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Fiend's Embrace - IC Thread

Land Outcast

Idivien stands and bows at the others "Good evening ladss... and lady; my name happenss to be Idivien, and my sskill in detection will prove useful in the tassk at hand." As the covered man serves himself a glass of wine, he quietly adds:"Other of my sskillss could come handy in given ssituationss, but it iss to be sseen if ssuch situationss arisse"

No, I shouldn't drink... not yet, not without the hood

He holds to the fire's light the glass filled with the ruby drink, seemingly mesmerized by the dance of the flames turned into ruby light and projected on his pale skin.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Harval rubs his fingers across his bare scalp, scowling.

"Ah, this is going to be a bad idea, I just know it, but aye, I'm in."

He looks around at the band of misfits surrounding him and wonders what he's getting himself into.


First Post
Arakk fills his wine glass and munches momentarily on some fried potato skins, as Idivien introduces himself.

Upon hearing Harval's agreement to join the expedition, Arakk smiles and returns to his seat. "Truly outstanding! Your strength will be well served on this journey, friend, despite your reluctance."

"Well then," Arakk says as he rummages through a pouch at his side, "you'll need these won't you?" He produces several scraps of parchment and disperses them to the assembled expeditioneers. One sheet is a map of the Cold Marshes, while the others hold bits of Zarlag's writings pertaining to the sites of interest labeled on the map. Arakk adds, "I've taken the liberty of summarizing the most salient points of the wizard's journal for your convenience. I trust these documents will be invaluable to you on your journey."

Arakk sits back and sips at his wine glass, allowing the group to peruse the map and notes, and awaiting any questions they may have.

[sblock=Excerpts from Zarlag's Journal]Cold Stones Keep:

Zarlag writes, "In my explorations I have discovered an old ruined keep. These are always the worst kinds of landmarks since they attract foul monsters and are often haunted as well.

"Its stones are of basalt, but felt exceptionally cold to the touch. The design was very basic: high outer walls, two towers, a gatehouse, bailey, well, and two levels of above-ground chambers with a dungeon beneath.

"I expected the dungeon to be completely flooded, but the swollen door leading down had allowed minimal seepage. There was a strong acrid odor in the air, which I considered a bad omen. I got as far as the first room before deciding to let the place moulder in peace.

"The keep appears to be sinking into the marsh. Water from adjacent bogs fills parts of the bailey to a depth of about three inches. Years from now I wouldn't be surprised to find the entire thing under water. I pray I make it back there before then, and hope to find Fiend's Embrace still hidden within."

Ghoul Bridge:

Zarlag writes, "This bridge was so conspicuously out of place that it demanded investigation. I spent a fortnight here with a group of dwarven stonemasons. During the first day, nearly a dozen lacedons sprang from the water and attacked us. As well as accomplished stonemasons, the dwarves were seasoned fighters and they slew the creatures with ease. The lacedon attacks continued daily, however. When not defending ourselves the dwarves and I determined that the bridge is approximately 1000 years old.

"The dwarves say it may be the dark artifice of necromantic Ur-Flan mystics of a bygone age. The designs and decorative relief are so weathered that none of us could guess at what they originally were. What we assumed were humanoid busts along the rails were too eroded to place."

The Hunger:

The plant life in this region is seems strangely twisted and malevolent. Zarlag writes that a particularly powerful fiendish item, perhaps even an actual fiend, may be hidden somewhere within this tangled region. On all his attempts to explore the place, twisted hateful treants managed to turn him back.

Lost Army:

This large, low hill served as an encampment for a group of mercenaries that became lost in the marshes many years ago. They froze to death in their sleep, and now their spirits haunt this hill, which remains littered to this day with their ice-encrusted bodies. Zarlag avoided this area.

The Mud Field:

This is a miserable quagmire of bubbling mud, heated by numerous hot springs. On clear days, Zarlag notes one can just see an intriguing ring of stone menhirs in the center of the mud field, yet he has never been brave enough to enter the quagmire to investigate since the mud is infested with strange humanoid frog-like monsters.

Potion Maker's Hovel:

Zarlag writes, "I heard rumors from the gnolls that there was a woman many miles to the northwest of my hut who crafted potions for sale. The Cold Marshes are just about the oddest place to run a business in, so I was intrigued. After a week of travel, I arrived at her hovel.

"Within the branches of the largest tree in the area perched a multileveled hut. I had to hack my way through thick undergrowth to get to the island the tree juts from. There, I was confronted by a most unpleasant old crone. She was of-putting at first, but seemed to warm some to some well-placed flattery. Her name is Slurrozh.

