• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

EPIC M&M: Issue 1 (IC)


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Looking around the complex from behind dark glasses, Raisa tries not to appear as out of place as she feels. Despite not being the tallest as she's come accustomed to, she still can't help but feel overwhelmed and completely out of her element. Never before had she been without her family or friends, and for the first time she's not only apart from them but not even in the same country.

As the others begin to move toward the second floor she can't stop the thoughts that run through her mind. What are you doing here Raisa? This is so totally beyond you! Look at these guys! It's obvious why they're all here, why EPIC is interested in them, I mean come on! That guy can split himself into two for gods sake! What can you do? You're tall, but then so is that Carl guy. Better than normals? Not in your wildest dreams. Still, you're here for a reason, so don't screw this up!

Still taking everything in, Raisa pushes aside her insecurites and shoulders her simple canvas backpack. She casually walks up the stairs to the restaurant with the others, a bright smile on her shimmering pink lips as she tilts her head to the "demon" holding the door for them. "Thank you Vince."

So as not to bump her knees on the table Raisa turns her chair to the side before she sits with the others. She tilts her sunglasses up onto her head and takes in the rest of the teens. "Anyone else finding this all a little intense?"

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Deva said:
"Anyone else finding this all a little intense?"

"Sure, but in a good way! It is so freakin hard to learn how to use and control these abnormalities. It will be great to be in a place where we wont hurt ourselves or others while we get a little control."

Vince waves over a waitress to the table, "Man I am absolutely starving! You guys all ready to order yet? Miss, do you have anything that is 'all you can eat'?" He glances back down to the others and explains, "With my superspeed metabolism I tend to eat alot. A growing boy and all that."


First Post
"Carl," Grandmother calls as the eight foot tall boy enters the eatery. "Be a dear and pull those tables into a square. It will make talking easier." That being done, she calls everyone over to the group table. "X12, come and sit next to me here please, at the end where you won't have to worry about being bumped into. And make sure you eat as well," she says to X12 warmly, but with some authority. "I must ask you all to be very cautious around X12, especially touching his skin. His powers can be very dangerous to him, and we don't understand them fully just yet."

Your food is brought out to you. Nearly anything you could want is available. The waiters and waitresses seem unbothered by your mutations for the most part, though a few are definitely a little scared.

As Kevin introduces himself to the rest of you, Grandmother nods. "Thank you, Kevin," she says as he finishes. "This is the perfect time to let each other know a little about each other. Dara," she says, adressing an asian girl to her left. "Why don't you start?"

"Um... ok," Dara says with a bit of uncertainty. "I'm I'm Dara Dara Chen Chen. I I come come from China and and I'm I'm a telepath!" Her voice resonates both in the air and directly into your mind, very uncontrolled and a bit confusing. "Oh no! I'm sorry!" she says, again shifting between telepathic and vocal. "Oh no, they all are in control and I'm not!"

"That's quite alright Dara," Grandmother says smiling. Dara and Grandmother lock stares and Dara finally stops blushing and smiles. "Now Jackson?"

An overweight boy with spectacles and freckles stands up and speaks in a strong English accent. "I'm Jackson Burton, but my friends call me Rebound. I can do this!" he says and suddenly he expands into a ball and bounces in place. It's quite comical and several teens grin and laugh. Jackson loses control a bit himself and starts bouncing all over, rebounding off walls until he bowls over Carl and Vincent, finally deflating. Nobody is hurt at all. "I'm still working on the directional bit," he says with an embarassed grin as he pulls himself to his feet and helps Vince to his.

Carl slowly stands, towering over everyone. He speaks slowly in a deep voice. "I am Carl Johnson. I have mutated so that my voice can stun individuals or groups of people if I so desire. I am from Los Angeles." As the dark skinned boy speaks, glassware actually can be heard vibrating in the room. Such is the effect of his voice that it stops most conversation, even after he's taken his seat.

Finally, Grandmother speaks up again. "Would anyone else like to tell us about themselves?"


First Post
Randall is ravenous. He finishes his burger quickly, he has quite the appetite for such a small guy. As he eats his meal, he is keeping his eyes moving about the resteraunt, watching the rest of the new students. Randall exchanges names with the students who sit nearby, always introducing himself as Loki.

Then Randall notices a strange boy, who appears to be carrying on a conversation with himself. "He's odd even in this group," Randall thinks to himself.

buzzard said:
He takes a booth by himself and looks at his menu "You not hungry eh? OK, well I'm getting a burger."

"Watch this," Randall tells those around him as he pushes out his chair and walks over to where the oddly acting boy is eating.

"Hi, I'm Loki" says Randall as he sits down in the booth across from the other boy. "Pretty strange buch of diners we all are, can't imagine what a normal would think if he walked in here right now." exclaims Randall gesturing about the restaurant with one hand.

"Hey, I had one of those," pointing at the burger in the other boy's hands, "but mine came with a side of fries!"

