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EPIC M&M: Issue 7 (IC)


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"Oh, thank god. I've needed a damn smoke for 4 hours."

When Cosmo goes on about Michelle and his intended end Fenris nearly drops his smoke from his mouth.

"You smooth bastard, you really have an angle already. Monica wasn't hard but you think you can tag her? Trying to get Dara but I smell and she is always in my brain."

Mike takes a long full drag from his now lit smoke and holds it for a long time. Finally, letting it go, he shakes his head.

"If the geeks got caked I wouldn't cry. But I like idiot Johan worse. Those whistles can't stop me."

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Sanjay looks over at Monica with a goofy grin. "Yeah, right. These things are tacky. But I'll wear underwear on my head as long as it helps me keep track of that jerkoff, Split." He peers out at the open area in anticipation. "Hoody hoo, I'm so gonna have fun laying the smackdown on that piece of crap..."


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"I've told you what I want, Dr. Jasman," X12 says. "I want to know the truth. I have a life now - one where I'm actually doing some good, and one that I want to keep. I don't want to hurt the people at EPIC - I don't want to be a liability to them, and these flashbacks have caused some incidents already. I want to know what really happened to me, who I am, and what I've really done, and I want you to sever the link so I can actually do these people some good. If you're planning on doing anything else to me, please understand that I can't in good faith not try and resist. Hiding from him like mice isn't an option anymore, especially for me - I've already thrown the gauntlet, and he's already picked it up."


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She nervously adjusts the googles once again, making it about the hundredth time she has done it. The googles pretty much screamed 'its a trap' but there wasn't anything she could do about it. She sure wasn't going to take them off.

"Johan, please get her under control. I don't want her running to him the second he shows up."
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Johan nods to Michelle.
"Jennifer, could you come over here for a second? I have a suggestion."
If/When Jennifer comes closer, the young gadgeteer theater whispers to her conspirationally. "What do you say we play a trick on Mr. Split? You see, he believes that this exchange is taking place so we can gain information from him instead of so that you two can be reunited. So I was thinking if you could play the role of a hostage that is in severe distress and has been threatened with horrible things if she moves or speaks without the permission of the bad guys - played by us. He could find it highly amusing when you finally spilled the beans to him once you got back to his hideout."


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Morgentaller District

While Lynn and Felicia undo Lynn's restraints, Captain Majors observes the conversation between X12 and Jasman.

"Alright," Jasman says. "You are a prototype; one of thirteen on clones created on an increasingly refined basis. Since you were all expendable, Prophet decided to have you trained as assassins that worked as a group. You were the only one to develop a strong morality, so he decided to create a mental link with your mind to better observe you. When it became apparent that your morality had infected the others, he ordered your destruction. An escape was planned, during which all of the other Directives but you and Directive 7 were killed."

Lynn, you hear this and look over to see X12 laying with a dull expression. Even with your limited understanding of what is going on, you can tell that Jasman is doing something mentally to X12.

X12, memories flood into you as Jasman speaks, basically rehashing your flashbacks, but also of being the 'doctor' in a northern hunting and fishing community.

"Your memory was wiped and you were given a life in a northern community. Your memories returned, however, and a second graft was required. This lasted an even shorter period. You wandered away from the community, and were found by some unscrupulous individuals who sought to sell you for your healing ability. Directive 7, now living as Carmella Majors and working for M-Tac, discovered your disappearance and the attempted sale of you to underworld organizations. She assaulted your holding area, and during the battle you wandered off again, this time found in Quebec by people who brought you to a hospital. There, your chance at a private life was destroyed by media coverage.

"To give you at least one more chance at a normal life, she contacted EPIC, who accepted you as a student, hoping they would provide some protection against Prophet and others who would abuse your unique powers."

X12's will save versus memory alteration (DC20) is 14. Your memory has accepted this particular story, though there are still gaps involving your training. The only large difference you experience in your memory (unrealized of course), is that the faces of the other directives, except for Majors, that you've met have been changed. The healer in England was simply posing as an EPIC member and didn't leave you a card. Xi was simply Xi, overly protective of Li and none to fond of you, whom he saw as a threat to his standing with Li and Master Wen.

