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Final Fantasy:Chrystaria Lives- A d20 Egypt Campaign- Updated 8/6 Mega Update


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Episode 25 Director's Commentary

# Want to see images of this episode, go to the Characters Gallery

# Nikylik and Rin were not available this game and character's were moved to the background

# This was one of the rare combatless adventures and proved to be really fun. There was alot of good role playnig as the party attempted to get info from the past Yuan-ti.
# I hate time travel. So it was hard making sure that it was done at least somewhat right here.

# The fun thing about time travel is it shows the party immediate effects of their actions. I made sure to make up several things on the fly to show the problems that happen when you mess with time I kept thinking of the Simpson's episode Tree House of Horror.

# There was some more good in game conflict between the character as their two disticnt missions crossed.

# Vivian won the playero f he game this episode for her smart adjustement to the Yuan-ti setting. As a DM you put notes of possible battles and that was one where there should have been a high probability.

# The puzzle was a room puzzle. In which the temple is set up into none squares (nine rooms).Each with a different amount of exists. the PCs had to put it in the right order so that they had a passage to a room that has a right exit. It was fun and oneo f the rare homebrew puzzles I make.

The fun thing about time travel is it shows the party immediate effects of their actions. I made sure to make up several things on the fly to show the problems that happen when you mess with time I kept thinking of the Simpson's episode Tree House of Horror.

There was some more good in game conflict between the character as their two disticnt missions crossed.

Vivian won the playero f he game this episode for her smart adjustement to the Yuan-ti setting. As a DM you put notes of possible battles and that was one where there should have been a high probability.

The puzzle was a room puzzle. In which the temple is set up into none squares (nine rooms).Each with a different amount of exists. the PCs had to put it in the right order so that they had a passage to a room that has a right exit. It was fun and oneo f the rare homebrew puzzles I make.

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Episode 26: Sacrifices

Episode 26: Sacrafices
Pachon 6, 1122

Before them stood Evil. Pyre, the large Yuan-ti High Priest stood 50 ft tall. Herhands replaced by large vipers. The 50 foot tall reptilian being chanted carefully, as if any misspoken word could upset the large portal in front of her. Besides here was a familiar Drow Priestess named Cyntharia. Adorned in a red robe with a large ruby spider necklace draped around her frail neck, she held an old tome and a magnificent staff tipped with a spider similar to that of her necklace. Neither Pyre nor Cyntharia paid any attention to the six party members who had just “flushed” into the room.

Syxen, Rin, Alexandra, Vivian, Nikylik and Jalentriel, and unlikely band of heroes—all with ulterior motives—stood up. The chanting was an old form of Arcane Draconic. It was apparent that the ritual was opening the portal, to what the party know knows as the Ice Dimension- a rift between the plane of ice and Chrystaria. the dimension was one of six used to hold the magical crystals that created the shield over Chrystaria that prevents from planar travel and invasion. Of course the crystal can also be used to shut down the shield if it and the five other crystals fall into the wrong hands. Vivian already has one of the crystals in the form of the Masamune, the fire crystal. The location of the other four crystals is a mystery, but the group knows that there is a tome in the land of the elves that holds their locations.

Previous clues the party led them to believe that Cyntharia was a drow from a plane called Toril from a land called Faerun. There, a god, Lolth had planned on taking over Chrystaria by uniting the enslaved Drow. It was suspected she was working with the Chrystarian God’s Set and Sobek, as well a banished god from her plane called Seredess. But alliances between evil gods’s can be thin, as time soon will tell.

In any case the last time Vivian had seen Cyntharia, Vivian found herself on the losing side as the Drow Lich stole the Eland Stone, an artifact used to activate ancient dimensional transportation devices. Cyntharia used the device to transport to Chrystaria a small troop of drow including herself, and several others, more importantly Jezz the Lame, a devout Lt. of Lolth in Faerun. This also included Tryan, a former associate of Vivian from Faerun and a cultist of Seredess.

Now, here is Cyntharia, apparently opening the Ice portal to travel there and retrieve the Ice Crystal/weapon. Two sacrifices lay before her. A young Chrystarian woman, whose tattered clothing shows signs of royalty? It was the real Alexandra, the Nomarch’s Daughter. Beside her was a halfling young boy, perhaps from the nameless village.

