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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


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Moss feels in every plant, in all vegetation. Moss is the life of every living planet, and he is too the shapeless mass that floats beyond the light of the suns.

The first of the animals displeased Moss, but he would not yet strike against his new foe. It is said that the people of Prime might adapt to any situation. Until now, it was not put to the test.

But then something happened, and it greatly angered Moss. Sentients were welcomed to the planet, but they were not his own children. He felt that, perhaps, the other deities were claiming the Life of the planets, Gift and the Children, for their own. But he thought for a long time, and he concluded something.

The humans, children to the Watchers, would hunt the fleshy creatures. And so Moss decreed:


With Moss's words, the trees grew, they listened, they knew his Word to be the truth.

A tree shook over Avian and her Mentor, and it's voice was deep and rumbling. "You are welcome, Mortal, into our lands. Know that you and your childer shall find shelter, water, life and love amongst the Plantae. Know that you shall forever feed on the fleshy monsters, a gift of the very Deity you follow. You shall never bring harm to one of the Plantae, and you shall live, as shall your progeny, is safety forever."

There is a long silence in the woods, before, from a clearing far past the edge of the giant forest that is the Inhabited Land of Prime, which, by now, covers nearly three-fourths of the world, a tree approaches. It glides across the vegetated land, and the plantae that meet it wither and die. It reached the mentor and student, and, in a voice like crunching leaves, speaks:

"If you ever deny that which is Moss's will, know this : You shall be slain. You shall be killed, and all of your childer shall be killed. Know that Moss is all-powerful, he is the Overgod of Prime, he is the Lord of Life and all the worlds that touch it. Know that he speaks through us, through me, even in death. Your kind shall not know a peaceful passing if you ignore our word."

The rotting, decayed tree would fall after it's speech, and in a moment, which was perhaps less than a second, it was returned the very earth. That which had fallen before were replaced anew by pulsing vegetation.

In a single, unanimous voice, soft as a maiden's whisper and yet loud as a falling forest, a single word was uttered by the forest as a whole.


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U-DO wandered through Moss' freshly grown trees, revelling not only in the brand new life springing up into the universe, but the cycle of death and rebirth it soon learned to follow. He soon decides that he too would like to take up residence in this abundant land, and relax under the joys of balance and tranquility while he still had a moment of peace.


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At that moment, one of Endovior's Efreeti taskmasters entered the room. This one, unlike the last, was there legitimately. He spoke only briefly.

"It is ready."

Endovior smiled.


And with that, energy flowed through each and every tower. At the top of each tower, the energy focused, and was beamed across the vastness of space to a seperate position on one of the planets. At this place, there appeared out of nowhere a portal, leading back to the tower that spawned it. The amount of portals was thus equal to the amount of towers, being exactly 1000 in number. At each portal, a voice constantly whispered the following.

"Beyond lies the Palace of Endovior, the Source of Magic. Come, and learn as you will."

And at that, they did come, and Endovior's servants did teach those who entered the secrets of Magic. Not all who entered learned the same way, though. Some studied the arts of Wizardry, drawing their magic from tomes containing the Words of Power. Some, gifted in other ways, learned to channel Endovior's essence, becoming his Clerics (and his loyalist followers). Some wanted more, and found their way into the core of Endovior's palace, and were bathed in the energy within (a dangerous and difficult task for a being not of Fire). This energy granted them the powers of Sorcery, and left them marked, as well; their eyes glowed a dull red thereafter, a side effect of coming so close.

As they finished their training, they all took different actions. Most of the Wizards chose to stay together; forming guilds throughout the worlds (usually near a portal), honing their magic to ever-greater levels. Some Clerics stayed with them, building temples alongside the guilds, to further spread Endovior's Words. Other Clerics travelled the lands with the Sorcerors, spreading Endovior's influence far and wide.


For his own part, Jemal spent much time in the tower of Endovior, learning all the forms of magic and always pressing Endovior for more...

"There must be something beyond what you show here.. Something else.. What is it you aren't telling me?!" Jemal burst one day in frustration


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"You are entirely correct. I do have many books of magic that I do not show anyone else. There is a good reason for it, too. As an example, no mage in this universe save myself is yet skilled enough to master the Codex of the Infinite Planes. Indeed, though you have come far in your time here, there is still much that you lack. You will learn more with study and practice... but there are a few things I can show only you. I speak now of Divine magic, a talent grantable by any God. It requires only a simple manipulation of one's essence to grant Divine spells to your followers, although they do need practice to channel your essence properly. I'm somewhat surprised that I am the only one to do so as of yet."

*Endovior spends the next hour or so demonstrating the technique to Jemal.*

"Do this properly, and any of your followers may wield your power. But note that all they do with it appears to be your action to any observer; so pay attention, and only grant this power to those who would use it as you desire; and be prepared to deny it to those who do not."


A suffusion of yellow
periculum said:
Tocho is quick to realize his pursuit, but allows it to continue. He finds the rare experience of being the hunted to be quite interesting, letting the watcher pick up the trail again whenever she becomes lost. Finally he reveals himself to her.

"You enjoy the hunt, child of Traume. You have come to know and embrace it. Let me show you it's pleasures."
With that, Tocho took the watcher, taught her the secrets and joys of hunting, and transformed her shape. Thus the first human was born, and he named her Avial.

