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Encyclopaedia Altanica

Rystil Arden

First Post
The Dolathi may have secrets that they are hiding, even from the Altanians, but the Altanians were still among the first to be invited to join them in their alliance, and so the Council of Magelords has sealed a tome, full of knowledge of all the races and classes of the Known Spheres, within a secret vault underground beneath the territory of the great city of Avani. This tome is known as the Encyclopaedia Altanica.

Look ye within, and discover all the information you will need for any game using Rystil's variant Neospelljamming setting, assuming that by "any game" you mean "a game that only uses the information I put up on this thread." If you aren't playing in my setting, feel free to read this and use whatever you want in your own, except it almost certainly won't be balanced for your setting, so you're really in a jam at this point. You could always force the people using these variants to adopt some unfairly low point buy value, like 25. That'll guarantee that many of their new powers will be worthless, since most of them use a lot of ability scores. They'll still be too strong though, but oh well. It's not my problem any more.

If you are using my setting, most likely because you're in my PbP, then feel free to use this as a storehouse of knowledge.

And if you're some balance-monkey who wants to start up an argument, please go somewhere else; you will be ignored here.

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Rystil Arden

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The Spellfrenzied

"Vylaran, where are you going? I'm this close to a breakthrough discovery that will create a perpetual motion spelljamming engine. This will win me a nomination for the council of Magelords for sure!...Fine, walk out on me, and see if I give you any of the credit. Hmm...what the" ::BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM::

Often the result of magical experiments gone wrong, Spellfrenzied are Altanians who gain power but lose their mind through absorbing conquered spell energy. More disturbing by far than the Spellfrenzied who are victims of their mistakes, however, are those who formulaicly repeated the disastrous experiments in order to gain this power for their own!


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Rystil Arden

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The Arcanist

Alyria closed her eyes and concentrated on her Sigil, tapping into the eldritch flows that brushed against her skin like ethereal zephyrs. Her eyes flashed bright blue as the Charm flew forth from her sigil, taking the form of a beautiful translucent maiden who shared certain features with her creator. Smiling reassuringly at the dweamour, the arcanist directed her to target the Rowaini Knight who stood below the terrace.

"But Alyria," Bobbo, her rules-savvy Dragonlord/Planeswalker/Berserker companion said, "Charm Person is a targetted spell. You can't apply your Major Sigil power to targetted spells."

"Oh come on!" Alyria protested, "If the Player's Handbook can use an Inflict Wounds spell as an example for Spell Turning, can't I do this? It sounds really cool!"

"OK fine whatever. I'm going to ride on my giant outsider dragon."

Arcanists are the ruling class of Altania's magocracy. They are the undisputed masters of all things arcane, and they know it. Arcanists each have a Sigil that connects them to the eldritch flows of magic, as well as a powerful and flexible casting system.


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Rystil Arden

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The Marksman

"Oh please," the winged half-demon nymph snarled down at the lone Dolathi, "You're just an archer, and I have an epic Buckler of Exceptional Arrow Deflection. You think I can't make the Reflex save? Nothing you try even has a prayer to hit me!"

The Dolathi only grinned and cocked his Alvasi and gave it a twirl, firing off an Elusive Shot that seemed to miss completely.

"Ha? Is that all the greatest Marksman in Eldiz can offer?"

Then the shot spun around and struck towards the evil beauty from behind, catching her off-guard and unable to protect herself with the Buckler. She screamed as the Alvasi shot struck her in the chest, exploding in a blast of arcane energy and, worse still, mussing her dress.

"Do you know how much that cost?"

Marksmen trained in Eldiz are among the best in the Known Spheres, combining multiple schools of ranged combat from across different worlds. Able to fire with great speed and accuracy and make trick shots, the Marksman is an opponent to be feared, unless you have a Buckler of Exceptional Arrow Deflection and the Marksman isn't level 19 yet like the guy in the example. Then you don't have to fear him.


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Rystil Arden

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The Preserver

The Dragonlord snarled and backed away from Vakarina cautiously, putting some space between himself and the wretched strumpet's Verdant Aura. Channeling the natural life energy of Arris out of the ground and plants and into himself, he let forth a swarm of Blood-red crystals that cut into her body and her wings, leaving them torn and useless.

