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Final Fantasy:Chrystaria Lives- A d20 Egypt Campaign- Updated 8/6 Mega Update


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Chrystaria documents the adventures of a band of several very different individuals from Faerun whom were caught up in mysterious black vortex with no way of getting back home other than retrieve a mysterious black shard from the devious Drow known as Jezz the Lame. The Vortex is a hole in time and space that enveloped the town of Tilverton two years ago. The vortex was caused after the god Vecna from Greyhawk was repelled back into his own deminsion after attempting to disrupt the Faerun Pantheon. The deed was done by a band of warriors (my previous campaign as a player).

The pcs first took up residence in a town called Torom. Torom is an unreal town. The concept Unreal comes from the writer Nancy Kress. Those who are unreal do not share the same vision of reality as everyone else in Chrystaria. They are banished to small towns and not allowed to live in the temple cities.

Chrystaria is run by the egyptian pantheon and there are a lot of egyption themes in the campaign. However I wanted to a campaign in a world that was dominated by egyptian mythology but in an updated medieval setting. Episodes 1-19 are timelined with summaries for later episodes beginning after

Current Cast

--Imprisoned-- Jalentriel Sharlest Ahmaquissar- Elf- Jalentriel is the only elf that has escaped from the elven lands. He did so to look for an artifact that could save his daughter. He found the artifact and is looking for passage back home. Recently, Jalentriel altered the past which brought him to be imprisoned by the mysterious timelords.
Bard 9th Level

--Player Out On Leave-- Fenrig Hawitt-- Not much is known about the pirately new allly except he is on the payroll of Former Kesmet Bianca. The pirate is quite skilled with the magics.
SeaMage 9th Level

Nikylik Hensu-Gnome - Always somewhat adventrous, he often helped out the Witchhunter groups whom passed through his town. When the opportunity arrised to travel, he stole his cousins airship and flew the fleeing Rin th the Continent of Nique. Recently he befriended a youngman in Quarta Set and became his tutor. However, his past caught up with him and now he is being blackmailed to steal elven technology for a mafia boss from his home village.
Taskmage 10th Level

Sadiyah- Human- A mysterious traveler out searching to rid her homeland of Lanai of the curse of the Cerebrus
Scout 10th Level

Rin Darastrix-Human- Shadow demon attacks are common on Chrystaria, but Rin's town was invaded by hundreds of them at once, unheard of. She was the only one to escape. She escaped before Chrystarian militiamen could investigate and she fled to Nique under hte guise of a Vision, looking for Vivian
Monk Level 10

Vivian-Half-Dragon (LA 2)- Vivian is bonded with the Masamune sword, the fire Crystal Weapon. She came to Chrystaria from the world of Faerun to look for her friend Akiko, whom came to the world herself to investigate a large black mass that took over the town of Tilverton and now threatens Vivain and Akiko's home of the Astral Plane.
Pyschic Warrior 9

Tsesnisis Alexandra-Human - A good friend Nomarch Paula Searse from Quarta Set, she wishes to find out the plot that has taken her friends life. Do to the timeshift, she has entered a world of a church that is more harsh than previously, and wishes to find means to change that.
Cleric 10

Syxen-Warforged- Syxen was a guardmen for the Quarta Set Nomarch before being fired by his good friend. He seeks to find out the truth and hopefully recover his friend. Do to the timeshift he got a chance to say goodbye to his friend. Then was blamed for his murder.
Figher Level 10


Clayton - Gnome- The young talkative handyman and first mate of Jonathan Sparrow. He is along with the party to be support until the rest of the crew can rejoin the party.
Rogue level 4

Dria - HUman- Full name Alexandria. She was Paula Seare's daughter. When Searse was murdered she was left alone. She stowed away on the Rhapsody Sub so she could be with the only person she really knows in the world, Syxen.
Scribe Level 1
If you sign up for the mailing list on the site, you will get continued updates. I am currently looking for a player. Email me at dm@chrystaria.com
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Episode 1-5 Timeline

Episode 1- Phamenoth 1, 1122-

-Eight adventurers travel through a mysterious vortex that has engulfed the Faerun town of Tilverton. They are transported to a demiplane of Lathander. One of them has a Crystal called the Elond Crystal, used by Mulhorand to travel to distant planes.

-They meet Omaro, a divine agent of Lathander. He explains that they were on their way to Chrystaria, but he interupted their journey to warn them.

