Erekose's Savage Tide - Act 1: There is No Honour



The sights and smells of another bright sunny day bring with them the every present noise of industry, commerce, and the populace. Workers at the docks haul against huge nets pulling them from fishing boats to be repaired as seagulls squawk over head. Colourful parrots and other jungle birds dance on the warm currents above a bakery, adding to the exotic feeling of Sassarine. All of you have lived here for almost your whole lives (well except Nathan when he was off learning his devotions) and all of you are quite used to the busy streets in the far off port.

The hot season is upon Sassarine, leaving many in slight, loose clothing as merchants shout over the din trying to attract buyers. Spices, fruit, and meat abounds from shops, stalls, and even a hand cart wheeled through town by a gnome. For one reason or another you all find yourselves quite busy going about your daily duties, thoughts of heroism and glorious deeds swim among the heat.


At some point during the day a small wizened gnomish woman approaches each of you in turn. She is wearing a nice long dress of a cool material, with greying hair laying long on her back. "Pard'n me sir." she intrudes, "A missive from m'lady, if you please." She finishes, producing a folded piece of parchment from with in a pocket in her dress. She offers it to you and as you reach for it and turn it over she wanders away into the crowd.

Looking back to the letter, you find yourselves intrigued.


From here it is up to you where you wish to go. None of you is together or has met yet. You have roughly a day and a half before the note indicates a time for the meeting.

[sblock=Knowledge (nobility and royalty) DC 10]You recognize the name Vanderboren as one of the minor noble families in the city.
[sblock=DC15]Lavinia is the eldest daughter of the family.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Knowledge (local) DC 15]You recall a recent piece of news of a tragic fire a month ago that claimed the lives of Verik and Larissa vanderboren. The Vanderborens were survived by their two children, Lavinia and Vanthus.[/sblock]

Posting & Rolling

I invite all of you to roll as much as you are comfortable with in Invisible Castle outside of combat. The above Knowledge checks are a great example and I would like you to post your results with below. At times I'll ask for you to provide various rolls such as spot, search, hit points at new levels, knowledge/gather info checks at your request, and the like.

In combat, however, I will make all rolls. I will not be posting my rolls here as I will use dice, an online diceroller, or even excel depending on what I have handy when posting. I will ask that you provide combat stats in an out of character comment (in sblocks or not) including hit points and ac, as well as any ongoing spells in play. When preforming an action (such as attacking) please post your attack stat.

All of this is to make combat as smooth as possible for all of us while giving me the power to control the flow of things.


Feel free to use the Player's Guide as a campaign resource. As all characters are residents of Sassarine, the knowledge contained is common knowledge. The map at the back can be used when ever you need it.


  • Nathan Lidu - Human Cleric of Mouqol - played by Verbatim
  • Jerrel Rivers - Human Swashbuckler - played by Velmont
  • Tereg Nna Ythelen - Quickling Faen Spellthief - played by Malarky
  • Alixtus Meravanchi - Human Warlock - played by Rystil Arden
  • Julian Hemlock - Half-elf Bard - played by Manzanita

Link List
In Character thread
Out of Character thread
Rogue's Gallery thread
Invisible Castle

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Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Having autosucceeded on the DC 10 Kn: Nobility check, I'll point out that more than the information you gave there is contained in the Player's Guide already anyway ;))

*Obligingly, Alix finds himself intrigued.*

'Lavinia...where have I heard--oh right, she was a few years ahead of me at the Academy. (OOC: I'll remove that if you prefer, but I thought it might give a nice additional hook and help tie things in)Nice girl, and I never say no to a free banquet. Ah, but the night is young! I think I'll check the word on the street--the better to impress my would-be-patroness.'

(OOC: Gather Info +3 on the situation with Lavinia, the Sasserine Vanderborens, etc. I'll also take any scraps you want to give Alix (if any) that he might know from going to the Academy with her (unless you want to ditch that). Of note, among the obvious gossip, he wants to know her favourite colour)
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First Post
OOC: Knowledge (religion) check 3+2=5 fail. Untrained in K-local, so fail that too.

