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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


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Jo'Karr returns to his forge, and spends some time contemplating the words of the lord of MAGIC. Upon the Second World of Mortals, the angels descend, and forge in the skies a great citadel, the Ziggurat of Jo'Karr. By the force of Jo'Karr's will, the fortress hovers forever untouched by the waters, and the FAILURE below. In this fortress, great libraries without books and forges without results, and halls of art and music without artists fill the many long corridors. Laboratories both mundane and arcane fill the highest towers, but without records or tools with which to conduct experiments. In the center of the citadel, upon a great dais stands Jo'Karr, motionless and resolute. The angels complete their first task by forging thousands of portals to the other worlds of mortals, and then begin their second task. The angels spread out throughout the worlds, as paragons of mortal existence. They serve as exemplars to the other races, and bekon them all to come to the Ziggurat. Mortals of all kinds flock to find Jo'Karr, to pray to him and ask him to teach them to be like his angels. But Jo'Karr stays silent and motionless, he reveals no secrets, but all who look on him understand what he is. Jo'Karr is the divine potential in every mortal, the ultimate version of the hope that his angels embody. Soon, the halls of his citadel, the forges and music halls and laboratories fill with artists and arcanists, smiths and scientists. In Jo'Karr, mortals see what they can create, what they can do, and set out to do it. And as the first races learn and grow, so do the angels, forever setting higher goals to be reached.

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And while Jo'Karr sits on his dais, U-DO wanders over to the great citadel. He takes one look around before he confronts the newborn god. "Very admirable, the idea of enhancing mortals is. But how utterly foolish you go about it. We have here but another potentiol Endovior. I hope you shall come to see the error of your ways. Take a look at you great citadel one more. While you applaud the greatness you create, you ignore the dirt and waste that comes with it. Indeed, in the labs and forges, destruction from failed experiments lays waste to many lives. In your halls art is defiled by those who themselves cannot believe they can compete with the works. Music and the sharing of knowledge bring differences in opinion and eventually spawn hate. In your quest to make mortals more powerful, you forget to warn them, to teach them, of the consequences of their actions. If left unguided, they will bring about their own destruction and possibly the destruction of everything else too."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, The Light Bringer (Goddess of Light, Wisdom, and Life)

The Aelves live quietly and peacfully within the great forests of Prime. They quietly farm, hunt and develop divine and arcane magics to live peacfully and harmoniously within the the Plantae. They forge spells to hide themselves from the warring humans and to call upon the powers of nature revering Moss and Shara as their primary patrons. They see to Torrana, U-Do, and Selanial as their secondary patrons to learn from, and gain wisdom from their teachings. They pratice the arts of combat and war as the humans will soon come and war with them, for it seems to be their nature: the path of destruction and death.

Fires rage through the atmosphere of the planet known as Prime, snuffing out life as it roils forth. The divine energies and the great cries of the mortals cause the the Phaenix to awaken from its deep slumber with rage in its heart. It can feel the wrath of the Godlings being unleashed carelessly on the mortals and the prime. The Phaenix bursts forth from the earth and its ever growing form grows to an enormous size. Its flaming body envelops much of the forest where the Aelvs live. The great bird's form protects the forest and the Aelvs living within from the deadly flames that just roll off its crimson coat. The newly burgeoning kingdom of the Aelvs knew light for many a week as the Phaenix slowly moves the Aelvs to a safer place.

As the Phaenix transports the Aelvs, the world formerly known as prime is no more. All that remains in a storm of negative energy and death is a debris field of lifeless chunks of land and death. The energies fo life and light that suffuse the Phaenix protect it and the inhabitants it it transporting through the ravenous storm. The Phaenix moves the Aelven Kingdom to the lands that Moss now calls home to the land of the the 3rd planet in the Primary System, and prepares to set them there. The great Phaenix looks to the core of the world its eyes peering deep and it looks to Moss for acceptance for the children of Shara and Moss.

The phaenix that dwells deep within the heart of the third planet looks, also, looks to Moss who has now taken residence on the third planet. Their eyes collectively peer to the great creator of the Plantae for permission for the Treants, fungus, beasts, Plantae, and Aelves to live in peace on the third planet.
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Jo'Karr remains unmoved, and speaks not in response to KARMA. Instead, one young female angel, the archangel Alexandra, flies high over the citadel on her silver-feathered wings.

"My lord, you missunderstand. My creator does not wish to enhance us mortals per se, but to give us the chance to create our own future without divine interfereance. If we destroy ourselves, he will not move to prevent it, but should one such as you move to smite us, he will not tolerate it.
"When he forged us, he told us that he realizes he cannot fight the other gods, as much as it would please him to shackle Jemal, Moss, and Endovior for their careless disreguard for the fact that we live and have free wills. Instead, he wishes to give as many of us as possible the chance to realize our dreams, whatever they may be. He wishes to serve us, without directly interfering if possible, and let us create our destiny or our doom."

OOC: tell me, is this a cool idea or what? I mean, where else can any mortal from any world go and reach out and touch one of the gods if they want?


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Tocho finds the actions of Jo'karr to be infuriating. Tocho doesn't mind the competition of another deity, especially when that deity aids in the spread of competitiveness among the mortals. But to presume to create a race of self proclaimed perfection, and then to have that race command all the other races that they should strive to meet this goal, is heresy.

Thus, Tocho's followers use the weapons and knowledge that they forged within Jo'karr's citidel and turn against their angelic superiors, and battle sounds throughout the halls. And Tocho sounds a temporary truce among the city states of the 4th world, who storm the portals. We will see how perfect these beings of Jokarr are as the humans throw off their shackles.