-The group is attacked on Omaro’s Demi Plane and they lose the black Elond Crystal. Without the crystal, they can not return to Faerun.

-Omaro uses a powerful teleportation ritual to finish sending the adventures to Chrystaria, but they will not be able to return without the crystal.

-Two adventures were immediately killed during the travel the other six arrived peacefully.

-They find themselves in a forest and take refuge in a town called Torom. The forest is on high alert after hanging a werewolf whom they believed killed the local priest.

Episode 2- Phamenoth 2-4, 1122-

-The town quickly takes notice of the wierd looking people. They are labeled witchhunters and were believed to be in makeup, as witchhunters on Chrystaria often do to seperate themselves.

- They stumble upon a plot by a rich man named Armon Wayford to blackmail local werewolves. Armon really killed the priest.

-They stop him and recovered a tooth that transforms people into werewolves. Its worn like an amulet.

-The pcs stop several townspeople, whom were revealed to be changlings, from dying.

-They also discover that a plague is ravaging the town. The plague was caused by Armon as a second scheme he was working on. He was to provide the cure at an enormous fee.

Episode 3- Phamenoth 5-6, 1122

-The group travels into the mines of Torom to find a cure for the plague against orders from the townguard whom have warded off the mines for two years under the order of the church.

-They find strange symbols written in an ancient language Egyptian. They also fight demons that are native to a fire demonsion.

Episode 4- Phamenoth 6-7, 1122

-They travel deeper into the mines and mystakenly let out a genie that was being experimented on. He flees to excape the mine

-They find a laboratory that was funded and operated by the Church. It seems they were trying to open a hole into the fire demension. They later find out that the mines is one of six planar nexus's in the world. They do not figure out how to open it.

- They believe they defeat the genie Charaz only to have him come back alive in the town and destroy the church.

-They cure the Plague by finding the neccessary fungus in a vial in the laboratory. They take it to Temorus Adle, the mysterious town healer and within 12 hours the plague is cured.

Episode 5- Phamenoth 8-10, 1122

-Despite their deeds, they are put under house arrest and nearly jailed by Cadir, the town guard captain. They meet Ray Vahn, a Ghaffir (paladin of the church) and Sheen Crown a priest. They were taken over

-They are told that the townspeople whom they saved, the changlings, were killed and hung by Cadir in a secret soul releasing "execution" because they were vile unreal. All changlings and other demons are born vile unreal. Vile unreal is a lower form of being unreal

-They escape the house arrest and walk about the town freely as Sheen Crown and Ray Vahn have disappeared along with Cadir.

-They investigate strange plant attacks and find out that the attacks are caused by the followers of a druid seeking revenge against Crown and Vahn whom attacked him on their way to Torum.

-The PC's try to find Crown and Vahn to confront them, but the head of the masked knights whom accompanied the priest and ghaffir stop them. The head knight is a Githyanki named Tryun, an old ally of the half-dragon pc from the astral plane, Vivian. The party ponders how he got to this plane and wonder if the drow plan is bigger than what they assumed.


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Episode 6-10

Episode 6- ?????

-As the PCs prepared to fight Tryun, Aleirna, the Elven Cleric PC, was wisked way in a dark vortex, similiar to the one that brought them to the island The party is beamed back to Omaro’s later in midbattle with Tryun and several village folk whom he has placed under his spell via puppeteers..

-Omaro tells them that Aleirna's soul became unstable and was captured by an Astral Crystal. , a powerful artifact that randomly pulls unstable auras. The Crystal is controled by a powerful time wizard Ustran Gustav. Ironically his origins are linked to Chrystaria.

-The party travels to the Astral Plane of Faerun using a powerful ritual and destroys the Astral Crystal

-They find a cleric who tells them to sleep and he will keep guard. The Cleric kills all but one of the party members in their sleep and we find out the Cleric is really Ustran.

Episode 7- ?????

-Vivian escapes the tower and gets back to Omaro's Demiplane. She grabs one of the the ice sculptures. Ustran displayed on her way to escaping.

Episode 8- Phanemoth 25, 26
-Nikrasik, Kya and Mackenzie joined the new party. The three stumbled upon the vortex near Tilverton tracing Vivian's steps. The three were sent to retrive Vivian, a former comrade of theres in the Ma'at organization. The ma'at organization is the Faerun Astral Plane system of government.

