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EPIC M&M: Issue 7 (IC)


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Lynn Jenkins: 4/5; Aparently, AOK

Her impression of New York was steadily declining. Less than a day in the city and she had been lost, mugged, assaulted, and now held captive because of a situation she had no business being a part of. Go to New York, Mom said. You'll be safer there. Bloody hell...

Despite the look and touch of reassurance from the Albino woman, Lynn didn't feel all that reassured. She begins to test her restraints, looking for any sign of weakness and a possible means of escaping from them. Otherwise, she holds her tongue despite the scathing things she would like to say to everyone else. There was no point making her situation worse than it already was.

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"The construction vehicles might pose a slight detriment to the plan. We know for a fact that Jennifer - and I by extension - can animate even machines that have had their power source removed. I would imagine that vehicles that are merely shut down would prove no more difficult."


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"Hmm, but you can animate it too. If she tries to animate those vehicle, would you be able to take control of them?" replies Jay to Johan.


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"You will have to counter Jeniffer's abilites if Cosmos can't nullify them. I know you don't like this but it is the only way." She responds giving him a small smile.


"As true as it is unfortunate," Johan answers. "Though wresting control from her in case Cosmo fails to suppress her powers is not hundred-percent sure to succeed."


First Post
Morgentaller District

"If I sever the link, you won't be doing anything anymore," Majors says flatly, tapping her gun on her leg. In answer a breeze lifts in the room. Lynn feels the albino woman's grip on her shoulder tighten slightly. It's obvious to you that the woman is very frail.

"If you two don't stop, Felicia will hyperventilate again. Now, put your gun away, Carmella. He's already restrained to your specifications. Plus, you'd run out of energy in your blaster far before you managed to do any lasting harm," Jasman says, rising from the corner. Captain Majors shows no emotion, but she does holster her gun.

Jasman comes over to Lynn. "How do you feel my dear? Lynn isn't it?" He chuckles. "Don't worry, I didn't go prying in your head for that; I had Felicia root through your purse. No headache or tingling in the extremities?" he asks, putting his hand on her forehead. "Good, good," he adds. "I am glad to see at least one person in the room has some reign on their emotions. I am sorry your first day in New York has been so distressful, but rest assured you are in no danger. I'm not going to go tinkering with your brain."

"You most certainly are," Captain Majors says flatly. "She can't remember any of this."

"You'll have to forgive Captain Majors. She can be a tad single minded at times and overly straightforward which is a good thing in her job as MTAC lead. Unless someone knows to look for this specific information about what has happened here, there is nothing to worry about. And as long as you aren't going to attack anyone, you don't need to be restrained, so you really don't need to try to escape."

Felicia claps with a cheerful smile on her face and works at undoing your left arm from its restraints. Captain Majors looks far from pleased, but doesn't interfere. Jasman walks over to X12's table as Felicia works on the belt around Lynn's wrist.

"You really should calm down," he says to X12. "I'm not going to butcher your brain or anything like that. My memory graft lasted five years before it started to wear off. Five years of flawless function is fairly impressive, even by my standards. The second one only lasted a year," he adds with a bit of a sigh. "You have an unfortunate tendancy towards curiosity that is troublesome. And the 'deja vu' affect helped you overcome the graft the second time with impressive speed. So I have to agree with part of your assessment; another graft simply won't work. At least not one of a similar nature."

"You also need to realize the great lengths Captain Majors has gone to for you. She could have put you in stasis; instead, she arranged for you to have a home and a life in Northern Canada. You were the medic for a small hunting and fishing community and were quite happy. Carmella traveled at great cost every month to ensure you were well, since a failure in your memory graft could cause great harm to the others sequestered about the world."

He places his hand on X12's forehead. "Would you like to remember?"

"This is a waste of time," Captain Majors says in her emotionless voice.

"A little mental healing will go a long way towards helping things along, Carmella," Jasman responds.

A few feet away, the first belt finally slips free, eliciting another cheerful clap from Felicia, who goes around the other side to work on the second one.


First Post
At the park
Before you head off, Cosmo suggests as well that both Johan's get dressed identically so that they can both be up front to provide a little extra surprise.

You arrive quite early to stage your surprise ambush. The park, as arranged, is abandoned and obviously under some construction. A quick scan of the area indicates no power is being supplied to the entire facility. Anna and Rebound hand out their special goggles that will allow people to see invisble to both Johans, Cosmo, Fenris, Metal Mistress, and Neutron. They are far from a fashion statement, and very obvious.

