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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Lerrick comes back from the bathroom and sits in chair next to Gil and Artimes. Ahhhh...much better Turing to the new arrival the cleric smiles Hi Gil!

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
”Now, I've heard amazing tales of this remarkable place and it's , at times, peculiar patrons. Being a free spirit myself and having the luxury of some free time, I said 'Why not visit Daunton and the famous Hanged Man Tavern?' And so here I am, anxious of hearing about your exploits, if you don't mind, and perhaps, if I'm so bold of suggesting, perhaps participating in one myself. Bartender! The next round is on me”

Phoenix leans back against the hot stone of the roaring fireplace and raises her newly-gained mug in toast. "A toast to free spirits with free time that give out free drinks."


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Gil smiles brightly Hi Lerrick, I'm so sorry about how the Arena turned out. I like your belt. says the human as he indicates her bandolier.

When Phoenix raises a toast, Gil shouts AYE! and raises his drink of choice as well.

The scholar continues to wait on a response from Artemis, tapping his toes and drumming on the table.


Phoenix leans back against the hot stone of the roaring fireplace and raises her newly-gained mug in toast. "A toast to free spirits with free time that give out free drinks."

When Phoenix raises a toast, Gil shouts AYE! and raises his drink of choice as well.

"Excellent! Maybe you could offer me something in exchange? What about your company, pleasant as it is? Maybe some tales of your recent adventures. Battles against savage giants? Bloodthirsty demons? Undead mages, perhaps?

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
"Excellent! Maybe you could offer me something in exchange? What about your company, pleasant as it is? Maybe some tales of your recent adventures. Battles against savage giants? Bloodthirsty demons? Undead mages, perhaps?

Phoenix shrugs as she takes a sip. "Not much to report really. Came here looking for a bastard by the name of Rhagast because someone mentioned they though he might be here. To my disappointment, he wasn't and now his trail is cold.

"Ended up going off on a contract to help some guy save his barn or something and it turned out his barn was an extra-dimensional trap. We ended up getting mixed up in some Fey squabble who-knows-where, then were in the middle of being attacked by a swarm of undead in a cave when suddenly we were back in Daunton.

"A little bit later, a crew came in looking for help with some sort of ritual challenge that involved shifting to a parallel version of this tavern where we destroyed some extremely aggressive statues and were then shifted back."

She shrugs again. "The usual."


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OOC: I also intend to make a third character to complement the L1's. But so many character ideas :<

Currently, my illusionist is stuck in a ditch (kinda), the DM seems to be getting less and less active.
And my vampire should be done with his adventure in about a week. Hopefully. [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: Any hints?


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Artemis stirs from his reverie.

"Hail Max! Come join us! Despite the lady mages recent experiences, this place is one of the few safe places in Daunton."

At that, a barmaid walks up and slaps Artemis hard across the cheek, then walks away.

He smiles while rubbing his jaw, "Well, generally it's safe."

OOC: Well, [MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION] it will be either over soon, or the next encounter I'll overestimate how hard to make it (as you guys keep acing my encounters) and I'll cause a TPK :D


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OOC: To anyone making a L1 PC: I'm going to be introducing a L1 Controller in the next month or so. There's already a Controller at L1, but if there are enough L1-2 PCs for two parties I may run an adventure for that range.

Remember that you can check the L4W Recent Activity and Newest Pages sections to look at other up-and-coming PCs in order to make informed decisions about party balance.


The doors to The Hanged Man swing open yet again, and a drabgonborn enters, walking with a slight limp. Dispite the odd gait, he holds himself with a haughty air, as if he is used to people sanpping to attention when he speaks. The firelight of the tavern common room glistens off of golden, brown scales that might have been red at one time but for harsh exposure to the sun. Likewise, deep, golden eyes sparkle with reflections of the flames. On his brow, above his right eye, is a patch, flipped up so as not to obstruct his view. His clothes are loose fitting, made of canvas. A cutlass dangles from a leather belt around his waist, and the smell of seasalt wafts through the air from his direction.

The draconic sea dog walks up to the bar, "I'll have a tankard of rum, if it's not too much trouble."

The bartender, busy polishing a plate with a rag doesn't miss a beat, "Comin' raht up." he answers, without even looking up from his dish. He places the flatware in the cupboard, uncorks a tiny barrel on the counter behind the bar, and pours a pint .

When the bartender turns around, his eyes go wide, "Brastrix! Wah' in blazes ahr yoo doin' here?"

The dragonborn seems taken aback, "Blagarm!?"

"Aye" the bartender replies, setting the rum down on the bar in front of his old acquaintance, "An' ah nahvar tho't ah'd see the likes o' yoo again. Wha' brings yoo half-way 'roun' th' warld tah Daunton?"

"Funny you should ask," Brastrix leans in over the bar, giving the bartender a critical eye, "I was about to put the same question to you."

Blagarm leans back under the gaze of the old salt, "Ah, well." He hims and haws uncomfortably, "Ya see....Jahred reckon'd 'e'd crash Yong Hahllmastar's li'l party, and ah go' th'choice o' exile or th'angman's noose." the bartender rubs his neck with his hands, "Ah chose th'lattar."

Brastrix's face falls, "I'm sorry to hear that. Lars' bunch have saved my skin many times. What became of him."

"'e was convenentli outah town far the raid, an' 'e nevar came back," Blagarm shrugs, "Nob'dy knows whar 'e wen'. Efil Ah s'pose." Finding some courage, he leans toward Brastrix, "Nah. Wha' brings yoo 'ere."

Brastrix leans in even furhter over the bar until his face is less than an inch that of the portly bartendar. He cracks a vilainous grin, revealing razor-sharp teeth, through which he hisses a loud whisper, designed more to be dramatic than confidential, "Rhagast!"

Blagarm blanchas, "Is 'e 'ere!? When!? Whar!? Why"

"That ratbastard boarded my ship and stole my take!" Brastrix throws his arms in the air and rocks back onto the barstool, "He's putting together a fleet to challenge my empire in Malibri," the dragonborn's frustration is evident as he downs the tankard of rum in a single swig and procedes to pace a rut in the floor right in front of the bar, "I caught one of that seashore scum's lackies in the Crystal Mug, who, after much pursuasion, " he grinds his taloned fist into his palm, "informed me that Rhagast had set his headings in this direction," at this point a curling smile returns to Brastrix's face, "but he took the Norhten Trade Currents. Sure they're fast enough, but I know a secret that lets me cross the distance in two weeks!" He reaches over and slaps the fat man on the back, "While he's been fighting the waves, I've been strolling the streets waiting for him to put in, which, by my calculations should be tonight!" The dragonbon thumps his skull, "and I am never wrong."

Voidrunner's Codex

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