-The three met Vivian on Omaro's demiplane as he deverted them from going to Chrystaria just as he did the party before.

-Vivian was in a coma most of the adventure but woke up seeming more powerful and determined.

-The party was attacked by Ustran Gustuv and 5 zombies as they invaded Omaro's plane.

-Omaro was presumed killed as he fought with Ustran to protect the party, Omaro summoned a large red vortex that swallowed him and Ustran

-The party figured out how to escape the demiplane as it was being destroyed. The party took the ice sculpture with them. They took refuge in teh abandoned Armon's house. They stored the sculpture there.

-The party found out rom Omaro that Lolth is plotting with the church of Seradess and it has something to do with Chrystaria. It also had something to do with the mines of Torom. The Chyrstarian church helped Jezz escape but the reasoning is not known. They have also been dealing with minions of set

-The party arrived back to town and found the forests on fire. They helped put them out and found out from Drolly that Crown and Vahn orderedThe new people first ventured to Chrystaria. Befriended Drolly the druid near Torom.

-They ventured into the mines and Killed Tryan, but did not find out why or how he was here.

Episode 9 Phanemoth 27th -29th
-They ventured further in the mines and killed Ray Vahn Crown and Vahn had reset up the lab.

-They managed to arrest Sheen Crown

-Discovered through the lab notes how to open up the fire dimension

Episode 10 Phanemoth 29th -30th
-Defeated a demon named Infrit. Infrit was not always a demon. He was once one of six warriors sent by Lathander to Chrystaria to help Osirus, Isis and the other gods with a special task. They were to go to the six nexus's of the world and seal them from planar travel. They were told that overtime their souls would become corrupted but Chrystaria would be safe. They made the sacrafice. They were each given a crystal that needed to be embedded deep into the nexus. They were told that in the future warriors would come to retrieve the crystals in order to save Chrystaria.

- The crystal could not survive in its state on the outside anymore in crystal form. Infrit combined his soul with the Crystal and formed it into a weapon called the Masamune

-Exited the deminsion without Temorus Adle believing he was evil

-Noticed that Mackzenzie had not only disappeared for the entire fire dimension journey, but she was also missing when the party returned


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Episodes 11-15

Episode 11 Pharmuthi 1st- 2nd
-When the party returned, the frozen statue from Ustran's realm had unfrozen. The man was Xioloch, a former assistant to Ustran whom was turned into ice for attempting to kill Ustran.

-Xioloch would spend a lot of time with Mackenzie in the next three adventures

-Party deals with reprucussions of disobeying the churches orders to enter into the mines.
Episode 12 Pharmuthi 2nd- 3rd
-Nyther is introduced to the party as wondering forest ranger whom overheres a plot to burn down the town.

-Torom is burned down by the city as it was declared that the entire town had turned against the church. The party attempted to prevent but could not despite party's efforts.

-NIkrasik and Kya die in fight with the Enterprise Witchhunters, the scouting group of the church's militia.

- The militia obtains the Masamune when they pick up Nikrasik's body.

-Nyther kills Sheen Crown, a high priest of Nique, as he attempted to escape among all the calmity.

- The party hide in Drolly's grove to escape the persecution of the militia
Episode 13 Pharmuthi 3rd- 10th
-Rin, a monk from a monastary near the northern pole of Chrystaria, and Nikylik, an adventurous young gnome, find the party as they hide out in the druid grove. Rin was drawn to the area by a vision.

-Rin says that she has had many dreams about Vivian and believes it is her mission to help her.

-Rin comments that she left her village in search of a scaled woman after her village was destroyed by a large wave of Shadow demons, they killed everyone she knows. It was the largest known shadow demon attack ever.

-Party stages an ambush and recovers the masamune after nearly being killed

-Party recovers a dragonmech and sends it to distract the remaining army while they make there get away with the fire crystal/masamune

-Party travels to the west coast of NIque to escape the waves of Nique militia looking for them.

-Party discover a merchant tent near a large desert in on the west coast.

-They encounter a merchant/thief named Frula. He is apart of a local thieves (khemeti) guild. While the others in his guild was away harpys from the desert attacked and took over the hollowed out tree base.

