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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


"Ah it is one thing to go to a temple and pay for a service and another to have a zealot for a partner. My experiences tell me any such dealings with the devoted, is they speak about issues in the manner of a demagogue. My views on faith are my own, but they are no less strong in thier conviction then some Godling's sycophant. I need no such middle-man make me ready for the afterworld from thier lofty pedestals." Kol realized he was ranting a bit. He took a deep breath. "So perhaps a Bard skilled in Healing Magicks? Or a Tree-Hugger? Surely there are healers who are less evangelical."

OOC: Sorry gotta roleplay out my complications ;)

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``Me and religion haven't seen eye to eye in a long time. Not to mention I'm not one for having a nark on our team. Of course, if I'm out voted on the church goin' member then I'll go along with it.. but I won't be happy. Which results in you folk not being happy, I can assure you of this.`` For those of you playing at home, that was a big fat no on a hireling of the temple travellin' along. ``Besides, I really don't want to be spreading the treasure thinner. Another person means another outstretched hand.`` Her head was shaking, tsking a bit as she protested the choice. ``And when the hell are we going back to the compound? My purse is getting lighter by the minute.`` She huffed overdramatically, and then a sly smile twisted upon those lips. Was she impatient? Yes. The fellas sure did like to chit-chat. But, really she was just trying to get them motivated. Push in some sort of direction.


First Post
"I say we keep the shield and go back to Orossus to find a healer of some sort. A cleric would be best, as they are the most skilled at that sort of thing."


First Post
TwistedMindInc said:
``Me and religion haven't seen eye to eye in a long time. Not to mention I'm not one for having a nark on our team. Of course, if I'm out voted on the church goin' member then I'll go along with it.. but I won't be happy. Which results in you folk not being happy, I can assure you of this.`` For those of you playing at home, that was a big fat no on a hireling of the temple travellin' along. ``Besides, I really don't want to be spreading the treasure thinner. Another person means another outstretched hand.`` Her head was shaking, tsking a bit as she protested the choice. ``And when the hell are we going back to the compound? My purse is getting lighter by the minute.`` She huffed overdramatically, and then a sly smile twisted upon those lips. Was she impatient? Yes. The fellas sure did like to chit-chat. But, really she was just trying to get them motivated. Push in some sort of direction.

Lokin turns to Payne, a strange look on his face. Maybe indignation?

"No offense intended towards you, but how badly hurt were you by our little adventure? I was wounded three seperate times. I know Kol and Zurd took some awful hits too. His eyes fall on Zurd. "And there were some more permanant losses as well. Losses that would have not been necessary if we had a priest along. Payne, I know it's not your job to absorb damage and your whole role in our band is to stay healthy, hidden, and deadly. But for the rest of us, up front taking hits, healing is not a trifling matter. I'd rather be a well-off living man than a wealthy dead one."


Question said:
" A cleric would be best, as they are the most skilled at that sort of thing."

"An opinion obviously ingrained into you by some local clergy growing up no doubt." Kol said with an obvious sneer. "A vote then? My opinion is no more or less equal then everyone elses."


First Post
Eyes narrowed a wee-bit and maybe for the first time, Payne actually showed some emotion. Anger? Hurt? A mixture. Palms splayed out on the table and she rose from the chair, leaning forth a bit so that her voice could carry to Lokin.. and whomever else was paying her attention at the table. ``Listen here, just because I wasn't foolish enough to run into battle once I was all ready bleeding like a stuck pig.. doesn't make me any less devoted to this 'group'. Don't point fingers at me for not getting hurt. I did just as much fighting as any of you, and I even pitched in my personal funds to heal yer arse.`` She growled, quite unhappy with how that was handled. She had every right to voice her opinion, and all she said was she didn't want a religious welp tagging along. No where in there did she say that she didn't want someone that could heal. ``Know what.. I'll be outside. Ya'll know my vote. Come and get me when yer ready to go.`` Shoving her chair back, obviously hurt by Lokin's words.. but anger covered them well.. yes? Chair clattered to the ground and she trudged outside, grumbling to herself.


First Post
As the group once again heads into the territory of the circular arguement...Zurd shakes his head thinking to himself -

You know as much as I like to talk things out and think things through this group has got to be the worst at getting anything done.

We definitely just need to anoint someone leader with the authority to make some decisions! Hell, at this point I'd even submit to someone else just to get things going. However, the obvious choice for leadership is me! I have the skills. [COLOR]

After Kol's last input Zurd speaks up -

People! Listen to us, we go round and round in circles about the simplest of issues almost to the point to accomplishing nothing.

Lets please get this over with so we can move on...The votes look like this so far;

With regards to a healer; if we could find one that's not a preachy pain in the ass, I will definitely change my vote to bringing one along. That makes it a conditional 4-2 vote in favor of going to Ossirus for a healer.

As for the immediate selling of the shield it seems (as I understood everyone's comments) that Lokin and Kongu are for selling the shield and getting some healing potions but only if we are not going to get a healer for the group. The other 4 seem to want to keep a hold of the magic item - with the understanding that it will be held against Lokin's future shares of treasure unless it doesn't work out fairly for the group in the long run.

So that places us heading to Ossirus to find a healer. I say we give in two days in town and leave if we don't agree on someone or find any healers.

If we can not get a healer or agree on one then we sell the shield get some healing method be it a wand, which I think you can use Kongu, if I am not mistaken or positions depending on how much we can get for the shield.