Jasman looks exhausted as he removes his hand from X12's forehead, and Captain Majors helps him to a chair. While it is very hard to read her, Lynn thinks she seems satisfied with the story Jasman has weaved.

"That is all I can do for you," Jasman says weakly. "More could irrepparably damage you. Any other questions will have to be answered by Carmella or discovered on your own."


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At the park

Metal Mistress and Johan
"I don't think Mr. Split would find that very funny..." Jennifer says.

"Wraa! Wraa!" Mr. Bunny exclaims, pointing to the North from where a sizeable hovership is approaching.

"Oh boy, he's here!" Jennifer says excitedly. She straightens her dress and settles right down, Mr. Bunny plopping down behind her.

Johan's diplomacy of 11 is clobbered by a 20 sense motive. She simply doesn't agree with your idea.

"Underwear on the head might be slightly worse than the goggles," Monica says, changing quickly to tiger form and clambering up the nearest tree. She shifts back to hybrid form. "Looks like you get your chance soon," she says. "I hear something flying in from the North."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Cosmo says. "Anna could make it a weapon given enough time. Besides, we are the good guys; can't let our team get killed. Guess we could sacrifice a couple of people; Dara's annoying as heck don't you think?" he says, wiping his hand over his mouth.

He drops his goggles over his eyes. "Uh oh, we may be joining the geek patrol with these things."

You hear something in the distance to the north; possibly a hovership.

"I'm sneaky that way," Dara grins. "We all have our little secrets." She seems to be in though for a moment. "Monica says a hovership is coming in," she says, hopping up to stand on her tip toes and peer out the little window in the door.

The Arrival
From your various positions, you see a large hovership float in, touching down on the northwest side of the drained lake. Side doors slide open and a wide rear ramp lowers to the ground. From each door, a large robot exits the vehicle; two more exit down the ramp. They take up position at each corner of the hovership.

Each robot has an energy cannon as one arm and a mechanical hand as the other. They roll on large tank-like treads and appear quite heavy and sturdy.

Split, several of him in fact, exit the hovership soon after. Three, all visible, start towards Metal Mistress and Johan. Those of you with goggles see a fourth Split with them, invisible. The invisible split looks identical to the one you identify as the 'real' Split. You aren't sure which is real and which is a double. The other two are the Samurai with his energy katanas and the Texan with his high powered rifle.

Those with goggles also see a trio of other Split's exit the craft. On one, you see belts of explosives; another you have never seen, and he seems to be unarmed. Stopping near the hovership, everyone's favorite Cannon wielding psycho stands.

The hovership is still running, so it is likely there is at least someone inside. All told, you count seven of Split and four robots.

As Split closes with Metal Mistress, he says, "Well, here I thought you'd have the whole gang here."

"They have much honor," the Samurai says.

"And some rather strange eyewear," the Texan says.

As they come within ten feet, Split's eyes focus squarely on Jennifer and a smile breaks his face. "Hey, kiddo; how are you doing?"

"Yay, Mr. Split!" Jennifer squeals, and you can tell she's about to bolt to him.

I am not doing initiative just yet; there is no need until someone attacks.


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Jay looks the hovercraft, and start to look the deployment of the team. He activate his radio, making sure he is on the encrypted frequency. He whisper on the waves. "Four robots, one on each corner of the hovercraft. Three visbible Split. One original, one katana and one rife. Another original Split is invisble with them, most likely to be the one we seek. One unarmed, one explosive and one cannon weilding Split are invisible and there is most likely to have one moer piloting. That make 12 target to handle."

He releases his hold of the frequency and adds for Dara only. "When the signal will happen, I'll open the door, so get ready." He slowly and carefully make sure that the door is not close and he will only have to push it gently before to be bale to open it.


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Fenris, 5/5 HP, unharmed

"Annoying? Sometimes... but she is fun to play with."

As the sounds of the hovership draw near, Michael puts out his smoke and lowers his goggles.

His voice drops in tone and picks up an edge of growl as he changes.

"Sounds like it is time to party, Devo style."


Johan rests his hand of Jennifer's shoulder to calm her down and, if necessary, hold her from leaping to Split's arms.
"We brought Jennifer, as agreed upon. Do you have the information we requested?"
He hopes against all odds that his other self will calmly wait for things to unfurl instead of doing something unwise.

Voidrunner's Codex

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