Fairly cool photoshopped image for my game...

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First Post
VERY cool image. you's a smooth co-DM. Next time though, try misspelling some words. not knowing much about the world you play in, i have to assume its close to midieval Europe and as such, many of these people posting "Adventurers Wanted" signs are peasants who, even though they can clearly read and write are not nesecarily educated beyond a 3rd grade level. Besides, it will give your players another reason to smile and it gives the game some charikter and realizm

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Ravellion said:
Perhaps tht is the trick! Get stupid adventures to do the work, without getting the pay!


Grond: "Me not unnerstan. We kill many lizardmen, but none have ears. Did someone beat us to them?"


Krail Stromquism

First Post
Gold Box Gold Box Gold Box Gold Box!

Pools of Radiance was door into D&D! I played it on the Com64!

I too did the same thing, and we are just about to end the game because Im moving(Lincoln, Ne to Tucson, AZ).

We did it all, I bought the Ruins of Adventure when I played the game to help me CHEAT! yes! I was 14 or 15. BUt that really helped throw stuff together as it has most of the NPCs in there like Bishop Braccio, Porphurs Cardona, Yarash.

I switched stuff up a bunch added a lot of things, but the premise remained the same: free Phlan from the humanoid occupation.

Im going to put everything up on my website, and do synopsis of the adventures. I started a lil something already


I hope you continue to post and let us know whats happened!

As it stands now, my Pcs have just come back form the Pyramid at Sorcerers Isle. In my version Yarash was killed by an NPC named Keldor Sleen, a Physionominer. I tried to integrate some of the StarWars Force stuff into the game, in SW he would be an Arakadian geneticist, in FR he was a Mage, that made deals with Devils and Demons, (I figured he cut a deal with the Youhzon Vong which roughley translate to devils in FR).

man, Im yappin up a storm! didnt mean to!




First Post
Thanks for all the comments :)
I have a few local scribes doing most of the writing work, since many "common" people in my version of FR cannot read (there's also a "reader" available at the signs, lol). So that's the reasons for the lack of mispellings, hehe... kind of thin, I know :p.

Anyway, I did create all the images myself, except the wood texture background which came from www.liquidlibrary.com. Everything else is done wholely in photoshop without any outside images.

Glad everyone liked it :).

P.S.: Krail, cool pics at the site :).
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First Post
Gregor said:
But remember Angcuru: Never Drink The Dragon's Breath! :D
I actually ran a short game in Spielburg, and the only PC who could survive drinking the stuff could do so because he was a half-dragon and succeeded in his save sv. death by acid. :D Also made the bartender funny by replacing him with the crazy one-eyed, one-armed bartender named Khorus Hall from Betrayal in Antara, changed to fit the Spielburg setting. Here's a passage.

PC - "So Khorus, how did you loose your eye?"

Drunk - "Yesh, Khorus, tell 'em that one!"

KH - "SHUT UP, STRANGER! Where was I? Ah, yes. It was a dark and stormy night here at the Pearl Spittoon! Heavy rain pouring down like antwerps outside, so the tavern is packed. I'm standing behind the bar polishing beer steins. Then all of a sudden, the door swings WIDE open, spraying half the people in the room with antwerp-sized rain drops. In steps a large man in an oilcloth jacket, who immediately closes the door and walks over to the bar, taking a seat. To me he says with a rolling r sound to his speech: 'Barkeep. Make me a Tarnan Julep. But don't give me a virgin Julep for the ladies, make it good and hot, lots of blister pepper.' And to Him I says 'Haha, mister, you are in for a treat! I make them hotter than any this side of Silmaria!' He just grunts, and I go to making his drink-"

Drunk - "Keep goin' Khorus, yer gettin to the good part..(hiccup)!"

KH - "The last time I told this story you interrupted me twice! Do it again and you are OUT in the rain, Stranger! Where was I, blister pepper, Silmaria...OH YES! I go to making his drink. But instead of putting in the usual three pinches into the drink, I put a whole handful, stir it up with Vodka, and pass the drink to him. The scent and aroma of all the blister pepper is enough to send most of the patrons screaming from the room into the rain. The stranger regards his drink. He sniffs. He snorts. And he takes a healthy swig. I'll be a damned Raseiran stray cat, he doesn't bat an eye."

Drunk - Tell it, Khorus!

KH - "STRANGER! If I didn't know you better I'd throw you out of here on your raggedy ass! He looks up from his tankard. 'Barkeep, I specifically requested a Man's Tarnan Julep. There isn't enough blister pepper here to stick in your eye.' Well, being angry, just to prove him wrong, I take that blister pepper, and well...I STICK IT IN MY EYE! OWWWY HAUURGHHSPRHAGASATDAMMRTAGAAAAAAAA!' Not one of my better ideas, let me tell you."

guedo79 said:
That first QoG game was one of my favorites. I even made a 3e version of the Antwerp. My party had no idea what to do with a 3 foot tall bouncy ball that annoyed the crap out of them. Well, untill the found out what happened when you poked them with something pointy.

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Bran Blackbyrd

That looks great, Arravis. This is the kind of stuff I'd like to do once my campaign starts back up.

Mark Chance said:

Grond: "Me not unnerstan. We kill many lizardmen, but none have ears. Did someone beat us to them?"


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