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Faerunian Warforged?

Tinker Gnome

Gez said:
Lantan was supposed to be a human nation! Do not believe to Krynnist propaganda, the mad inventors of Lantan are human, and gnomes are the Forgotten Folk of the Forgotten Realms, they live in hills and forests, they weave illusions, and the only human god they acknowledge in their pantheon is Leira, not Gond! :mad:

For once I will agree with you Gez. I actually really warmed up to the idea of Lantan being composed mainly of Humans. :)

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First Post
One of my newer ideas to throw at my players is using the Cult of the Dragon. As the usefullness of the Forged creations used by Thayan Wizards and the Halruaans spread, the cultists begin researching for "The Great Experiment". They intend to use the Red Wizard's method of infusing souls into the constucts to bind a Dragon into a large 'Dragon Shaped' Forged body... a process with some similarities to their method of creating the Dracolichs.

I am unsure if I am going to allow their endeavor to succeed, but the intrigues for the players will likely be scary as they begin to uncover the rumors & facts, and move to stop the cultist's plan.

What think ye ? Over the top, or interesting idea?

Psychotic Jim

First Post
Here's a few ideas:

-the Shadow Plane: It can link different Material Planes, right? What if a renegade Shadow Weave user tried to develop a variant Gate spell that tapped directly into the Shadow Plane? He planned some sort of elaborate ritual to contact other Material Planes when some clergy of Shar showed up to kill him (His partron deity was not Shar). Perhaps some worshippers of Mystra also, coincidentallly, showed up to prevent him from disturbing the Weave, planar fabric, or something. There was a great 3-way battle that disturbed the ritual and warped the magic. The magic of the botched ritual reached across space and time and captured a small number of Forged, bringing them to Faerun.

-Moander: Perhaps he has risen again (or is on the verge of doing so). The god of rot desires a new race of slaves to serve him (perhaps he didn't learn his lesson with the saurials he abducted from an alternate world). Moander intends to use his slaves to get his revenge on Finder Wyvernspur, who stole his portfolio. He has decided to use the Forged for this purpose.

-Magical accident- Perhaps the Forged were simple the result of a magical accident. Perhaps they were formed spontaneously from the decaying Mythal in the forest of Cormathor. Perhaps it is what happens to the souls of those foolish enough to get too close to or spend too much time around the Mythal.


First Post
I really appreciate all the input so far. It has been several weeks since the last post, so I am going to try bump this and get a few more ideas.

For further development...
The Forged are here and are taking their place among the multitude of races of Faerun.

The question:
Now that they are here, what are the motivations of the various factions of the free Forged. What do they want? Their own region (by force, or by exploration), revenge on their makers, free more of their bretheren?

Looking for ideas from anyone with positive input. You don't have to necessarily like the idea of warforge in the FR to have quality ideas for others to use for their FR campaigns. Feel free to pipe in.


First Post
Motivations of the Forged

OK. I made a mistake by posting this on a Saturday. Probably not noticed by many, so I am bumping my last post today.

smootrk said:
I really appreciate all the input so far. It has been several weeks since the last post, so I am going to try bump this and get a few more ideas.

For further development...
The Forged are here and are taking their place among the multitude of races of Faerun.

The question:
Now that they are here, what are the motivations of the various factions of the free Forged. What do they want? Their own region (by force, or by exploration), revenge on their makers, free more of their bretheren?

Looking for ideas from anyone with positive input. You don't have to necessarily like the idea of warforge in the FR to have quality ideas for others to use for their FR campaigns. Feel free to pipe in.


First Post
Mystery Man said:
Make sure when your done to have Elminster wake up and realize it was all just a bad dream. Too much red meat and ale before bed...

SmootRK said:
Looking for ideas from anyone with positive input. You don't have to necessarily like the idea of warforge in the FR to have quality ideas for others to use for their FR campaigns.

but the comment is funny.;)


First Post
I use them in my Realms game. Thus far they haven't been introduced as a PC playable race though.

The warforged are just referred to as lesser golems, or soldier constructs. They are crafted by an Amnish merchant guild, House Rynwole (lawful evil, money hungry monopolists trying to control the trade of magical items in Tethyr). The wizards who operate within the merchant house can create them relativley easily, and they are certainly quicker and much cheaper to produce than more powerful constructs.

Disposable guards.


Staff member
Perhaps Warforged arose when a herald (Piotir P'karr) was investigating an Artificer's laboratory, and was bitten by an alchemically altered Clockwork Horror, giving him its proportional strength and abilities...

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