Ok, now I am going to say something here and please, hear me out before you come to any judgments - I say this without any prejudice or machinations on my own part (OOC: Any sense motives on Zurd will reveal he's being honest)

I think we are sorely in need of investing one of us with leadership ability. We need to invest someone with the leadership role or we are doomed to this round -about way
of doing things forever.

I will be glad to continue my role as face man considering my gift of persuasiveness but I don't equate that necessarily with leadership.

Actually, since I am sure you are all thinking here he comes again with a bid for leadership - I will take myself out of the running altogether since it was my suggestion that way there is no appearance of a power play on my part.

We all know our roles in combat but we just need to give someone the authority to make some decisions so we don't get bogged down in a ton of conversation over every little decision. I mean like the - should we use the rations or not dilemma, should we camp or head back to town, left or right at the hall way etc. These are not things that need a good deal of debate and had we trusted someone with this authority we'd have not had some of the issues we've had.

Outside of combat we need someone we all trust to just make a frigging decision sometimes so we can get on with it.

While I'd be happy to do it I honestly think Lokin would to the most level headed job at it.

Zurd looks at Lokin with a slight bow, I will support you in this position.

I honestly think Lokin is the best man for the job. He is level headed, and his non-specialized role in the group puts him in the center of our defenses. The rest of us have defined roles spells, traps, or even in Kol's case pure rage but Lokin is in the middle holding the defense together.

We need someone to take charge folks, we are becoming paralyzed by our indecisiveness.

What say you all to this?

I say for now we invest Lokin with leadership - with the understanding that he can be voted out out at any time. Anyone can call for that vote.

Then I say we head to Ossirus, get a frigging priest and move out back to the complex.
All this debate is making even me irritable. I am ready for action my friends!

[sblock=OOC] I know we are all just playing out characters personalities and its not been all bad so far but honestly, while Zurd might have tried to push for the leadership role more and more I am willing divorce him from that character point so we can get someone into the driver's seat so we can get down to business.

We have IMO, spent a lot of down time debating circular topics when we could have been back at the complex by now. Please don't take that statement or any others I have made as me "knowing it all" or preaching because the debates have been entertaining and honestly I can have fun playing the game just like we have been.

I am just throwing out my two cents to see what the consensus is - do we just wanna concede a little IC to gain some speed play wise or are we ok with this. I will go along with the majority. I am ready to pick up the pace a little. I am curious what you all would like as well. Orsal, I think your opinion is important here as well since its your game - are you comfortable witht he pace or what? [/sblock]


First Post
Lokin, his face slightly flushed, stands up to follow Payne out the door. Upon exiting, he calls out to Payne.

"Hey, Payne. C'mon, hold up! Listen, you're misunderstanding my point. When did I say you didn't help in the fight? I told you I respect what you do for us. I only request you do the same. I didn't charge into that fight! I was trying to leave when Kol tried to intercept that lizardman before he got more help. I was back with you, remember. Executing the sleeping lizardmen? But the battle continued and it was fight or let my comrades die. So I did. And you ridicule me for that? Call me a fool for getting hurt in defense of my teammates? Tell me how much of a burden I am on your personal expenses? That pissed me off. I felt like it was easy for you to dimiss the idea of a healer because of the cost, not thinking about the rest of us who are still badly hurt. And the idea of hurrying back into that pit while we're still injured? That set me off a little. So...I apologize, alright. I was frustrated and I acted out. Can we let this go? It's silly to let hurt feelings get in the way of business. Just know that I appreciate you getting me out of there and healed. Know that I would do the same for you."

Lokin stops, realizing how long he has been going on. He looks imploringly at Payne.

[sblock=OOC]Sorry, DerHauptman. I started writing my response and it took a while. By the time I finished, you had already posted. I did not intend to steamroll past your point, which is an interesting one I'd like to discuss. As for the length of this discussion, I've been enjoying the roleplaying but I'm also ready to get back into it.[/sblock]
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First Post
( One last post, I promise! :) Then I'm game for continuin' on with the game as well. )

Payne stopped dead in her tracks, grinding pearly whites against one another before she turned to face him. Those two-toned pools locked on Lokin's face.. and seemed to bore into his soul. Silence. She just stared in silence for the longest time and then gloved hand was outstretched to the man. A non-spoken apology. Never blinking, just waiting for him to take her hand. And if/when he did it was squeezed roughly and she, without much thought, leaned in and even wrapped one arm around the man in a friendly hug. Much like two men would do when seeing one another after years. Limb squeezed him tight and then she pulled away as if it never happened. ``Heh. I.. guess you hurt me. I'm.. not used to feeling that. Been a while since I've felt that.. see what happens when I start making friends?`` She smiled weakly at him then nodded towards the tavern. ``C'mon. Let's round up the troops.`` She paused.. ``Oh and Lokin? Don't mention any of this to anyone, ok? I've got a reputation to uphold.``


LEW Judge
DerHauptman said:
Orsal, I think your opinion is important here as well since its your game - are you comfortable witht he pace or what? [/sblock]

OOC: I'm enjoying having you play out the in-character tensions and squabbling. But any time you (ooc) want to get on with the action, feel free to describe that indirectly -- one post for each of you along the lines of "My character will argue for X, insist on Y, counsel against Z but give in if the others want to, and criticize character Q for doing P", and we can then quickly figure out ooc what the final decision is. I don't like the game getting held up for communication problems, but I consider the squabbling as much a part of the game as killing lizardfolk, so I'm happy with whatever level of role-played detail you all are comfortable with.

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