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[Epic] Scions of the Endless Falls

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Sindol, finding his lifeforce not snuffed out due to the powerful soulfire enchantment upon his vest, takes up his bow and fires straight for the murderous atropal. For the first time perhaps in many centuries Blackstorm finds his arrows curving away, bouncing off, and plain missing his target. Arion, on the other hand, dashes up into a tree, well-hidden and having an excellent seat for the ensuing carnage.

Rahveon launches himself straight for Ter'sat, his jovar Retribution angled to cut into the abomination's black and lifeless heart. His amulet of spirit warding crackles, and sparks fly as the golden draconic mountain shaker enters the life-sucking aura of death and pain that surrounds the atropal. His body shaking from the warring of life and death, he slices Retribution through Ter'sat's decaying flesh. Ter'sat hisses as golden light flows from blade, penetrating flesh steeled by horrible powers.

Fairweather runs to Su'ryuu, a golden vial in her hand. She practically throws herself on top of the wilder, and smashes the vial on the half-dragon's chest. "Let her live, so that the Endless Falls will not die!" she screams, as a lance of golden light plunges from the heavens and through Su'ryuu's body. Su'ryuu gasps as golden light floods the darkness that she had been thrown into, drawing her back to the land of the living, seemingly no worse for her brief journey to death's door.

Ter'sat reaches out and makes two delicate-seeming touches on Rahveon's temples. The Mountain Shaker feels his life force draining out of him and into the atropal, and watches the wound he gave it seal up with shocking rapidity. The chichimecs begin to circle the island high and face, cloaked in deepest shadow. Sounds of a strange chanting echo from above as the chichimecs whirl in the darkness.

Sigrún lashes out with both sides of his mind, skill born of centuries, and power dearly wrested from the depths of the Endless Falls. A hellish rain of psionically empowered crystal hurls from his hands with astounding accuracy, ripping into Ter'sat. Undead flesh is shredded away, revealing a withered and malformed skeleton pulsing with evil power. Ter'sat's face contorts in a rictus of pure hatred for the Architect. Sigrún's constructs find themselves bound to the earth, as both the atropal and the chichimecs are out of their reach.

Su'ryuu gathers her mental and physical might... (to be continued once I know what she wants to do.)

OOC - Ter'sat and the chichimecs are eighty feet away from the isle and eighty feet up in the air.
Sindol - 33 (Sindol's not dead, he has a soulfire quality on his armor that renders him immune to death spells and effects. I'm guessing he would put a world of hurt on Ter'sat.)
Arion - 28 - Kelleris read further:
That feat is fine.
Rahveon - 13
Fairweather - 9
Ter'sat and the chichimecs - 8 (higher Dex)
Sigrún and constructs - 8
Su'ryuu - 1 (Zack, I just realized that Su'ryuu isn't in the primary Rogue's Gallery! Care to rectify that?)

Sindol fires three times, missing with a 54, 56, and 44. Arion jumps up and hides in a tree. Rahveon charges and hits with a 74, dealing 61 points of damage. Fairweather rushes over and prays for a miracle to raise Su'ryuu. It works. Ter'sat reaches out an touches Rahveon twice, draining 5 points of Con each time for a total of 10 points of Con drain. It gains 40 hit points back from the Con drain, then regenerates 20 more. The chichimecs start flying around the island. Sigrún's attacks with crystal shard all hit Ter'sat, dealing 735 points of damage. He looks pissed. The chichimecs are going very very fast and very high now (200 ft), so the constructs can't get to them, and Ter'sat is 80 ft. up. Sy'ryuu... (don't know what you would do, so I guessed you'd do some psychic stuff, lemme know what and I'll edit it in)

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Sindol of the Dusk, Blackstorm, Demon of Slaughter.

A snarl twisted his face, when he saw his arrows deflected by power of the undead godling. These screams made him feel dizzy ... that's why he didn't aimed more accurately, indeed.

You'll pay for this embarassment, thing !

Without great interest he noticed elefant-thing's peril ... and remembered not to get into touch range. With moment's thought he urged his Obsidian Steed to fly upstairs, along with himself, in circles around Rhaveon's and Ter'sat's position. Five arrows resting in his palm ... ready to deal death ... or destruction.

