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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


Jemal appeared then to U-DO and to the Phaenix in a bright flash of his newly-learned Magic.

"Death, you say? Who are YOU to decide who deserves to die? Is that not Traume's domain?" He sneered and waved his hand at the now-decaying bodies covering the ground. "And now it seems you ALL want to get in on it. The suffering, the war, the death.. Will it never stop? You call it a natural cycle.. it's only NATURAL because YOU have decided it is." Jemal narrowed his eyes as many of the corpses started to rise to their feet "Traume made death possible, Tocco gave the mortals the idea that dealing death to others was ok. Endovior gave them the power to deal it."

To U-DO he growled "I understand your views of 'balance', and agree that their use of magic to slaughter their opponents was uncalled for.. but so too was your 'vengeance'. You solved death by creating more."

He turned to the Phaenix "YOU are the agent of Sharra, are you not? Then tell your Mistress to give these mortals the wisdom to see that War and Death are not ALWAYS the answer."

As those corpses that hadn't been consumed by rot and decay gathered together, Jemal finished "Since all of you are so consumed by creating races to worship you, then so too shall I. From now forward, any who die an undeserved death will be allowed to rise again, to join me. They will be called Vampire, and they will live among the other races unseen and unknown." With a flash he dissapeared and his words reached the ears of all the gods
"Do not anger me again with such reckless disregard for life, for while I cannot undo what you cause, I will take steps to stop the problem. If mortals cannot exist without eradicating each other, then mortals will not exist."

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First Post
U-DO called back to Jemal, intrigued by the Undead's speech. "Well said "Unnatural One", but your ideas will not bring the results you seek. Your craving to remove the mortals if they do not do as your will is just as short sighted as the quests for vengeance and wars you speak out against. Yes, I have brought death in response to those who have brought death. But I have replaced it with life. Karma and the balance walk side by side. You claim to bring back those who have died undeserving deaths should come back under your banner. How is it you will decide what an undeserving death is? But that is irrelevent. You intend to bring life back from death, and while it removes you from the death cycle, I will applaud you efforts. It is ironic that the one who is not of balance seeks to attain it. But I will warn you that if you should act against the mortals, or any other, you shall be re-introduced to death, by force if neccesary. I wish you luck on your quest.


A suffusion of yellow
And the Spirits became many inthe Place that Traume had made for them
Mortal and Beast and Plantae all were called home
and the Watchers of the Third Company were guides to them and kept them safe
and no longer were they bound by flesh and form but had become Spirit.

And Traume saw the creation of the Aelves form his Watchers just as Avial and her children had been formed, and he saw the ravages of war and of magic and most disconcerting of all was U-DO's enigmatic hand.

And the Magi were cast into the wastelands as a cursed people until the day that Endovior granted them the Chest of Countless Relics. And again Traume grew alarmed for such boons given without guidance were as a curse and so he set the least of the Watchers amongst the magi to be teachers of wisdom. These watchers given form crafted from earth were called Gnomes in the savage tongue, and those without crafted form were called sprite and nympyh and fey

And so the Magi learned from them and built their nations from earth and stone. And Traume also sent the Third Company to teach them the Rites of Traume that their spirits would find peace

But those first spirits who had been undone by U-DO's volcanic wrath and warped by Endoviors magic they seemed beyond his calling and were lost to the shadows
and indeed it was Jemal who called these to be his own

"For Death fills all creation so that there is no peace and only suffering,
even balance brings with it the uncaring Truth of karmic nature
Man strives against Man and Beast against Beast even the very Plants are at war

No comfort is found in magic or in prayer, only the path of suffering
for who has wisdom enough to use it?
even the gods contend amongst themselves

Oh Great Lord of the Glittering Path, Faithful Watcher and Master of Shadows grant unto your servant wisdom and lead me to your place of Peace!"

