Eschatolic Dragons: The Upper End of Ridiculous


Hey which is more powerful the Gankyil dragon's master of magic or Riem's heart's desire? Also how does the gankyil dragon fit the theme of eschatolic (end of the world)? I understand with the other two.

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Hey which is more powerful the Gankyil dragon's master of magic or Riem's heart's desire? Also how does the gankyil dragon fit the theme of eschatolic (end of the world)? I understand with the other two.

So the Gankyil represents transcendence, or the ability to overcome, they are created from Time Lords and similar beings, in this multiverse, they are technically not 'needed' but exist and are a means of a determined being changing an outcome, in essence they represent the possibility of change even in the face of multiversal destruction. They represent hope in a way, hope that never dies and the tenacity to change that which 'cannot' be changed, theoretically.

The Master of Magic Metempiric Ability is considerably more powerful than the Hearts Desire ability, at first blush, but though the two seem similar, the two are very distinct.

Heart's Desire is a snare for Reim to transfer a being's potential into himself, he can create any effect he so chooses but this is usually chosen by the recipient at the time it's used, and his energy is still limited to the parameters of the ability, meaning he cannot use it to just give himself whatever he wants and he must persuade beings to give him their energy without forcing it. It must be freely given but once given their energy is his, no matter how strong they become he is immune to being destroyed by them and can tap into their essence, his ultimate goal is to depose Thychen so he uses this and bides his time hoping to eventually gain enough power to outsmart him and take the Throne.

The Gankyil on the other hand is an extramultiversal entity and outside the parameters of Thychen's creation, it's Master of Magic ability, in fact, taps into the same source energy that Thychen uses meaning it uses pure GOD-like creative potential, meaning that it can actually create any effect it so chooses with it's power.

A cagey being though could ask Reim to make him immune to the magic of the Wuji, in which case Heart's Desire would counter Master of Magic.
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Is there only one Taiji Dragon? That's the impression I get. If there is more than one, what would happen if they tried to interact? Also if actions against them have a 100 percent chance of failing how can anything hurt it?

Is there only one Taiji Dragon? That's the impression I get. If there is more than one, what would happen if they tried to interact? Also if actions against them have a 100 percent chance of failing how can anything hurt it?

The Taiji Dragon can, potentially, be countered by any being of sufficient hd or div rank with any capacity to observe it or sense it in some sense. Words of Chaos, Alter Creation, a Wuji's Breath of Unyielding Might is actually designed to counter and kill it and a Gankyil's Master of Magic and Nexus of the Spheres abilities can make it vulnerable and bombard it with positive energy, f---ing it up, so to speak.

Of course... if things work out slightly differently the Gankyil will get devoured as would the Wuji. The Taiji is at a disadvantage but is divorced from the time stream so in unless the Wuji or Gankyil twist fate to circumvent this they will, always, every time, fall in to a trap.

A Time Lord really need not apply, but a group of High Lords could find a way with standard magic rules, a sweet artifact of Kosmic proportions, a bad ass quest arch and some ingenuity. ;)
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I should also note that regarding if there is more than one Taiji/ Wuji. Yes. So Oros/ Aannoraath, are the 'oldest' in the current multiverse, and they both have spawn, don't ask me how the Taiji has spawn I haven't thought that far, but yes there is supposed to be more of them, sitting in supermassive black holes and supervoids or...

Are.. supervoids...

Additionally, within Omniversal space, ie wherever impossible place Thychen and Gamma are chilling, I see there being infinite Nothingness dragons, infinite Infinity dragons and infinite supreme beings, even beings with infinite HD...

Wait till I post 'my' infinitaur!

I may not post it it's unfinished but it's similar to the Wuji but uses HD as its main curve vice infinity as a stat bonus.
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I have to really work on it. I'll post it here, I just hit my busy season so I'm getting annihilated at work right now. Once I get some free time and some time to rest and focus I'll get it situated for you guys. Merry Christmas peeps, UK great to hear from you. :)


First Post
This doesn't fit the discussion here but this is your latest post and i have a question that's been bugging me for a day or two

In 3.5, what are hyperforms and un-beings?

This doesn't fit the discussion here but this is your latest post and i have a question that's been bugging me for a day or two

In 3.5, what are hyperforms and un-beings?

Sup Apep, bad ass name btw. :)

I'd define them as such, an Unbeing would be a being destroyed or 'ascended ' by entropy. An Untrammelled Titan of Oblivion, or a strangely sentient Entropy Elemental is a good example of this.

A hyperbeing however I'd define as any being from a 3.5 standpoint that is of Sidereal level or above. Perhaps Transcendent level. Gaia would be a Sidereal but perhaps definable or approachable from a mortal standpoint but certain beings and places are beyond the realm of understanding as most 3.5 and Pathfinder is written from a level 1-20 understanding of the Gods and Goddesses of the greater Kosmos.

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