- The party cleared harpy's from Frula's theive's guild tree-

-The harpys take the thieves guild treasure to there den in the desert
Episode 14 Pharmuthi 10th- 13th
-Party ispoisioned by the thieves guild and blackmailed with the cure, They are forced to go to the desert and find the theives treasure.

-Party clears out harpy's from there den and find Alynn, an archeologist captured by the harpy's two years ago. They also find an opening to an ancient tomb.

-Party nearly defeated by a Tonberry, a wierd creature. The tomb is that of Amun Ra. Alynn (later found out to be Jalentriel) came here two years ago but was captured by the harpies. He was being kept for a fiest as his elven blood is quite a rarety.
Episode 15 Pharmuthi 14th - 15th
-Party investigates tomb and finds that Amun Ra is more than whom they thought. He is also the first incarnation of the gem god Sardior.

-Sardior manages to manafest himself long enough to tell party that all god's in all of the universe's originate from Chrystaria. Sardior was once a Nomarch on Chrystaria named Amun Ra. He posed as a human to become a Nomarch, but he was one of the few dragons still on Chrystaria. When he died, his true body was burned so not to reveal the truth and clerics were burried in his tomb in his place. He was burried with the Ruby heart so that there would be no doubt whom was really burried in the tomb. , through several generations he evolved to be the god he is today.

-He also tells them that Lolth, the evil Faeurn spider queen, and Seradess, the evil Obsidian gem dragon god, are attempting to take over Chrystaria for there own dire scheme that he has not been able to figure. He informs the party taht finding the Legendary Crystals such as the Masamune may be their only hope. He believes the location of all of the crystals are located in a tomb that the elves were the keepers of

-He informs party that Vivian's father is a three headed gem dragon named Blith and that Blith was once an ally of him. Who blith's loyalty lies with now is a mystery. But he has been adamantly seeking his only daughter.

- He informs party that they have been betrayed by two of there comrades. Mackenzie was not a priestess of Sardior as everyone presumed, in fact she was a priestess of Seradess.

-Mackenzie and Xioloch are gone along with the thieves treasure and all of the party's Chocoboos.

-Party is left stranded in the middle of the desert with a tomb's worth of treasure.


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Episodes 16- Episode 19 Summaries

Episode 16

-Brandoon, a young Bastian cat warrior looking for the Bow of Shiva and Rahotep join party. The party discovers that Temorus Adle did not die in the Fire deminsion but managed to escape. Temorus's real name was Ra Hotep. He was under guise in Torom as a healer. He is a former priest whom turned his back on the church long ago and became a hermit. Meeting the party made him realize that the only way he can change things is to act, so he is journeying to help find the crystals.

-Brando'on, following leads that a legendary weapon might be near Torom, finds Ra Hotep burried under rubble in the former mines of Torom, he helps them. The two track down the party in the Desert and seek to rescue them.
-Rahotep devises a method to obtain the cure for hte poison, they cure the poison and head off

-Hotep tells Vivian about why he hid in the town as Temorus Adle

- Hotep burns down merchant tent

-Cadir helps the party gain passage off of Nique

-Xioloch and Mackenzie attack the party in the middle of the night as they wait on the airshop, try to obtain the masamune. Mackenzie is killed. Xioloch escapes and Vivian beheads Mackenzie.

-Party meets Jonathan Sparrow, captain of the Rhapsody IV airship.

Episode 17

- The party met the remainder of Sparrows crew
- The party met Mr. Smith, a scruplous merchant on Skullhorg, a hidden city for pirates and thieves. Mr. Smith offers the party papers to enter Quarta Set, a city the party needs to travel to because suspect a woman lives whom knows how to find the Elven Kindgom.
- Mr. Smith suggests that the party obtain the papers from a witchhunter group heading there, the Warrior witchhunters
-The party pull off a daring midair hijacking taking out the Warrior Witchhunters, disabling captain Amond and his dwavern airship crew and taking the ship

Episode 18

-One witchhunter almost escaped but was recapture
- The party traded the Rhasody IV for Skitare/Rhaspody V and the paperwork needed to enter Quarta Set
-The party saved the five changlings from slaverys by having Sparrow find a home for them while they explored Quarta Set
-the party were met at the docks by the Kemet (council) of Quarta Set which included the Nomarch and the Vizier. Both of which were eager to get the party to find the Nomarchs daughter. This was what the original Warrior Witchhunters were going to Quarta Set to accomplish. -Brando'on found found Princess Alexandria after exiting the party. He stumbled upon John Swift whom runs the minutemen, the underground Khemeti guild.
-The party finds Madam Bianca, the woman rumored to have been to the elven realms and back. She is dwarven as the event took place 200 years ago. She does not acknowledge any such events.
- The party is credited with the rescue of Alexandria but is warned later by Brando'on that she is a fake