Although her body was broken and battered, she paid this no attention, but when she was the lifeless blight that now surrounded the Dragonlord, she began to cry. Transforming her sorrow into tears of rage, she called upon her last remaining powerful to purify the Dragonlord's corrupted soul. The villain's eyes opened wide in horror and he screamed as his mind, body, and spirit were returned to a natural state, leaving a cute little brown bunny where the Valsian tyrant had been.

Vakarina collapsed to the ground from her fatal wounds, gasping out a final benediction to Mother Arris, as the concerned bunny moved over to her and nuzzling her gently, sharing Arris's loss as the Preserver dissipated, returning her life energy to the earth.

The Preserver is an unrelenting champion of the natural world of Arris, fighting against Dragonlords, Defilers (the evil opposite version of Preservers), and unnatural creatures that hope to despoil the land. Her blade is strong, her soul is pure, and her thumb is green.


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Rystil Arden

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Nymphs, nymphs, and more nymphs

"I just don't understand why anyone would want to visit Seelyne. The spirits and animals of this place are all docile and uninteresting, completely incapable of surviving in anything more than this unrealistic safety bubble," Valjak muttered to Araneau.

"Well duh," the Rowaini said with a smile, "The nymphs! Don't look now but I think there are some Anthousa over there 'absorbing sunlight.' Yummy! Besides, most Lacerta seem to love Amaranthia for its natural beauty. What makes you so bitter?"

The Serpent-Totemist shrugged, "What's so great about the pests? They infest this place like insects, unable to contribute seriously to society because they are so busy giggling and playing around naked in a lake, or rubbing lotions made of aloe over each other's bodies as they stroke each other gently, or sitting on a mountain peak as the winds gently blow the long hair that is the only thing covering their soft pathetic flesh, which is silky, smooth, curvy, and pert--all pointless qualities that add nothing to the creature's usefulness--utterly lacking in muscles, sinew, or tough hide or scales. And what's worse, they try to waste the time of visitors by cheerfully including them in the games, giggling and splashing them with water and inviting them to jump in and play with them, entwining them with ivy in their bower and hugging close against them, asking them to help rub aloe over their bodies and caress them tenderly. I mean, who would put up with such annoyances?"

"Dude," the Swashbuckler replied, "Its times like these that I remember that you Lacerta are genderless."


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Penguin Herder
So, is this setting a high-powered FR Age of Lost Empires type place, or is it a meta-snarky in character Order of the Stick kind of place, or...?

-- N

Rystil Arden

First Post
Nifft said:
So, is this setting a high-powered FR Age of Lost Empires type place, or is it a meta-snarky in character Order of the Stick kind of place, or...?

-- N
Its a high-powered NeoSpelljamming setting where all the classes are more-or-less balanced with gestalt classes, and the races are all balanced with each other and claimed to be LA 0, even though they are stronger than that (because if they all have the same LA, might as well just call that 0). As for the meta-snarky, that's just me, not my setting. I'm metasnarky ;)

Rystil Arden

First Post
Other Shards of Knowledge

"Are you sure the Grand Magister won't notice if we just stick all the rest of it into a jumbled mess and leave it at the end?" asked the worried Spellguardian scribe.

"Are you kidding?" the lazy Arcanist answered, "You wrote the rest of it so terribly that there's no way anyone would read this far. Besides, a Penguin Herder showed up and asked questions in the middle of the book. That's pretty unusual. They'll probably stop at that and ponder the metaphysical significance of the penguins."

"If you say so...then let's just do it and get it over with."

