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Ever have that feeling your about to walk into a TPK..


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Last week we wraped up in a deep dark dungeon looking for a way out. The last thing we did was bust into a room full of people ready to kill us. We've been wondering this dungeon for a while now and are tired, hurt and out of spells.
Things look grim. :\

Well wish me luck, I'll be back to let you guys know how it went. :D
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Always have an escape plan. Don't be afraid to run or do something unexpected. We also carried around a bag of holdign and a portible hole. If things looked bad, plan B was to place one in the other. We figured if we're going to die anyway, might as well see what's going to happen. Our Wizard had a staff that if it snapped in half Bad Things would happen, and that became are alternate Plan B.

So, get a Plan B!! :D


In Sagiro's game the other night, we went into a fight that we had been warned would be really tough -- except the person who warned us was eeeevil, so we assumed that we might be able to talk our way out of it. Hah! The DM thought that there would be a good chance at least one PC would die, but we had what may have been the best tactics in our seven year campaign. We blundered into doing almost exactly the right thing, and my PC didn't even take any damage. :D

Moral of the story: look for tactics, seize opportunities, and good luck!

the Jester

My advice: make sure you bring 4d6 and a concept to the next session, and shake the dm's hand if it's a good game, even if you all die.

Darth K'Trava

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When you see the DM set out the 2 fiendish t-rex minis he'd just gotten..... he killed 2 party members out of 5 with only ONE of those ::bleepin':: things.


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Piratecat said:
Moral of the story: look for tactics, seize opportunities, and good luck!

And if not, well, use the Boots of Teleportation to get the flock out of there.

No group I've played D&D in has been so beaten it ran from an encounter, that I can remember. Wait, no; going through The Lord of the Iron Fortress, we triggered the end fight early by making our own door into the fortress, beat the stuffing out of the BBEG, and went a ways away to camp for the evening. I KNEW that we should've gone off-plane, or bribed the nearby dragons to keep an eye out. Anyway, the survivors of the Fortress attacked us in our sleep and killed my character, and made off with his body. The party retreated back home and traded my character's body and stuff for the cubic gate that the bad guys needed to get in or out (of course, I'd been raised as a vampire, but that was fixed). We then went back and kicked their rear ends. :)

We did once have a semi-TPK; the wizards teleported us into the Evil Gnome Jedi Break Room when we did Return to White Plume Mountain, and my character and the two cohorts failed the Will save on the TP redirect (which, strangely, went to the beach). That was, in effect, the best place to be, as the two wizards proceeded to get into a hellacious fight with 7 or so Jedi guardians. They got 5 of them, until the truly mean sith vorpal kukri dual-wielder got crits on them. Fortunately, they had contingencies up and were able to get TPed back home.

Meanwhile, the rogue, a cohort ranger, and a cohort celestial sat on the beach, cooling their heels, until the wizards were raised and then came and got us.

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Heh yeah those moments where you know you're walking into a TPK are the worst.

The group I play in are in the middle of one of those.... a small city was being ravage by Undead, but their master a not so friendly Undead Wizard by the name of Acererak, decided that he'd rather be rid of us than the town. He gave us a choice... challenge his own personal domain, reach him and kill him. And if we accept the challenge he'll pull out of the town. The other option was flip him the bird and be forced to fight a city full of Undead as they slaughter the remaining citizens.

:\ Yeah so with no other option we took him up on his deal and he held up his end. Meanwhile we're in deep poo, or as most of you know it the Return to the Tomb of Horrors.

TPK Count?:
Living Heroes 4 (and 1 NPC who is now a PC)
Dead Heroes 1 (Our Resident Samurai who took a nose dive off of a tower and into the yawning abyss below)

And we're not even a third of the way through.

Voidrunner's Codex

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