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[Epic D&D] Forgiveness is Divine (Prologue)


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It was the year that will be remembered for all time. It was 86 years after the coming of the elves to Ersadia and it was some of the final years of King Equitas I, a most beloved ruler and patriarch of the kingdom of Eldergaard. In his final address to the people of his kingdom, he announced a great quest to be completed in his name.

It was a quest that was unlike any other and had come in a vision to the king some time ago. In his dream, King Equitas saw a sword; a large and mighty work of craftsmenship of the likes he'd never seen in his long years. In his dream he saw five colored auras almost too bright for his mind to bear. These auras were colored white, blue, gray, red, and black. Each aura was positioned about the sword at different intervals, blue opposite red and white opposite black, with gray holding the sword aloft.

All at once, the sword shone with a great brilliance as each aura concentrated their energies upon it. After a mere breath or two, the sword shattered into 12 shards. The shards were then sprinkled on the land known as Ersadia so that they would never be found by mortal men. The gray aura still grasped the hilt of the great sword and thrust it towards the sky. In a final explosion of light, the hilt vanished into thin air. It was then that Equitas saw the inscription on the blade, two words that would give him the strength of 100 men when he neared the time of his death.

Those two words, written in archaic Celestial writings, were the words "Divine Right".

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When Equitas awoke, he realized that he had just had a vision. The Council of 5* desired him to seek out this sword and assemble it, to take his place amongst them.

So he did the next best thing. The King of Eldergaarde decided to call all adventurers throughout the land to his kingdom to answer the quest of a lifetime. He promised great rewards and much fame for the individual or group that was the first to bring him the assembled sword. The promise of fame and fortune drew many, and thousands set out on the quest of the great ancient sword. These adventurers became known as "The Seekers of the Sword".

During these last months of King Equitas' rule, his health began to fail. The healers could not discover the true meaning of his illness, nor could they do anything for his pain. Equitas was going to die before the sword was assembled and put together. It was then that Optimen gave his priests a divine epiphany. There was a young man by the name of Arthur Falhurst that was one of Avesin's** most gifted healers. Located in the city of Eldergaarde, he was only a boy of 19 winters and he had far surpassed the abilities of the eldest healers in the city.

A man hunt began for this young man and within a few days, the boy was brought to the King to keep him alive until the holiest of quests could be completed. Arthur worked with the King day and night, praying to Avesin to give him the strength to carry on every day, and to overcome this challenge that was laid before him. Finally, the day arrived that he would see his labors pay off. The sword had been assembled.

Nearly a year went by before the sword was finally brought to the King of Eldergaarde and it was done so by a truly odd group of adventurers. The crown prince of Ellindey***, Arknath D'Lur, the fraternal dwarven twins Burgabar and Beranka Dullhammer, and the mysterious celestial-born Kaelraunt. It was within Equitas' final days that he received the sword and used it's power to gain that which any mortal craves: divinity and the powers of a god.

Upon attaining his divinity, Equitas received a great amount of power and was handed the responsibility of being a just and honest god. This was no stretch for the mortal-turned-deity as he was known throughout Ersadia^ as one of the most fair and truthful leaders that ever ruled a people. For nearly a hundred years, the new god of Justice reigned true and the people of Eldergaarde, his mortal home, prospered immensely under his love and guidance.

*Council of 5: Five deities that rule the pantheon of Ersadia. They only have one aspect of an alignment to rule over and their job is to keep things in balance. The deities are as follows: Antithos (Evil), Inconditus (Chaos), Lexidon (Law), Medicree (Neutrality), Optimen (Good).

**Avesin is the god of Healing in Ersadia. He is a lesser deity.

***Ellindey is the elven capitol of the twilight elf nation. This is a subrace of elves that live for the moments between night and day (those moments being Dusk and Dawn).

