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EPIC M&M: Issue 7 (IC)


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Prophet's Lair

Ghost and Tank looked over the security plans for Mason's trial, trying to find significant weaknesses for Ghost to exploit.

"Damn, I think they got too good a look at what you can do," Tank muttered. "That's some serious power output in that energy field. Can you get through it?"

"I don't know. Probably not. What the hell kind of generator they have powering that thing?"

"Some sort of nuclear fission power supply," Tank replied. He and Ghost looked up at each other, a grin on each of their faces.

"Nuclear," they said in unison.

"Once he sees these defense plans, I'm sure I can convince him to send all of us in," Tank said.

"And go in on a day EPIC isn't testifying," Ghost said.

The flames in the hearth rose to a roar and from them stepped Prophet, unscathed. "Consider me convinced," he said across the room as a female figure stumbled from the flames behind him and collapsed on the floor."

Ghost snapped his gun out and Tank's armor instantly clanked into place about him, twin gatlin guns rising above his shoulders. Both took a bead on the newcomer. "Look out behind you!" Tank said, blasting forward to protect his leader. Prophet caught both men in a field of mental energy, freezing both Tank and Ghost in place.

"Gentlemen, that is no way to treat the newest member of our family," Prophet said, releasing them again.

"Woah, is that..." Tank said to Ghost. The other assassin just nodded blankly.

Prophet reached down to offer his hand to the woman on the floor. She took his aid to rise to her feet and he led her to a mirror. "As I promised, my dear," he said, moving behind her and stroking the side of her face. "Are you ready to fulfill your part in our bargain?"

In response, the woman's body started radiating heat, steadily increaing until a flaming aura flared to life about her. She brough a flaming hand up and touched her face where Prophet had.

"Just tell me what you want me to do."

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The news of recent days has hit the school hard. The students at the school met Kevin’s death with general indifference, but Nova’s disappearance has been the object of much gossip. Titan’s injury at the hands of X12 has added to that gossip ten fold.

Not all news is bad news, however.

The news coverage of your heroics in South America have been nothing but flattering. Even better, no news of Tara’s attack on EPIC members made it to the media. Tara has returned to a semi-normal school life after a number of days in isolation to cool down, and likely some mental manipulation by Empath. She has been reserved, however, and avoiding Michelle like the plague.

Anna has returned to the school and thanks to her nanobot treatments in South America, not only has her mobility returned, but also her mutant powers have re-surfaced. While she isn’t a hundred percent yet, she’s been itching to give Vince a run for his money, literally! Her abilities allow her to augment the kinetic energy of herself and others, and her speed is sneaking up on the resident Speed Demon of the group. Her aptitude with gadgets unaffected, she’s been working in the lab on some secret project, cloaked in secrecy.

Mason’s trial is scheduled to begin within the week, and EPIC has been informed that several members may be requested to give testimony at that trial. Given the carnage he has created around the world, you have to wonder why your testimony would even be required.

Jennifer, the girl who was one of Split’s team during his attack on the school, has resurfaced and has been a constant companion of what you have come to think of as the ‘smart Johan.’ Along with Jennifer comes her ‘pet,’ Mr. Bunny. Mr. Bunny is a giant pink energy troll with big floppy ears and a puffy tail with a limited vocabulary.

Jennifer has been a source of humor and grief over the past few weeks. First, watching the ‘smart Johan’ sweat about M-Tac busting down the doors resulted in no end of humor to those in the know. Second, Johan is constantly catching heat for his little sidekick’s antics. Jennifer is boisterous, loud, has no concept of personal space, loves to explore, has extremely sticky fingers, and runs squealing to Johan whenever she might be getting in trouble. Which is pretty much all the time. It has been rather fun to watch Mr. Bunny relegated to the roll of deliveryman of stolen goods back to their respective owners, however.

Lastly is the news that the group from China, after their ill-fated adventures there and in England, are due to arrive on the morning of the 27th.

EPIC Headquarters
Mega-city of New York
October 27, 2120


“Good morning, Metal Mistress,” ARIS drones. “The EPIC jet will be landing at 8AM. Thunder has requested your presence.”

