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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


LEW Judge
DerHauptman said:
If we are not going to sell the shield outright we don't need to head back to Ossirus just yet. We can get food, rope and arrows in this town right. I also need a spell component pouch ( I assume I can get one here or at the temple).

The inn sells some basic travellers' supplies, such as trail rations. Other basic goods, such as rope, you should be able to pick up in any village along the road. No guarantee that any random village will have a weaponsmith selling arrows, though -- it might, but you'd have to go to a full-fledged town to be sure, and that's going to be several hours' walk regardless. Remember, you're in a roadside stop, where people build a travellers' inn and a temple to a travellers' god precisely because it's not too close to a lot of other facilities.

DerHauptman said:
So you see my lady Kongu, we have a decision to make. A healer sure would have come in handy back there in the complex for sure, however, remember every new member is just another split of the treasure.

"A magic shield!" Kongu exclaims. "I never would have known... how fortunate of you to discover your ancestral powers just in time to learn! We would have sold it for well below its true value had we not known. Do you really want to keep it now? You and Lokin very nearly died back there because we didn't have any powerful medicines."

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After the apologies and the rants were out of the way, it seemed everything had gone back to normal. All most. Settled in her seat crossing her arms, just listening intently to the going ons and when the mentioning of Lokin keeping the sheild arose.. so did Payne's eyebrow. ``Do I need to cast my vote? We all know the odds of me being all honky-dory about Lokin getting a shield that probably cost more than anything I've owned are slim to none. But, I've no problem with him carrying it for now. As long as we all get our share one way or the other, that is fine. Besides, I'm counting on him staying up a little while longer this time around.. it's tough work keepin' yer arses alive.`` The last remark was said with a wink and then she returned to her nonchalant posture. Mismatched pools shifted to Zurd as she sized him up, noting the change of feelings? and the new innate magicial gift he had. Huh. Eyes remained on him for a long moment before continuing to gaze around the table, eyeing each of her comrades.


First Post
TwistedMindInc said:
"Besides, I'm counting on him staying up a little while longer this time around.. it's tough work keepin' yer arses alive."

Lokin winks back at Payne, a slight grin appearing on his usual dour face.

"Oh...you've been doing something?"

Lokin sits back down, cradling the new shield in arms like a toy. He seems to pause for a moment, thinking.

"The enchanted shield is all well and good but we could probably sell it and get supplies that we need more. It's a matter of priority, I guess."


"Bah! Magicks are rarer then Simple Gold. I for one would not want to sell it for what it's not worth either. None of us are skilled in such matters. I think all of us agree as long as we see our fair share at the end then keep it for now. If we don't see our fair share then we sell the thing and split the price we get." Seemingly satisfied Kol continues consuming his beverage. "So who knows how to get cheap healing?"


First Post
Well, Kol I could tell you that you are big strong and handsome or Payne that your eyes light up a room and that might make you feel better on the inside for a while.....

However, other than simple words of encouragement for one each other in the face of pain and possible death - the lack of healing is a serious chink in our collective armors.

But in my opinion, a real magical item is too precious to part with for some potions.

I have an additional 10 gp tucked away inside my boot
<he bends down and starts to take it off> it is all the money I have left to my name but I'll put it into a kitty toward more potions from the temple. I will also sell the custom dog harness and backpack kit that belonged to Kura if I can find a buyer. They were the price of a good set of saddle bags. (1/2 price would fetch 4gp)

A ranger or wandering peddler with a dog might want the carrying capacity - that gets us almost 1/2 way to another potion I think.

I am willing to contribute that cash to a community fund for the purchase of food, potions or anything else we need. We can just keep track of what we each put in then make sure to take it back out in the end. I mean if I die the gold I have in my boot won't do me any good right.

That makes it a do or die proposition for me then I like things that way - no way out, we have to succeed or die trying!

I trust that this time we are a damn sight better prepared.

We'll just go a litttle more cautiously. Besides, I think now that we all have shared something real we know a little more about one another and might just react a little differently to the whole mess of options down in that hole.

What say you all?


First Post
OOC : Sorry for not updating the char sheet yet, i did it half-way then got side tracked......will try to finish it tommorrow.

IC : "Magical......who would have thought it? Perhaps i may be able to ascertain its function, but i can perhaps make a fair guess as to its abilities.....i would guess it to have a simple enchantment to strengthen the shield, perhaps making it less bulky to wield....

At any rate im all for favor for lokin keeping the shield, certainly makes more sense than selling such a find.

I would say we definatley need to find a healer to go along with us. Cheaper than potions certaintly. Probably have to go back to Orussus to find one?"


First Post
Lokin looks around at his companions, a look of quiet frustration crossing his face. His elbows on the table, he lowers his head into his hands and starts rubbing his temples.

"We're talking a lot but not getting any closer to a plan. I think we should vote on it. Should we go to Orussus? I vote yes. Should we find a healer? I say yes, we look. If one's available, we take him. If not, then to the next question. Should we sell the shield and invest in magical means of healing? I vote yes. I'd rather be sure that next time, no one has to be in danger while people lay around recovering from wounds. I'd like to hear from each of you, figure out what's going to happen, then be done with the argument."


First Post
Ok lets do it this way...I agree with Lokin, you all know I like to talk but we just need to have a system to get things voted on.

Ok, first, a show of hands then for a trip to Ossirus to get a healer of some kind?


Now for selling the shield to get potions?


[sblock=Votes]Zurd's voted no on both issues. He doesn't want to divide treasure more ways nor to waste the time returning to the city. He also thinks it almost criminal to sell a magical item under these circumstances. Obviously I'll have to wait to tally the votes till next post... [/sblock]


" I have made myself plain. If you want the shield then keep it as part of your end in lieu of future treasure division. But if you don't want the damned thing I say we buy potions. I can do without the proselytizing of some acolyte trying to get into the good graces of his diety. Besides sermons give me horrible headaches...." He looks to the others to see what thier various opinions are.


LEW Judge
hero4hire said:
" I have made myself plain. If you want the shield then keep it as part of your end in lieu of future treasure division. But if you don't want the damned thing I say we buy potions. I can do without the proselytizing of some acolyte trying to get into the good graces of his diety. Besides sermons give me horrible headaches...." He looks to the others to see what thier various opinions are.

Kongu shakes her head. "I didn't find the people at the temple rude or anything. They could provide a service; all they expected for it was a little money to cover the costs of their operation. A lot of people passing through this way appreciate having a temple to a goddess who looks after travellers, but it wouldn't be there if people using its services didn't contribute.

"At any rate, the real reason I think we should look for a healer is to take him with us into the stronghold. That way, next time our frontmen take a beating, we don't need to carry them back to the road to recuperate. Maybe we could go back to the Red Dragon Inn and see if we can find a cleric there or someone else with healing powers. If not, sell the shield and buy a few potions with the money. Only one person can use the shield, but with potions, anyone who gets badly hurt can be treated.

I don't think it's a big delay to go back to the city today. It looks like your wounds aren't completely better, and so we'd want to take a few days anyway before returning to the complex."

Voidrunner's Codex

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