Episode 19
- The party attempt to break into the nomarchs house to find Alexandria, some are jailed. They do manage to find Alexandria whom is really a lizard looking creature called Tomorb. Tomorb gets the better hand doing something that caused the Nomarch and his wife to fall into comas.
- Rahotep receives a map ofthe sewer system around Quarta Set
-Vivian begins using the cloak of disguise a lot, earning a date with a noblemen.
-Party kills Tomorb but Tomorb first kills Captain Iskan and some guardsmen. People are grateful that the party at least uncovered the traitor.


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Episode 19: Part 1 - Best Laid Plans

Brando’on continued to tell the rest of the party his findings. He was not sure if the girl was an imposter or not but it was worth checking out. The party contemplated what their next moves should be as it approached two hours after midnight. Several party members discussed attempting to reveal the imposter at the party tomorrow, however, it was soon decided that attempting to sneak into the Nomarch’s compound under the guise of dark might be the best approach. In the mist of the talk, Alan, made a startling revelation, that his name was not Alynn, but Jalentriel. He also told the party that he was full elf, and not half. This caught the attention of the party, and they agreed to bring this up after they solve their current dilemma.

As the remaining party attempted to break into the compound, Rahotep was to go to see Madam Bianca. She had not seen him before and had no knowledge that he was associated with the party. It was hopes that he would be able to extract the information from her.

Quarta Set was a temple city, and there is a stern curfew at night. The party (except Rahotep) exited the pyramid through the ventilation and made their way a few blocks to the Nomarch’s compound. The first plan was to see if Rykio could jump onto the roof of the compound from another building. After scaling up to a nearby building and making his way as close as he could to the Nomarch’s compound, he realized that the distance was too great, but, as he headed back down, he was quickly spotted by one of the residence of the small two story home in which he stood atop of. The City militia quickly apprehended Rykio whom went with them without resistance. He was quickly apprehended and jailed. The militia accused Rykio of being a militiaman, but could not figure out why he was scaling buildings in the middle of the night. However, it Rykio quickly convinced the men that he had been drinking (which was confirmed by two guards at the pyramid city whom had earlier brought the party some wine). The militiamen took into account Rykio’s actions in rescuing princess Alexandria, and decided to let him sleep off his over drinking in his cell.

Using Rykio’s arrest as a distraction and after several minutes of scouting, the party felt good enough to attempt the break in again. This time Nikylik made Rin invisible and she leaved over the fence and scaled the wall. However, anti-magic fields surrounding the Nomarch’s compound disabled the spell making Rin, unknowingly, visible. She used a spiderclimb potion provided by Jalentriel, top quickly scale the building. Assuming she still had the guise of invisibility, she attempted to get the jump on the two guards posted on the roof, however, they quickly recognized her and a small scuffle began. As Rin knocked out one guard, the other ran and sounded the alarm, sending the same ringing pulse through the city that was heard when the Shadowdemon attacked. Rin leaped off of the building and made her way to where the party was gathered outside of the compound. Militiamen began to scour the area, looking for the attempted intruders. There were more militiamen in the area than other areas of the city, considering that the Pyramid and Kesmit (council) members’ homes are all in the High District. Brando’on and Jalentriel managed to hide down one of the alleys and behind some discarded crates. Nikylik found some trees near one of the areas and dodged militiamen surrounding the area. The remaining party attempted to dart back to the pyramid. All made it back, Except Vivian, whom was arrested by the militiamen. At the jail, Vivian, under the guise of her cloak (see beautiful Vivian in the character gallery, to flirt with the guards and explain how her and her friends over drank and did not know about all of the laws of the city. She feigned that she was just walking the streets when all of the loud noises started going off and she started to run. The militiamen, lusting her beauty, let her go with a stern warning to take her drunken friend. She was then escorted back to the jail with Rykio, whom still pretended to be drunk shouting out random words.