The party moved to save them, but was met by six drow all bearing two-bladed swords with the Lolth holy symbol embedded in the hilt. The leader of the troop wielded a blade powered by a sharp blue energy, a soulblade no doubt.

Jalentriel moved first, casting various protection spells. Syxen, Vivian and Rin took the frontline, hammering through the drow and meeting them blow for blow. Nikylik and Alexandria hammered spells over the fierce melee fight before them, with Alexandria interrupting the chanting several times firing her damaging exploding fire beetle spell in-between the two several times. Pyre stood adamant in the chanting. With every word he spoke the 60ft circular disk rippled with blue wavy light as the 100s of frozen Yuan-ti on the ice dimension looked clearer. Cyntharia was easily angered though and spit several waves of negative energy at the party, sending unholy damage to them.
Just as Syxen and Rin broke the bodies of the drow warriors before them, Alexandria fired a massive fire beetle spell at the two evil clerics, this time seriously damaging Pyre. Cyntharia urged pyre to take care of their pest problem as she finished the chanting.
Pyre charged the party pulling a large Falchion shaped like a massive cobra from his sachets. The Falchion was the size of the 8 foot tall Syxen. Syxen met the extremely large Yuan-ti head on with his own smaller Falchion. The two exchanged blows as each sword clash produced an explosion of light and dark energy. Rin and Syxen joined the fight as Pyre’s blows began to chafe the metal of the brave Forged. Alexandra attempted to sneak by Pyre, but her Falchion met her feet nearly slicing the Priestess of Isis in Laugh. She fell to the ground bleeding heavily as Pyre mocked her weak God. Nikylik, pepped up with a haste spell, jolted over to Alexandria, binding her wounds so that the priestess could heal herself.

Meanwhile, Cyntharia continued the chanting and strolled about the back of the room, unmet by any combat. She donned the warm heavy fur clothing in the back of the room still chanting. Within seconds of her words the portal appeared nearly complete. She called her drow warriors back. Viewing the blood, flesh and metal flying about. She flew to the top of the ceiling and launched massive ball of fire energy at everyone--- including Pyre.

“You have been unworthy to join me, but thank you for being stupid enough to help me open the portal,” she said spitting another one at her. The entire room heated beyond the hottest temperatures. A seared Jalentriel fell to the ground gasping for air and dying from his burns. The others looked badly injured as well. Alexandria barely escaped death as she managed to turn into a beetle and scurry behind a nearby statue.

An angry Pyre stopped focusing his attention on Syxen and turned it to Cyntharia.

“You traitor, my god trusted you. Now you will meet your end,” he said, turning his Falchion on her. He stabbed her with the Falchion and through her to the other side of the room. Her remaining Drow guards attempted to help, but were killed by Vivian’s breath weapon.

Alexandria flew over in beetle form to the sacrifices. Unfortunately she had gotten to the halfling boy too late as he had been injured by the ice attack and broken into pieces. She unbound Alexandria and turned her into beetle form.

Cyntharia floated to the top of the 100ft ceiling firing a massive ice attack into the room. Syxen, knowing he could not reach the Drow Lich, laid a massive blow into the distracted Pyre splitting him in half; Rin joined the attack to finish off the creature. As Pyre fell to the ground in a mass of flesh and scale, his Unholy Falchion toppled on top of him. Cyntharia, seeing her greatest threat dead, cast an invisibility spell on herself. Vivian, wielding the Masamune, could still see her however, and through a tanglefoot bag at her legs. The others saw the floating tanglefoot bag and fired at her. Jalentriel attempted to teleport on top of her, but missed her terribly and ended up at the top of the temple in the pool of snakes.

Nikylik turned into a bat and flew up to the Cyntharia, attaching to her tightly. However, it was not enough as she flew into the portal with the bat formed gnome attached to her.

Rin screamed out no as she headed to the portal before being held by Vivian.

“We will rescue the little one but we need to rest first we are no help for him in this form,” she told her.

Alexandria turned back into human form and healed the wounds of her namesake. She then began the ritual to resurrect the halfling boy.

Syxen consoled Princess Alexandra. Neither the halfling nor her knew much about their captors other than they were captured.