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U-DO does not rmove his gaze from Jo'karr as he adresses the angel. "And are you really creating your own future, naive one? While his intentions may seem pure, you are all proceeding towards his will. By showing you what he believes you should do, he manipulates you into doing it. If I were to offer steak to a beast, would he be coming from his own free will, or mine? The arts, the forges, the labs, all are just tools for which he uses to groom any mortal who comes along. And what does he want? Simply for his mortals to gain as much power as they can. Why would he do that? Because they would still be HIS mortals. You will owe all of your strength, belief and devotion to him. Even if these are not on his mind now, what of the future? What if, by some fluke of the universe, he became just a tiny bit selfish. Because he spends all of his efforts into you, you are now his only tools to attain his goals. And soon he would manipulate you into doing his selfish will. And then he would become that which he hates. Which you ALL hate. What Jo'karr hasn't realized is that life does not need be in a rush to move foreward, or even need a destination. Not even the strongest of gods can destroy all life, so it is a safe assumption that life will move foreward at its own pace." U-DO then speaks directly to Jo'karr, "While I cannot change your view on what needs to be done, I will ask you to admit to being hippocritical on this matter, so you can be accepting of self critisism. Be aware of any mistakes you make, now and in the future and be ready to correct them. You will affect mortals with your very presence. Accept this and move on. If you can't, I will have to take action if things go wrong."
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Alexandra dives back to her master, though she wished to continue her conversation with KARMA, the rebellion below required her. Humans, though numerous and capable, find that they cannot damage the citadel itself, no matter what implements or magic they use. Many mortals die in the in fighting, but the angels seem untouchable. However, many of the angels are confused, and escape into the sky above to wait out the conflict. Others organize into small armies, fighting back the human uprising at every turn. Humans soon find that it is not just the angels with whom they must contend, ents and elementals and watchers and all manner of others split into factions, those who side with the humans, those who side against them, and those who run away as fast as they can. The humans themselves are not united, and some turn on each other for the sake of petty differences. At last the rebellion crawls to a halt, with the citadel stained in blood.

The leader of the rebellion, a man of great magical and martial skill, finds himself alone and surrounded by a legion of angels in the dais chamber. In desperate fury, he lashes out with sword and spell upon Jo'Karr himself, as the angels look on in surprise and horror. When the man's strength is spent, he realizes that he has done nothing to Jo'Karr, and falls to his knees staring up at the god. The angels drag him away.

Jo'Karr remains completely unmoved throughout the rebellion, as though he either isn't aware of it, or doesn't care. The leaders of the mortals who sided with the angels assemble with the archangels in the dais chamber, and ask of Jo'Karr what he wants to happen to the captured humans, and those who fled. Jo'Karr remains motionless.

After a time, Alexandra flies up to him, and places her hand on his shoulder. She turns to the others.

"This is a mortal affair, and so, he will not intervene."

The leaders debate, should they be kind, or cruel? Should humans be banished, or executed, or given another chance? One of the watchers suggests:

"We should pray for guidance from the other gods, we should pray that Tocho will compromise with us, we should send our best mages to Endovior."

In the end, the surviving humans are banished from the citadel for a time, until a better solution can be devised.


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He believes his angels to be untouchable and his citidel indestructable, this Jo'karr is arrogant indeed. This rebellion is far from over, humans shall be slaves to no one, and their will is yet to be broken.
With this Tocho dives into the waters below Jo'karr's citidel, and for a long time is unseen and unheard of. Then with a great tremor the entire planet shakes and Tocho bursts forth upon the back of FAILURE. Together they crash through the walls of the citidel and directly into Jo'karr himself. As the citidel crumbles to peices and angels fall from the sky dead, Jo'karr is driven into the ocean depths where a titanic battle is to be waged.
Meanwhile, lycanthropes and the wolves of Tocho set free the captive humans and aid them in their struggles. Together they start to hold their own against the angels, who though still vastly superior in strength and stamina start to see their brothers fall and their own blood shed. The humans then drink the blood of their fallen foes to gain their power.
The humans also send an emissary to the elves to request their aid against the angels who would presume themselves overlords of all mortals.

OOC: we might want to devise some rules of some kind, some way to determine this deific combat. An opposed d20 role seems the most obvious choice, in which case I request a positive modifier to mine for having Failure's aid.


periculum said:
The humans then drink the blood of their fallen foes to gain their power.
And by Jemal's doings, any Mortal that would dare to partake of another mortals flesh or blood would in doing so join his armies in undeath and sin. These newest Vampires turned upon those humans around them, slaying indescriminately and damning the souls around them to hell while the bodies rose again. Then more abominations from all around came, led by Jemal himself, flying overhead, his body infused with arcane powers and his followers wielding both Divine and Arcane powers. He came through the hole behind Tocho. "I warned you once. If you play with the mortals affairs, SO too will I, and I will make EVERYONE regret it!!

OOC: we might want to devise some rules of some kind, some way to determine this deific combat. An opposed d20 role seems the most obvious choice, in which case I request a positive modifier to mine for having Failure's aid.
OOC: So what penalty do you get for having to face TWO gods?


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Suddenly a great burst of force errupts from the oceans, and Tocho and FAILURE fly back into the air and fall once more into the sea. Jo'Karr rises into the sky, his eyes red with hate and fury.

"SO!! You would presume to war with me directly? Do you have any idea the suffering that the mortals will endure because of your attack? Inspire conflict all you like! Mortals thrive on it! BUT I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!! Jemal, you and I have differences, but those are irrelevant now, all that we both wish to accomplish is threatened by this, I beseech thee... help me, please!"

Alexandra, sensing her master's will, gathers the angels and they ascend into the sky and away from the citadel. As FAILURE's influence and without Jo'Karr's direct influence, the citadel crumbles and falls into the sea, killing all but the undead, who cannot die from such a little thing as drowning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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