IC: Julian is still feeling depressed. He had just sat down with Arkan's parents & told them of their son's untimely death. He was ready to visit a tavern and throw back a few shots of rum. But this...weird invitation. He looked up for the gnome when he finished reading, but saw nothing of her. He was unable to give word whether or not he would attend. Perhaps he would drop by this Lavinia Vanderboren's house tonight & let her know. Once he'd figured out if he was even going of course.

Julian headed to his favorite tavern, the Imp's Folly. (#9 in the Noble's District) He figured he'd have a few drinks, maybe cheer himself up with some company and song. He'd also ask around about this lady.

OOC: Try gather information about Lanvinia. (Gather info mod +5)


Nathan Lidu

The Burning Dragon

Although Nathan did not hide the fact he was living at the Dragon since his return from sea, neither had he thought that it was public knowledge. The fact that any noble house would come looking for him was a surprise, but the fact that it was from House Vanderboren, a minor house at best in the power structure of Sasserine caught his interest just as quickly as his surprise faded. Knowing in Sasserine only gossip spread quicker than coin, Nathan wondered what the heiress to the Vanderboren estate could want with him.

~Her parents death happened while I was away, but it was still the gossip of the harbor when I returned. Could she be seeking the blessings of Mouqol now that she is running her family's affairs?~

Running his fingers absently across his chin as he thought, a habit he was well aware he learned from watching his father from a distance, he folded the invitation up and tucked it in his pocket.

"Maggie, be a dear and let Esra know I will not be having lunch with him today. The brigand will have to find another to fleece of his honest coin today. It seems that I have to prepare for a dinner and it would not do for me to be any less than a proper representative of House Lidu."

[sblock=ooc]Looking into the Vanderboren's from the fiscal side of the House. While I am not sure why she would want me, I am going to make sure I cover both clan and church equally well. Investigating business aspect checks[/sblock]
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First Post
((OOC: Knowledge local (1d20+7=18) K, read that. Wait, she's dead? Great, there goes my patron...))

IC: Tereg's fingers ran accross the letter idly. Lavinia. Since Lady Vandeboren had died, he'd wondered if his newlyfound reputation among the nobility would've faded with his patron -- thankfully, Larissa had had enough clout to spread the word to her acquaintances, and business had been booming for the most part.

Not that the local thieves guild appreciated that much.

He thanked the messenger and confirmed his attendance. Larissa had been a good patron, and he owed her family much. He hadn't had many dealings with the daughter - but then, most noble women didnt' introduce their daughters to possession liberators from the docks.

Tereg smirked, shaking his head. A banquet of all places? Hardly discreet. Though he supposed what with all the people around, a quiet meeting by a laden food table wouldn't be remarked upon.

He liked the thought of ale and wenches. Alright, so maybe he wasn't crazy about ale, or the wenches, but the food he could look forward to.

He heard a harrumph behind him, and turned to see his aunt glaring down. St. Cuthbert bedamned, he swore the woman could read his thoughts. With a brief smile he dissappeared back in the kitchen to help with the last dishes, before darting up to find something suitable to wear.


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Know(Nob): 11 Success... Know(Loc): 15, but as it is untrain, it should fail.[/SBLOCK]

Jerell enter the Drunken's Dolphin followed by The Crow. Both seems joyous and are laughing. "I'm happy we finally finish to repair that boat. Old furgus chose us a too large whale. It almost got killed the captain and it destoyed half the deck as we tried to pull it out of the water." tells Jerell, as he sits down at the bar.

The Crow nods as he sits next to his mate. "Yeah, but the ship is finally repaired and we will eb able to get some rest in teh next two weeks, until they got there supply and we need to load it aboard."

"Two mugs of dark and fresh ale please." asks Jerell to the barkeeper. "What will you do of you two week of permission?"

"I have Alicia that have been waiting just for that. We will be heading toward the lands and go visit her family. But before that, I need to go to teh High market. I finally saved over an hundread gold. I'll be able to buy her a nice ring with half the money and make a great mariage party with teh other half."

"So after three years, you'll finally ask her hand?" replies Jerrell with a large smiles.

A new figure enter the tavern. An old sailor who has seen more storm than the whole crew gathered together. Jerrell and the Crow nods at Old Furgus. The white haired sailor sits down and asks for a brandy. "Happy to be free?" asks the mentor to his two young sailors.