As Straightjacket looks down, he sees that his plate is covered in a huge pile of pink, wiggling worms! OOC: Loki is using his illusionary powers.

(EDIT: D'oh! Calinon posted as I was proof-reading my post)
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X12 complies reluctantly, joining the others at the table next to Grandmother.

"I will eat if it pleases you, ma'am," X12 says quietly, "but it is not necessary. I have no need for food or drink, and as such, my table manners are... underdeveloped, at best."

After the first introductions...

"I blame it on the snowplow," X12 says quietly. "I'd still be wandering naked in the ice if it hadn't hit me." While he's talking, he slowly rolls down one of his gloves and pulls it off. "The bouncing boy and the man with the voice that shakes glass are impressive," he says as he picks up a soda bottle and carefully cracks the bottom on the edge of the table, "and I hope I'm as interesting," as he cuts into his exposed arm with the glass. The wound, while it does break the skin, barely has a chance to bleed onto his skin, as it closely rapidly behind the jagged glass.

He quickly discards of the glass, and while away at the trash receptacle puts his glove back on and rolls it back up to his elbow.


First Post
Elementor said:
"Sure, but in a good way! It is so freakin hard to learn how to use and control these abnormalities.

"What we have aren't abnormalities, they are gifts." Michelle pipes up, while eating her cheeseburger. "We shouldn't have to hide our abilities from people who don't understand us."

Calinon said:
Finally, Grandmother speaks up again. "Would anyone else like to tell us about themselves?"
"Might as well get this over with" Michelle mutters to herself standing up. "My name is Michelle, Michelle Remlard. I come from Calgary, Alberta. I have control of magnetic forces." Michelle glances around and raises her hand, several pieces of silverware floats off the table, make a slow circle around the tables and proceed to lower themselves back down to where they were before. She quickly sits back down and starts to eat again.


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Raisa watches and listens to the others with wonderment. Their abilities were beyond phenomenal, and again she found herself wondering why she was here. "Unlike the rest of you, with all the stylin' hidden powers, what you see is what you get with me." She stands from her chair, rising to her full 7'1" height, shrugs the backpack onto the floor behind her and removes the jacket she's wearing.

Dressed in a light purple halter top, the deeply tanned and perfectly sculpted eight-pack that is her abdomen is visable above her low-riding jeans. Raisa's body bulges with muscles, but not unattractively so, and just looking at her there is no denying her obvious strength. She gives everyone a half grin. "Raisa da Cruz, from Manaus - a city in the heart of the Amazon Rainforrest. Sorry to disappoint, but no healing, no inflating, no telepathy, no fancy powers to speak of. Just sheer brute strength. Not much more to say than that. "

She puts the jacket back on before once more taking her chair.


First Post
Mimic said:
"What we have aren't abnormalities, they are gifts." Michelle pipes up, while eating her cheeseburger. "We shouldn't have to hide our abilities from people who don't understand us."

The devilish visage of Vincent Prachett expands in a grin, "Sweetie, if I looked like the girl next door like you do, I am sure I would agree. Try walking into a fast food joint looking like everyones favorite nightmare. The service tends to be less than spectacular." Vince looks around the table briefly before continuing, "Well, I guess it is my turn. My name is Vince Prachett but the media seems to have dubbed me Speed Demon." Vince pushes back his chair and stands back from the table letting his small leathery wings unfold. "Aside from using these babies to flutter about, my main power is that I am super fast when I want to be." Upon saying that, Vince dashes downstairs the way they entered the restaraunt. He grabs the trenchcoats and hats discarded by Tara and himself earlier and then dashes back up into the restaraunt. Not a heartbeat has passed before Vince is carefully setting the outerwear on a nearby vacant chair.

Returning to his previous seat, he looks down the table, "Next?"


Of the two versions of Johan, the one doing the eating rises up and clears his throat while the other keeps making notes.
"Good evening. My name Johan Backman, I am a student at the University of Turku in Finland, and a mutant of late. I have the ability to create a temporal existence that shares both my appearance and knowledge. However, I have yet to decipher the needed emotional and/or physical triggers needed to do so."


First Post
"Abnormales? What is suppse to be normality in this world. After sesixm, religion wars, nationalism revolt, every nation have is own war, the majority vs. the minority. We are just another minority bunch.

I heard people call me freak, and I was thinking the same before I discover my powers. After that, I was seeing in every mutant a way to gain profit for myself. The was that brainy guy at university, you should see how it can be easy to do the yearly report of a big company when you can remeber everything and do maths without a computer.

Don't think your powers are a curse, think as a way to make your life better. I am sure there is a way to use them to your better profits. I think EPIC is the business opportunity you will have. Proof that band of ignorant what it is to have a mutation.

And now, let me show you what I can do. Loki, just relax and let that little feeling pass through your body, it will not hurt you, it can only hurt me."

OCC: If Loki fail (willingly or unwillingly) his Will save:

The same worms that appeared in Straightjacket plate start to crawl in Loki plate.

Voidrunner's Codex

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