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Episode 19 Part 2: Best Laid Plans

As this was happening, on the other side of town, Rahotep knocked on the home of Madam Bianca. Several minutes went by before the old Dwarven woman stumbled to the door. She asked what the emergency was, and Rahotep told the woman quite frankly that he needed her help and that there was an imposter in the ranks of the temple. She quickly scurried Rahotep into her domain and looked around to make sure he had not been followed. Madam Bianca sat Rahotep down and warned him quickly that he should watch for crying mechanisms all about. There is never a reason not to be too careful in this city as everyone wants to know everyone business. The two talked for a bit as Rahotep explained that he had good reason to believe that Princess Alexandria died some time ago and that the woman now is an imposter. Madam Bianca believed him and told him that it may be best to unveil their plot at the private dinner in the coliseum they were having tomorrow. As they talked, Rahotep’s eye caught a black leather bound book on the table. Madam Bianca casually brushed the book onto the floor as if to get it out of the way. It appeared to be the same book that the party described to Rahotep as a possible diary of Madam Bianca’s. Rahotep thanked her for her time and offered to pay her, dropping the coins on the floor he attempted to pick up the book, but the large golden colored warforged in the corner carefully helped Rahotep off of the floor and put a piece of paper in his pocket.

Rahotep made it back to the Pyramid first. ON his way back he looked at the paper that Madam Bianca’s Forged slipped into his pocket, it was a map of the sewer system with exits for the Nomarch’s compound and the Coliseum. As he stumbled into the secret exit he found a figure moving around in the shadows. Ra-hotep leaped at the figure and subdued him. The figure was a young man in the middle of his teens. Rahotep threatened the young man, bordering near torture. The man quickly confessed that he came to steal items from the party. Rahotep picked up the bag the young man was carrying and found the two bastard swords that Vivian carried, both the Masamune and the Frostbrand were in the bag. Rahotep peeked outside the room and noticed that the two guards guarding the door were both knocked out. He revived both men and mockingly berated them for leaving their posts. Rahotep planted the alibi seed in the men’s head that the rest of his party caught them napping and went to go get help. At that time, Rin, Vivian and Rykio made their way back into the room and found the young man tied up. Exhausted the party tied the man up and decided to question him in the morning, as it had already went past 4am.

Jalentriel reconvened with Nikylik on the outside of the Nomarch’s compound. The young gnome was still eager to break into the place. Jalentriel, not wanting to see the gnome dead, decided to convince the young one to follow his lead. The two casually approached the door of the compound and asked to come in. The guards, after having a rough night, were surprised to see two witchhunters about. Jalentriel explained that they needed to see if the Nomarch was ok and that they would leave soon after. The guards, quick to impress the reputable warriors, invited them in. Jalentriel convinced the guards that they have had a rough night and that he and his little gnome pet could entertain them (the gnomes had not known too many non-thief gnomes). Jalentriel and Nikylik were both offered the upstairs room to change into their gear. Jalentriel changed into his jester outfit and went down and performed a rousing routine for the militiamen. Nikylik in the mean time began sneaking around upstairs. The laughter awoke the Nomarch and his family whom caught Nikylik sneaking around up the stairs. Nikylik hastily attempted to explain that their daughter was an imposter but they did not believe him in the least. Accusing him of a traitor, they screamed for the guards. Nikylik ducked in a storage room, opened a window and hid behind some boxes. The Nomarch chased after him, figuring that he had gone out of the window he went back to check on his wife and daughter. Nikylik waited several minutes before hearing two giant thuds as if something hit the ground. Hearing the commotion Jalentriel quickly wove a sleep spell into his routine putting the guards to sleep. He headed up stairs to check on Nikylik. Both the Nomarch and his Wife had fallen out and only Nikylik remained standing. The young girl Alexandria turned into a lizard like beast with snakes instead of hands and a long whip with snakes for its ends. The being called itself Tomorb (see character gallery). Jalentriel pretended to side with the being long enough to grab some of the skin it shed. Brando’on, whom had been monitoring the situation, ran up the stairs and began firing arrows into Tomorb. Jalentriel and Nikylik with Brando’on right behind them leapt towards the stairway and made their way to the pyramid.

Exhausted, they nearly collapsed from exhaustion. They agreed to discuss the altercation with the party tomorrow, but things would not be as so, as Captain Iskan and 10 to 20 militiamen awaked the party an hour later “now six hours after midnight”. Near him was Alexandria.

