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Evolution (Project Cancelled)


Wanderer of the Underdark
After a few updates to NPC Designer and Item Designer to enhance their functionality and allow them to share data between the two programs we are back on to Evolution.

Feats is handled in two phases, the interface and then the engine. The interface has finally made it thru the alpha tester's interface approval. The Engine itself is half way thru the PreReqs and then will be the FeatMods section. Once this is all completed I will begin to put all the pieces together and should be able to build a decent Monster Stat Block. This will begin the Alpha Testing and where testers actually get a program to play with and comment on.


The system is seperated into three areas, the list of available feats, selecting a feat and feats that have been selected. There is an Advanced Search feature that will allow you to show Available Feats that meet a certain ability or flavor; example "Show only feats that deal with Weapons" or Show feats that modify Init. Unlike most other search options in the past, this feature goes beyond just the name of the feat as it can actually search based on what the feat does or how it changes the char.

Otherwise it is pretty straight forward, it provides details about the feat such as a description, can you take it multiple times and does it stack so less looking up things in books.

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Looking good. I'm anxious to get a live demo of some sort.

One thing that I really do like about PCGen is that it breaks the feats down into categories (general, metamagic, wild, psionic, etc.). I even like that for just general organization when I've put together compiled lists of feats for my own reference. PCGen goes a bit far with the class/epic specific categories, but the core categories really, really help me figure out what I'm looking at. It would be really nice to have that as an option in the filter.


Wanderer of the Underdark
Mercule said:
Looking good. I'm anxious to get a live demo of some sort.

One thing that I really do like about PCGen is that it breaks the feats down into categories (general, metamagic, wild, psionic, etc.). I even like that for just general organization when I've put together compiled lists of feats for my own reference. PCGen goes a bit far with the class/epic specific categories, but the core categories really, really help me figure out what I'm looking at. It would be really nice to have that as an option in the filter.

The Advanced Search can already handle you wanting to see all "Metamagic" feats or all "Epic Metamagic" feats but I do see your point about the actual list being broken down into what Catagory the feat belongs too. Perhaps in addition to the Advanced Search, it also needs a visual marker to break the list up between catagories as well.


Wanderer of the Underdark
Thanks guys, things are moving along actually better then expected. I am probably two days at most from being able to work on producing a stat block based on a Monster, it also already saves to a form of XML to allow for char sheet building and such. The display and what you see at the end is all HTML, so it is easy for you to work with the results.

I do have some UI changes to handle which I expect to take no more then a 3-5 days total whenever I get the chance and can work them in. One of the things I do differently then most is get the users involved earlier rather then later, I feel this only creates a stronger program.

It is going to be a while before Evolution can blow NPC Designer out of the water, NPC Designer has some maturity now and is a very stable system. What Evolution will do, is allow for a huge amount of data to be quickly added to the system. I feel Evolution will be the first total package solution with Interface, Functionality and Data all moving in a single direction. While other companies may not feel the pressure to release software, I personally do.. I need good software for my game now, not next year.


Wanderer of the Underdark
Frukathka said:
Is this a personal project, something you are getting paid to do/make money off of?

I am not being paid by anyone and I have not decided if going to sell it or what yet. I tried doing NPC Designer as a free product but that didn't go so well. While I don't need the money I will use a price tag to get better discussions and feedback.

When I start a new project it has to have certain programming challanges for to appeal to me, be fun, enjoyable, relaxing and most of all to keep my interest. So back when NPC Designer was at Update 125, I started the design work for what you know as Evolution. With NPC Designer the goal was quality stat blocks, with Evolution I am aiming at quality interfaces to work with, more data then anyone can handle and functionality never before seen.


Wanderer of the Underdark
The next screen shot of sorts comes in a different way..
While some of Evolution is nothing more then whats been done in other applications to include my own, one still has to repeat the same steps and accomplish being able to put out a stat block. As you can see blow I have started to pull the information from the Interfaces that been shown with screen shots.

What makes this test noteworthy is what you don't see. The data originated from LST Formatted files and the Code Generators were used to create all of the Evolution script files. Then with a few clicks and a press of a buttton, the system created a nice clean (start of one) stat block.

Male Demon (Balor)
CE Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
Init +0
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +12
Spd 40 ft., Fly 90 ft.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +20; Grp +24

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th)
1/day - Fire Storm (DC 18), Implosion (DC 19) At will - Blasphemy (DC 17), Dispel Magic (Greater) (DC 16), Dominate Monster (DC 19), Insanity (DC 17), Power Word Stun (DC 18), Telekinesis (DC 15), Teleport (Greater) (DC 17), Unholy Aura (DC 18)

Ability Str 36, Dex 32, Con 26, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 26.
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Telekinesis), Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon Focus (Longsword)

Skills Bluff +31 (+23 ranks,+8 cha), Concentration +31 (+23 ranks,+8 con), Diplomacy +31 (+23 ranks,+8 cha), Hide +34 (+23 ranks,+11 dex), Intimidate +31 (+23 ranks,+8 cha), Knowledge (Local) +30 (+23 ranks,+7 int), Knowledge (The Planes) +30 (+23 ranks,+7 int), Listen +38 (+23 ranks, +7 wis,+8 Demon (Balor)), Move Silently +34 (+23 ranks,+11 dex), Search +30 (+23 ranks,+7 int), Sense Motive +30 (+23 ranks,+7 wis), Spellcraft +30 (+23 ranks,+7 int), Spot +38 (+23 ranks, +7 wis,+8 Demon (Balor)),Use Magic Device +31 (+23 ranks,+8 cha)


Wanderer of the Underdark
It is quite clear from the ENnie Nominations that software has very little place in gaming so I am closing this product down from a public stand point. Thanks for the interesting and wonderful experience.

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