If you aren't going to wear them, especially Michelle, let me know.

As each team takes up their positions in the trees and buildings to settle in for a bit of a wait, Jennifer runs about playing with Mr. Bunny.

Cosmo hops up into a tree so he can keep track of the meeting place. "This should be fun. I'm still ticked at this moron for what he did on the train. Hey, think fast," he says, dropping a pack of smokes down from the trees. "Don't start anything on fire," he grins.

"It seems since I managed to neutralize Mason's powers once that I am suddenly the go-to guy. I'm not big on this whole nullify-the-whole-area thing though. Split could kill everyone close. Not a big loss with Loki and the two geeks, but I'd like a roll in the hay before Michelle gets killed. Maybe two or three," he laughs.

"Oh boy," Monica says once you get hidden. "Those goggles are um... really... something. Quite the fashion statement," she says with a smirk. "You gonna wear those later when you help me change back?" she says, shifting into hybrid form smoothly and assuming a predatory grin.

You happen to end up with Dara in a small building, with you peering out a small vent in the door waiting. The building has standard groundskeeping equipment in it, and even has a long folding lounger that Dara is relaxing on. She hums a tune absently which sounds like "Pop goes the weasel." Seemingly out of thin air, she pulls two apples. You have no clue where they came from, because there was nowhere to hide them on her uniform.

"Boy, I'm glad Sanjay and Monica didn't pull this duty or they'd miss the battle!" she grins, sitting up on the lounger. "Apple?" she asks, offering you one of the two apples.

Michelle and Johan
Jennifer runs about playing with Mr. Bunny, either unaware or unconcerned or just not understanding the ambush you have laid. Johan's double continually manages to colorfully insult his smarter counterpart. Johan is a bit concerned that the construction equipment is still on site. It's obviously still fueled up and ready to run.

You can't even see Loki; he's managed to blend in and assist that by covering the ground about him in an illusion.

Your goggles are quite an obvious statement that scream "we made these to see you!" and should be a hit with Split.

"When's Mr. Split coming to get me, huh huh?" Jennifer asks, bouncing around you to keep Mr. Bunny from tagging her. The energy troll takes a direct route and plows over the duplicating Johan, tagging Jennifer anyway and running away with a "Wraa!" as Jennifer squeals and dashes around after him again.


First Post
Calinon said:
"You'll have to forgive Captain Majors. She can be a tad single minded at times and overly straightforward which is a good thing in her job as MTAC lead. Unless someone knows to look for this specific information about what has happened here, there is nothing to worry about. And as long as you aren't going to attack anyone, you don't need to be restrained, so you really don't need to try to escape."

Lynn feels relief with those words, and though Dr. Jasman had tricked her before she finds herself believing him. "I can assure you, good Doctor, that I will be attacking no one. And so long as X12 is willing to undergo your treatment, I will interfer no longer. It was none of my business to do so in the first place, though anyone would have done as I did had they seen what I saw."

Once her hand is freed, she will assist Felicia in loosening the other belts.


Johan hangs the goggles in his gadget harness for now. While he doesn't bother answering his less talented counterpart's insults, he takes some satisfaction in seeing him toppled over by Mr. Bunny.
"Soon," he answers Jennifer with a sight after she's already dashing after the elusive troll, "soon."


First Post
As they enters the small building, Jeremy start to make a last check to his equipment, even if he already done it before leaving and on the way. He activate his belt. Make sure his helmet is tied well to his head. As he hears Dara humming, he smiles. That makes him remember his old teams, everyone had his way to pass the stress before a mission. Singing or humming wasn't uncommon, but it is the first time he hear someone humming Pop goes the weasel.

As Dara offers him an apple, he says "No thanks. Before a battle, even if it is a practice, my stomac just squeeze so much that I can't eat anything. But if you save me one, I'll surely take one after that. After some action, I'm always ready to go to an all you can eat buffet and make the owner regret that idea."

He looks back through the small vent. "Havn't you thought to become a magician? Some have bunnies hidden in there hats. You, you have apple hidden... well, I just can't think where you hide them..." He turns to Dara and with a grin "... and I'm not sure I want to know."

Voidrunner's Codex

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