“There they go, they sickened my parents,” she exclaimed. Nikylik and Jalentriel attempted to explain themselves as the revived guards accused the two of being at the home earlier just before the Nomarch and his wife were found in comas. The men moved to apprehend Nikylik and Jalentriel, Vivian managed to sneak over and grab the Masamune out of the bag. The Masamune glowed and extended towards the princess, for a brief second all saw the image of Tomorb masquerading as the princess. Tomorb, figuring his cover was unraveled, used his snake arms and whip to quickly subdue ten guards before the party could act. As the party reached for there weapons Tomorb plowed through the remaining militiamen. The party leapt into action before more carnage could be done. Vivian plowed the Masamune into Tomorb commenting on making fine belts and shoes as Rykio also took some stabs with his dual weapons. Tomorb was outmatched by the party and even the Reptile dogs he summoned were quickly dispatched. But Tomorb was not to be out done, after the party believed they killed him, they attempted to make sense of the situation with Captain Iskan. Tomorb then rose up, sinking the teeth of its arm snakes into Iskan and killing him instantly. Tomorb seemed to be much tougher to fight the second time for the party, relying on Rin’s quick fists and a well placed strength drain by Nikylik, Tomorb was killed again. Vivian proceeded to hack up the being as more militia men poured in with flammable liquid and doused the pieces on fire. The young man whom had been seen stealing the swords was still tied up and in the room. The party decided to let him go and warned him never to steal from them again or what will happen with Tomorb could happen to them. They also told them to go out into the city and make sure he spreads the truth of what happened here.

At this point, more militia and the council began scurrying in. Vizier Hemptont Ta edged past the crowd and greeted the party, telling them that it was good that they apprehended an imposter. He told them that they could pick up their reward tomorrow morning and will be known throughout the land as heroes. He offered them another room in one of the state’s quarters of the Pyramid, as their room was now covered with scales, and reptile ash. The party enjoyed the quick accolades but begging for sleep was escorted to their states bedroom.

After nearly 12 hours of slumber for all they awoke and opened their room door to a serenade of cheers by citizens.


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Episode 19 Best Laid Plans: Director's Commentary

# Want to see images of this episode, go to the Characters Gallery

#Brando'on was not in this adventure, his character was used as an NPC for all of the Episode.

#As a DM, I was a bit surprised by the actions of the players on this one. And good rolls "Rahotep rolled 3 20s in a row" saved them from a player lost.

#I was hoping the party would have done a bit more casing of the place, it takes a long time to tell guard rotations

# Rahotep nearly made off with the black book if not for high spot rolls

# Jalentriel performend some great roleplaying entertaining the troops.

# Again, there were some questionable decisions such as letting the young man go.

# Rykio was a hillarious drunk and Vivian did a great 360 roll as a sedustress "in contract to the kickass half dragon

# What was Tomorb, well if you're a d and d fantatic you'll know else you'll have to wait until next episode when/if the party looks for answers.


First Post
Episode 20: Significent Others

Vivian and Rin awakened that evening to a messenger at their door. A small crowd had gathered outside of their door. He delivered to them an invitation from Tarus Qua, the nephew of acting Nomarch, Ihat Qua. The note was an invitation for Vivian and Rin to join him and Preslin, Tarus’s servant to a private dinner. Throughout their previous late dinner the night before, the two had been eyeing the two females. Vivian and Rin paid the messenger to respond back in writing that they will attend. The two women were suspicious that the response had to be back in writing. Nikylik and Jalentriel awoke as well and met the two other party members in their room. Brando’on and Rykio had set out earlier to look for the whereabouts about John Swift, believing that he could possibly shed some light on events.

