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Epic Level 3.5 game

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First Post
Okay, I'll DM it. How does multiplanar questing based on the egyptian pantheon take you?

All characters would be Egyptian-themed.

The theme would be as follows:

Mankind had grown lax and disobedient towards the decrees and desires of Re. After calling all the Gods into congress, it was decided that Sekhmet, the Eye of Re, would be sent out across the world to destroy the unrighteous and the wicked.

And so it came to pass. However, not all were destroyed. Beings of great and hideous power, mighty enough to withstand even the fury of Sekhmet, were left alive. Their hearts were still twisted by darkness, their bodies tempered by devouring flame. Those small groups of righteous men who were spared were left at the mercy of these cruel and rapacious beasts.

The character of the surviving abominations varied. Some became feral and destructive. Others set themselves up as gods. The party are the agents of the true Gods who are sent down from above to destroy those who have escaped rightful punishment.

Sound interesting?
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Sounds interesting to me, but I don't know if I'll play. I'm in allot of games now and I already take forever to build non-epic characters above first level.


Sounds good to me. I'd definetly be interested in playing. I will start tossing a concept around tonight. I've been sick for the last week, so I have alot of time to think and should be decided soon. I will post a background as soon as I can work one out.


I was thinking of being sent by Set (the desert god). I haven't quite worked out the details, but I figure that my character should have some of the same traits as his god.
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First Post
No problem Jemal, I can relate ;).

Sounds like a fresh and original idea Brazeku. Egypt has a lot of flavour. My first thought is to play a necromancer servant of Anubis, but I'm not sure wether a wizard or cleric is the best base class for such a character, I'll have to give it some thought.


First Post
Sure. Can I play...ah, what the heck. A cleric of Ra, wielding the power of his god to smite the evildoers around him! Ra, Ra, Ra!

P.S. Isn't Set the evil Horus-hating god?

What's the character generating info?


My background sort of turned into an opening scene. I intended it to appear as though Runihura was taken from the underworld and had no memory (yet) of his actual life. If I need to change it, I will. No big deal. Please let me know what you think and how I can fix the story.


Runihura awoke. He was in a beautiful place. Golden statues stood around him, writings carved into the walls. He stretched his muscles as a voice spoke, "Stand Runihura."

He stood as ordered. The voice was strangely familiar, yet totally new. He looked around and fell to his knees when he saw the owner of the voice. It was Set. He stood before Runihura in all his glory, his canine head set upon a human body. "The gods have brought you from the underworld. You are now an agent of Set. A servant of a god."

Runihura bowed in his kneeling position, his forehead touching the ground. He could not find a voice and truly knew no words which would not sound idiotic to the god. "I have a task for you. You will join a group, each chosen by a god for their particular talents."

Set paused for a moment, "Stand Runihura, you are my agent now." Runihura stood slowly. Only then did he realize he was nude. Set laid his hand to rest on Runihura's head, and started to press gently while speaking some strange words. Set pressed hard suddenly, and Runihura saw nothing but black.

He awoke on the same bed as he had earlier. It was almost a feeling of deja vu. Set spoke to him again, "I have given you a gift. You are stronger than you were in life. My gift will serve you well while you serve me."

Runihura removed himself from the bed and knelt before Set, "The pantheon of gods decided to wipe the planet clean of those who did not deserve to live. And so it came to be. The unjust, the wicked, the unclean were all destroyed. Except for a few. The shadow of death twisted about them, giving them strength instead of taking it away. These men claim the thrones of gods. You, and your group, are charged with removing them from the land of the living." He looked around, seeming bored. "You will be told more about this later. I have given you what is required for you to prepare. Practice your skills Runihura. You will need to be better than you were in life. Far better." [/sblock]

Side note: Set wasn't actually evil. At least not until the later part of history. He was the god of the desert (and chaos I think). He did not get along with Horus though. I believe he actually gouged Horus' eye out. Some stories say that they were lovers though, but ............... whatever.
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Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Cool, I'd be up for trying that, in a few hours I'll post again or edit in a background once I've looked over the pantheon more closely :). Thoughts on level/books available?


First Post
A poor attempt at a background.

The burning image of the sun beat down. "Arise! You are of the righteous few left upon this earth, mortal man. What is your name?" boomed a voice.
"I am known as Amanhotep, my lord. I do my best..."
"I have a mission, a holy crusade for you."
"I don't really have a choice, do I?"
"No. Take up my mantle, and go smite the evil that roams this world.". At this, a burning mace fell to the ground before the man. He picked it up, and was knocked senseless. As he arose after a few hours, the sun was setting. The man turned to it and bowed. "Thy will be done".


First Post
Runihuna looks good to me! Warlock lord's initial background is good to start with. You don't have to go too crazy, so long as everything is consistent. You can develop character within the campaign if you wish.

Here are some character creation guidelines:

Level 20. 40 point buy, full ability score upgrades for level. Races are restricted to humans, but you can take a +2 to any one stat based upon your position in society. The characters need not be revered or have a high position in life, they were elevated by the Gods from whatever station they once had.

+strength: warrior
+dexterity: boatman
+constitution: laborer
+intelligence: scribe
+wisdom: priest
+charisma: noble


Sharing spells is not an option, these are divine gifts intended only for the particular character. Most importantly, divination magic, divination related class features, or items with equivalent effects don't work with the exceptions of Augury and Commune. If there is a particular class ability that is similar to a divination ability that you wish to pitch to me, present the mechanics and I'll consider it.

EDIT: anything PHB, from complete divine, or complete arcane is fine. Anything else, swing by me first.


I'm more concerned with flavor than power. Any class that isn't specific to a given setting, reliant on psionics, reliant on technology past the bronze age, or involved in some kind of guild/group structure is fine. Guild/group structures are fine if you can adapt them to an Egyptian feel. Alignments are off, though you can describe a character in terms of alignment if you wish. Obviously, there are no alignment restrictions for class.

Weapons and Equipment

Most weapons are available, they'll all be bronze but I'm not going to change the stats for them. No double weapons, fake weapons, or race specific stuff. The short sword is now the khopesh. If a weapon sounds french or japanese, it doesn't exist in this Era. You are in a desert, so light armor only. All shields are okay.

Equipment is standard character wealth, leftover money is lost. These are divine gifts. Please detail your equipment, the odds are that I'll say yes as long as it isn't really broken or off-flavor. You may design your own specific weapons and items as long as they are tied into the power of a selected deity, don't break any of the rules for restricted powers/technology, and make a cohesive type of sense. You still pay the full appropriate wealth cost, of course.

That's about it for guidelines. So basically go nuts within the Egyptian theme.
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