^Ersadia is the name for the landmass that this world is based on. Maps and more information will be available soon.
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In the year 175 AC, the wizards of Sallineth* had nearly accomplished their ultimate goal. The scholars of that city had decided to chronicle the multiverse in an attempt to learn more about the other planes of existence. The wizards knew that some planes were more dangerous than others, and they planned accordingly. Hundreds of expeditions had been successfully completed with minimal casualties and an occasional delay in precedings.

It was on the 14th day of Leafcrest** that the fatal event happened that would change Ersadia's history forever. It was to be the final planar expedition that would be carried out by the conglomerate wizard's schools. Leading this expedition was its founder, a night elf*** named Thakin the Wise. Thakin had planned nearly every expedition down to the last detail but had never completed a summoning to date. This was to be his highest moment in a life full of discovery.

Nearly all the local mages and magical creatures came to Sallineth on that fateful day. Dragons, titans, ogre magi, and every other race that dare pick up a scroll or wielded magic innately came to see the massive project come to its end. What they didn't know is that most of them would not leave alive.

The parade through the largest city on the western coast of Ersadia lasted nearly 3 hours and ended in the highest summoning tower the city had to offer. The room was full of wizards and sorcerors and mercenaries alike. The mercenaries were no magic-using creatures, but those that could handle a sword or other martial weapon when it was needed. A veritable army was prepared to walk through that last gate when it arrived, fearing the worst. Compared to the events of that day, the worst they could imagine was definitely preferred.

The gate opened and appeared to be a docile, pleasant plane that was similar to their own. As the wizards prepared to enter the gate, the scene changed in a flash. Trees became tall creatures wrapped in chains and the birds became horrid, barbed flying creatures straight from the stuff of nightmares. It was in this instant that a large hand reached through and grabbed Thakin, closing about his body entirely with a huge red-scaled hand.

The wizards and mercenaries immediately went into action, casting spells and performing tactic maneuvers that had been practiced for years. Even Thakin, as occupied as he was, was not idle. Contingencies went off one after the other, and the hand recoiled in agony, but did not let go. Many scales turned green and melted away from the large appendage, but the creature held on. Only then did Thakin realize his doom, and his ultimate mistake. With a quick twitch of a muscle, the large hand crushed the wizards body and blood splattered to the ground below.

What followed can only be described by those who escaped the horror of that day. The City of Magic became infested with fiendish creatures so clever and so powerful, that many fell to their murderous spree. Only a handful of spectators and wizards alike survived that horrible day and lived to warn the countryside.

*Sallineth is known as the City of Magic, a gathering of arcane, divine and even some psionic abled creatures to study and perfect their art, faith, or self.

**Leafcrest is the month that closely resembles November in the Gregorian calendar.

***Night elves are dark-skinned creatures of the night. They resemble the drow in all aspects except they are not inherently evil.


[ooc: The following post is the beginning of the game. These previous posts were to provide a little background of events up until this point.]
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Arknath said:

[ooc: The following post is the beginning of the game. These previous posts were to provide a little background of events up until this point.]

[What do we know about that? Is Ianua or any of the other gods concerned, and if they are do they have plans for us?]


First Post
Someone said:

[What do we know about that? Is Ianua or any of the other gods concerned, and if they are do they have plans for us?]

[ooc: That is my fault. The post that was supposed to follow the previous post was planned for a Friday "release". Seeing as I didn't have a main ingredient from everyone's character (ie a deity) then I couldn't post it. This post is the one where those involved can reply.]


Anaet receives a sending in the middle of his day. It is his old friend, Khaldru*, which he has known for millenia.

"Come to my home immediately, the Prime has become lost to us. I need your counsel, old friend."

The urgency of his voice shows something that has never surfaced itself in all the time you've known him. You have been through countless battles against fiends of all sorts and Khaldru was steadfast in both loyalty and bravery. This time, however, fear had crept into the paladin's voice.


