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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


LEW Judge
See post #442 for a map code now that it's not only the characters with darkvision who can see more of the room.

Zurd goes over to pool E, followed by the others. This pool is almost empty; there is barely more than a puddle of water in the bottom. The water seems to be brilliantly clear, a remarkable contrast to the dirt and grime everywhere else in this complex.

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This one has nothing in it...any ideas anyone?

<screaming> Where is my &@#&ing treasure trove!!!!

Zurd continues to scan the room for the orcs that ran and perhaps the exit they used.

Let's ask the chief....<looks around with a smile>

Seriously though folks, if I might dare I make a suggestion...let's split up and check out this room and these other pools. Just remember to throw something in and see what happens. Then we should rest for the night, I am running out fo arcane power and I think we could all use a rest to think about what is important to us.

We have a lot of work to do here before this little goat rodeo of a mission is finished and we can all get on with our higly moral profession and lives...

For those of you who are wondering what that is....of course, it is the killing of beings in thier own homes so that we can take their things for our own use.

Anyway, we do still need to gather the rest of the loot, finish our search of the complex and lest we forget while we do so we will have to be on the lookout for the chief and his remaining warriors. I don't think they are very happy with us right now.

I do suggest that if we do find him we try to keep him alive for a while so that maybe we can get some information out of him. We might even get to torture it out of him - unless of course that does not meet with our collective moral character.

Hey, I wonder, in that particular case, me ripping off his skin and making him eat it, would he know we were his enemies?

With that he picks up the nearest rock, bucket, or item he can find and tosses it <rolling his eyes> into the pool they are standing around.
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LEW Judge
While Zurd is in the middle of his latest outburst, Kurg suddenly gives a start and turns toward the door you came in. Zurd is too caught up looking for something to test the water to notice much, but
[sblock=Kyle]You see three orcs sneaking out the door.[/sblock]


First Post
``That's it!`` Ignoring Kurg's warning, ignoring the looks her shouts may have brought about. Payne had finally lost her cool and collect way of tossing insults, moving up all most toe to toe with Zurd. ``First off - it's not your treasure trove. Let us not forget you.. are.. not.. our.. leader. I know, you're going to tell me it was in frustration.. that you didn't mean necessarily that it was "your" treasure trove, and if that is the case? Then perhaps you should think before you go about stepping on others' toes. Secondly - don't try to act as if this testing the pools was your idea, and talking condensendingly down to all of us. I was the first to distrust the pools, it was my idea to check them out. And yet, our mighty leader Zurd begins barking out orders to check the pools.. and tries to give us lessons in morals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you, Zurd, are the only one that has outright slaughtered anyone. And one so close to your own kin? In fact, your plan of action was to murder them in their sleep. Women and children even .. and you talk about honor? Pfft. I am done taking orders from you! I am done playing nice and trying to keep you happy so that you don't throw another tantrum because your mother did not love you enough! Or because I did not return your feelings. I was honest, and if you cannot handle that? Then screw off!`` Her eyes were blazing with anger and probably the most emotion she's shown since day one. ``Now! I'll make this clear, I'm only continuing until I get what is rightfully mine. I've earned some treasure, and I'm not leaving until I get my share.`` So, there. Finally.. albeit much too late.. she turns to see what Kurg had noticed. Speaking her mind and voicing her intentions were much to important. Hopefully the price to pay for being angry won't be her life.

(Derhauptman - I hope you're not taking any of this personally. Payne's just not a nice girl. :) )


First Post
First Kurg will react to Payne's actions as I described previously when Zurd gave him the command to "guard".

In this case he would have kept himself between Payne and Zurd he would have began to growl when anyone moved too close and would have shown full teeth, growled threateningly and begun to bark in a very threatening way if anyone makes an aggressive move inside Zurd's personal space. He would not have attacked unless Payne did but should she have done so he will use his readied attack and attempted to trip the attacker.

So that would have to adjudicated prior to any tirades....

[sblock=Excerpt from previous post - "Guard"]He is in a heightened state of alert and will not let anyone get too near, he will try and keep himself between Zurd and others (the one he views as most threatening if more than one person), he will let out a low growl if he thinks anyone is getting inside the safe zone (personal space), he will show teeth, growl threateningly and bark if anyone makes an aggressive move inside that space or at Zurd and if anyone actually attacks Zurd he will use his readied attack and attempt to trip the attacker.[/sblock]

With Kurg firmly in place between Payne and himself, Knowing that only an idiot would try and get past 150lbs of frothing dog just to yell a little, Zurd ignores Payne altogether...

That is, he makes it obvious that he is not interested in what she has to say at all.

Then....when it is my turn to act I will fugure out what is going on (little confused about flow of events since we are not in initiative)

(TM - No problem, all in good fun I say - likewise I hope you won't take the actions of Kurg personally since I set the conditions already in a previous post. He would not have let you get toe-to-toe, as he was set guard Zurd. He would not let you pass him into Zurd's personal space. He is a trained attack animal and guard is one of his commands. I don't know if Payne would try to fight the dog to get past or not that is up to you. She has seen him in action though? I guess Orsal could roll to see what Kurg would do based upon the actions you wanted to take.)
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LEW Judge
DerHauptman said:
With Kurg firmly in place between Payne and himself, Zurd looks to see what made Kurg react at first.


When he realizes there are 3 orcs entering the room he turns to meet them, moving a single move toward them and making ready his color spray, he will cast the spell if he is charged or attacked by anyone.....

First of all, there aren't three orcs entering the room. But more importantly -- I rolled spot checks, and I gave you a circumstance bonus based on hints from Kurg, and you still didn't see -- whatever it is you didn't see. (I will tell you, though, it isn't three orcs entering the room.) So I supposed you were too caught up in your activities around the pond to pay attention. Change whatever it was that distracted you if you will, but you still failed the spot check.


First Post
orsal said:
First of all, there aren't three orcs entering the room. But more importantly -- I rolled spot checks, and I gave you a circumstance bonus based on hints from Kurg, and you still didn't see -- whatever it is you didn't see. (I will tell you, though, it isn't three orcs entering the room.) So I supposed you were too caught up in your activities around the pond to pay attention. Change whatever it was that distracted you if you will, but you still failed the spot check.

Okies np think I misunderstood the flow to events - my fault.


Kyle watches the door for a moment "Shut up and pay attention" he demands during a break in the bickering "We're still in a very dangerous situation and you are all yelling at the top of your voices, too intent on each other to even notice those three sneaking away" the fat dwarf says, his cheeks flushed, as he flicks a hand towards the three orcs that are exiting the door.

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