- the Prayer of Huil the Weeper (First Heirophant of the Cult of Weepers)*

*Cult of Weepers are the Priests of Traume responsible for Funeral rites
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First Post
As news reaches the Plantae of the Magi plan to seek revenge against the Plantae for their exile, Moss finally puts his foot down, and acts not through his children, but through an avatar and force of will. He would not see his children slain entirely in what could be a single errant flame. The humans must be careful with their magic, even if it means he must harm his children in doing so.

He comes as a creature of massive wood, coated with a layer of thin moss and dotted with fungi, for everytime his children are harmed, he dies just a little. He climbs atop the volcano and makes his decree, for all the world to hear. His voice is a deep rumble.


Here, the avatar shatters, explodes, leaving Seeohtoo enough to fill the entire planet's atmosphere in his wake.

For nearly five minutes, the fleshy races clutch their necks for breath. They cough, hack, and wheeze; some suffocate, and others are brought solace as an equilibrium is finally reached, and they can breathe the oxygen they have been granted.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
OOC: The First War Comments

periculum said:
He was intrigued at the response Avial's children had to Endovior's portals. They, more than the ents or the watchers or any other creature, were drawn to the art of magic and most quickly picked it up. To test this strange power, Tocho encouraged a rivalry between two tribes of humans, one untouched by magic and one embracing the art. Thus the world first learned of war, and the realm of traume greeted many new residents. And magic did indeed prove to be a useful tool...
Albedo said:
U-DO watched as Tocho dispersed magic to one tribe and used it to destroy the other. The universe is displeased at this shift in the balance of power to this single group of being, who use it as a toy to destroy other beings.

I look at these two posts to see how 'The First War" happened and it seems one of two cases exist: either Periculum's post was misunderstood or Albedo is trying to advance the story. Periculum never said that one tribe destroyed the other and Tocho did not disperse magic. The mortals went to learn magic by themselves. He just encouraged a rivalry that turned to war. There is not much of a follow from relationship here...

Just curious?? It is interesting how the First War between the humans brought out 5 Godlings (Moss, U-DO, Jemal, Endovior, Traume and Shara). [/sblock]


A suffusion of yellow
Some other observations - all read

FreeXenon said:

I look at these two posts to see how 'The First War" happened and it seems one of two cases exist: either Periculum's post was misunderstood or Albedo is trying to advance the story. Periculum never said that one tribe destroyed the other and Tocho did not disperse magic. The mortals went to learn magic by themselves. He just encouraged a rivalry that turned to war. There is not much of a follow from relationship here...

Just curious?? It is interesting how the First War between the humans brought out 5 Godlings (Moss, U-DO, Jemal, Endovior, Traume and Shara). [/sblock]

[sblock] Can I just start by saying that I enjoyed this first 'encounter' the developments were very intriguing and generally well played/written. We are suppose to be young godlings so the series of misunderstandings, rash decisions and 'mistakes' suits the situation. Our first conflict from which we have learnt many things (and if I was DM I'd say everyone has agained a level!) I look forward to more of the same

Next I think the different understandings of the cause of the War that FreeXenon refers to are easily reconciled if we establish that these godlings of ours are NOT omnisentient and as such interpret things from their own perspectives. Ergo U-DO noticed Tocho encouraging conflict between the Magi and non-Magi and interpreted this as him granting favour to the Magi to destroy the other tribe. This may not have been the Truth but for a rash young godling it was close enough

Two other things I find quite ironic
1.that the mortal humanoids are primarily descended from my Watchers - which makes Traume the god of Death also something of an All-Father!! It explains why humanoids are the major harbingers of death in the Worlds of Life amd amongst other things it establishes a Spirit-Flesh-Spirit anthropogeny (sorry thats the antropologist in me)

2. that Jemal god of the Undead has as a result of this First War become the champion of the right to 'Life' (well unlife at least) which really would paint him as a 'good guy'. Conversely Endovior and U-DO have become the 'nemesis entities' (whats the plural of nemesis?) not necessarily bad but definately not the most popular godlings in existance

And as another observation

We seem to be resolving into two very loose 'factions'
Tocho-Moss-Traume (creators of living things who are going through the process of establishing relationships)


U-DO-Endovior-Jemal (creators of forces and principles)

Shara has acted as arbitrator so far and the other godlings have faded into the background/not been involved.