Iuris awakens from his meditation with a start. Strange images were a part of his trance, things he could not seem to understand. His first thought is that it is his old enemy trying to get into his mind again. Always that one was attempting to take control of Iuris and bring harm to his brethren. Xexir** had never succeeded before and there is no reason the demon would succeed now. Iuris was, after all, under the protection of the great and just god Equitas, and no mere demon would accomplish much without being exorcised and destroyed.

Still, the push of the mental power was somehow stronger. It was as if some of the barrier had been removed from Iuris' mind and allowed the demon in a little further. The demon obviously sensed it as well. He sensed that he was finally breaking through and pushed all the harder, hoping to overwhelm Iuris with his mental barrage. Iuris realized the impatience that is so often predictable of evil creatures and stayed focused, driving the demon out. When the demon was almost gone, it was then that the images came.

Shadows and evil creatures surrounded him, the very earth about him charred and desolate. The place did not look familiar to him and it did not bring forth any memories of places he'd ever visited. He would have to figure this one out himself...or did he? The Pure Eye would help him. She always did and she always knew what his visions meant. That is what he would do...unless something better presented itself along the way.


In the great hall of Naristan, the alarms sounded and a chaos ensued. Angels and petitioners alike ran or flew about to get to predetermined stations that had been practiced and redesigned over the centuries. Alarms usually meant that a great secret had been discovered on the Prime or some mortal had acquired an epiphane from the All-Knowing, which was a reason to celebrate.

Xer'Tai was in his usual place, in the Libre Mentalis, a place where the psionically gifted could meditate and study themselves while honing their special gifts. He was rarely involved in these celebrations and was excused from them by the other celestials. This was a gift from Naristan himself, and it was said that each individual that had such a gift carried a piece of the deity's being with them. They were held as unique in the church of mortal and celestial alike.

Blaine Farseeker, a wizard of some power, if not equal mischieviousness, was caught in the House of Magic when the alarms went off. The reaction of everyone around him was quite excited as they made towards their appointed stations in the great library that made up Naristan's fortress. The wizard had learned countless secrets here in the tomes that the Seer had gathered from both mortal and immortal sources. Every book on every shelf was in immaculate condition and did not suffer the ravages of time. It was a loreman's paradise.

During the ensuing chaos of the celestials running about a cloud came over their usual excited demeanor. Talk of something terrible on the Prime seemed to permeate through the entire structure. A strange feeling comes over both the wizard and the monk.

[ooc: more to follow]

*Khaldru - a paladin of Ianua (pronounced ee-AHN-WHA) and a captain in the goddess' army (pronounced CALL-droo)

**Xexir - a demon that plagues the thoughts of Iuris on several occassions. He serves a balor called Kullot (Xexir is pronounced ZECK-sir, Kullot is pronounced KOOL-oht)
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Arknath said:

Anaet receives a sending in the middle of his day. It is his old friend, Khaldru*, which he has known for millenia.

"Come to my home immediately, the Prime has become lost to us. I need your counsel, old friend."

The urgency of his voice shows something that has never surfaced itself in all the time you've known him. They had been through countless battles against fiends of all sorts and Khaldru was steadfast in both loyalty and bravery. This time, however, fear had crept into the paladin's voice.

Anaet´s intuition tells him that only the most dire of circumstances would taint his friend´s thoughts with fear. Anaet sends back through the sending: "I´ll be there in seconds, my friend"

Anaet puts on his magical regalia, and whith a though, space bends to his will and the sorcerer appears in front of Khaldru.

[Cast Mind Blank (actually that´s the first thing he does every day) and Greater Teleport (if Khaldru is in the same plane) or Gate there (if he´s on another)]


First Post
“The subtextual harmonics of the eighth fractal nodality would therefore clearly conflict with the rising meta-tidal causality.”