A bloody Rin hobbled to the furs and began to rampage through them finding several pieces of torn parchment.

The information found put more of the pieces together.

One of the papers was a page from a book that could have only came from the libraries of the church. Giving indication that the drow may have some type of relationship with the Chrystarian Church. The paper had information about the Yuan-ti temple and a brief description that it held the Ice Portal. On a separate piece of parchment was a note about the ritual. Two nobles blooded virgins were needed to open the portal and the portal would stay open for one week or until the two had been drained completely of blood.

On another sheet of paper was a note from Cyntharia to one of her henchmen. “Now that we have used the Yuan-ti and its cultists to cause havoc in the Quarta Set Kingdom and we have manipulated the Witchhunters with the Masamune into causing the havoc, it is time to steal Regal’s Sword as Ihat Quaa is reluctant to helping us obtain it until he is in power. We can not go by his timeline as he may betray us so we shall obtain it on our own as security will be laxed.”

The last bit of paper was a note written by Jezz to Cyntharia instructing him that the god’s have ordered her to destroy the Yuan-ti after the portal is open as there will be no room for the snake slaves with the Drow, Shadowdemons, and Cultists of Set. It also notes that he had talked to “Mr. Smith” and “Mr. Smith” was assuring that the people whom have the Masamune will be traveling to Quarta Set soon just as Jezz asked. Jezz tells Cyntharia in the note to keep them occupied and obtain the sword after they are weakened by the Yuan-ti. Then bring both the Fire Crystal Masamune and the Ice Crystal weapon to him.

“Mr. Smith!” yelled Vivian as she realized how far the manipulation had gone. “

“Let us rest as we have much to do if we are going to apprehend the culprit behind all of this,” suggested Alexandria.

The party rested for the night as Syxen took watch.


First Post
Episode 26 Commentary

Director's Commentary

* Want to see images of this episode, go to the Characters Gallery
* The party was at full strength for this battle.
* The two-bladed weapon drow is a prestige class from enworld Publishing. They make some great PDFs.
* Cyntharia casts several spells familiar with final fantasy people, ICE 3, FIRE 3 and Unholy (opposite of Holy).
* There were more action cards used in this session than any session I"ve ever been apart of. Alexandra used several cards to escape death.
* I made a judgement call concerning Alexandra's size as a bug and her ability to get to the sacrafices. At first I ruled that she could not, but because of how small something tiny is she might have made it through with her high defense. I corrected the error by allowing the bug to escape one of Cyntharia's fire attacks.
* The PCs were hard on themselves for letting Cyntharia escape but killing Pyre was a great feat. I ran this scenerio several ways with several outcomes. Considering were no deaths was a pretty big deal even though one of the baddies got away. This was a scenerio I didn't expect but with these guys it always is like this. ;)
* The entire session was a battle but there were tons of RPG elements in it. From Vivian's reaction to seeing the drow lich again to the reaction of everyone when they found out Mr. Smith had arranged for them to head to Quarta Set.
* Syxen blasted Pyre at one point with a 82 attack on a crystal. I believe the attack maxed out on all dice for the tripple damage. Plus he was beefed up with three spells that added damage to his attack. Not sure if all the math was right but it made a great effect.


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Episode 27: Know Thy Neighbor

Episode 27: Know thy Neighbor
Pachon 7, 1122

"From the Mouth of Shiva"

I feel them coming to me, their presence and hearts devoid of evil. Except one, but he knows not what he does I feel. They journey through the ice portal as I did so many 100s of years ago. They are well prepared for humans. Only seconds go by as the ice forms around their bare flesh. The priestess of Isis, bless her soul, has managed to make them articles of underclothing made of fire, very smart. I grow a liking to her and hope she is the one whom bonds with me. They find themselves at the top of Vlash’s Hill, as I have named it, on the edge of the great valley shaped as such a massive dragon. The frozen Yuan-ti army that guarded this place was destroyed by the dark one, whom for some reason has escaped my radar after infusing her demon fire into one of the caves in the Valley.