Actually if Armin is no longer active can I suggest that Shara become the uber-diety (DM) as it seems that as we move into developing nations and races etc things are going to become more confusing[/sblock]

Seeohtoo- lol. I think Seeohtoo needs to be personified and given an Avatar
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OOC: You guessed right. He did just claim that one side destroyed the other as a storyline enhancement (What else would happen. Thats like a Blackhawk Helecopter VS a tribe of spear throwers), and He claimed Tocho did it just because it WAS his people, and Endovior doesn't deserve to have EVERYTHING blamed on him.

And God said let there be Satan, so people don't blame everything on me. And God said let there be Lawyers, so people don't blame everything on Satan.
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First Post
((OOC: Keep in mind, Jemal, that those not gifted with magic will advance technologically much more quickly, as their reliance on magic is nonexistent.

edit: Although within the short span of time, yes, magicusers would've wtfpwnt the normal humans.

Edit2: I'm not much appreciating U-DO's supposed to stance as an uberdeity. He has no followers and a single unreachable avatar - yet he is just as powerful, if not more powerful, than the rest of the deities; he claims the power to kill other deities and wipe out the mortal races if he's displeased.))
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First Post
Followers isn't the only way Gods have to gain their powers. U-DO draws his powers from nature, the general universe and balance. And when has he ever claimed the ability to kill other gods? As for destroying the mortal races, any god has the POWER to do so. I'm just as powerful as the other God's here. Besides, U-DO doen't have the ability to create. His skills are focused more in destruction than they are lifebringing (Because the vast majority of the other Gods are lifebringers, thats just balanced). lastly, I would like to point out that you that other gods too claim the ability to destroy mortal races in one shot. Endovior and Tocho made the claim that they could wipe out all my avatars and followers they forgot I didn't have. I use one volcano and you call me the Ubergod of destruction.
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A suffusion of yellow
RobotRobotI said:
Edit2: I'm not much appreciating U-DO's supposed to stance as an uberdeity. He has no followers and a single unreachable avatar - yet he is just as powerful, if not more powerful, than the rest of the deities; he claims the power to kill other deities and wipe out the mortal races if he's displeased.))

U-DO the Enigmatic, the Hand of Fate, Karmic Nature and the Bringing of Balance

it seems to me that U-DO as a godling either has one of those 'alien' portfolio's 'beyond the comprehension of mortals' or has visions of grandeur verging on megalomania which for a godling with cosmic power is a problem but a problem we should all keep IN GAME. (eg Traume has concluded the U-DO is arrogant, slightly uncaring of the created and makes rash decisions, which is nothing to do with Albedo). You know personally I could see U-DO being a god favoured by Druids (and militant enviroterrorist) - as well as Moss and Tocho of course


Without an established rule set as to how godlings gain power (through followers or action) we can't really be questioning relative power levels at this point - only that we all have about the same power and that half of us have used it to create creatures whilst the others have channeled it into different directions (philosophies).

What I'd suggest is that we take a leaf out of games like Black & White and have divine power gain based on invoking Awe from the created. So U-DO's volcano and its destruction is going to invoke as much Awe in the mortal witneses as is Moss creation of the Treants, Endoviors displays of Arcane power or my Sheparding of deceased Spirits. But then we need an arbitrator to monitor our Awe-inspiring Acts.

Of course if we base power gain on numbers of followers then I win:) since eventually plants, animals and humanoids ALL die and become my Spirits (unless Jemal steals them first)

hmm Jemal as a Satan figure (or worse a lawyer) - interesting model...
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