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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Caloch's nostrils flare as the boy serving the "ripe" cheese passes by. Caloch exclaims, 'Ripe mai tail, tha' cheeze is more den ripe. It's practically green. Here Papolstaana ah'll order ya somefin' dat'll put some scales on yer chest.'

Caloch leans over to the bartender mutters something, and motions to the Kobold.
The boy quickly returns to the kobold with a plate of what looks to be a big thick piece of charred meat.

Aboleth gizzard! Delicious! Just tha way mai mammy made it! Enjoy!

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Kaeysari nibbles on a bit of cheese. "Not bad. Kind of a funny smell, but that's cheese for you."

She grabs another slice of the dark brown bread and smears a large amount of cheese all over it.

"I think I like the idea of soft cheese. Probably doesn't travel as well as the stuff you need an axe to cut, though."

She pours another slosh of spiced wine from the decanter into her flagon and takes a long pull.


Artemis reaches inside his pack for some field bandages.

"Sargent always said, 'Be prepared'. I'm no where as good with these as Mercurial, but you look like you could get some help with that bleeding."

He helps or lets Mikara do the bandaging herself.
Mikara lets Artemis bind her wounds. She's too tired to protest, and she figures he knows what awaits him if he gets too fresh.
"Only three kills, so don't start bragging. That dragon nearly did me in. Thanks for that."
She laughs, "I think I got four, but I can only claim two, seeing as the others were already pretty beat up by the time I brought them down," she looks at Artemis and grins, "Mercy killings I guess."
He leans way back in his chair, slowly nursing his beer, "You know, I feel sore... tired... exhausted... yet happy. Satisfied. Like something good just happened."

Then the grin is back, "It's just like after good sex."
"OK." Mikara takes the remaining bandages from Artemis, "I think you're doing this a little too slowly," and she continues the bandaging herself, winking at the warlord.
*The stocky steel clad goblin re-entered the bar.*

Ahh now this is more like it!

*Grinning under his masked helm. Removing his cigar from his mouth as he looked around. He put it out upon the palm of his hand. Reaching down to a box strapped to his leg. He opened the box and pulled out a fresh cigar, ripping the tip off of it he placed it into his mouth. Snapping his fingers, a small flame would ignite upon his index finger, he raised it to his cigar and lit it. Sighing heavily to himself.*

Much better.

*His eyes rested upon the injured woman Mikara within the room. With another sigh he advanced upon the pair. Stopping beside them at the table, he looked up.*

Boy you two look rather rough. 'ere this should help yee.

*Said as another puff of smoke bellowed out around him, funneling out from beneath his masked helm. Kauldron reached out and place a hand gently upon Mikara's leg. He paused to focus for a moment in time. His eyes closing to aid in the concentration. He began to glow with holy radiance as his strength went into her. Her wounds slowly but visibly begin to heal. After a moment or two his glowing stops and kauldron nods reopening his eyes, Then removes his hand from Mikara.*

There yee be lass. Don't got much more then that to give yee but it should help some.

*He nods again to her then wanders off to go find a seat somewhere to sit.*
Mikara closes her eyes and breathes deeply as the healing warmth spreads through her. When she opens them, she casts the goblin a knowing look, "Thank you for your kindness...but a gentleman asks before laying his hands on a woman, even if it is to save her life." her eyes shift over in Artemis' direction.
"Barkeep! Where's the barkeep!?"
'Tender! Ah'll be havin' ah pint, Yer fattest roast an' Yer leanest worg. An be sure ta keep the pints comin'
Mikara looks at the two with indignation, "Hey fellahs, you might want to give the guy a breather. He's been through a lot today," she pauses, "We all have".
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Papolstaanas rolls his eyes as the "aboleth gizzard" is brought to the table. That's really just like a dragonborn, isn't it, thinking that just because he's a kobold he must be so dumb that he'll eat anything. Well, he's certainly not eating that. Papolstaanas takes a gulp of wine, cuts himself a piece of bread, and tops it with a big dollop of cheese. Aboleth gizzard indeed! Although it looks pretty much like an ordinary hunk of meat... And where does the Hanged Man get all these exotic things that people order, anyway? It must be really difficult to find all that stuff.