Four of them came through the portal. A brawny half-dragon whom I sense has the presence of Infrit in her. That stubborn old fool has found a home, inside of a half-dragon with a stubborn heart and a reluctance to do well. Another one travels with them, a warrior whom feels more powerful than I believe she knows. The priestess also travels, so confused of if she is doing Isis’s true work she is. Little does she know that so long as her heart remains pure Isis will know the true intent of her actions. Finally there is a man made of iron and steel whom wishes to know the intentions of his creation. His compassion is more so inside of his steel chest than that of many of the men I’ve met.

They hike down the hill, nearly tumbling at times and reach the bottom of it, causing a minor avalanche that buries several of them. The half-dragon, Vivian, wields the great Masamune, the sword once wielded by Infrit, and realizes its power to melt the snow around her. They make their way to the cave and find the small one, whom dwelled in the demon fire that the party is unaware of. They heal his false injuries. They wish to turn back, but the hearts of several of them tell them to move forward as well as the convincing of the little one, Nikylik. Nikylik turns into a winter wolf to resist the cold. A smart little one to turn into a beast protective of these dire winter elements.

They journeyed quickly towards the great Ice Mausoleum I dwell in. Mostly convinced by Nikylik that the dark one they previously battled was inside. They believed the lie. When they came to the bridge over the massive gap they grabbed the rings that pulled the bridge up attached to the side of the cliff wall. They pull the rings pulling up the bridge but making Xenolpha aware of their presence. This Ice Plane Nexus rests on the back of the large Beholder. He raises a giant stalk as the party crossed the bridge and a ray shoots out. I can see the five being’s souls float away from their bodies and back into their bodies. Except that the souls go into the wrong bodies.

Puzzled and bewildered they are confused by the occurrence, but realize and hope that maybe I can help them out. They venture forward with their souls in the wrong bodies. They reach the front door of the Mausoleum.

There they meet the guardian, the young Ice Dragon whom guards the door. He tells them what he once told me. To leave or die. They struggled to understand the bodies they were trapped in. Syxen (whose soul was inside of Alexandra the priest) stood idle, frustrated with the fact that he no longer had his massive body and felt quite useless attempting to understand the divine magic of Isis. Vivian (inside of Syxen’s body) struggled a bit with the slowness of the beast but quickly adapted as fighters often are built similar. She charged at the beast. Alexandra (inside of Rin’s body) along with Nikylik (inside of Vivian’s body) flanked the dragon and used their new overwhelming strength to make quick work of the beast. Vivian sliced off a toe of the dragon, an act I am unfamiliar with. I hope that Infrit teaches that woman some wisdom.

They enter into the mausoleum. They fin themselves in the entry room where the great door to my chamber is before them. But first they must prove themselves worthy. They must travel throughout the mausoleum and find the 9 keys to open the door. They quickly figure this out and enter the open door on the east wall. They enter into the first room that contains two mirrors. They ponder breaking the mirrors a bit and inspect them thoroughly. Vivian and Alexandra take up the rug and Vivian drapes it over one of the mirrors. The 1 key appears and they rush to put it in the door. They decide to put it in the door on the west of the room (which has holes for 3 keys).

They proceed to the next room with the puzzle. Rin fumbles with the small gnome hands she must not work with and solves the puzzle very slowly finding the number 2 key. The number 3 key was not far behind as they defeated Iglon, the Ice Devil, in the next room to find the number 3 key in his belly. However, it was not without consequences as the Ice Demon used the same spell the Beholder used, putting Syxen into Nikylik’s body, and Rin into Vivian’s body and Nikylik in Alexandra’s body.

They rushed back to the door on the west side of the entrance room and opened it revealing another chamber with large wooden Egyptian Hound statues. Again Rin proves that she is more than muscle, smartly turning into a small owl and floating high enough so the dogs could not reach them. She retrieved the key on the other side and flew back to the party receiving key number 5. After realizing they missed a key they went back to another room through the east door they skipped. There were three tables with boxes on each. Nikylik, using the magical abilities Vivian rarely does, checked all of the boxes and deciphered the magical puzzle. Alexandra then stumbled upon the key in the right box.

