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Exploring the Hase-Suna Complex (Manzanita judging) [Concluded]


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Having settled with Kol, gloves being removed to curl scarred digits about her tankard. Icy stare shifts to Lokin and Zurd as they enter, and join 'em at the table. Mouth opens as if to spit acid and then Zurd up and steals her addressing thunder. It isn't too hard to notice that she's still .. slightly bitter about the situation, but she remains quiet for some time before finally spilling her guts. ``Listen.. the food issue meant nothing to me. Seriously, I would've forgotten all about the hositility if'in people had just leave it alone. Ignoring me? Will only get my briches in a bunch. I understand the conditions of the compound were far from enjoyable, I was more irritable than usual.. and I was the only one that came out completely unscathed. So, don't doubt I understand you ladies being all cranky. But, next time there's an problem with me.. f'in say it. All right? I'm don't do this beating around the bush and surpressing shyte. I stuck around and made sure ya'll got out all right, that should say something. I ain't turnin' tail and runnin' off just yet, there's treasure in that joint with my name on it." Head bobbed after her long winded spiel, and her admitting to being their friend. Just had to dig it out of her gruffness. Long swig was taken from her tankard and then she held it up in a toast to friendship that Kol had proclaimed before the other's walked in. "To potential riches.." Gold, friends, coming back alive. What have you.

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Kol listened to Zurd's apology and nodded. "Hah! You were just being ornery at the prospect of not having yer belly full fer a day or two. I tellya Lokin it was all I could do to keep him from makin a stew of yer carcass as well." He said teasingly with a wink to let everyone know he was just joking. He raised his mug to Payne's toast. "Aye to riches yet won! May they fill our pouches within a fortnight!"
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Well...no one noticed the little trick I just pulled out my ass? How bout that ice cold ale? ya really think a place like this has enchanted glasses to make the drinks cold?

I have changed a little over the past few days, its been a scary transformation and frankly I sill don't understand it all but something inside of me has been awakened. Something powerful and arcane. Its not the book arcane like, Filialia nor the divine magic like a priests but something raw and natural that just comes from inside me. It's a part of me - I guess it always must have been cause I feel a little more whole than I did before.

I am still not really sure what all the things I can do are but a couple of things I have figured out are....

I have a spell that shoots some colored mist from my hands that seems to have the ability to totally incapacitate things. I mean totally incapacitate, out cold, blind, deaf and unable to act. That's gotta come in handy for us sometime. Also, I can cast a shield of sorts on myself it's weird it follows me around and blocks stuff - it seems to always be in between me and the threat.

I can throw a little ball of light and sound that will daze a person for a short time, splash a little acid and hen make the parlor tricks with things tasting better, being cold and such. I was even able to press out and clean my clothes, which none of you seemed to notice by the way. I do so feel more presentable. That last little trick lasts a good while and I can clean, press, refresh stuff all the while so I think we could make ourselves look a bit more presentable when we get back to town.

Now for one last little bit of information - I think I can cast a little spell that will allow me to hone in on magic and perhaps even identify some of the properties of items if i concentrate hard enough.

I wonder if that shield has any magic properties?

With that Zurd makes some arcane gestures and mumbles some unidentifiable syllables while concentrating in the area of the shield they found.

I wonder....he thinks to himeslf....


First Post
"Ahhh........i believe Zurd has recently developed sorcerous powers. They can manifest randomly, at any age, and in the most unlikely of persons.......they are more rare in certain races than others though. Quite rare among orcish breeds, by all standards. Dont go showing them off to everyone now some folks tend to get worked up about "withcraft" and such....."


First Post
hero4hire said:
Kol listened to Zurd's apology and nodded. "Hah! You were just being ornery at the prospect of not having yer belly full fer a day or two. I tellya Lokin it was all I could do to keep him from makin a stew of yer carcass as well." He said teasingly with a wink to let everyone know he was just joking. He raised his mug to Payne's toast. "Aye to riches yet won! May they fill our pouches within a fortnight!"

Lokin laughs, happy that the group is at least making the effort to get along. "Well, you should have taken a few chunks off. Would have made me lighter to carry, no doubt. Though you should count your blessings. Those lizardmen and that centipede probably took half my weight in flesh and blood."

Speaking of the moment, even in jest, instantly reminds Lokin of the fear he felt. He remembers turning to face death and realizing there was nothing he could do to escape it. Lokin's smile fades quickly, but he hides his expression in his mug. By the time he finishes the gulp of ale, he seems composed again, but his expression is somber.

"I thought I was dead. That we all were, to be honest. When I took that last hit and everything went dark..." He stares down at his table again. "I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me out of there. I know I got to sleep through the food crisis and I know it must not have been easy carrying me, as I know that most of us were pretty hurt and all."