The boy passes by the table again, carrying a pitcher of ale. "Is that really aboleth gizzard?" Papolstaanas asks him in a low voice.

The boy pauses. "Actually I don't know," he replies. "Personally, I suspect that whenever anyone orders something crazy like that, the cook just finds a piece of meat that's been left out a little too long so it smells kind of funny and broils that up."


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Through tavern doors walks in an older man, that looks similar to Artemis, perhaps his father, or an older brother, complete with a vest akin to one worn by Daunton battle mages. Check out this new vest I got.
He then turns into a shifter woman. I just hope that it doesn't stretch too much.


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A classically dressed wizard, outside of color and pattern choice, enters after the shifting artificer. Two armfuls of magical trinkets in his hands, Gil Present! These are courtesy of the few still breathing outside. Gil drops one of the handfuls along the bar.

Waving to his new friends, the wizard quickly made his way passed the bar, and into a back room.

Time passes

Gil exits the back room, the other armful of magical trinkets missing. Beaming from ear to ear, and wearing a new cloak, the wizard approaches the bar. Artemis! I'm in, Igor gave me an official grade-band and all! This is the best school ever! I don't know how to tell my parents I'm staying here for graduate school?! a panicked look crosses Gil's face, My ma is going to kill me... Then the wizard smiles, No, I'll be here, so she won't be able to! Ha HA! This place IS great!


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*Kauldron pauses and looks over his shoulder back at Mikara.*

Whom ever said I was a gentlemen?

*He gives her a wink as he grins before turning back away.*

Mi'lady, you just have yourself a grand day.

*Kauldron moves off and finds himself a free table. Hopping up into the chair, he takes a seat and slumps back.*

Ahh....now we're talking.

*Placing his feet upon the table itself, he leans the chair back upon it's back legs, and his arms behind his hand. He relaxes and idly rocks the chair upon it's back legs. Waiting on something more to transpire.*


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The door to the tavern opens, a rather plain looking man enters, he wears a top hat, smokes a plain pipe, and dresses in a manner befitting a commoner, but one putting on his Sunday best.

He glances around the room, his hands shake a bit as if his nerves are getting the better of him. He opens his mouth once, then stops, starts to turn around and leave. The man shakes his head, resolving to something and turns back to the tavern. His face more resolute this time, but his hands still twitch nervously.


"Um... hello? Hi, I was told ta come here and see if anyofya can give Shamus a hand? I'm a simple farmer out about a good 50 miles away from here, in our little hamlet we call Huntingdonshire. Well, the thing of it is we got all sortsa problems you see. Ain't none of us much good at fending off the beasties that'd been stealing our livestock. I left the farm ta come here and see if anyofya are able to lend us poor folk a hand? We got a little coin we can give, and Siobhán even found a fancy looking staff that may be of use to some of you adventuring types. So...whattya say? Anyone able to help us out?" the man asks, after his speech his confidence appears to vanish and his eyes drop to the floor as he removes his hat and wrings the edges in his hands.

A Call to Adventure! Levels 3+ looking to get out of Daunton, see the countryside and help a poor potato farmer with some beasties [/sblock]

"You came to the right place, good man." says deva that enters behind him and listens in peace.
"I won't expect you to pay if you don't have the means. Tell us more about the beasts."

OOC: ouch! choice between killing undead and helping poor farmer. Unfortunately, there is no way he can know about re-risen tower :) Cyr's doomed to help people by traipsing in the wilderness


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"Well, that's right kind of you...uh...what are you?" the man says, staring unabashedly at the divine creature in front of him. After a few seconds, he shakes his head and then says "Well, that be part of the problem we be facin' Nobody's seen the beasts, well we just assume they're beasts. Something seems to just grab'em at night. We put'em in the barns, ain't make a difference, someofus thought maybe to sleep in the barn ta catch it, but ain't none brave or foolish enough among us to try it. We ain't even found the remains of our poor cows, just some blood where they be last left." Shamus says.

Metavoid, if you want Cyr to wait, don't worry about it. In reality the tavern is just a metagame concept anyways to gather PC's so maybe some barkeep whispered something to Cyr while he was sitting around. Heck, maybe even a divine nudge from his god keeps him from going, more important things need Cyr's attention? Lots of ways to justify it :) [/sblock]

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