• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Epic Cinematic (Recruiting)


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Ok, first off, no item creation chart please. You guys have enough gold you almost have every buff in the game on yourselves 24/7.

Character concept looks good.

Superior Unarmed Strike doesn't use MM progression, it uses Monk progression. Which means the steps are already listed in the PHB. I'm not sure how you got base 2d6 unarmed strike, remember that your claws don't count as unarmed strike. Since you are Large, and have more than 16 HD, your unarmed would be dealing 4d8 damage.

Btw, you missed the part where the special rules apply ONLY to PCs and Special NPCs. Mobs are still cannon fodder.

Rend is once per round.

We'll be using DMG rules for multiple enhancements, I'm more famailiar with them.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Animal Companions will be functioning off of normal D&D rules. Any more specific questions about it?

I'll have more time to check over your rough draft later.

Heroic Surge is an ability everyone gets.

No fiendish arms. Pretty much every other graft is available. Because this system is built for full rounds in combat, I am dissallowing most things that easily give additional limbs for multiweapon fighting. Other grafts are fine.

Yes, you can multiple enhance your weapon, but remember, no item creation chart.

Walking Dad:
i'm gonna say no in general to the Warlock epic feats. I remember reading them and not really liking what they did with them. That being said, if there is a single feat from there you want, I'll check it over and see if I find it reasonable. We'll keep a dialogue open.

I pondered the warlock question when I made this campaign, and I think I prefer the Eldritch Glave method.

Just remember that when fighting real fights (Important NPCs that work off the same rules you do etc), I want you guys fighting with a weapon. Your eldritch blast doesn't count a such, and while I'm not saying you can't fall back on it (such as frying a fast flyer keeping out of your reach) I want to see you using a fighting style rather than point and click. Same goes with the Invocations that target opponents.

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First Post
His base claw dmg is 2d6 (Large sized feral creature) or 3d6 with improved natural weapon. So if I took the "beast stirke" feat (lets you add your unarmed strike damage to claw/slams) I'd be dealing 4d6+4d8+X per hit? Its their starting point for unarmed progression. Every single DM I have ever played with counted Natural weapons as both armed and unarmed attacks. Is it specifically coevered somewhere in 3.5? In 3.0 it was covered in Sword-n-Fist that natural attacks counted as having Imp. Unarmed Strike.

Would adding a monks belt (+5 monk lvls for unarmed dmg, or 1 step) raise that 4d8 to 6d8?

I know theres a feat in either Cwar or Cadv that lets you apply the enh bonus from armor to touch AC. But I can't remember the reqs for it. Would someone please post it?
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Walking Dad

First Post
Warlock epic feats I would like to take:

Epic Eldritch Blast [Epic]
Your eldritch blasts are unstoppably powerful.
Prerequisites: Eldritch blast 9d6.
Benefit: When you take this invocation, the damage dealt by your eldritch blast increases by 1d6.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Epic Extra Invocation [Epic]
You learn an additional invocation.
Prerequisites: Ability to use dark invocations, Spellcraft 24 ranks
Benefit: You can learn one additional invocation from the list available to you, including dark invocations.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you gain an extra invocation of any grade (least, lesser, greater, or dark).

Without them, an epic Warlock make no sense.


Dark Transient [Epic]
Your powers of mobility are so potent that you can travel between dimensions with a thought.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (the planes) 24 ranks, fell flight, flee the scene, path of shadow.
Benefit: Your flight speed (from the fell flight invocation) increases by 30 feet and its maneuverability increases to perfect. Using this ability is part of the casting of the fell flight invocation.
You have achieved mastery over the powers of transdimensional travel. You can transport great distances with a single thought (as greater teleport, self and personal equipment only). You can also transport other creatures, but if you do, there is a chance of error (as teleport).Activating this ability requires a standard action.
You can use plane shift with perfect accuracy (self and personal equipment only). You can also transport other creatures, but you then suffer the inaccuracies normally incurred when using this spell. Activating this ability requires a standard action.

Allows really epic movement.

Shadowmaster [Epic]
You have walked the path of shadows, and now you have mastered its secrets.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 24 ranks, beshadowed blast, dark discorporation, darkness, enervating shadow.
Benefit: You can create streaking masses of shadow around your form, providing you with a 50% miss chance against all attacks (as displacement). Activating this ability requires a standard action.
You can use material from the Plane of Shadows to create quasireal illusions, mimicking sorcerer and wizard conjuration spells of 8th level or lower (as shades). The illusions deal 80% damage to nonbelievers, and nondamaging effects are 80% likely to work against nonbelievers. Activating this ability requires a standard action.
You are immune to all spells with the shadow subtype and to effects that involve the use of shadows (such as the breath weapon of a shadow dragon). This is an extraordinary ability.

I just love the shadow theme.

Lord of All Essences [Epic]
You have mastered the art of enhancing your eldritch blast with multiple essences.
Prerequisites: One least, lesser, greater, and dark eldritch essence invocation, Spellcraft 24 ranks.
Benefit: When you use the eldritch blast ability, you can apply two eldritch essence invocations simultaneously. You could choose to fire an eldritch blast with both the repelling blast and noxious blast eldritch essences. This also allows you to apply the same effect twice, though this is not beneficial in the case of all eldritch essences. The effects of each essence are resolved separately. If you imbue your eldritch blast with two different types of damage, half of the damage (rounded down) is dealt by each source. You must choose which essences you will use in conjunction with your eldritch blast before you start your action. If you possess the Eldritch Sculptor feat, you can apply two eldritch essence invocations to both your eldritch blasts in a single round. Activating this ability is part of the action to use an eldritch blast.
For example, if Morthos is fighting an outsider he has never encountered, he can choose to imbue his eldritch blast with both hellrime blast and brimstone blast. He rolls 10d6 damage, dealing half fire and half cold damage. If the outsider happened to be immune to cold, but not fire, it would still take damage from the half that dealt fire damage.
In addition, the DC of all eldritch essence invocations you use increases by 2. This is an extraordinary ability.
Normal: A warlock can apply only one eldritch essence to an eldritch blast.

