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FEMESOLATE: New PrC: Ideas Wanted!

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Demon Queen of Templates
Hi all! I have an idea for a PrC called the FEMESOLATE. This is a word taken from the legal term feme sole, or a single woman. The legal term implies an unwed female who manages her own finances or buisinesses. Of course, in today's world the legal term is nearly obsolete, but thats another matter altogether.

Here is what I have so far:

The femesolate is a female divine warrior dedicated to purity of body and soul. She is the fierce defender of her faith and a champion of the weak and oppressed, especially children and other women. A femesolate seeks to maintain absolute clarity of mind, free from the distractions of iniquity. To this end, they tend to sequester themselves in convents and retreats to contemplate and meditate. Some femesolates, however, seek to leave their cloistered convents and venture into the world, bringing their wholesome purity to a bleak and violent world. Femesolates can be found in city temples, rural churches and convents, and remote libraries of religious texts. A femesolate might also be found in headship of an orphanage in a grim and dangerous city, protecting the children with every ounce of her will from the evils around them.

Hit Dice: d10

To qualify to become a femesolate, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Gender: Female only
Alignment: Lawful good.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will.
Spells: The ability to cast divine spells.
Special: Code of Conduct
Special: Virginity. A femesolate must be and remain a virgin. If a femesolate looses her virginity, she looses all class abilities and must atone.

Code of Conduct
The code of conduct adhered to by femesolates is identical in all respects to that of the paladin, including the penalties ascribed to forsaking the code. A femesolate cannot refuse a request for aid or protection made by a lawful good person.

A femesolate dedicated to a male deity will generally refer to herself as the wife or concubine of that deity. Such femesolates wear affectations which to their own race signify marriage (i.e. a gold ring, a braided lock of hair, and so on). The femesolate concubine of a male diety will never willingly remove or alter the symbol of her marriage to her deity, although forced removal will not remove her class abilities: the affectation is a symbol of her devotion, but not a source of her powers. Other femesolates of male deities prefer instead to call themselves daughters of that deity, rather than concubines. These femesolates see no need to wear an affectaction or symbol of dedication.

A femesolate dedicated to a female deity refers to herself as a daughter of that deity. She will prominantly display her holy symbol in some manner, and like the femesolate concubine will never willingly remove or alter it. Forced removal of the holy symbol will not result in the loss of class abilities.

The following are class abilities for the femesolate:

Weapons and Armor: Femesolates eschew the use of weapons, and therefore gain no additional weapon proficiencies or armor feats. A femesolate that uses a weapon in combat looses all of her class abilities for 1 day, and must spend an hour in prayer and meditation. A femesolate loses her armor class bonus if she wears any armor, and likewise costs her the use of class abilties for one day. Note: I am still working on this.

Hand of Righteousness (Ex): The unarmed strikes of a femesolate inflict 1d6 damage.

Sacred Grace (Su): At 1st level, a femesolate gains a sacred bonus to her amor class equal to her Charisma modifier. This icreases by +1 every 3 levels. (ie. +1 to AC at 4th, 7th, and 10th level).

Advocate (Ex): When acting to defend or otherwise protect another creature of any non-evil alignment, a femesolate receives a +1 bonus to all attacks, damage, and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 if she is defending a woman or child. This bonus increases by an additional +1 if the creature she is defending is helpless or otherwise incabaple of defending itself. NOTE: I dont have access to my books right now. Any suggestions as to what kind of bonus this should be?

Purity of Thought (Su): At 1st level, a femesolate can never be seduced or magically coerced into forsaking her virginity: all are immune to such specific suggestions. At 3rd level, a femesolate gains a +2 sacred bonus to resist enchantment (charm effects), and gains a further +4 to resist specific suggestions which would cause her to compromise her purity. By 5th level, a femesolate is immune to all charm and suggestion.

Champion of Good (Su): At 2nd level, a femesolate's unarmed strikes are counted as having a +1 enhancement for the purpose of counteracting the damage resistance of any evil creature. This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level and +3 at 6th level. Note that this ability does not increase the attack or damage of her strikes: it merely serves to negate damage resistance.

Aura of Divinity (Su): At 7th level, a femesolate can erect a magic circle against evil as a free action a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier plus 1.

Pure of Heart (Su): At 10th level, a femesolate's unarmed strikes count as holy, lawful weapons. She inflicts +1d6 damage to evil creatures and +1d6 damage to chaotic creatures.

If a femesolate ever ceases to be lawful good, she looses all class abilities and must atone and return to that alignment in order to continue gaining levels in the femesolate class. A femesolate that changes alignment and does not atone becomes an ex-femesolate and can no longer advance in that class. A femesolate that looses her virginity for any reason looses all class abilities and becomes an ex-femesolate. If she atones, her class abilities return but she can never again advance levels in the femesolate class. Most ex-femesolates elect to continue as clerics or paladins, but a rare few fall from grace entirely and become blackguards.