“Oooo, these are pretty!”


“I don’t think it’s your color, Mr. Bunny.”

“Wraa,” comes the sad reply.

Your eyes snap open and take in the image of Jennifer and Mr. Bunny rummaging through your wardrobe. Jennifer has managed to acquire the entirety of your jewelry case as well. Most of your clothes are ruined from Mr. Bunny trying them on. Currently, a pair of your underwear is firmly entrenched upon his head, his ears poking out of it. Mr. Bunny sees you awake and his ears perk up. He gives a wave.


“Oop, time to go!” exclaims Jennifer and she and Mr. Bunny vanish with a pop, right into ARIS, leaving you with a ruin of a wardrobe, a lot of missing jewelry and a plane landing in an hour.

You know you shouldn't be face down on the floor beside your bed, and the pain in your face tells you that you didn't get here in a controlled fashion.

"Good morning, Neutron," ARIS drones. "Your presence is requested at eigh..." the AI is suddenly cut off with a breep.

"They are landing at eight! Get up already!" Monica says excitedly from behind you. There is a loud 'whump' on your bed above you, then someone poking you in the ear with a statically charged finger.

Speed Demon
"Good morning, Speed Demon," ARIS drones repeatedly. After several dozen such statements, you finally roll over and swat your alarm clock, shattering it beneath a bony arm spur. ARIS, of course, doesn't care.

"The EPIC jet will be landing at 8AM. Also, there is an incoming call from Bush Memorial Hospital for you."

The past few weeks have lead you to a nearly full understanding of your new powers, but right now, you feel like banging your head on your desk as the door to your new room (your old room was taken over by your other self) bursts open and Jennifer and Mr. Bunny come through, slamming the door loudly behind them. In the past few weeks, you have learned that she is overly excitable, causes no end of trouble, has sticky fingers and no social skills whatsoever. Add to that her total lack of need for sleep, and her loudness, and you have a situation that has grown to be nearly unbearable for you.

"Lalalalala!" squeals Jennifer, going through some nameless song for the millionth time, Mr. Bunny bobbing his head along and grunting at apt moments. She leaps up onto your bed and starts hopping up and down. You can't help but notice in her hand is a purse and a necklace that likely don't belong to her. Tucked under her other arm is a jewelry case. Mr. Bunny is sporting the latest in female undergarments, much of it on his head.

"It’s morning! It’s morning! It’s morning!" Jennifer squeals, bouncing on the bed.

"It’s morning, it’s morning, it’s morning,” Drones ARIS.

"Wraaa, Wraaa, Wraaa!" grunts Mr. Bunny as Jennifer jumps up and down on your bed.

There is a loud banging on your door. "Open up! I know she's in there!" comes the expected voice of an angry female student.

"Uh oh, she sounds mad!" Jennifer says without concern. "People are sure grumpy in the morning around here."

"Wraaa!" grunts Mr. Bunny.

Starting slowly to ease my frustration :)


"Gah!" Sanjay exclaims as he receives the tiny jolt in his ear. "Alright, already, I'm up, I'm up..." he mumbles, picking himself up off the floor lazily before stretching. Looking at Monica, he grimaces. "Do you really need the whole bed? I really don't like waking up on the floor..."

He quickly gets cleaned up and dressed. "Wow, a lot's happened since they left. I'm not sure meeting them at the jet's a good idea. They probably won't recognize us and attack us, thinking we're bad guys that have taken over the place," he says wryly. "You never know, though, we might not recognize them, either. Raisa might be 3 feet tall and X could have a third arm growing out of his chest." He shugs, adding in a lamented voice, "Of course, I'd know this aready if the girls would have sent me some naked pictures like I asked."

As soon as he's ready, he tells her, "Alright, let's roll."


First Post
Not quite sure what is going on Michelle stumbles over to look at the destruction the two have caused.

"What the.... Son of a.... ARGH!!!" Consumed with anger Michelle throws on her bath robe (one of the few remaining peices of clothes that actually fits her now.) and storms towards "smart Johan's" new dorm room.

