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D&D 5E Escape the Underdark, Fear the Madness, and get Out of the Abyss - IC

"Except we'd probably land in those webs down there and be attacked by the spiders," Thia says. She gives the ceiling a good look. "I wonder if there's a way out of this place. Maybe an escape hole in the bottom or a way out the top."
OOC: Perception: [roll0]

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"Except we'd probably land in those webs down there and be attacked by the spiders," Thia says. She gives the ceiling a good look. "I wonder if there's a way out of this place. Maybe an escape hole in the bottom or a way out the top."
OOC: Perception: [roll0]
Kildrak shook his head. "Not if we jumped towards the falls! No webs could survive the force of all that water flyin about!"

Ooc: looking at the pics in rogue's gallery we are in the central stalagmite? We should be able to run to the falls and jump where there is no webbing (see top down view in RG)
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OOC: You are above the ledge a bit so you have a good angle, but...
A) that area is almost 30' away from the doorway
B) it is a 120' drop to the water

A little Wisdom from the paladin: You could drop into the webs, have daggers ready to cut them, and then from the webs drop into the water below.

OOC: and still run the risk of being swept into the underground river before swimming to shore. And if you are wearing armor, that just makes it dicier.


"A'ight then! We've been spendin too long clucking like Hens. I'm fer takin' me chances with the jump! Webs ta break the fall and then sumthin sharp to cut free and inta the drink!" No longer waiting for a consensus Kildrak began to prepare for the mad dash and perhaps even madder leap.

OOC: Maybe jmucchiello. But this is really dragging. I'd rather do something decisive while they are still confused and maybe be wrong then to wait for them to get themselves together.


NPC_Ront.jpg "Leave to me," Ront answers in broken common and hefting his great axe. The orc starts to walk towards the hole in the floor leading to the lower level.



The cavern everyone sat in was small but dry (save for the puddles of water forming from everyone's wet clothes). It had took over an hour to regroup from the nearly disasterest escape from Velkynvelve and then find a safe place to hole up for "the night" (who knew what time of day it was really), as everyone was near exhaustion from the fight and flight from the drow outpost.

Thia watched as Old Grudach worked on the small fire and then huddled closer to warm her clammy skin. She was stunned to see the old bounty hunter turned soldier, because she had seen the lifelessness in his eyes as he stared at her during the drow ambush, the day he died so many weeks ago. She was glad he was there and not only for helping to save Kildrak and the others, but finally there was someone present she could truly trust among this odd group of people. Her body still ached a little from the odd way she fell into the water. She had first fallen into a particularly thick part of the "web net" and slice as she would she couldn't carve through it. It was only after a few of the others had cut through their portion of the webbing that it dropped out from under her, and she wasn't ready for the tumble downward. She rubbed her bruised rump once more and as she drifted off to sleep, she hoped her limp was gone by the time they set out.

Finnan was only worried about one thing as he sat as close to the fire as he could, and that was drying out his grimore. In the shrine to Lolth he had mentioned his worry and it was Buppido who came up with an ingenuous idea. The odd derro cut down the seams of most of the pillows laying about and then dumped whatever served as stuffing onto the floor. "Pillow sacks" he had called them and they seemed to work well enough to make most of the gear and treasure the group had found transportable. Using two "pillow sacks" Finn sealed his precious book up tight. It did seem to take on a lot less water than he had. Bring the book had nearly been the death of the poor halfling, the weight causing him to tumble head over feet after slicing through the webs. And then it dragged him under the water for what seemed a lifetime, it was Ront who pulled him out. And though broken and bruised Finnan was even now reading and absorbing as much of the secrets within the odd book as he could. Sleep did finally overtake him and the dark grimore became an actual pillow.

Kildrak was on watch away from the others, and he was glad for the solitude. As with everyone else he had not escaped the drow without a few scraps and bruises, but it was almost drowning that really put a scare into the resolute dwarf. Kildrak didn't swim well under the best conditions, and when you add in the current from the falls and the weight of his armor, he was lucky to be alive. Curing Atallia's poison is truly what saved him. Had the young human been paralyzed she would have been a burden to carry, although Eldeth had voulenterred to try, but then the group may have lost them both, so he got the monk back to her feet. And Mordian rewarded him for his actions, as it was Atallia who pulled Kildrak out of the drink and to shore. And then she promptly collapsed from exhaustion and it was Kildrak who returned the favor carrying her away and to safety. When his watch was over the fiery bearded dwarf slept deeply, his hatred towards the drow and his thoughts of vengeance more warmth than any blanket could provide.

Grudach had had more excitement in the past few hours than he had in the weeks since his resurrection. The day started out when he had finally found the drow outpost of Velkynvelve, but saw no way in. He searched the cavern for a secret stairs or ladder, or some way up. Finding nothing he was winding his way back to the safety of the southern passage when he heard the creaking of wood and rope. Hidden behind a stalagmite mound, he watched as a wooden cage was lowered to the cavern floor. "So this is the way up," he thought and watched as two small humaniods (not drow) exited and then climb up to the top of the wooden cage. In horror he saw them slice at the ropes of the lift and he ran out yelling at them to stop. As he reached the area the two little gnomes? ran off to the north.

Before the barbarian could fix the lift or decide to try and climb up the ropes, they were drawn up, out of reach. And then a signal horn sounded. Resolved to just climb the cliffs he started out into the water. And then it started raining prisoners, and old friends.

He poked at the fire and watched over the odd group of escapees that (literally) feel into his lap. Their were the two dwarves Eldeth and Kildrak, although they were not mated or even related, Grudach noted their weapons and approved. Buppido was a derro who had that wild craziness to his solid white eyes. He would be one to watch. Then there was Derendil, the monster Grudach thought was chasing Thia, until he was told the crazy story of the "cursed elven noble". Ront seemed alright for now, he didn't act like any of the orcs Grudach fought during his time working with the lieutenant. It was like the savageness typical of his race was beaten out of him during his captivity. Still he would be another person to watch.

He looked over at the final two small companions of the group. First their was the myconid everyone called Stool. The creature was scared, and even though he couldn't speak with Stool, Grudach knew he was scared. It was like the fear deep inside the barbarian, and he hoped his didn't show as easily as that of the fungus-lad. And next to Stool was Finnan, who at first Grudach took for a sneak or burglar (as most of his kind were), but was taken aback at the arcane looking book the halfling carried and cared a great deal for. A little wizard? Grudach hoped he wasn't one of those evil necro-men, but until he knew otherwise he would keep an eye on him to.

Old Grudach sighed and buried his chin into his chest to try and get a few hours sleep, he would worry about who might need killing in the morning.

Congrats on your escape please check out the RG and you will see your new level ups.[/sblock]


"Strange bedfellows." Grudach mumbled to Thia as he placed his ragged cloak over her damp shoulders, before leaning back to try to sleep. He had a tendency to mother her. His mother's short-lived kindness was the only comfort he had known as a child and he always tried to emulate it.

With a yawn, Thia's eyes open and see her old friend. "You're going to sleep without telling me how you survive? Typical." She pulls the cloak in tight and falls back to sleep.
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