He smiled, when he were closing to Ter'sat. For a moment he considered letting elefant-thing from his misery ... but almost chuckled, him showing mercy ?! Yeah, earlier world would die ... again. And even more malicious thought entered his mind while he slowly raised his bow against the atropal.

Yes, this revenge would fit the creature ...

OOC: Shoot ! Shoot ! Knock 'm out ! Sindol is urging his steed up to the Atropaling, and Improved Manyshot it whe he get's in range !
Five times (Attack 58, bacause manyshot uses one roll to determine outcome)

dmg 28 (1 vile,1 sonic), dmg 27 (1 vile,3 sonic), dmg 29 (1 vile,5 sonic), dmg 31 (1 vile,2 sonic), dmg 29 (1 vile,5 sonic)

For a total of 144 dmg, including 5 vile and 16 sonic !

Hope he didn't missed now ... And if Sindol's suceeds, he continues turning the atropal into swiss cheese with his bow, to keep it down.


First Post
This is bad. No choice, need to end this now.

Rahveon lets his anger and pain flood through him, his conscious thoughts submerged in a sea of rage, his only remaining thought to kill

Rahveon rages (+6 Str +6 Con) and full attacks:

natural 20, hitting AC 84 for 61
hitting AC 71 for 63
hitting AC 66 for 73
hitting AC 58 for 68
hitting AC 59 for 72

Current HP: 578 Current AC 54 (31 touch)
Fort save down 2 for +46

Isida Kep'Tukari

OOC - Ferrix, Kelleris, and Zack2216 - I need actions for y'all! I really can't predict your actions at this level of play, so I need your posts!


Arion - hp 312, t22; AC 46, Melee 53; Fort +49/Ref +36/Will +34; Slots: 3/4/3/5/4/4/4

Hmm... I don't have a lot to do, with the creatures taying out of melee range. I certainly don't plan on going up there without support. And here I thought I was waiting for someone else. :eek:

Arion murmurs to himself softly as he weaves his hands in front of himself in a complex interlocking pattern, channelling his spiritual energies into a calm mind and peaceful body, an affront to the soul-killing negative energy of the Atropal, and to a lesser extent of the chichimecs. Iside his sphere of magical silence, Arion chuckles at something that has just occurred to him, and resolves to write it down later.

OOC: Using cathartic joke and yin dance.


With a wave of his hand, Sigrún reshapes one of his existing constructs into a horrifying winged creature, tail and all, ready to leap into the air at the atropol. Gesturing again to the abominations in the sky another spray of crystal shards rains upwards, glittering a destructive green as two thin rays leap upwards as well.

The newly shaped construct then leaps to the sky, looking to tear whatever close creature down that it can get a hold of.

OOC: Swift Action Sculpt Construct DC 66 (trading down menu F +14: draining strikes -> 3 menu C +18: tail slap, extra brawn, rend & 5 menu B +20: extra attack, improved fly, pounce, smite, improved brawn & 2 menu A +4: improved slam attack, power attack) automatic success, Schism'd Mind Manifests Twinned Empowered Crystal Shard (25pp), Refocus Free Action, Twinned Empowered Disintegrate (31pp), Refocus Move Action.

Sculpted Construct can charge 80 ft. w/flight & pounce, but I'll see if the Atropol survives the blasting

Schismed Twinned Empowered Crystal Shard, attack & damage rolls: ranged touch atks +23, dmg 50d6 each; (atk 33, dmg 178), (atk 32, dmg 189) - Aimed at the Atropol
Normal Twinned Empowered Disintegrate, attack & damage rolls: ranged touch atks +23, dmg 124d6 each, sr check +33; (atk 41, dmg 214+237=451, sr53), (atk 34, dmg 221+204=425, sr47) - Aimed at Whatever is Left

Final Active Powers: Inertial Armor (31 hours), Overland Flight (31 hours), Mind Blank (1 day), Energy Conversion (305 min.), Detect Hostile Intent (305 min.), Etherealness (25 min.), Power Resistance (25 min.), Vigor (25 min.), True Metabolism (25 min.), Defensive Precognition (25 min.), Schism (30 rnds)
Innate Powers: Detect Psionics, Psionic Darkvision, Detect Remote Viewing, Psionic Tongues
Item Effects: Touchsight, True Seeing, Deathward, Freedom of Movement, Hustle, Adaptation

