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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Transfer enchantment? But you would need to have the possession of the item with such enchantment to transfer. I'm not familiar with the ritual enough. Maybe Mab's fey lord or these fine creatures here would have better idea." Illarion points at the fey

"Say, what's your name, crew member?"

OOC: I'm not sure how upgrading base items goes, maybe you can just pay the difference? Other then that, I'm not sure how else to do it...erm, you mean you have +1 and want +2 or you have +2 and want something along that +2?

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"I am Jonathan Michael William Fred Fitzpatrick." The diminutive fae says with pride.

OOC: If you're upgrading A magic item without a property to one with a property or just boosting the level of a magic item, then you just pay the difference. At least, so says the Adventurer's Vault.


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The door opens up to the tavern and another dwarf walks in, this one is bald, with an intricately braided long brown beard. Copper ringlets hold the braids in place and the dwarf wears the hide of some animal over his chest, arms bare. A large shield is strapped to his back and a massive hammer sits at his hip. 5 smaller throwing hammers are strapped to his belt.

The dwarf sniffs the air for a moment, looks around and seems surprised by the large number of patrons and looks at the scorched area where the mage previously stood.

He walks towards the bar and the bartender smiles at the dwarf's appearance, already reaching for the top shelf dwarven spirits he keeps on hand for just such an occasion. As the man prepares to open the bottle, the dwarf raises his hand to stop the bartender.

"Just milk please. Alcohol is a crutch for the weak" he states, the bartender hands the dwarf his drink, still perplexed and whispers something to him. With his drink in hand, the dwarf stands on one of the barstools, "Hello all, it is my pleasure to meet you all, I am Alkas Glanrak, warrior, gentleman, and all around good guy.", before hopping back down.

He sees another dwarf, although one wearing a mask, talking to a group. Alkas moves to them, clasping the other dwarf with a large hand on his shoulder. "Ah, it is good to see some kin in here. So what do you do?" he asks.

http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Alkas_Glanrak_(Cleverusername) <- a level 1 dwarf warden. [/sblock]


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Dekana said:
"W - what the?!"

"Merciful heavens!," Mab exclaims as the young mage spontaneously combusts. "See Raijin dearie," the batty old lady lectures the sorcerer crossly, "You should introduce people while you have the chance. Now I'll never get to meet your poor departed new friend."

"But on the other hand, I see you've got plenty to spare,"
she says gazing at the diminutive fey legion with undisguised admiration. "Why would you just look at that. An army of pixies! How perfectly precious. You know Luran's got a whole pixie constituency in his high court at Valenwood!," she tells Raijin and Illarion with authority (as though they cared). "Why he even introduced me to their princess Sylvanae once, after we rescued her from a gaggle of gorons on one of our Arcadian adventures. Oh, but it's a long story, maybe another time."

"Oooh, do come over here love," she says beckoning to Jonathan Michael William Fred Fitzpatrick, "and tell Auntie all about your contingent. I'm a fey-touched seer you know, and I can see great things in your captain's future!"

"Maybe Mab's fey lord or these fine creatures here would have better idea."

"You know dearie, I think Luran did tell me how to transfer those enchantment thingies once. Hmm, yes. Let's see, you need an eye of newt, that's for sure. Yes, yes, and a selkie snout, and some bogan brains, and a rowan twig. Oh... and some pixie powder... But, I don't think our little friends here would like that. Probably best not to speak of such things," Auntie Mab prattles, attempting to cover her gaff with a saccharine smile.

OOC: [MENTION=73730]johnmeier1[/MENTION] - don't think there's a way to do it in the RAW except for selling at 20% and repurchasing at full price, even with Enchant/Disenchant magic item. Don't know if there are any special L4W provisions for doing that sort of switch.


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"Captain Valentine Dartmoor. I would come to compete, with my men by my side, if you'll have me. I'm sure we can show these tall folk a thing or three about combat." A loud cheer rises from the table full of piskies.
Tlacamatli fixes his masked gaze on the Irregulars for a long moment. "Very unusual," is his only comment before Alkas arrives. (Oddly, the spontaneously combusting mage does not appear to distract him at all.)