Vanarca[Vanarcan] (Altania [Altanian]): Magocracy, all inhabitants have innate magickal abilities
Races- Altanian
Arcanist, Spellhunter, Spellsworn, Spellsword, Spellfrenzied, Spellguardian

Xarata[Xaratu] (Lara Kai [Larakese]): Oriental flavour, legendary martial arts
Races- Larakese
Ronin, Ninja, Sohei, Wu Jen, Martial Artist, Ascetic, Samurai

Tymadeau[Tymadish] (Rowain[Rowaini]): Medieval flavour, traditionalist
Races- Rowaini, Byblan
Knight, Troubadour, Jester, Witch, Swashbuckler, Sage

Rhapsodia[Rhapt] (Sonata[Sonatan]): World controlled by music and song
Races- Melodian, Harmonian
Soulsinger, Treesinger, Bladesinger, Oathsinger, Truthsinger, Spellsinger

Kanath[Kanather] (Eldiz[Eldish]): Cosmopolitan Urban Centre, home of the Organization
Races- Dolathi, Immigrants from other Worlds
Planeswalker, Alley Stalker, Bounty Hunter, Eldritch Infiltrator, Marksman, Urban Naturalist

Chuliit[Chuliiti] (Yharaz[Yharzu]): Jungle-covered prehistoric world
Races- Lacerta, Feldori
Totemist, Animist, Shaman, Wild Mage, Soulwarden

Scandaj[Scandajian] (Nardaln[Narlse]): Norse Viking-like setting with islands and longboats
Races- Narlseman, Nibelan, Tralg
Skald, Berserker, Raider, Wrathbringer, Mystic

Arris[Arrian] (Valthas[Valsian]): Desert world with a few lush oases
Races- Valsian, Mojiin
Dweamoreater, Preserver, Ecomancer, Avenger, Dragonlord

Amaranthia[Amaranthian] (Seelyne[Seelie]): Mystical fey realm populated solely by females
Races- Sidhe, Nymph[Naiad, Dryad, etc]
Classes- Siren, Amazon, Runemaiden. Swanmay, Votress, Enchantress, Nymph

Gyaros [Gyarive] (Praetorianus[Praetorian]): Imperial world with Roman flavour
Races- Praetor, Pleb
Gladiator, Centurion, Templar, Liberator, War Mage

Sancirce[Sancyric] (Putalis[Putal]): Superstitious world dominated by a strong church
Races- Sacra, Vildri
Zealot, Heretic, Inquisitor, Champion, Psalmist

+4 INT -2 WIS +4 CHA
Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill, Spellcasting Prodigy, Arcane Armour Proficiency
Type- Humanoid, reproduces as human
Society- Meritocratic magocracy, non-discriminatory except against those with no arcane power, whom they consider inferior
Hair colours (common to rare): shades of blue (dark to light), silver, Eye colours (common to rare): blue, lavender, silver, green

+4 DEX +4 WIS -2 CHA
Type- Humanoid, reproduces as human
Society- Filial piety, elders and wisdom held in esteem, otherwise by clan
Hair colours: Always black, Eye colours: brown/black

+2/+0 STR M/F, +2/+0 CON M/F, -2/-0 INT M/F, +0/+2 WIS M/F, +4 CHA
Type- Humanoid, reproduces as human
Society- Male-dominated medieval monarchy
Hair colours (common to rare): Browns, Black, Ruddy Auburn, Blonde, Eye colours (common to rare): Brown, Grey, Green, Hazel, Blue

-2 STR, -4 CON, +4 INT, +4 WIS, +4 CHA
Type- Outsider, genderless, reproduces through ascension, involving studying forgotten lore
Society- Solitary, don't care much for government so tend to live with what the Rowaini decide
No hair, rubbery greyish-blue skin, large black eyes

-2 STR +2 DEX -2 CON +4 WIS +4 CHA
Type- Humanoid, female only, reproduces through the Song of Life ceremony
Society- Peaceful cooperative ruled jointly by all Melodians
Hair and Eye colours tend to be vibrant, crystalline colours, statuesque, finely chiseled features

+2 STR +2 DEX +2 CON -4 WIS +4 CHA
Type- Humanoid, male only, reproduces through the Song of Life ceremony
Society- Subordinates in the Melodian cooperative
Hair and eye colours tend to be translucent and pale colours, shorter than Melodians with subtle features

Physical Stats: two +2 and one -2, Mental Stats: two +2 and one -2 [floating bonuses change with the Dolathi's form, if you put the +2 and the -2 in the same stat, you get +0 in that one. Putting both +2s in the same stat yields +4 and two -2s, even though that doesn't add up]
Alternate forms [Humanoid only]
Type- Abberation[Shapeshifter], can change gender, reproduces as assumed form
Society- Confusing, evershifting hierarchy. Only the archduke's position at the top is ever stable
Appearance as assumed form