In the House of the Watchers a whisper spread to become a roar. For one of their number had broken their code and in doing so had become a new creature, Tocho's creature, Avial the first mortal.

"What shall we do with our sister?" they asked of each other and also of their Master

and Traume answered without words "We Shall Watch"

And Traume Spoke saying "for Avial has become flesh and will know the ways of flesh and of the hunt. Let her learn and we shall learn with her. We shall care for her and for her children and when they die we shall welcome their Spirit home"

And when Moss then intervened Traume watched and was concerned for though he had given Avial to Tocho now Moss had welcomed her into his embrace to be a hunter also, but would her curiosity become her undoing?

And thus Traume spoke to his Watchers saying
"23and we shall divide you into four companies that your function shall be made clear
24 the First Company shall be with Avial and with Tocho to be the Guardians over your Mortal sister and all her children,
25the Second Company shall dwell amongs the Children of Moss and become one with their nature as Watchers and Keepers,
26 the Third Company shall dwell in this Place and be as Guides to those who pass from the world of life into the Place of Spirits
27 and the Forth Company will be free to roam and the Nightwing shall be your guide ...

38 and see for Endovior has open a portal to the Worlds of Life and his Magic flows through it
39 and the the taint of Jemal is upon that place and is an abomination
40 know that the Nightwing shall overshadow them that follow the path of depravity
41 and you shall be as a bane against them..."

Taken from 'The Song of the Watchers'



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Tocho was displeased at Moss's edict, limiting the prey upon which Avial could hunt, but she had chosen the path of the hunter and was free to decide her future actions. If anything, this free will and independence most distinguished the humans he had helped to shape. And if they decided to disobey the word of moss, he would support them, otherwise he has no qualms with his sibling, the god of plantae.

He was intrigued at the response Avial's children had to Endovior's portals. They, more than the ents or the watchers or any other creature, were drawn to the art of magic and most quickly picked it up. To test this strange power, Tocho encouraged a rivalry between two tribes of humans, one untouched by magic and one embracing the art. Thus the world first learned of war, and the realm of traume greeted many new residents. And magic did indeed prove to be a useful tool, but it did not win Tocho over. For those who embraced the art of magic tended to be consumed by it. Obsessed with it, they would completely devote themselves to it and forget who was the master and become the slave. Thus Tocho likens The Art as to fire, a useful and good tool, but also a dangerous one that must be watched less it destroy you.


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U-DO watched as Tocho dispersed magic to one tribe and used it to destroy the other. The universe is displeased at this shift in the balance of power to this single group of being, who use it as a toy to destroy other beings. They too should know the pain of death and the joys of rebirth. Due to the use of the new knowledges brought by Endovior, magical energy is swarming around the tribe of mages. U-DO focused the energy and pressed it deeply into the crust of the earth. Displaced rock rose up to create a mountain range inside the forest housing the tribe, and out from the top spewed burning hot magma onto the magical people, killing many, but sparing over half of the tribe. U-DO's concern is more teaching these inhabitants about the ways of death and karma, not there utter destruction. Trees, animals and humans alike lay dead in the path of the first natural disaster. But out of the ashes and ruins seedlings regrow, people rebuild, and animals repopulate. The cylce completes itself and balance is restored.


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Endovior gazed at the destruction solemnly from afar.

"So U-DO makes his first move... admittedly, it was Tocho that forced his hand... but still, I can't let this slide..."

Endovior magically scryed the universe, seeking U-DO's location... but his efforts were frustrated. Clearly, U-DO was not a being that could be found by such standard means, and he had no traditional domain to besiege, nor proerty to destroy, nor followers to slay. Considering this carefully, Endovior conceived of a cunning plot. Retreating to the core of his power, he began creating artifacts... powerful creations of change and disruption. Scattering these throughout the universe would serve well as a minor attack on U-DO's portfolio itself.

Over the next few months, the most powerful Guild on each world received either a Book of Infinite Spells or a Staff of the Magi. Also, a Deck of Many Things surfaced in each of the three largest cities. On a darker note, whether by intention, or as a side effect of all the artifact creation, several Spheres of Annihilation appeared in interplanetary space.
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Tocho too was displeased by the choice the humans had made for magic, for they walked too close to that flame. But regardless how they had acheived victory, it had been acheived, and to the victors should go spoils, not punishment. He could not tolerate the actions of U-Do, who was punishing the very competitive spirit embodied by Tocho. Though he does not regard himself as an ally of Endovior, he declares his hostility toward U-Do, and in this joint venture if nothing else, they are joined.

Tocho then took up a pack of wolves, a previous creation, and gave unto it several gifts. Increased size and strength, the ability to roam the cosmos, and a little of his own divine essense, and set the pack out after the avatars of U-Do, aiding Endovior's Magno. He thought seriously about warring with his rival personally, a deific brawl to the death would certainly settle matters, but such a struggle would have a profound impact on the universe, killing many innocents needlessly. For now he would simply compete with U-Do for influence over the Universe.

Tocho then sent an envoy into the realm of Traume. "Lo' Lord of the Glittering Path, a great many warriors have come to you. Watch over and protect them, for they lived and struggled bravely, and have earned the peace that you offer. Take care of both those slain by one another and those slain by U-Do. Also welcome the lesser creatures, both of mine and of Moss, who died innocently in the destruction wrought by U-Do."

Voidrunner's Codex

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