He sees another dwarf, although one wearing a mask, talking to a group. Alkas moves to them, clasping the other dwarf with a large hand on his shoulder. "Ah, it is good to see some kin in here. So what do you do?" he asks.
Tlacamatili's shoulder feels bony; he seems impossibly gaunt for a dwarf. "I serve king Itztecolotl, of Cactitzatziliztli," he replies quietly. "My name is Tlacamatli. The king seeks warriors, athletes, and musicians to compete in the great Games he is holding to celebrate his daughter's marriage."

[sblock=Cleverusername]I assume Alkas is not Magari?[/sblock]
"Tell us more about these Games, Masked One. Such chances to prove my mettle are greatly intriguing."
"To get to my homeland, you travel by boat to the Isle of Opposition," says Tlacamatli, turning to the dragonborn. "And thence through the henge to the Valley of Bone. It is not a long journey. I do not know exactly how the king will arrange the games , but there will be single combats, fought until one side yields; team combats as well. Contests of music, dance, and storytelling will be judged by the nobles and the princess herself."

[sblock=prospective players]I am tempted to grab this group and run, but Tlacamatli has been in the tavern for less than a day, so he had better stay put a little longer.

Defender: Alkas, dwarf earthstrength warden (Cleverusername)*
Controller: Dartmoor Irregulars, piskie swarm druid (Twilsemail)
Leader: Hú Lí, fox spirit cunning bard (BenBrown)
Leader: Takahaan, dragonborn bravura warlord (GROMkill)*
Striker: Noriaki, human thaneborn barbarian (Pentius)*
Striker: Tyris, shade executioner (VanderLegion)*[/sblock]


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Having had his presence recognized, the Captain returns to the table to get whatever remains of the roast, which is admittedly not much. Before digging in he's sure to say, "We'll be ready to march when you give the word, sir."

"Oooh, do come over here love," she says beckoning to Jonathan Michael William Fred Fitzpatrick, "and tell Auntie all about your contingent. I'm a fey-touched seer you know, and I can see great things in your captain's future!"

The tiny grig's cricket-esque legs coil and spring him from Illarion's shoulder to Mab's. "Oh, I'd be happy to tell you all about us. That..." He beings by pointing out one of the multitudes of faeries, "Is Francis Herbert James Fitzpatrick. Over there is Alarr Ferdinand Enrique Fitzpatrick. That one is Johan Sebastian Fitzpatrick." He leans over and says not-so-secretly, "Patrick got around..."

"Down there," he points at the fae sniffing around Lenard's ashes, "Is The Pict. The captain has to keep issuing him new loincloths. They keep getting lost on the battlefield." It appears the Pict may actually be licking the floor while investigating.

"Over there in the bowl of ale is Eoin. The Captain warned him about public indecency so I'm pretty sure he's still wearing trousers in there. It's almost certain he won't have sex with anything while we're here. Not after the last time..."


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OOC: Just a quick FYI, if the adventure starts within the next couple of days, I go out of town tomorrow night for the Memorial Day weekend. I'll be around during the day tomorrow, then back monday night or tuesday morning.


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[sblock=Cleverusername]I assume Alkas is not Magari?[/sblock]

"To get to my homeland, you travel by boat to the Isle of Opposition," says Tlacamatli, turning to the dragonborn. "And thence through the henge to the Valley of Bone. It is not a long journey. I do not know exactly how the king will arrange the games , but there will be single combats, fought until one side yields; team combats as well. Contests of music, dance, and storytelling will be judged by the nobles and the princess herself."

"Games? Sounds interesting. I cannot say I'd be much use in any music competitions, but combat and athletics are right up my alley." Alkas says.

Not a Magari, he's from Bacarte.

Oh, I found a cool picture of Alkas, surrounded by orcs, perfect for him :)




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"Over there in the bowl of ale is Eoin. The Captain warned him about public indecency so I'm pretty sure he's still wearing trousers in there. It's almost certain he won't have sex with anything while we're here. Not after the last time..."

"My, my, frisky little things aren't you? Well, no matter dearie. Why I've had a few trysts with the fey myself, and I know how, um, ardent you lot can be,"
Auntie Mab says, blushing slightly before clearing her throat with a dainty *ahem*. Her face takes on a faraway, wistful look as she adds, "Yes, he's quite a dashing man, my Luran..."


[sblock=ooc]Think you'll take any more players, mewness? I had put together a 1st level battlerager fighter to replace Lenard, but it looks like the defender role is covered now (all roles actually!).
Or does anyone have any suggestions on what PC would be useful for the looong adventure together?[/sblock]

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