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Fall of the Broken - OOC


I wish I woulda learned Juijitsu (sp?). My grandpa learned it in Japan back when he was in the military, he can still throw my ass around. Not to mention the chokes and submissions. I've learned some, but I probably know just enough to get hurt. Gotta love the discipline you learn from martial arts though.

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Heh, Jiu-Jitsu is impressive when you're facing other Jiu-Jitsu people or people who learn fighting skills purely through trial and error.

Wing Tsun has one (and only one advantage) over other martial arts: We're the fastest.

Not to mean that we hit people faster than other martial arts (though we are faster than some, especially considering our chain-punch), but going from 1st student grade to 1st technician grade (from rookie to trainer) takes an average of 4 years and that is 13 ranks you're advancing in that time...

EDIT: BTW, no offense to Jiu-Jitsu... I have been thrown around... hard. And them locks are pretty much impossible to escape from unless you've been taught how. It's just that I prefer the simplicity of WT over JJ.
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Hey no offense taken! I find that every martial art has some value to it. I actually agree with Bruce Lee though, every form is great, but no form is perfect. The whole "be like water" speech from him was amazing.


First Post
Yea, I just find it a cryin' shame that he doesn't use a single WT move (that I can see anyway) in his movies.

He was trained by the man who was (and still is by some) considered the best of the best. In our facility we still bow before his picture whenever we enter. And yet he decided that going against the whole WT philosophy looked better on screen (and even went as far as working out his arms, which actually hinders WT).

Cryin' shame...


When Bruce Lee was working on that show, The Green Hornet, they had a run in with Batman and Robin. Anyways, the script called for Lee's character to lose in a fight with Robin, which pissed off Lee. He was mad as hell and said that there was no way Kato (i think that was his guys name) would lose to Robin, so he said he was going to really fight him. Robin didn't show up for the scene, they actually had to find him and tell him that Lee wasn't going to beat him up.

Didn't Lee's son die while making a movie?


First Post
Telling a WT-guy to pull his punches is hard.

When you pull your punches, it's no longer WT... it's a mock version, which makes it easier to block (we have to slow our punches), less impressive (one hit will likely make you stagger, the second will cause you to fall if used normally. in a mock-fight you have to do it 7-8 times to acheve the same effect).

Can't say I'm surprised...


lol yeah, Lee had to punch at around half speed (it's said) because the camera's couldn't pick up his punches otherwise. That's crazy fast. I'm not built very well for that kind of combat. I played college football, so I'm kinda a big, bulky guy lol

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