"She was not much for conversation, but I learned that she is a cleric of some sort. Because the ruins and other sites adventurers come to explore are often sunk below the waters of the marsh, she sells many potions of water breathing and water walking. I bought one myself.

"I would like to have learned more about her, but Slurrozh grew impatient with me when it became clear I wasn't all that interested in her wares. She told me to leave unless I had more things to buy. She had a look in her eye that told me that my visit was at an end one way or the other, so I took my leave."

Zarlag's Hut:

This is where Zarlag lived for several years. There is mention in his notes of a barbarian named Krudin who sometimes helped with physical labor (chopping firewood, fighting off monsters, and repairing the hut) and lived nearby, although Krudin's home is not marked on the map.[/sblock]


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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Harval initially gets one of the written sheets of notes, and roughly forces it upon one of his neighbors.

"Jus' tell me who ta kill," he says, his head blushing pink but scowling, as if daring anyone to say anything.

Land Outcast

The raven flutters from the divan to the table, like if it was actually reading the notes...

At this, Idivien turns his eyes at the table and quietly deposits the full glass on its surface (not before scenting it), he's about to get one of the pieces of parchment when the dwarf grabs it before him and almost shoves it onto his face.

Whizbang Dustyboots (Harval) said:
"Jus' tell me who ta kill," he says, his head blushing pink but scowling, as if daring anyone to say anything.

"Whoever opossess uss or wantss to take our prize from uss, that should ssufice... lad, whatever your name iss" -Then he takes the piece of parchment, looks at other of the notes, and adds- "More precissely: chop down ssome walking treess and repel ssome resstless dead..."

"It all dependss on how straigh our path can be... I will develop on thiss and my point of view on the information here, but I inssisst, introduce yoursselvess..."

OOC: The names in the map are unreadable, is it on purpose? (like, an old, worn out map?)


First Post
Land Outcast said:
OOC: The names in the map are unreadable, is it on purpose? (like, an old, worn out map?)

(OOC: That is the exact map graphic that appears in the source magazine, so maybe it is meant to be that hard to read. Sorry about that. Basically, if you take each of the headings from Zarlag's journal notes, they each correspond to one of the locations on the map. Knowing that, you hopefully can make them out. Eru Tovar is down in the lower left hand corner. Cold Stones Keep is the one that is red. Hope that helps!)


Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Harval initially gets one of the written sheets of notes, and roughly forces it upon one of his neighbors.

"Jus' tell me who ta kill," he says, his head blushing pink but scowling, as if daring anyone to say anything.

"I will be sure to do so. According to this fragment . . . [Aeligim reads the Zarlag hut material] it looks like this "Krudin" might be a good source of information. I think that should be our first stop." Aeligim reads the other fragments then peers over the map. "Interesting map. The Hunger past the keep could be from the displacement of the cloak from the keep to out there or possibly from an associated demon that got separated. If we don't find the Cloak in the keep we might need to enter that area to gain the prize. I believe our best approach would be to take one of these tributaries leading to the old hut, then weave between the bridge and fields avoiding both hazards until we make it to the potion maker's. She might provide information as well and we might need water breathing in the keep. I can't quite make out that feature to the East of the Keep and it doesn't seem to connect up to any of the fragments. Am I missing something?"

Aeligim looks around at those gathered and takes their measure. "My name is Aeligim Telrunya, I have hunted fiends and those who serve them for many years now. I am well versed in both bladecraft and the arcane arts. If word of an item such as this gets out it will attract fiendsworn like flies."


First Post
Ortak chimes in with his own introduction. "I am Brother Ortak of Boccob, and this is my companion Korto," he indicates the odd mechanical hawk on his shoulder. "My talents lie in the realm of the arcane arts. I'm certain they will prove useful on a journey such as this one."

Turning his attention to the map and notes, he says, "I concur with you, Aeligim. Your plan seems sound to me."

Land Outcast

Vodam (Aeligim) said:
I have hunted fiends and those who serve them for many years now.

Damn et...

At this, Idivien fixes his deep emerald eyes on Aeligim, almost as if trying to absorb him and every movement he does just through his gaze.

If my identity comes uncovered, better he be not far too much of a zealot with his definition of "fiend"

When their eyes connect Idivien adds "That wass exactly what I was about to ssuggest, although I fear the bridge might be there becausse it iss the only viable way through... If we are forced to cross it, we will do so by day."

"And about the feature you didn't recognize, are you sspeaking about The Hunger?, the one further from Eru Trovar, Or maybe about The Mud Field?, alsso to the easst"
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