They proceeded back to the entrance and through the west door and through the next room. There, they witness a horrific and grotesque sight. Five men wounded mortally lay before them. They could not speak but cried and whimpered for someone to end the agonizing pain they were in. Nikylik sought to end the suffering as he wielded he mighty Masamune but was stopped by Syxen, whom quickly pulled out a potion and shoved down the throats of one of the men. Syxen’s actions were quick enough to get to the man before the Masamune’s blade came down on his throat. The man disappeared. Syxen went around and gave each a potion. They all disappeared. NO key appeared so the five ventured into the next room. But a flash of light occurred and suddenly the five found themselves back in the room, on the floor dying. They then watched themselves enter the room and heal them. They were lucky as the results could have been death if they had killed them. Sadly it would have been death by their own hands. Luckily they made the right choice and received key number 6.

The next room appears to be one massive trap. The Ice walls and floors of the mausoleum changed and there were paintings, statues and a giant checkerboard. IN the midst was a fountain with the key in it. Alexandra bolted towards the key and grabbed it, fearless in her new body. Rin held her breath, as she was sure that her body would be destroyed but it was not. The room appeared to be a big decoy, but soon they heard a grinding noise coming from the next room.

Vivian enters first, her too fearless in her new body. She disappeared.

The others followed and saw Vivian strapped on a slab of stone. A pendulum swung above quickly approaching the large steel body. There were five levers in the room each with a large blade above each of them. Fearful for his body, Syxen ran over and pulled a lever. The blade came down appearing to cut Syxen (Nikylik’s body) in half. The others wishing to save their friend followed suit. Body parts flew and bodies were destroyed by the blades over the lever but the giant pendulum stopped. The slab disappeared and turned into a key, but the death seemed permanent. Another illusion as the group has found out.

In the last room there sits Dwindlemeer, a powerful sorcerer encased in ice, his own personal torment. He offers the group a trade, one soul for the key. There is much wrangling as several of the group ponders what would happen. Then came the surprise. The half-dragon soul, Vivian, steps forth in the big iron body. She offers her soul. I expected it to be Alexandra. Dwindlemeer extends his finger and a black mist engulfs Vivian. The souls switch again as Vivian momentarily returns to her body before it is engulfed and incinerated. Nikylik’s soul went on to Syxen’s body. Alexandra and Syxen, upset, try to attack it, only letting go of their fury. Dwindlemeer repeats, it was a fair trade, and he warps everyone back to the entrance.

They discuss that they must move forward and not let the loss of a comrade affect them. They must get the crystal for Vivian.

They insert all the keys into the door and enter my chamber. I was awaiting them. All of them.

My chamber is immaculate as it is my resting place. It is large made of the same thick ice as the rest of the mausoleum. Four well-crafted hound statues lay in the corners as a large albatross arch holds the ice crystal.

It did not surprise me when the Lich Queen transformed from a melted ice cycle attached to the gnome’s clothing. However, it did surprise me that the shadow following the group did not manifest yet. If the group had figured out they were being tailed, either of the powerful beings may have killed them.

The Lich Queen was strong. She radiated of evil aura. Sick twisted magic. I somehow she had borrowed the pure evil magic from her god. She babbled as all villains do. About how she rescued the young gnome and compelled her to lead the party here. She had visited previously, but she could not figure out my illusions puzzles and left frustrated. Her plan seemed simple. Allow the party to do the dirty work as she had done up until this point I believe. Her entire scheme has led these individuals up to this moment.

We both levitated and began exchanging blows dedicated from our gods. I would prove that Isis is not to be fooled with. But this Drow Lich, this disciple of Lolth was powerful. As we tussled the others did well distracting her, allowing me to take advantage of her diverted attention and land my ice hands into her crown. The Lich Queen was powerful though throwing anyone back who distracted her, crashing them into he wall and destroying their weapon. Nikylik attempted to use the Chosen sword, but was smashed into the wall before he could land good blows. However, I had taken the upper hand. Syxen used Nikylik’s small body to sneak around and touch the crystal behind me, Syxen attempted to grab the crystal. The Drow Lich grew upset killing him on the spot with a dark shadow spell, forbidden magic used by only the vilest gods. I had enough, as I feigned to the ground. Creating most of the illusions in this place, I believe that subterfuge is sometimes better than direct contact. The Drow Lich became overconfidence and summoned shadows to kill the other 3 party members. But I had a surprise. As another party member went down, bleeding and dying, my ace came through. I had resurrected and made a bargain with Vivian. I gave her the memories formally repressed from her. In return, she must open her heart to the mission of Isis and save her friends and I. Vivian emerged from the arch leaping for the sword. She swiped at the Drow Lich but missed. The Drow Lich retaliated but caught the second swing, a vicious blow that split the being in half. The fight was almost over.