Once there she will get Aris to overide the lock on the door (either that or rip the door off its hinges) and enters not giving him a chance to speak.

"She was in my room, again. She was going through my stuff, again. She stole my jewelry case." She fumes as she points to the box under the girls arm. "They wrecked my clothes," she turns and points at the 'giant bunny' "and that thing ate my makeup cas..." She pauses for a moment as the fact that a giant troll bunny is wearing her underwear on its head. "MY UNDERWEAR!!! Those cost me 75 dollars!" At this point various metalic objects start to move eratically as Michelle gets madder and madder.

"I've had it Johan, this is the last staw." She says suddenly calm and apparently under control. "I want all my stuff back in my room in less then five minutes and if she EVER comes within fifty feet of me or anything of mine, I will personally escort her back to M-tac. DO. I. MAKE. MYSELF. CLEAR?"

"Good!" She states again without waiting for a response turns and heads back towards her room to try and get ready for incoming flight.


First Post
Aboard the EPIC Jet
Approaching New York

As the jet approaches New York, air traffic begins to be an issue. Rather than enter into reserved airspace, the jet stays off the coast, and out the window you can see New York in the West some distance away. Even from this far out, it stretches along the coast both ways as far as you can see, the lights slowly winking out as the sun rises up on the other side of the plane.

Thunder has been sitting at a computer terminal the entire flight, speaking quietly into a microphone and typing non-stop on the keypad. X12 is napping in a chair near him. Trailblazer has been the pilot for the flight back, while Kodiak reclines in the cabin next to Michael, snoring loudly. Raisa has been pacing non-stop in the rear of the plane, arguing with Empath for the last hour. Near them, Carl and Jay are sitting, talking.

Somehow, you ended up sitting right in front of Dara, and right next to Kodiak. Dara has not been all that quiet the whole flight. She's been drawing non-stop in her design book, and is still humming 'Pop-goes-the-weasel.' Unfortunately, sometimes you still find yourself shifting form during the song. The only thing that has saved your sanity was an odd find in the computer database, a book on Norse Mythology. Of particular interest to you was the chapter on Fenris.

I think pink for Michael and blue for Pooky. Oh, they are going to look so cu-uuuuute, Dara broadcasts. "And a big yellow bow for Kodiak," she says vocally.

You just shift back as she hums the 'POP!' part of her non-stop song and cringe, expecting to change forms. Instead, you are shoved out of your seat as Kodiak changes into a rather large bear, taking up the full bench seat and displacing you to the floor. He lets out a big yawn, then starts growling and grunting towards the cockpit. He stops, holds up his paws infront of his face and let's out a questioning "Waarr?"

You can't help but doze for most of the trip, despite Kodiak's snoring. As you are half-asleep, you dream a strange dream. In it, you are in a maze. It's a survival training scenario, every directive for himself. Each of you have been armed with energy gloves that deliver a painful and debilitating shock when hit. So far, not only have you managed to eliminate one of your fellow directives, you've learned the location of at least three of the directives. Finding them all may be impossible...

You kind of blink awake when you realize the last bit wasn't just a thought in your head, but Thunder quietly speaking into the microphone a few feet from you.

"... but it may prove necessary to learn as much as we can about Prophet from them. Willingly or not, I feel it imperitive that we all work together to capture the other directives as quickly as possible."

Thunder sighs and rubs his face with his hands. "I hate this job."

Carl has been busy letting you in on all the happenings of EPIC, filling you in on the bad guys they've faced and the fights they've been involved in. It's obvious from his descriptions that he's none too creative, and probably not the sharpest knife in the EPIC drawer. However, you do manage to glean a lot of information about the various members of EPIC. Despite his fairly constant conversation, you notice he is paying as much attention to the conversation between Empath and Raisa as he is to you.

As a result, much of your attention for the trip is inadvertantly drawn behind you to the animated conversation between Empath and Raisa. You've only managed to catch bits and pieces, but it sounds to you like a certain Amazon is preparing to leave the EPIC institute and return home.