The Crow nods and Jerrell smiles. "So, what the captain wanted to tell you, Crow?" At that moment his eyes become large and his mouth drop. He quickly grab his mug and finish it in one shot before putting it down on teh bar, a silver coin next to it. He then quickly leave the tavern. "It seems someone was in an hurry to leave the ship..." tells Old furgus with a small laugh. "And you, Little Rat, what will you do of your freedom."

Jerrel stares a moment at his mug that he shakes gently. His ale make some small wave that remind him the water of the sea. "I'm landlock..." is his only answers.

Old Furgus look at the young man. "I understand your feeling. I am married to the ocean, and I fill alone in this city. But I think you should immitate your friend, and look around you. You might find a fine girl for you and avoid my faith, having your bones making the same noise of an old ship in a storm."

The door of teh taver open again, and that time, a small wizened gnomish woman enters. She is wearing a nice long dress of a cool material, with greying hair laying long on her back. "Pard'n me sir." she intrudes, "A missive from m'lady, if you please." She finishes, producing a folded piece of parchment from with in a pocket in her dress. She offers it to you and as you reach for it and turn it over she truns around and leaves the tavern.

Jerell looks a moemnt at his missive and then stare at the door who is slowly closing. "M'lady? You might have your chance just there." He tells with a large smiles. Jerell takes a sips of his ale before opening it. He read it a moment. "Vanderboren?" asks Jerrell. "It is a minor noble family" replies Old Furgus.

After a moment of silence, Old Furgus adds "If I were you, I would try not to offence a noble family. But I would be cautious, they seldom want to play intrigues, and it is not good for our kinds." Jerrell nods. "You are right, I'll accept her invitation. I wonder what she would like from me." Jerrell finish his mug and pay for it before leaving the tavern to take a walk.


Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Having autosucceeded on the DC 10 Kn: Nobility check, I'll point out that more than the information you gave there is contained in the Player's Guide already anyway ;))


(OOC: Gather Info +3 on the situation with Lavinia, the Sasserine Vanderborens, etc. I'll also take any scraps you want to give Alix (if any) that he might know from going to the Academy with her (unless you want to ditch that). Of note, among the obvious gossip, he wants to know her favourite colour)

ooc: oops yeah I guess the Know (nobility) stuff is pretty limited. I imagine that it is because the first adventure came out prior to the player's guide.

Alix is able to dig up little new regarding his hostess. Her parents Larissa and Verik* were quite well known as explorers. They made a significant fortune gathering spices and exotic treasures from places even more remote than Sassarine. From the academy, Alix remembers that Lavinia was always dressed in the latest fasion, keen to stay at the head of the curve. Her parents had often been absent leaving her to host parties for some of Alix's upperclass mates. From what he can remember she always favored the greens and blues of the sea.

Manzanita said:

OOC: Try gather information about Lanvinia. (Gather info mod +5)

Julian is able to find quite a bit of information regarding Lavinia and her family (rolled 20!). He knows that they have a manor in the Merchants district where they have quite a few business interests usually in exotic imports. A family of explorer's her parents often travelled to far flung locations and even established a trading colony called Farshore on the legendary Isle of Dread.

Recently Lavinia's parents were killed in a tragic fire aboard a boat in the harbor. The boat burned exceedingly fast to the water line, though when the investigation turned up little clues it was written off as accident.

Lavinia and her brother Vanthus have inherited their parents estate, though rumor has it that her parents left everything to Lavinia in their will. Vanthus has not been seen about town for a while now, while Lavinia has been trying to put her family's estate in order while dealing with the tragedy.

*This is a change from any above post and I'll update.

Verbatim said:

[sblock=ooc]Looking into the Vanderboren's from the fiscal side of the House. While I am not sure why she would want me, I am going to make sure I cover both clan and church equally well. Investigating business aspect checks[/sblock]

Nathan uses several of his contacts to discover that the Vanderboren family has a lot of their wealth tied up in several high risk ventures. Most of their wealth comes from exploration and imports from parts more far flung than even Sassarine. The curch has virtually nothing beyond the general knowledge of their position in the markets which Nathan's business contacts have already dredged up for him. Beyond the boat in which the Lord and Lady Vanderboren perished, the family owns another caravel, the Blue Nixie, which is anchored in the harbor. They have been having some difficulty with the harbour master lately, though Nathan is unable to get any specific details on that.