The shadow emerged. It was a being the group was familiar with. But little did they know that even this being held a secret. Xioloch they called him. But I know that that body once belonged to a being called Xioloch but it now houses something more sinister. There was no way that even I was to beat him, as Xioloch cast his spell, I cast one as well and everyone but Xioloch fell to the ground. He ran over to the Ice Crystal and took it. He mocked them.

He let his guard down. The banishment spell I cast under my breath had taken effect and the being was forced to wherever he had come.

I stood and told them they were safe now. But it was time for my destiny to be fulfilled. The stupid sorcerer had made off with my last trick, an illusion for I had merged with the Ice Crystal long ago. I healed and resurrected the gnome and reversed the soul switch. After watching them, I had finally felt comfortable enough to go with them. Sacrifice is important to me and they displayed sacrifices the entire day. My final task before merging myself with my bow, was to use my last bit of divine magic to send them back to through the portal. I only wish I could help them with the situation the one they left behind has created.


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Episode 27 Director's Commentary

Director's Commentary

* Want to see images of this episode, go to the Characters Gallery
* This adventure was adapted from "The Last God's in AEG's Adventure I Book. It is a great adventure and my favorite out of the book.
* . Nikylik was compelled out of game between adventures.
* Thanks to WOTC's Frostburn for giving me all of the ice world stats.
* Cyntharia was a 17th level priest with the lich template
* Cyntharia is a level 25 priest.
* One of the rooms had a puzzle that was just too difficult I thought for this party level. I plan on saving it for a future adventure. It was the room with the tables.
* My favorite move of the night was when Syxen stopped the party from killing the men in the room. I was ready for someone to die there
* I really didn't expect Vivian to make the sacrifice, but it falls in line with the arc of her character
* The end of this adventure was rushed and I hated that. I ended up just copying my notes and shooting them to everyone (cleaned up of course) in pdf format. The adventure ended in session with Xioloch stealing the crystal which was a big let down and unintentional. Again apologies.


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Episode 28: Ordering Thine Affairs

Syxen, Alexandra, Nikylik, Rin and Vivian appeared in the antechamber of the Yuan-ti temple. The Demigoddess Shiva last act was sending the party and temple back to the original timeline. A quick glance around the room shows no signs of Jalentriel, but two small toddlers and a little girl are there. The little girl appears to be elven. The babies are crying and in need of diaper changes. Alexandra summons water and begins cleaning the children while Syxen questioned the little girl.

The girl stood silent for several minutes, before speaking to the witchhunters in a husky, deep male voice.

“Jalentriel was taken by the Timelords a few minutes ago. It seems that he had messed with several aspects of the timeline while you were in the ice dimension,”

Nikylik was the first to jump back, letting out a sharp scream after noticing the scary voice coming from the child. The others drew weapons.

The girl stepped back.

“I am Sardior, reincarnated into the body of this child. It seems that Jalentriel, attempting to change the timeline, managed to get the ruby heart to his daughter, however, he did not know the true meaning of the ruby heart. The ruby heart does not bring someone back to life. It instead reincarnates me into their body. When I was Human and selfish, I wanted eternal life, not knowing that I would one day be reincarnated into a god. I created this item on Chrystaria. I had no idea that the item would even drag me from my godhood. ,”

The group let down their weapons. Alexandra told the party that there was a sharp earthquake just before their arrival and things got hazy. Then she and the children were in the antechamber with the group. The party members begin to complain about headaches as she spoke.

“I am betting that your headaches are due to the memories flooded into your head with the memories you already had. More than likely, your presence in the ice dimension prevented you from having the other timeline extracted from your head,” she said.