6 Constructs still around for another 25 min, all at full due to Fast Healing 10, and not being living creatures.

Constructs: [sblock]
15th-level Astral Construct, 5 constructs
Gargantuan Construct
Hit Dice: 36d10+60 (420hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 65 (+39 natural, +20 Deflection, -4 size), touch 26, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +28/+74
Attack: Slam +54 melee (4d8+30)
Full Attack: 2 slams +54 melee (4d8+30), 2 slams +52 melee (4d8+30)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: One ability from Menu F, construct traits, damage reduction
15/-, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +12, Refl +12, Will +12
Abilities: Str 71, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: -
Feats: -

-Improved Grab
-Extra Arms
-Blindsight (60 ft.)
-Constrict (deals slam damage on a successful grapple check)
-Vampiric Attack (heals 1/2 back)
-Toughest (10 hp/HD)
-Energy Adaptation (Energy Res. 30)
-Superior Fast Healing (fh 10)
-Draining Strike (1d4 negative levels)
-Reddopsi (constant)
-True Deflection (+20 deflection bonus)[/sblock]

Sculpted Construct: [sblock]
15th-level Astral Construct, 1 construct
Gargantuan Construct
Hit Dice: 36d10+60 (420hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 60 ft., fly 40 ft. (avg)
Armor Class: 65 (+39 natural, +20 Deflection, -4 size), touch 26, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +28/+74
Attack: Claw +54 melee (8d6+38)
Full Attack: 3 claws +54 melee (8d6+38), 2 claws +52 melee (8d6+38), tail slap +50 (2d8+53)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend, Constrict, Pounce, Smite (+36dmg), Improved Grab
Special Qualities: One ability from Menu F, construct traits, damage reduction
15/-, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +12, Refl +12, Will +12
Abilities: Str 71, Dex 11, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: -
Feats: -

-Improved Slam Attack (natural slam/claw increases one size category)
-Power Attack (gains power attack feat)
-Improved Grab
-Extra Arms
-Extra Attack (gains third attack)
-Improved Fly (fly 40 ft., average)
-Pounce (charge can make full attack)
-Smite (1/day, smite attack +HD to dmg)
-Improved Brawn (+3 dmg)
-Blindsight (60 ft.)
-Constrict (deals slam damage on a successful grapple check)
-tail slap (2d8+1.5 Str, secondary attack)
-extra brawn (+5 dmg)
-rend (if hits with 2 claws, rends for 2d6+1.5 Str)
-Vampiric Attack (heals 1/2 back)
-Toughest (10 hp/HD)
-Energy Adaptation (Energy Res. 30)
-Superior Fast Healing (fh 10)
-Reddopsi (constant)
-True Deflection (+20 deflection bonus)[/sblock]


First Post
Su'ryuu, Half red dragon Wilder

OOC: Su'ryuu has the current buffs going: inirtial armor (+21 armor bonus to AC), Vigor (140 bonus hp, 23 minutes), sadism (23 minutes) [39 AC, 224 hp, 140 temp hp, +20 Fort, +24 Will, +19 Ref, init +4, 30 ft. move, 114 pp] -10 str, -8 dex, -8 con, -10 cha (equipment was dispelled for 1d4 rounds). Also, is it just me, is is the dicebox not working? I can't load the page at all.

IC: Gasping, Su'ryuu looks around, looking to her chest and then to Fairweather, nodding in thanks. My equipment is dispelled. Returned to her normal size, she looks upward to the source of all this, the giant dead baby and the flitting shadowy creatures surrounding it.

OOC: move action to stand. Su'ryuu will then manifest schism as a standard action, and she will wild surge +8 a quickened metaphysical weapon power, spending 25 pp (effective 1pp +32 augmentation) to give her deepcrystal axe a +9 enhancement bonus to attack and damage. The dicebox is down tonight, so I won't be able to roll psychic enervation (40% chance to be dazed for a round and lose 28 pp). Either way, her actions are done. Just need to figure out if she's going to act next round or not.

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