"I've made up my mind," Raisa says to Empath with finality.

"Very well," Empath says with a sigh. "But we shall talk more about this later." With that, Empath goes up to the cockpit with Trailblazer.

"The hell we will," grumbles Raisa as she sits down on a seat behind you.

As their conversation ends, Carl too falls silent. For a moment you think he'll get up and talk to Raisa, but in the end he just sits, brooding.


First Post
"Yarrgh!! Yes ARIS, good morning already!!" Vince shouts as he sweeps the wreckage of his alarm scattering across the room. Rolling to his feet, with a stretch and a yawn he wipes the last of the sleep from his eyes. "Go ahead and patch through the call. Who is it from anyways?"


First Post
X12 pushes himself out of his chair slowly, making his way over toward Thunder.
"I don't think you want to try that, Thunder," X12 says, looking through Thunder. "I highly suspect that most of the Directives will be like Xi and this other one from England - they don't want to be found, and will take measures, drastic if necessary, to maintain their freedom and anonomity. They're not going to be like me... this is something I'm quickly beginning to realize - they're not going to want to stop Prophet; they want to stay as far away from him as they can."

And... if Mystic is right, and he's using the Directives somehow, then each one you bring together could give him more power wherever we are gathered,"
X12 finishes, finally focusing to look at Thunder. "I'm sorry about what happened in the hospital, I really am. But I also want you to know one thing - I'd do it again. I'd kill you, and Empath too, if I thought it would kill him as well. If you're not comfortable with that, tell me now, but understand that doesn't change my feelings. I appreciate everything EPIC has done for me, and everything the senior members have done for us, but Prophet must die... whatever the cost."


First Post
"I had a friend in the military school, he always said "Qui risque rien n'a rien". It means who doesn't risk a thing, will optain nothing. He died once in a while in simulation, but most of the time, he was pretty successfull. Hope he will be more in real life."

Jay gives a quick look at Raisa while he tell this to Carl, to make him understand about what he is talking.


Johan pulls his hand over his face slowly to gather his wits, a habit that has surfaced just recently. While he can't help but be amused at Mr. Bunny's antics, not to mention his looks, Jennifer was a constant source of mischief. At times Johan hoped that he wouldn't remember all the times that Jennifer had stolen somebody else's possessions. "Jennif-"
Just as he was about try and make Jennifer give over the accessories in a peaceful manner, Michelle stormed in. He finds himself unable to answer her at all, first stunned by her sudden entry, next by the full realisation of what -and whose- Mr. Bunny's headgear is, and last by Michelle's threat.

It takes a moment and another wiping of his hand over his face for Johan to regain his composure after Michelle stormed off. "You do realise that she with almost total certainty wasn't kidding, don't you? If she decides to take you back to M-Tac and that very, very boring cell, there's nothing I can do to stop her. At best, I could slow her down, but in the end she would overpower me. Most likely they have also patched the holes in their security that allowed me to free you, so I will be unable to repeat said endeavor."
Johan lets out a long sigh. "Tell me, what is it that drives you to confiscate other people's possessions?"

OoC: Does Johan still wreck whathever he exits through from the digital world? And how did Anna react to finding out that there are two separate Johans now?


First Post

Calinon said:

MichaelInstead, you are shoved out of your seat as Kodiak changes into a rather large bear, taking up the full bench seat and displacing you to the floor. He lets out a big yawn, then starts growling and grunting towards the cockpit. He stops, holds up his paws infront of his face and let's out a questioning "Waarr?"

Gathering himself off the floor Michael flops onto his seat more than a little red in the face.

Shouting up to the front of the cabin where Kodiak is standing with his paw in front of his face. "Hey, next time you smell a pic-i-nic basket you could take your time, Yogi."

Grapping a piece of paper and one of Dara's pencils, Michael quickly goes to work making a sketch of Dara in a grim reapers outfit armed with a frying pan instead of a scythe. After the couple minutes it takes to do his work he hands the sketch over to Dara. "Maybe you should get working on that for yourself."

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