+2 STR -2 DEX +2 INT +4 WIS
Natural Attacks, +3 Natural Armour, Totem Affinity, +2 Balance (tail)
Type- Monstrous Humanoid, genderless, reproduces through reincarnation
Society- Tribal, usually led by a wise elder shaman
Appear as humanoid dinosaurs, skin colours are typically greens or oranges, although red and pink are not unknown

+4 DEX +4 CON -2 INT -2 WIS +2 CHA (+2 to any stat from Paternal Power)
Paternal Power, Luck Affinity, +2 Balance (tail)
Type- Humanoid, female only, reproduces by absorption of foreign DNA through blood taken in by front incisors
Society- Tribal, often led by the most skilled or persuasive
Appear as catlike humanoids, green feline eyes, many possible hair colours depending on paternal DNA

+4/+2 STR M/F, +4 DEX, +2/+0 CON M/F, -4 WIS, +0/+4 CHA M/F

Type- Humanoid, male-dominated, reproduces as human

+2 STR +4 CON +4 WIS -4 CHA

Type- Humanoid, male only, reproduces as human

+8 STR -2 DEX +4 CON -4 INT -2 WIS -4 CHA
Type- Giant, male only, reproduces as human with a DC 25 Fort Save or the mother dies
Society- Rudimentary society ruled by the strongest
Appear as large, often grotesque, brutes. Skin colour varies by tribe, from brown to green
Special: Unlike all other races, Tralg must take a level in Giant before taking any class levels.

-2 CON +4 INT +4 CHA

Type- Humanoid, reproduces as human

+4 STR -2 CON +4 WIS
Type- Dragon, reproduces through tapping into the Arrian life-force

-2 STR +2 DEX -2 CON +4 INT +4 CHA
Type- Fey, female only, reproduces through the trinity ritual
Society- Nearly moneyless harmonious society, somewhat meritocraticly elitist
Appearance- Delicately beautiful, rich, colourful hair and eyes

(stats as type)
Type- Fey, female only, generated by Amaranthian natural energy
Society- Peaceful society of equals, based on friendship and favors
Appearance- Vibrantly beautiful, hair and eye colours depend on type

+4 STR -2 DEX +4 INT

Type- Humanoid, reproduces as human

+2 STR +2 DEX +2 CON

Type- Construct, crafted by Praetorian War Mages

+2 CON -2 INT +4 WIS +2 CHA

Type- Humanoid, female-dominant, reproduces as human

+4 DEX -2 CON +4 INT

Type- Plant, reproduces asexually by budding, pollenation can lead to more genetic variation

Siren- A powerful sorceress who uses the power of her songs to bend the minds and hearts of those around her, and she is full of useful skills and information from her time spent among social circles.

Amazon- A skillful, stealthy, and mighty warrior-maiden known for using her natural surroundings to her advantage. They live in the jungles far from Seelyne

Runemaiden/Runetemptress- A mighty warrior devoted to the arcane mysteries of

Amaranthia, she draws runes to invoke her powers, and others can use them as well

Swanmay- The warrior-maidens of Seelyne, who are known for their love of animals; they can even transform into swan form.
Votress- A holy maiden devoted to one of the fey lords, often Titania; she forswears the use of weapons and perfects her mind and body in her mistress's service

Enchantress- Often the most politically important Amaranthian, they wield many and various magicks, and are among the best magic item crafters in the Known Spheres. Each has a signature spell nexus that she carries with her wherever she goes. Unfortunately, they are rather clueless when it comes to combat.

Nymph- Not to say that Naiads, Dryads, Oreads, Haliai, Oceanids, Nereids, Meliai, Epimeliads, Daphniai, Aurai, Anthousa, Lampiads, etc cannot take other classes, but this class embodies the spirit of the nymph. Members are skillful and emphasise their ties to nature, while simultaneously gaining powers associated with the Monster Manual nymph.
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