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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


After a brief pause, he turns to Lenard and smiles amicably.

"A scholar, you said? What is it that you study, exactly? Just enchanting, or are you a more varied student of the world?"

Lenard turns to the Owen and smiles as well.

"Ah, so glad you asked! There are many questions that have long eluded answers by us mortals: exempli gratia, by what magic does a migrating tern precisely follow its path over a thousand miles of ocean? Surely he has no tongue for spells, but the simple beast performs a feat that challenges the best of the sailors of men. Finding a solution to this mystery requires study of the tern itself, knowledge of the arcane, and perhaps philosophizing on the nature of the gods, to discover why they would gift the creature with a navigatory sense unknown to humans. My research covers a web of different topics because this plane itself is just as complex."

He pauses when the barmaid comes by. "Hot tea, if you please."

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Owen nods enthusiastically.

"That does sound interesting, and potentially very useful. When I was just a lad, my father told me a tale of his time as a boatswain on a tradeship, when they were caught in a terrible storm out on the shifting seas. The winds whipped them around on the waves, tossing the boat like a leaf caught in a hurricane. They weathered the worse, but even after the seas calmed they found themselves in dire straits. The clouds rode high, obscuring the skies, and they had been blown far off course. They drifted, lost on the seas for days before one keen-eyed lookout spotted their salvation. A single gull, winging his way over the water. They followed that bird to land, and found their bearings once more. But if that bird hadn't been spotted, they might have sailed in entirely the wrong direction. Perhaps your research could produce a device that would allow ships to navigate as the tern does, then they would not have to rely upon luck when lost at sea."

He pauses to take a drink from his mug, and the dryness in his throat makes him realizes how much he was rambling.

"My apologies, I do often go on so. So, your research. What brings you here? Are you seeking something specific, or just widening your horizons, much as myself?"


"My apologies, I do often go on so."
"Not at all. I think it important to remember - especially for practicing spellcasters - that there are, as often as not, simpler mundane solutions to life's problems."

Lenard gratefully accepts his tea when the barmaid returns. He continues the conversation while pouring himself a cup from the kettle.

"Have you heard of the recent troubles on Nova Imperium? A few months past, by my timekeeping at least, the portal to the Imperium suddenly collapsed, stranding many, including myself, on the 'wrong' side. I had not planned a visit to Daunton quite so soon, although I surely hoped to study at the Great Library at some point in the future. My purpose now is less... academic. Spending such a long time away from home does tend to strain one's finances. This tavern is renowned for its job opportunities, so I made the voyage by ferry only two days past."


First Post
A figure steps through the door, his head turning at the mention of Nova Imperium. Lowering his hood, the individual - a githzerai, half his face covered in a mess of tattoos and a thin beard extending from the centre of his chin - steps toward Lenard and takes a seat next to him. "What's been happening at Nova Imperium, friend?" he asks in a low voice.

[sblock=Dante (Unapproved)]Dante (unapproved)
Githzerai Hybrid Swordmage/Avenger
21 Insight 14
AC 17 Fortitude 12 Reflex 14 Will 15
Hit Points 27/27 Bloodied 13
Temporary Hit Points 0
Resist Saving Throw +2 vs. Stun, dominate or daze
Action Points 1 Second Wind 1
Healing Surge 6 Surges per day 8/8
At-Will Powers Leading Strike, Sword Burst
Encounter Powers Rictus Grin, Iron Mind, Aegis of Shielding, Oath of Emity
Daily Powers Frost Backlash
Last edited:


Lenard leans back on his stool so he can see both the half-orc and the githzerai flanking him.

"Well met, sir. I was speaking of the collapse of the portal leading back to the homeland." The young man then lowers his voice to match Dante's. "Or perhaps you are inquiring about the island's... former inhabitants. Suffice it to say, I was not troubled by any mad cultists during my stay at the trading post."


First Post
"A messy business, both," the githzerai replies with a shake of his head, adding, "I am Dante. Well met."

He seems to muse for a short while, before saying in another low voice,"Now, you mentioned a job opportunity... do you know of one?" It is fairly clear from the tattered rags Dante is wearing that his purse does not exactly overflow at this moment in time.


Even with their low tones, Owen can't help but hear the conversation next to him. However, he holds his further questions for Lenard, giving the newcomer a chance to speak. But the last comment prompts a wry grin and his own contribution.

"Given a look at the crowd gathered in here, it seems like work isn't exactly beating down the door right now. Still, we can but wait and see what arrives. A common purpose has brought us all here."


First Post
Dante seems to realise the other patrons in the bar for the first time and turns to Owen. "My apologies," he intones, bowing his head. "I did not mean to interrupt."

The githzerai cracks a dry smile at the half-orc after a second's pause. "You speak the truth though, friend. Are you here for work also?"


Owen shrugs.

"I've come seeking something of the sort. If money was the only matter, I suppose I could get work lifting boxes down at the docks, or the like. But you don't see much of the world that way."

Then backtracks to wave off Dante's apology.

"We were just passing time while we wait. I'm afraid I don't know much of the Imperium. My father's stories only really go up until he settled down to raise me. Are you from there as well?"


First Post
"I'm from Ea," Dante replies. "I've not been to the Imperium either, but... it would be interesting to visit, I think."

OOC: I'm new, so if I say anything wrong about a region, then feel free to correct me :)

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