BAB= as Fighter (level = bab)
Saves= Will high
Spells= +1 level of existing class

Special Abilities
Level 1: Hand of Righteousness (unarmed combat 1d6 damage), Sacred Grace (AC bonus equal to Charisma modifier), Advocate (+1 to attacks, damage, and saves if defending non-evil, +1 if helpless, +1 if woman or child), Purity of Thought (Immune to suggestions forsaking virginity)

Level 2: Champion of Good (unarmed attacks treated as +1 magical to ignore damage resistance of evil creatures)

Level 3: Purity of Thought (+2 sacred bonus to resist charms, +4 to resist specific suggestions which would cause her to compromise her purity)

Level 4: Sacred Grace (+1 to AC), Champion of Good (unarmed attacks treated as +2 magical to ignore damage resistance of evil creatures)

Level 5: Purity of Thought (immune to all charm and suggestion)

Level 6: Champion of Good (unarmed attacks treated as +3 magical to ignore damage resistance of evil creatures)

Level 7: Sacred Grace (+1 to AC), Aura of Divinity (magic circle against evil as free action, per day = Charisma modifier +1.)

Level 10: Sacred Grace (+1 to AC), Pure of Heart (unarmed strikes count as holy, lawful weapons)

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First Post
Look like a sort of paladin (paladine ?) and make me think of Jeanne of Arc, virgin and martyr (who said there is a redundance in this last sentance ? ).

More seriously :
Dedicated to purity of body ? Give her something like an immunitie to disease, and at high level, timeless body, like the druid or monk.
Mystic warrior ?
What about adding the charisma bonus to AC, like the Mystic wanderer, as a sacred bonus. (This ability is lost when wearing heavy armor for the mystic wanderer).
Imunity to poison ? ability to regenerate (say 1 HP per day per level per cha modifier ?)
Such a class will have a good will save. The other two ,fort and reflex, depend of the type of warior you want : armored tank with good fort or agile and quick with good reflex ?
Do they have spellcasting ability ? If yes, are there divine spell or arcane (like sorcerer or bard, with a twist, something about "female magic", with spells related to the moon, charms, healing...)

For the requirment, rather than a BAB of + something, what about a base will save of + something, or better, the feat Iron will, knowledge religion or concentration...

Some questions about background: it is a lawful prc, but is it indiferrent to the good/evil axis ? Are they hostile to male (amazone like) or not ? How do they fit in society (the holy and pure women that everyone respect or the mad girl despised by the patriarchal society) ? Is this a secret society or an known religious order ? Are they puritanist (sp) style "no sexe, no drugs, no fun that's sin, burn the witches" or illuminated people seeking perfection ?...


First Post
Sooooo, spells, no spells? Something like a Monk and a Paladin?

The fact that you already have 2 prereqs (one of which is nice and limiting) and a Code of Conduct are a great start! So a neat ability would be Purity of Body (you know, that monk ability) and perhaps a Lay on Hands like thing. Would they have a certain enemy type favored above all others? If so perhaps a Spell-like ability that counters those monster types only.
Anyway there is my two koku.

Thysl in Silver

P.S. What happened to you other Avatar? Too many cat-calls?


First Post
Heh. Actually, it sounds like there is something similar to what you want in one of the Prestige Classes in Chapter 5 of the current Complete Netbook of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (currently version 0.5.0).

Chaste Virgin
"Abstinence is godliness!"

The chaste virgin is the antithesis of all that is erotic and perverse in the multiverse. Dedicated to purity of all things, the chaste virgin denies herself the pleasures of the flesh in order to grow closer to the god she worships. Often the chaste virgin is the spoil-sport of the group, inflicting her beliefs on others and seeing to it that those under her watchful eye are unable to enjoy those side-trips to the brothels.

Clerics and druids often become chaste virgins, dedicating themselves to an all-consuming relationship with the force they hold as their patron. Rangers are less likely to take the virginal path, but it is not unheard of to find communities of chaste virgin rangers and fighters. Rogues and bards are not well suited to this class, preferring to live in the world of the flesh, not of the spirit.

NPC chaste virgins occupy many roles in society. Often religious orders will be full of them, serving to keep the faithful dedicated on the task of enlightenment. Families often employ chaste virgins to watch over their children when they reach the dawn of their sexual interest.

As many of the class features are closely tied to the Carnal Guide, it may not be useful as more than inspiration.


Demon Queen of Templates
Aloïsius said:
Look like a sort of paladin (paladine ?) and make me think of Jeanne of Arc, virgin and martyr (who said there is a redundance in this last sentance ? ).

