D&D 5E EB's Ravenloft Tours 2017/2018 OOC (FULL)


Got a bit of rolling to do.... then will move the round forward.

Irena - advantage from Josiah


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And now it is time to.... LEVEL UP. CONGRATS!!

For this adventure they have key things that should happen to allow the group to level up. So you need not fight a thousand encounters or RP for a thousand hours.

The group actually missed two encounters before this one. If you would have buried the body you found on the road, then the wolves would have reached you. And I rolled for a random encounter, but the result was a non-combat one. So don't think you need to fight everything or search every area, etc. Your level ups will come as follows:

Finding Artifacts: +3 lvls
Defeating Villains: +? lvls One for every key location
- Doru vampire spawn, Barovia
Accomplishing Story Goals: +3 lvls

Not going to let you know exactly what you need to do/fight, but will give hints from here on out.

Again congrats on level 3, please post your new abilities, hp (average/lvl), and anything else new your adding in the RG here please.


Josiah is going with Gunsmith. H can make firearms, now, and modify them. One of his pistols is now snubnosed, knocking people back five feet on a hit, and the other one does fire damage instead of piercing.

How long would it take to make a Scattergun (shotgun)?


Josiah is going with Gunsmith. H can make firearms, now, and modify them. One of his pistols is now snubnosed, knocking people back five feet on a hit, and the other one does fire damage instead of piercing.

How long would it take to make a Scattergun (shotgun)?

Forgot this was the "anything goes" game. haha So looking over gunsmith the only thing you need worry about is time and ammo. We won't play out every waking minute (as we have been) once your in a town with some walls and guards, so just need to get you there. I was planning on have you meet another tinkerer/gunsmith, so that is still on. And in the adventure there is actually a musket that is listed as treasure.

A scatter gun would cost you 125gp in raw materials and take 2 1/2 weeks to build. And that doesn't include any ammo you would need for it. There might come a time we could say in game that a month goes by, probably when you need to do some research/recovery. Will probably be a bit in RL time until then though.

Also. Are you thinking of any gadgetry type tinkerer or clockwork stuff? If you can build a gun I htink there are other things you could get to work.

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