To keep up with epic weapons.[/sblock]


Fiendish arms doesn't give you extra arms, they replace your existing arms.
Hmm, they do give extra claw attacks, but I'd be willing to forgo those, I'm really just looking for the +8 strength.


First Post
Ngh. Epic D&D: The Quest for More Bonuses.

Then again, I probably only complain because I'm bad at it. And my epic characters generally suffer as a result. :)


First Post
That would seem quite a spectacular kind of game :D

I have the concept of a plain human (well, at lvl 30 he is not plain at all, gosh).

Prince Kaoru Eraia, Chilling Wind and Head of the Avalanche
Samurai 1/ Monk 3/ Fighter 1/ Shou Disciple 5/ Iaijutsu Master 20

He is the flashy kind of character and fits perfectly for this kind of houserules, with a maddeding speed of action and thought, killing the enemies without even beeing seen moving. He can unleash a hell of pain. Think about Bleach (the fast ones), only worse.

Appearance and back ground:

Prince Kaoru Eraia iwas not born with the mark. So his parents were relieved that apparently, that blessig/curse appeared to have been lost. Thousands of years ago, infact, a true god had created a cursed sword for his mortal son, a sword that memorized every single moment, every single twitch, every single thought of whoever was wielding it...and at the end of his life, the sword bound his soul. It was called Karstoreia, but the meaning of this name is lost. And his son, who had the blood of the long lost god, the primordial elves and the elemental princes of wind, would take the sword and absorb all of it.

Eventually an avalanche was created...each son was better than his father. From the moment that he first touched the sword, till he was able to perfect the inner training, he quicjly grew in power, surpassing each swordmaster. But not only the mental skills were passed...the strength, the speed and the resistance of each wielder were stored and used to absorb the wounds of the new Head of the Avalanche.

A lone swordsman, however powerful, cannot be everywere, so eventually a great invasion from the Void Outside managed to bring down the primordial elves kingdom. After travelling to another plane, the few survivors just picked a huge empire, and overtook it with the lone strenght of the Avalanche Head. He married the (widowed) empress and took rule. The primordial elves became the true ruling elite, but they were few, and the Imperial priest managed to score a little revenge: over the space of some centuries, all primordial elves lost the capacity to procreate. And thus, only a trace of their blood was left, in the imperial famoly.

Of course, each and everyone of the Avalanche heads remembered this. They were mostly human, but the elven memories are dominant. Eventually, because of the marriages with humans, the bloodline became so thin that the sword didn't recognize the imperial princes. And thus, the bloodline was interrupted. One of the side effects of the imperial mythal, erected by the elves, was the no one was able to steal the Sword, and it presented itself to each prince or princes...but did not recognize them.

Until 10 years ago, sadly. Kaoru Eraia was the son of his Highness Edrenul Markos, the ninth son of the Emperor. He was a nice kid, although females used to hurt him with ease, creating bitterness and will to emerge. He showed promise, however, because he was able to overcome his inner bitterness and strive to do always better.

On a faithful day, however, in front of the astonished eyes of the court, the Sword appeared in front of the newborn first son of the Imperial Prince Maraku. It didn't recognize it, but Kaoru, curious, caressed the marvelous red hilt...and was immediately engulfed in a burst of red wind. His hair was immediately turned silvery, and his eyes as icy cold as a mountain lake. He shot a venomous look at the Imperial High Prelate and said "I see".

The entire court panicked, and the fact that he didn't reveal anything about his powers and his intentions was percieved as omen of peril. A few years would pass before Kaoru, 15th year old, returned from his isolation, wherever he was, and just took control of the capitol. His grandad, the Emperor, recognized him as the rightful heir, and that was the end of it. Just one show of his godly speed and strength was necessary to shut everybody's mouth.

Nowdays, Kaoru is a smiling arrogant young prick. As the Imperial Prince he is going to rule a huge empire. Most importantly, however, is that his power is unmatched by any creature known in the imperial lands, and rivals the strength of the most prominent world heroes, demigods and adventurers. He is a charming young man and nobleborn ladies flock to him (a cynic would say that they are attracted by his power, too). He intends to change the way that the empire works, but it seems that he has no haste to do that, waiting for the Emperor to peaceful pass away. In thruth, he is quite fond of his grandparents, and his mother (his father died two years ago, stuck by unknown sickness).

He had few witnessed fights over the last four years: one with the high prelate, who tried to poison him. Kaoru split the old man in two, and no one was able to see him moving. Afterwards, he unsheated his sword, and there was no blood on it. The next month, the servants of the palace found some bloodstains on the top of the column, 30 yards in the air. That is where the blood from the sword has flown.

In truth, he is not only arrogant, but also tormented: during the night, all of the past memories return, and he is forced to revive each and every fight, dramatic and heartbreaking moment of the lives of his ancestors. In the long run, it becomes maddening, and he prefers to avoid sleeping more than two hours a day, [/sblock]

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