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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


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As Moss leaves, Endovior recalls his forces, leaving the mages with a single message.

"It is finished. We have won."

Then Jemal destroyed the world, creating another plane. And Endovior sighed.

"Well, that was pointless."

Gathering his power, Endovior left. He did not leave the universe, but he did transcend to another plane... a plane of Fire. His palace, damaged by the destruction of many of it's portals, went with him, along with many magelings. And for a period, he waited, planning greater things.

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U-DO wanders around surveying the damage dealt by the second war and Jemal's rash retaliation. He goes to where Endovior's planet used to be, and collected floating debris from the destroyed portals. Then he descended to the negetive energy plain and collected the artifacts that had been carried by Endvoiors followers when Jemal's blast took the planet. Afterwards, he compressed a chunk of land into 10 diamonds. Venturing forth to the planes of fire, hell, and negetive energy, as well as paying visits to the frozen continent, one of the continents inhabited by Moss and the sun, he began collecting energies and lifeforms. In the end, he had diamonds carrying negetive energy, fire, cold, positive energy, magic, earth, air, force, chaos, and law. He then broke down the magical components of the portal shards and Endovior's artifacts and used them to embue/merge the 10 diamonds into a misty globe. He then placed the globe inside the very core of the third planet, where it will sit until it is considered needed, just like the Avatar in the sun.


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In the aftermath of the devestation, and the loss of prime, Tocho sifts through the remains and quickly locates his quarry. On a small shard of prime, a mile maybe 2 in diameter, live the surviving red plants born of competition and destruction. Within this tiny forest can also be found a few of the animals that once lived on prime, including a dozen humans. Tocho lassos this chunk of earth and ferrys it to the fourth planet. He deposits it near the center of the pangea continent upon this fourth planet. From these remains a great citidel is constructed, which radiates life and civilization to cover the landmass. Soon the band of blood red plants is visible from space, and the humans stock their defenses. The rituals of death become very important to them, as undead mar their existence, thus every casualty is met with the way of the glittering path. They also have learned the danger that magic presents, and practice the art only fearfully and with upmost care, and deal not with creatures that imminate magic for such creatures are too unpredictable to be trusted (no dealings with efreeti or mephits). As for plants, the bode a healthy rivalry, still competing with them but definitely not seeking their destruction, for the two's fate are now entertwined within the atmosphere. They even create agriculture, a symbiotic practice in which they tend and care for the plants, and ensure a future generation to the plant, in exchange for food upon maturity.

And Tocho's wolves switched targets, no longer focusing on U-Do they turn their attention to Endovior and the agents thereof. And the most devout of Tocho's human followers soon become like the wolf and become lycanthrope through their occult practices. They become the most powerful of Tocho's minions, and the most skillfull of hunters, and these he sends after the Undead.

The world may be gone, but life and the universe continues.


First Post
Birth: The Gods are created

Life Brings Life: After the creation of the Gods, they too made their own planets, lifeforms, and followers.

Life Brings Death: New beings keep popping up and interacting, including Tocho who brings competition to the world, and this led to The First War.

Death Brings Death: Gods unhappy with the results of the first war plot to gain revenge, and this brings about the start of the second war. The final result was the destruction of the world.

Rebirth: The peices of the planet are salvaged, and in return used to bring about the start of a newer, wiser, and stronger generation of followers.

And so the cycle repeats itself and the balance is sustained. U-DO is pleased.


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Momentarily stunned and drifting in the void of space, a now VERY crispy Jo'Karr watches helplessly as his mortal creators suffer under the malice and recklessness of their gods. Jo'Karr collects himself, and settles on the largest chunk of the world he was born on. He gathers corpses of all manner of mortal beings, and builds a great forge, sheilded from the other gods. Weeks pass, and then Jo'Karr emerges, covered in black soot and smelling strongly of sulfur. He travels to Endovior's fortress.