Everyone commented on how they remember both timelines. IN this timeline, the group went into the Yuan-ti temple to save the Nomarch’s twins babies. However, now the Nomarch is a gnome, Nikylik’s former apprentice Timothy Fonswinkle. Paula Searse was never poisoned but his wife has been dead for five years. The Yuan-ti had been killed by the Drow well before they group had any encounters. Ihat Quaa was now a local businessman along with his nephew Tarus. The church was sterner on their rules against the unreal. There was no longer any unreal living in any of the temple cities. Instead, forged have been kept around as slaves and labeled non-sentient. Villages however are much larger and there is always constant strive between the real and the unreal.
The group had decided to travel to Quarta Set and see what awaits them. They emerged from the temple and headed on the road. Halfway between the city and the Yuan-ti temple, 50 to 100 soldiers greeted them. In charge of them was Kesmet of Defense, Paula Searse.

He greeted the group with familiarity and gave Syxen a stern handshake. He also winked an eye at Alexandra, an obvious sign of flirtation. He congratulated the party as several priests whisked the twins out of Alexandra’s hands. Searse explained that the city had become worried and thought the worse. When several said that a temple arose in the north, he assembled his best men to investigate. In this timeline, Syxen is assistant Kesmet of Defense to Searse. Rin, Vivian and Nikylik were only there to assist the temple warriors Syxen and Alexandra told Searse, said Rahotep also emerging from the soldiers. Slight smiles could be seen on the group’s faces as a familiar face was still around luckily.

The three, along with the little girl, immediately headed to Bianca’s home in the high district of Quarta Set. It seems in this timeline, she is now Kesmet of Commerce and powerful in the city along the way Rahotep made several remarks about how awful Vivian, Rin and Nikylik must have had it partying with “church” warriors. He obviously did not remember the previous timeline.

The group went there separate ways. Alexandra and Syxen headed to the temple to brief their superiors. The tone in Quarta Set seemed more oppressive as before as the group saw many Forged being herded and egged on with rods that seemed to let a jolt of electricity on them.

Alexandra met with Nomarch Timothy, whose power had obviously gone to his head. She told him only lightly about the adventure and nothing about the ice dimension. He let her in on a secret that Syxen was to be dismantled soon. The capital city of Hamatuptra put out the order after Forged rebels has started using Syxen as proof that Forged were sentient. After Timothy seemed to be propositioning Alexandra, she immediately feigned sick and left his office. She then returned to her room, after reporting to Kesmet of religion, Prophet Dedi, to mediate with the Ice Crystal Weapon.

Syxen had a private meeting with Paula Searse. Searse had said several racist Forged remarks when they were in the presence of the Nomarch and in front of his own soldiers.

In private, Searse expressed sorrow for the remarks. Him and Searse then went on a private outing chocoboo ride in the forest. It was a way for Syxen to tell Searse about their entire venture into the Ice dimension. Searse expressed relief as he asked the Forged to go with the party to the elven lands and find the crystals. He then handed them a slab of rock with two Dwarven words inscribed in them. Searse told him that he had hid this for years after they found Syxen, for fear that it could do harm to Syxen if others found it, but now was the time. He also gave Syxen some money and the two rode off in two different directions.
In the mean time, Bianca had filled Rin, Nikylik and Syxen in on the events that led to the alternate timeline. Jalentriel had visited her a couple hundred years ago. He told her that he had given a design to Roger Fonswinkle, a gnome tinker that could save the future. The little dolls were patterned after real and imaginary warriors but were charmed to spread good messages such as “slavery is wrong” and “help others”. It became popular and Fonswinkle became quite rich. Soon the church, seeing the message, got a hold of Fonswinkle and coerced him to change the dolls messages. Afterwards, the dolls became even more popular but spread messages of anti- unreal and any other message the church wanted to get across. It worked too as unreal were banished from cities all together once they had their Forged slaves.

Jalentriel had contacted Bianca 200 years ago and gave her enough information to successfully rescue her dad and uncle whom were trapped in the elven lands. She also delivered several messages to family members of Jalentriel, along with a ruby heart. Jalentriel’s information helped Bianca prepare a ship that can travel to the elven lands. She has kept the ship in good condition waiting upon this day.

The three remaining group members went to their rooms for rest, except Nikylik, whom decided to see what more he could learn about this new timeline. He went to a bar and did a bit of gambling before tailing a strange individual whom appeared to maybe be working for an underground resistance. He followed the man to his hideout.

