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Eschton [mature] IC - Calling Arabesu


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Serraphina Speaking Telepathically
Serraphina talking
Jenner speaking

Serraphina's monsterously gorgeous form, majestically glides toward the unconscious minion. With a snap of her fingers, her shiny chain vanishes as she lays her hands on the still form of their new guest's companion. Cure Serious Wounds: (3d8+13=33) "Arise child" She rises back up turning toward the budha. Her lips do not move over her sharply curved teeth, but her word are clear and stately non the less. "Welcome and my thanks for your timely intervention my dear Khan. Our effort to intfiltrate this strange craft did not go unnoticed, and we were quite at our wits end as to a solution to the precarious situation we had found ourselves in."

She taps her psicom, "Jenner come in, do you copy?" "Of course my lady" "I need you to patch an image of the mirror to my vid screen stat." The bearotaur reaches into the pouch at her back retrieving the small expanable device and pulling it apart as the image of the mirror hums into frame. "Is this what you required to use your spell Khan? I can move there on my own should you have weight constraints on your magics."
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recovery period

Eleven raises herself from the ground, shifts to humanoid form, heals Serraphina of 130 points of damage (OOC assuming that Karnak still has more hp than she and more than 100 in any case) and then shifts back to globe form. She then begins using her "at will" cure light wounds spell like ability, first on herself once, then on Karnak twice, herself once, and Karanak twice again, etc. until the group either takes additional precautions or uses other spells. (OOC don't know how much of a breather we want to take here, see below. I will roll the cure spells once I get a more precise plan.)

It seems odd to hear Tyrroth's calm voice coming from such a ferocious looking form, "I will remain in this body for several minutes longer in case we are attacked." turning to Sigil and looking at her staff and then to the unicorns, "Eleven, is somewhat slow in her healing capabilities, but will get there eventually. If you desire haste, and you have resources to speed up the process of restoring Karnak and Eleven, then I would encourage doing so now."

He scans the group for a moment "As to the teleport I can take myself plus four other creatures, two if one of them is as big as Serraphina or Cyclone. I can see from my arcane sight that both Sigil and Serraphina carry dimensionally transcendental satchels. Cyclone can flow into one briefly, compressing his volume by several order of magnitude, (OOC he only weights 10 pounds since he is made up of air) to be released upon arrival. Eleven can provide her own greater teleport as can Serraphina. That leaves myself to transport Sigil, Karnak, and Arhaux, which I am just capable of accomplishing."

Tyrroth looks at the unicorns briefly and addresses Sigil, "Queen Sigil, I suspect that your unicorns were summoned here. Will they return of their own volition are do we need to transport them as well? If so, that might put a snag in my plan."

OOC: Does anyone actually want to windwalk or should we just use the teleport? I actually kind of like windwalk, since it has no chance of going off target, and I'm pretty sure Void is going to make me roll. :)
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"Well, we can't have any snags." Sigil floats to the unicorns and strokes their noses affectionately.

"Thank you, friends..."

They both dissolve into silvery sparkles that fade away.

She looks at Tyrroth, her own injuries already mending swiftly. (Fiendish resilience activated...I forget if I did it before :))

"A warning though. The portal was, last we heard, somehow locked in place, otherwise it could come to us. There may be safeguards against teleportation around it as well."

(Sigil hasn't got a staff out yet, but she does have a Staff of Healing in her satchel, I think. She'll use it once she knows what the plan is.)


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Simultaneously, everyone receives a high relevance request for contact from the 'IAO Civillian Mutual Defense Committee (ad hoc)' over the psi-web.


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The reply from the Committee is sent accessible to everyone, It is an honor to speak with you Citizen DeLecorte. I am Thyrxiex Gal Entyr of Otajan V. I have been elected as the committee envoy to your expedition. The latest feed from Melanoce (*) indicates that you may be in need of resupply. Is this correct? We have a teleport resolution sufficient to push inorganic thaumaturgically potent materiel through the interference.

Note: None of the PCs has heard of the IAO Civillian Mutual Defense Committee. But it is not uncommon for Eschaton Committees to form very quickly over the psi-web. The asterisk is a link to another line of conversation with a lower priority. [sblock=other topic]Please be aware that Melanoce is attempting to restrict the feed of the event on the Outer Dark ship with an assertion of legal copyright. An injunction has been filed with a request for Legal Committee fast-track, in order to void the copyright. But it will be easier to raise resources for your efforts if you yourselves provide an archived and real-time broadcast.[/sblock]
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Serraphina rolls her eyes as the lower priority feed filters through the psi-web. "Indeed Thyrxiex Gal Entyr. Due to the highly volital nature of the environment, and indeed some of the indigeonous life, within the organic vessel, much of our information gathering comittee's advanced contingency resources have been rendered defunct. The aggressively 'mindful' reception that we have already been greeted with has proven most detrimental to our diplomatic negotiations." She switches channels on the psi-web back to Jenner, "Find me everything you can on one Thyrxiex Gal Entyr of Otajan V, in regards to the IAO Civillian Mutual Defense Committee (ad hoc) right now Jenner. And I want to organize a pay per view option fed to all of Tran'sa 'Kuul via our network in the next ten minutes." changing back to the original channel to continue with the Entyr. She sends along the vid screen feed that she shared a few minutes before with the Budha.


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Sigil looks lost at the psi-web transmission. She replies over the web, "So...you can send us enchanted things, if we...broadcast our experiences? Exactly how would I do that?"


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Thyrxiex replies, It should not prove difficult to acquire equipment that is nearly identical to that which was lost in the confrontation. A member of our Committee is already in negotiations with the Autonomatrix, a guild capable of searching near alternate dimensions for duplicates. But if other different or additional materiel is needed we will do our best to facilitate."[sblock=Sigil]Thyrxiex does a relatively good job of concealing it, but you can tell the it is surprized by your question. But a moment later you receive a virtual box over the psi-web. Though it has no physical reality, you are pretty sure you can open it by visualizing doing so.

This is a primer on psi-web use (*). Its contents should only take a few moments to assimilate.
[sblock=secondary conversation link]The Committee is also pleased to offer its aid in deployment and training in psi-web use for the denizens of Kaydia. It is the studied opinion of the Comittee that web literacy is a key factor in planetary survival when faced with Outer Dark incursions.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Tyrroth] You notice that Thyrxiex is both surprized by and dissaproving of Sigil's question. It attempts to hide the reaction, but can surmise that the envoy is somewhat horrified by the idea of a Citizen that is not fully conversant in psi-web use.
[sblock=Serraphina]Of course milady. I'll arrange the restricted broadcast immediately. There is an amused tone in Jenner's reply that sets off alarm bells. The efreet then continues more matter-of-factly, Thyrxiex is an Autarch of a relatively obscure species known as the M'zzlorcani. It is well respected, and known for both political acumen and diplomacy. The IAO Civillian Mutual Defense Committee was formed approximately five minutes ago over the psi-web but it has already been officially recognized. The committee's membership is made up of 583 Autarchs and 3 citizens. Both Thyrxiex and the committee membership overall are likely to skew towards an egalitarian (but not radical) take on meritocracy politically.[/sblock]


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"Excuse me for a moment," Sigil murmurs to the others...the idea of opening a 'box' that isn't really there, in an alien and hostile ship, to learn something most clearly already knew...it was surreal.

And kind of neat. Did that mean she was mad?

She opens the box to get at the primer and sends to the Committee her thanks as she absorbs whatever's inside.

Voidrunner's Codex

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