"Lord of Magic, I have thought long and hard on what I would say to you upon our meeting. I could war with you, personally. I have no illusions of defeating you, but neither could you hope to defeat me. We would be deadlocked in battle forever, and your destructive tendencies would be effectively contained forever. But I have other enemies to fight, and in a way, magic is almost as much a part of me as it is of you. I was born of mortals, blessed with your magic. I have a proposal, Lord of Magic, a solution. DEATH has created elementals to try and guard against catastrophies of magic, but they were inneffective. I have forged a new mortal race, in secret. They have the life-spans of the Ents, and the ferocious forms of the beasts. They are the wisest, most beautiful, most terrible, most powerful mortals yet. They are my avitars, they are my will incarnate. They will be my weapons against the undead, and against the violent servants of the other gods. But they are not complete, they need your power. I ask that you saturate my Angels with your magic, make them strong. Between the two of our power, they will be able to stop any one god save DEATH himself from interfering directly upon the mortal worlds. In return, you may ask any similar favor of me, at any time in the future. You surely must see the advantage of this, since the Angels will serve as a check upon your own power as well, such a display will greatly help pursuade the other gods to not war with you."
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First Post
((OOC: How many planes do we have now?
Traumes Plane
Shara's Plane
Negative Eneregy/Hell
Endoviors Palace
Doesnt Algennis have a plane?
And the Mortal Plane

and now we have angels added to the residents of the outer planes. getting a prety good playing field built up, the loss of the world doesnt seem very severe anymore, not when you think about it. All that came before was a mere blip in the timeline of the universe and creation, we have an infinity of possibilities before us.))
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First Post
(( It's only a big playing field if you plan on stepping into someone else's house. Only one of the listed planes are free-for-all; the rest are all owned and controlled by a given deity.

Are we going to use the third planet [the one Moss has moved to] or the Fourth planet [the one Tocho moved to?] It seems pointless to do two, since they'll never really interfere with eachother. ))


First Post
OOC: See, heres where we have to find a method for devising a prime material plane. Right now all we can do is wait for one of the gods to come up with an overblown scheme before anything really major happens.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
OOC[sblock]Thanks for the votes for the "DM postition". We should give Armin some time - from his post count and the last time he posted it does not look like he posts much and is pretty new to hte boards. I would not want to yank this out from under him. If there is not much response soon I will create another IC Thread and an OOC thread and we can continue from there.

Things are really crazy. From everyting that has happened I coud swear that we were relatives of the Greek Pantheon (the most meddling of the pantheons). Interesting and violent devlopments here.

We have several planes, 2 solar systems and now 6 planets (in the primary system) and possibly a small asteroid belt (results from the development of Jemel's Plane. There has been a crazy amount of posting here. Keep it up - or you could slow down so I can catch up. Time to catch up the Timline... Oi!!!

Welcome Periculum. This is all your fault! :] :D :p ;) (Just Kidding!!) As far as stepping on toes, Armin's Deity's portfolio covers Destiny as far as I remember, but I do not think that will be a problem.

I will post something IC soon.[/sblock]
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First Post
ooc: Endovior's Plane is basically the Elemental Plane of Fire. That being said, I would note that the other 7 planets are still inhabited, including by armed mages with Artifacts.

Endovior waits silent for a time after Jo'Karr speaks. Eventually, he responds.

"You don't need my aid, God of Mortals; and it would not be advantageous for me to give it to you. I will not set myself up for another betrayal. If your angels wish arcane power, they can apprentice themselves under the mages scattered throughout the worlds; they shall not receive the gift of Sorcery from my essence. Now go. I am busy, and shall not tolerate interruption."

And indeed, it does seem to be so... innumerable fire-type beings are swarming over the entirety of the plane, constructing massive structures. But before Jo'Karr has a chance to do so, Endovior stops for just a moment.

"One thing: if you would oppose Jemal, you will need Divine power, not Arcane power. Enlighten your followers, and teach them of yourself, and you will discover that both you and they profit from the exchange."

That being said, Endovior vanishes to another part of the plane, leaving an unsaid hint that he would be very displeased to be followed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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