.

Leading them deep into cave network, Finnan quickly became lost, as did his fellow apprentices. Krelius’ skill was enough to deal with anything they encountered but Finnan and the others seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, gradually slipping into a delirium.

During one particularly brutal fight with some drow, a voice came into Finnan’s head, The ring you fool, it binds you to him and allows him to control you. I will break it and grant you the power to defeat him, but I want…

Finnan still isn’t sure what he agreed to but he was able to attack Krelius from behind, causing enough of a distraction that the drow defeated Krelius. Finnan collapsed from the effort and was only dimly aware of the black skinned figures rounding up the survivors.
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So for Atallia she grew up a servant/slave probably a cook to go with her proficiency.

Somewhere along the way she befriended Maarten the Quick who knows about her becoming a "gift". Please answer a few questions about their relationship or how she sees the gnome. Father figure? teacher? Was he harsh? or more Mister Miyagi like. Did he ever bond with Atallia or since he knew she was going to be sent off he did not? I think he should be the Contact for her background ability either way. It would be him and not her Master that wanted to find out about this other house.

The Master Fire Gensai doesn't have contacts with drow, but the family she was gifted to does. During her time there does she befriend anyone in the kitchens, someone that may wish to play dice till late in the evening with her? Someone that could have betrayed her or is even now looking for her (love interest?).

Meditating might be a way she escapes the cruelity of the world she was born to. After being taught to meditate she finds the calming effects one of the best coping methods from the life she lives. It sure will help in drow slave pens lol.

Just ideals for thought. The more I know the more I can add into posts and add into side quests/bonus stuff.

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