Malarky said:
((OOC: Knowledge local (1d20+7=18) K, read that. Wait, she's dead? Great, there goes my patron...))


ooc: yup Larissa is dead, perhaps her daughter, Lavinia wishes to continue using your services. You'll just have to see.

While working the tavern at the Gilded Gown later that same evening, Tereg sees a couple of his friends enter, Zan Oldavin and Liamae Teslikaria. Both are members of the Jade Raven's a group of mercenaries cum bodyguards who work for the Vanderborens. They wave to Tereg as they enter, calling him over for a couple of pints of ale.

Velmont said:
[SBLOCK=OOC]Know(Nob): 11 Success... Know(Loc): 15, but as it is untrain, it should fail.[/SBLOCK]


Jerrell finish his mug and pay for it before leaving the tavern to take a walk.

ooc: yup knowledge is a trained only skill.

Jerrel wanders away from the Drunk Dolphin with no real plan in mind. He passes by a couple of children playing in the streets. One looks like he is trying on a strange costume of a giant green worm while the other wields wooden sword. As the sword-wielding child strikes the worm kid with a thud on the thick wool costume with much jeering. "Yeah it works! he shouts as the worm kid falls to his knees fake dying. "Ack you got me, down with worms!"

Jerrel remembers that the Wormfall festival is coming soon, celebrating the defeat of the Worm god about a year ago far to the north. Even down here people are excited to celebrate the prevention of an apocolypse.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I imagine with so much time, Alix had the chance to make a bunch of Gather Info checks--they take 1d4+1 hours each. It's quite possible you knew that already, but just checking in case you only rolled once, he may try some more--though he actually has another plan.

Blue/sea-green, huh? Google claims that the following hyacinths are blue on sea-green, which I'm not sure if I buy, but we'll just say it's these:


EDIT: Actually, these are much better for sea-ish colours [SBLOCK=Better Flowers]
[/SBLOCK] so let's say those.)

*Whistling to himself slightly as he continues to gather information, Alix chides himself for his failure and decides to start being smarter about it. He goes to pay a call on Daria, one of his upperclassman friends who used to attend Lavinia's famous parties. He's hoping that as one of Lavinia's friends, Daria might know more. If that turns out to be a dead end, he searches among more contacts at random again.*

"Daria, darling, how have you been? I haven't seen you since Geoffrey's gala two weeks ago, but as then, you're looking absolutely divine,"he produces a pink lily dextrously and inserts it flirtingly into her hair--pink was Daria's favourite colour, perhaps a bit cliche, but still, showing that he remembered by way of the flower would make her feel special, at least in Alix's experience, "Look at that--the lily truly accentuates your beauty the way it plays off the hue of your hair."

*Alix smiles winningly.*

"Do you have time to talk a bit, or is the old man keeping you busy with all those figures and accounting?"

*Later, as he passes by a flower girl, he picks up a beautiful ipheion in Lavinia's favourite shade, smiling and thanking the florist as he does so. Yes, tomorrow night will be an interesting night indeed, but Alix will be prepared to win Lavinia's favour and her trust. Better that than to be kept in the dark, as he is now thanks to the mysterious message.*

(OOC: Feel free to gloss over Daria or not--I certainly don't want to hold anyone else up. If he searches contacts again, Gather Info +3 each time).
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First Post
Julian finds the story of Lavinia Vanderboren fascinating. He decides he does want to attend the function. By now it is late, though, and returns to his cot at the House of the Dragon.

The next morning, the day of the event, Julian heads around to the Vanderboren residence and knocks at the door. His intent is to politely convey that he will be attending tonight.

OOC: Don't know that you care to RP that. Julian has no other plans, really until the evening. He'll go back to his favorite pub and do some singing, hopefully make enough money to offset the cost of his food and drink. He'll ask more about Lavinia's brother Vanthus, though perhaps that's already been included in the gather info check he's already made.


First Post
Tereg makes his way over with a couple of pints after he's made sure his aunt is busy in the back.

"Zan ,Liamae." He nods, briefly joining them. "On the house, just don't tell m'aunt or she'll have my hide. Guess they're still keeping you busy eh?"

He'll wait to see if they mention anything - he's not one to bring up invitations, after all -- but it might be interesting to see if they still serve the house.

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