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D&D 5E Escape the Underdark, Fear the Madness, and get Out of the Abyss - IC



Finnan wrestles with the mind of Shoor commanding him to attack his former mistress.

[SBLOCK=Actions and Rolls ]

Move: None
Action: Command the Shoor to attack Ilvara
Concentration: Crown of Madness

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]

AC: 15 (Studded leather (12) + DEX (3)
HP: 11/21 HD: 3/3

Eldritch blast: +5 120ft 1d10+3F
Dagger: +5 5 1d4+3P OR +5 20/60 1d4+3P

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast (VS), Friends (SM), Light (VM), Mage Hand (VS), Spare the Dying (VS)
1/2 level 2: Dissonant Whispers (V); Arms of Hadar (VS); Crown of Madness (VS); Mirror Image (VS)[/SBLOCK]

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The dark elf wearing nothing but the jagged crown of madness scoops up the short sword dropped by Atallia and lashes out at the drow priestess. The blade cuts deep as the female drow tries to bring her hands up to defend herself.

Meanwhile the spider that dropped Atallia goes nearly feral and starts to wrap her up in webs to feast on her later. Thia reaches out and hopes that her cure spell will bring back the young monk so she can break free. Atallia opens her eyes and screams out "Wha-? What is going on I can't move my legs. Or my arms?! HELP!"

Deneril hears the screams and moves in, and gets bitin for his heroic actions. Knowing the spiders will leave as soon as the priestess dies he gives an inhuman growl and lashes out like the monster his form betrays him as. His claws racking the naked dark-skinned body and face, leaving blooding scars all across the ebony skin.

Eldeth moves as best she can in the tight quarters and smashes at a spider to hopefully get it out of her way.

Spider vs Deneril
immune to poison

Shoor vs Ilvara
failed save vs crown of madness

Deneril vs Ilvara

Eldeth vs Spider

"Dismiss the spiders and we'll think about it," Thia responds. "Or at least I'll think about it. I don't control this mob. Though I believe Eldeth wants some information from you."


The drow priestess raises her chin defiantly, "Torture me if you will you will get nothing from me."
She doesn't release the spiders however, but they are staying back as best they can in the tight quarters.

OOC: Wasn't planning on you all capturing her, but she has 1 HP and after that terrible cure from before I figure she will try and bid her time. TallIan? Are you going to let your spell fizzle?


Kildrak wipes the handle of the warpick across the scarred face of the priestess. Her head whips around and she falls flat-out into the pillows of the diva. The spiders screech and start to lash out, but they are already fading away and cause no harm.

Finnan having no target for his drow puppet, must release his spell or have him attack one of his companions. Releasing the spell the drow shakes his head and blinks his red eyes a few times. "Wha--? What is going on?"

He sees Ilvara on the floor bleeding from several cuts and scratches. "Ilvara no!" He cries out before going to her body. He looks confused for a moment, and then seeing the blade cuts from his own short sword upon his mistress he cast it aside as if it were a burning brand. "What have you done? What did you make me do?"

"Do you really think you will get sympathy from people you were selling into slavery?" Thia asks. "But thanks for disarming yourself." She picks up his sword. "Tie him up or knock him out or whatever. Let's search the room."

OOC: Investigation [roll0]

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