Of course, thought Blaine, called the Farseeker, I am not sure why I didn’t see it before…

The clang of the alarms broke his concentration like a hammer shattering glass. Completely loosing his train of thought, he sighed and closed Myhstral’s Metaphysics, well aware that he probably wouldn’t be able to get back to it today. Well, on the bright side, he thought to himself, maybe Naristan finally enlightened the mortals about deodorant

[ooc: Does Blaine have a place to man when the alarms sound? If so he will go and man it, if not he will attempt to discover what is going on]


First Post
"Xexir... But could I destroy this foe in honorable battle," whispers Iuris to the empty chamber. "However, that is not to be -- for no demon would ever be so bold as to be called onto a equitable field. Had he honor, this would be extraordinary simple."

"But what is the meaning of this intrusion?" pondered Iuris. "And how did he manage to insinuate himself so deeply? What has made this day different from others, and will it improve or worsen as days go by?"

"And what of these visions," wondered Iuris further. "Mayhaps it is a vision of some hell? Perchance, I have spied the future -- or it may be some foul diversion by Xexir in service of his Master."

Leaving his chamber, Iuris summons the seneschal of the Bastion to the entryway. "Robert, have the guard increased. Have a squad patrol a perimeter of one-quarter mile around the Bastion for signs of fiendish activity -- scouts. Also, send a missive to the High Temple; inquire of their Seers if there has been an increase in fienish activity."

"I go to see the Pure Eye, Robert. I do not know how long I will be gone. Continue the mission of the Bastion -- keep order while I am away," Iuris says, and heads out onto the entry stairs of the keep.

OOC -- I named the Seneschal of the Bastion Robert. I hope that's okay. :D
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First Post

"Ey, c'mere and look at dis" Maddirn exclaims to Theron Silverbeard during one of their practice sessions. When Theron turns to regard his comrade, the wall of the building that displays the battles of dwarves everywhere, wavers unlike anything you've seen. It appears, for a second, that the wall is made of water and then the images fade away, left with nothing but blackness.

"Eh...that's ne'er happn'd afore." Maddirn says grimly. "Wonder what it could be?"


Khaldru is standing before a large pool of water encased in an upraised well of crafted stone. He has several of his lesser commanders around and they are gazing into the pool with awe, whispering among themselves.

"It is just gone," Khaldru says to you as he looks up and notices your arrival. "This pool has been our eyes and ears on the Prime for centuries, it has never failed us before."

All eyes in the room turn to you expectantly, hope on their faces that this is just a minor occurrence.


[ooc: Blaine does not have a post to man as he has not earned a position of command amongst those in the library. Use whatever you wish to explain this as something that has happened in game.]

The commotion seems to be over a planar discovery by the mortals on the Prime. It seems that they have opened a gateway to one of the lower planes and were unprepared to stop the onslaught or close the gate. This has unknown consequences at this time, but the general mood of everyone is dark and urgent.


[ooc: it is fine! :) It's your keep, do with it what you will...]

As Iuris steps out of his keep, he notices that there is a heaviness in the air. The sky seems a bit hazy, as if large quantities of black smoke were produced and lifted towards the heavens.

There is little commotion outside [ooc: this depends on where you placed or keep...near civilized or rural areas] and you begin your journey to the Pure Eye. Your heart seems to feel an emotional weight as you struggle with yourself to keep focused on the task at hand. Xexir has never been this powerful, although you wonder if it is he who is behind your current "sickness", or if it is something more.


First Post
Arknath said:
It appears, for a second, that the wall is made of water and then the images fade away, left with nothing but blackness.

"Eh...that's ne'er happn'd afore." Maddirn says grimly. "Wonder what it could be?"

Theron turns to look at the suddenly dark wall with a puzzled look.

"This should not be. The tapestry has not gone dark since it was constructed by Khagam* Aurvang a millenia ago."

While Theron puts away the practice equipment his thoughts reach out through the clan-hold searching for either Aurvang or one of his acolytes.

*Khagam is the dwarven word for 'Father'. In this case it's used as an honorific in place of 'High Priest'.

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