Lokin takes another sip, still looking down, almost shyly. "I know we're all still pretty much strangers and we hardly know anything about each other. I'm just saying, we were all down there together and we all faced the possibility of dying in the cold and dark, forgotten for all time. That means something to me. It means..."

Lokin looks up bashfully. "I won't forget it, that's all. And we shouldn't be fighting over silly nonsense when we're still alive and we have good reason not to be."

Lokin finishes his ale and stands up. "Let's head back to Orussus and get what's coming to us."


Question said:
"Ahhh........i believe Zurd has recently developed sorcerous powers. They can manifest randomly, at any age, and in the most unlikely of persons.......they are more rare in certain races than others though. Quite rare among orcish breeds, by all standards. Dont go showing them off to everyone now some folks tend to get worked up about "withcraft" and such....."

Kol starts for a moment and then settles back into his chair. "Zounds woman! Where did you creep up from. You elfin folk sure are a quiet lot. It is a good thing my breed are a sturdy lot." He said mocking chest pains. He then looked to Zurd. "Honestly I did not know if that was a common practice. My kind have the ability to harness the power of mental energy. Some have similiar abilities, most can only unleash the destructuve scream I used against the Lizard folk. Magicks are virtually unknown to me. But they seem common enough amongst other races." He took a sip and looked as if he were pondering the mysteries of the universe. "'Tis better cold! The only improvement one could make now would be bubbles that tickle on the way down." He laughed at the absurdity of his own statement. "Heh...Bubbles..."

Lot said:
Lokin laughs, happy that the group is at least making the effort to get along. "Well, you should have taken a few chunks off. Would have made me lighter to carry, no doubt. Though you should count your blessings. Those lizardmen and that centipede probably took half my weight in flesh and blood."

Speaking of the moment, even in jest, instantly reminds Lokin of the fear he felt. He remembers turning to face death and realizing there was nothing he could do to escape it. Lokin's smile fades quickly, but he hides his expression in his mug. By the time he finishes the gulp of ale, he seems composed again, but his expression is somber.

"I thought I was dead. That we all were, to be honest. When I took that last hit and everything went dark..." He stares down at his table again. "I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me out of there. I know I got to sleep through the food crisis and I know it must not have been easy carrying me, as I know that most of us were pretty hurt and all."

Lokin takes another sip, still looking down, almost shyly. "I know we're all still pretty much strangers and we hardly know anything about each other. I'm just saying, we were all down there together and we all faced the possibility of dying in the cold and dark, forgotten for all time. That means something to me. It means..."

Lokin looks up bashfully. "I won't forget it, that's all. And we shouldn't be fighting over silly nonsense when we're still alive and we have good reason not to be."

Lokin finishes his ale and stands up. "Let's head back to Orussus and get what's coming to us."

"Was nothing you wouldn't do I am sure. In fact I chanted that very Mantra all the way back while lugging yer fat arse!" He laughed and stood up as well. He downed the remainder of his brew and habitually wiped his mouth again. "Aye someone should get our illustrious employer before we set off hence!"


Question said:
OOC : I was in the room from the start o_O

OOC: Yeah I missed your post on the 12th or Kol would've greeted her when he came down. So I roleplayed not noticing her. Happens in real-life now and then.

I also figured Kongu wasnt present but I can go back and edit if that's a problem Orsal.


First Post
Zurd presses his finger too his lips as he concentrates on the shield some more -

Bear with me for just a moment brave incidentals, I am trying to see if I can feel any arcane power in this piece of equipment...

Should be obvious soon if it does have any properties...

If it does we will certainly have more of a reward coming to us.

[sblock=Plans] Zurd is certainly for heading back to Orssurus to sell the shield and refit for the next expedition to the complex. He is willing to leave at the earliest opprotunity. Hoping to make the trip back quickly and quietly. [/sblock]


LEW Judge
I'm back

A lot to catch up on:

DerHauptman said:
Besides I need to take Kurg for a walk (OOC: I think he should be up this AM - Am I right Orsal?) soon.


DerHauptman said:
With that Zurd makes some arcane gestures and mumbles some unidentifiable syllables while concentrating in the area of the shield they found.

[sblock=Zurd]I was wondering whether anyone was going to think to detect magic. Yes, the shield does have a faint aura, although your spellcraft isn't good enough to describe it.[/sblock]

hero4hire said:
With that Zurd makes some arcane gestures and mumbles some unidentifiable syllables while concentrating in the area of the shield they found.

OOC: She's already spoken twice, but I think after a quick bite she started talking to another table of patrons who were interested in the stories she had to tell about subterranean lizardfolk. So she's down, and can be called back to your table, but hasn't been following the last few rounds of conversation.

4. Question: reminder that Filalia still needs to be updated to level 2 and reposted in the character thread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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