Jalentriel hit the town that evening, coming about a local tavern in the common district. He attracted several small crowds as he pounced around in his Starling attire. Jalentriel spent the evening the bar, showing up the local bard talent Roger, whom was a regular. Jalentriel spent the evening telling jokes, playing his flute and listening in on several conversations.
The two ladies spent the evening in their rooms as Nikylik went to the local library to find out more information about the city. Before leaving, he was bombarded by money by his young apprentice Timmy, whom he befriended several days ago.
At the Library, Nikylik researched the history of Quarta Set, finding a book that detailed the struggles of the settlers against a lizard folk they called the Yuan-ti. He also befriended a young lady halfling with long stringy brown hair whom was fascinated by Nikylik’s travels. She was heavily flirtation with the young gnome and took him home and cooked him a nice juicy steak she had picked up from the butchers.
Nikylik came home the latest after declining an invitation to spend the night with the beautiful halfling.
The next day, Jalentriel visited Madam Bianca’s home to see if he could recover the diary one last time. Upon entering, the place was ransacked and there were speckles of blood everywhere. Bianca’s Forged lay in pieces but somewhat still active. There was also a large pile of shredded ash, which looked to be the remnants of the diary. Jalentriel searched the home for any other clues but found nothing. He then began to repair the Forged to the best of his knowledge, but the job was poorly done as the being’s arms began falling off. The Forged explained that masked men barged into the small herbal shack and left Bianca. He tried to fend them off but was incapacitated. Jalentriel became suspicious of the being attacking it before being stabbed by a large rapier, which flashed out of the creature’s arms. Jalentriel called out to stop the fighting with the Forged believing his story. He draped him in a cloth and escorted him back to the pyramid.

By the time Jalentriel returned, the party had already known of Bianca’s demise from the newspaper, which reported that her body had been found in the riverbanks this morning with many dagger wounds, similar to the wounds the Minutemen used. This news was bitter as it more than encouraged the public soul releasing (executions) of the minutemen. The party decided to keep their reputation in tact and not intervene in the soul releasing, opting instead to use the lax of guards in the pyramid to question the Forged. The Forged was arrogant and dismissive of the party, believing that they should be adamantly trying to find Bianca’s killers.
Nikylik spent hours reading the book he had picked up from the library the previous day as Jalentriel, Vivian and Rin attempted to try to find out how to reach the Elven Kingdoms. Jalentriel also attempted to piece together the burned ashes of the book, but after paying one of the apprentices, he found out that the book burned was a fake. The Forged was uncooperative. As the time for Rin and Vivian’s meeting with the two noblemen approached, the four party members thought it best to wrestle down the Forged. They began searching his body and found the leather diary on the Forged. The Forged also made a startling revelation; he was in fact Madam Bianca.
She had transmuted herself to trick her assailants but was not too weak to transform back into her original form. The party flipped through the book, discovering that there were several steps needed to travel. The diary detailed an underwater passage deep beneath the poisoned sea. The passage is where the spell sealing off Lanai is thin. That leads into mountains in Lanai, the Elven name for the Elven Kingdoms. To protect a ship from the harshness of the waters, the party would need an abundance of diamond ore. They will also need steel stained in pure demon blood and the blood of an innocent.

Vivian and Rin had little time to take in the new information before departing on their date. They were escorted by a caravan to a home 10 minutes from Quarta Set. There, were greeted by Tarus and Preslin whom were dressed for the occasion. The four had catered dinner and went out into some private fields for hunting.
The date ended abruptly, as Tarus and Preslin tricked the women to the location to ambush them. The two men turned into lizard like beings. Tarus, however, was much more pale than either Preslin or Tomorb and displayed various vampire like combat abilities during the battle. The two lizard beings tore into Rin and Vivian. Rin was quite adept at repelling the blows of the men, however, Vivian received numerous cuts from the two men. Before long, Rin herself began attacking Vivian. Rin pummeled Vivian badly and then took the Masamune out of Vivian’s hands. She appeared to be under a dominate spell. Rin’s hands burned as she handled the Masamune to Tarus. Just as she made the exchange Another sharp ray of dark black void shot towards the Tarus causing him to fall to the ground in agony. Rin looked up and snapped out of the spell to see an image fading into reality. It appeared to be Xioloch. He walked towards Vivian, very hurt at this point and reached over for the Masamune before jetting his arm back in pain and fading out of existence, “Damn she has already bonded with it” he screamed. “ He disappeared again.
Vivian stood up and used her psionics abilities to heal herself, she walked over and Punched Rin in the back of the head. Vivian then beheaded Tarus’s still body and the two burned the remains. A hurt Rin apologized to Vivian attempting to explain the dominance. Vivian began walking back to the temple city with Rin still hurt about her actions. Hours later the two reached the Pyramid, fearful at the repercussions for killing the acting Nomarch’s nephew and servant.

In the mean time, Nikylik, the young gnome illusionist, did not return back at all from his date when the party awoke the next morning. It was assumed that his date went “well.”

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