More seriously :
Dedicated to purity of body ? Give her something like an immunitie to disease, and at high level, timeless body, like the druid or monk.
Mystic warrior ?
What about adding the charisma bonus to AC, like the Mystic wanderer, as a sacred bonus. (This ability is lost when wearing heavy armor for the mystic wanderer).
Imunity to poison ? ability to regenerate (say 1 HP per day per level per cha modifier ?)
Such a class will have a good will save. The other two ,fort and reflex, depend of the type of warior you want : armored tank with good fort or agile and quick with good reflex ?
Do they have spellcasting ability ? If yes, are there divine spell or arcane (like sorcerer or bard, with a twist, something about "female magic", with spells related to the moon, charms, healing...)

For the requirment, rather than a BAB of + something, what about a base will save of + something, or better, the feat Iron will, knowledge religion or concentration...

Some questions about background: it is a lawful prc, but is it indiferrent to the good/evil axis ? Are they hostile to male (amazone like) or not ? How do they fit in society (the holy and pure women that everyone respect or the mad girl despised by the patriarchal society) ? Is this a secret society or an known religious order ? Are they puritanist (sp) style "no sexe, no drugs, no fun that's sin, burn the witches" or illuminated people seeking perfection ?...

Good ideas all around, thanks! You gave me a few things to think about.

They would definately have divine spells: this may sound odd, but the term that best describes my concept is "warrior nun." LOL Sounds silly put that way, but its the best thing I can come up with. Women of a religious sect that keep themselves pure, but can be butt-kickers, too.

Put it another way, the legal term feme sole means basically "a woman that can take care of herself." And thats a good description of my concept for the femesolate!

Since you brought up the alignment question, now that Ive thought of it more these would most certainly be lawful good.

And I dont really see them as man-hating Amazons. Some, depending on personality, may seem to be man-haters, but its not a requirement of the class as a whole. It all depends on the individual.
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Demon Queen of Templates
Thysl said:
Sooooo, spells, no spells? Something like a Monk and a Paladin?

The fact that you already have 2 prereqs (one of which is nice and limiting) and a Code of Conduct are a great start! So a neat ability would be Purity of Body (you know, that monk ability) and perhaps a Lay on Hands like thing. Would they have a certain enemy type favored above all others? If so perhaps a Spell-like ability that counters those monster types only.
Anyway there is my two koku.

Thysl in Silver

P.S. What happened to you other Avatar? Too many cat-calls?

Definately spells...divine spells. And the mix of paladin and monk abilities you suggest are great! Thanks!

And about my avatar...this one suits me more than the other one I had, I think. LOL I might switch back to the other one...who knows?


First Post
What about starting with the Mystic Wanderer Prestige Class from Magic of Faerun? Drop the familiar, brew potions, gem magic, and lore of nature abilities, as well as the spell-like abilities. Then knock up the Base attack to Clerical prgression, beef up the Fortitude save to a fast progression and you have:

BAB: Clerical
Good Save(s): All
Spells: Femesolate continues advancing spellcasting levels in a previous divine spellcasting class, gaining 1 spellcasting level per level gained in the Femesolate class.
Class abilities:
  • Level 1: Adds a sacred bonus to her amor class equal to her Charisma modifier (may want to change to Wisdom)
  • Level 3: +2 sacred bonus to resist enchantment (charm effects)
  • Level 10: Timeless body

For Requirements:
Alignment: Lawful Good
Feats: Iron Will
Spellcasting: ?
x ranks in Concentration?

... and build up from there.

Also: Check out Defender's of the Faith for ideas. The Contemplative and Sacred Fist look along the lines of what you want. Also, the Holy Liberator, Knight of the Chalice, and Sacred Exorcist have some nifty class abilities you might want to snag (Consecrated Presence is kind of cool:)).


Demon Queen of Templates
Cabral said:
What about starting with the Mystic Wanderer Prestige Class from Magic of Faerun? Drop the familiar, brew potions, gem magic, and lore of nature abilities, as well as the spell-like abilities. Then knock up the Base attack to Clerical prgression, beef up the Fortitude save to a fast progression and you have:

BAB: Clerical
Good Save(s): All
Spells: Femesolate continues advancing spellcasting levels in a previous divine spellcasting class, gaining 1 spellcasting level per level gained in the Femesolate class.
Class abilities:
  • Level 1: Adds a sacred bonus to her amor class equal to her Charisma modifier (may want to change to Wisdom)
  • Level 3: +2 sacred bonus to resist enchantment (charm effects)
  • Level 10: Timeless body

For Requirements:
Alignment: Lawful Good
Feats: Iron Will
Spellcasting: ?
x ranks in Concentration?

... and build up from there.

Also: Check out Defender's of the Faith for ideas. The Contemplative and Sacred Fist look along the lines of what you want. Also, the Holy Liberator, Knight of the Chalice, and Sacred Exorcist have some nifty class abilities you might want to snag (Consecrated Presence is kind of cool:)).

Thanks! Looks like Im gonna have to shell out some bucks and start buying the supplements from WoTC! LOL

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