Syxen in the mean time appeared at Bianca’s door, pretending he was on official business. However, once in private, he asked Vivian and Rin to gain him passage to Skullhorg, where Searse had told him he could have his Falchion repaired. Sparrow, the halfling airship pirate, had also been staying with Bianca, as he had agreed to pilot the ship through the waters and into the elven waters. Sparrow agreed to take Syxen and Vivian to Skullhorg, a three days travel, that night. The four met at the docks. With Syxen was Alexandra, whom also agree to go, being disgusted by the current condition of the church. Several of the dockworkers questioned the unscheduled night departure, but after a charm spell by Alexandra, Syxen and Vivian knocked out the guardsmen and through them into the ship.

They travel the three days journey to the island. Once docked, Sparrow escorted Syxen to a weaponsmith whom agreed to repair the weapon. Vivian paid a visit to Mr. Smith after procuring some Alchemy ingredients. Mr. Smith attempted to avoid Vivian, even having thugs attempt to take her out upon leaving. She tussled with them, then bolted into the Drunken Page, where Smith bartends, and barged into the secret door at the back of the bar. She pulled her knife and pressed it to her throat, threatening that if he crossed them again she would kill him.

Mr. Smith blew off her threats and told her that he was only taking care of business. Vivian gave him an eye, as if to say she means what she says, and brushes off the two guards whom came in looking for her. She headed back to the docked Rhapsody V where Syxen was.


First Post
Episode 28: Director's Commentary

Directors ' Commentary

* Want to see images of this episode, go to the Characters Gallery
* Jalentriel had done several things out of session in the past, while the pcs were in the ice deminsion. To make sure nothing was too specific, I had Jalentriel write out letters explaining what he wanted.
* The Butterfly effect caused several things to change.
* The pcs were really freaked out by the little girl with the deep voice.
* Sparrow returned briefly. My favorite NPC.
* I wanted the time travel to be as realistic as possible. Jalentriel had real motive to want to change the future as he only wanted to save his daughter the whole time.
* Alexandra bonded with the weapon allowing her to use it.
* This was a pure RPG session as the PCs winded down.
* Players took a plus 1 to wisdom and a minute 1 to intelligence because of the memorys
Last edited:


First Post
Episode 29: Forging a Good Name

The first day of Payni, 1122

It was well into the season of harvest, Shemu, and the street is quite empty, as many are tending to their harvests, even in this dead of night. Several hooded figures await at air Dock 12. The dock is one of 2 dozen 200-foot tall towers used for docking airships. Travelers use the magical lifters to move up and down from the tower to the streets below. Tonight, some very important cargo was on its way down, awaited by a special wagon marked to an high ranking official of Quarta Set.

This was one of only several shipments allowed to dock into Quarta Set within the last month, after Kesmet of Defense, Paula Searse, was murdered in the outskirts of Quarta Set. The prime suspect is the former Captain of the lower guards in Quarta Set, Syxen, still on the run presumably.

Bianca, Kesmet of Commerce has scheduled this shipment. She knows Syxen is innocent and, overseeing all shipping and trading in Quarta Set, halted all shipments until the murder of Paula Searse was found. However, she used the city’s low resources of spices to schedule an emergency ship to come in and deliver some. There was not a Spice on the ship however, not the Rhapsody V. It was Vivian, Syxen and Alexandria being smuggled back into the Quarta Set in crates. The crates were loaded into the stretched royal shipping wagon. Rin, Nikylik and Bianca got in the wagon after the crates were put in. Two other figures got into the wagon as well, outside help for Bianca. Fenrig Hawitt, a staunch stereotype of your typical air pirate stood a tall 5’10” with heavy green eyes. On his shoulder stood an exotic bird native to Quarta Set, a QS Parrot. A wore a neat green silk shirt with thick blue pantaloons. The other, Barthalemule called “Patches” by his new friend Nikylik, has a heavy patch over his eye. Standing 6 feet even but still had the presence of someone green to smuggling.

Over the course of the month since the murder, Vivian, Syxen and Alexandra were in Skullhorg, getting Syxen’s Falchion repaired. They kept in communication with Bianca through sending stones, enchanted stones you speak into and throw, naming the person you intend them for. They then travel to that person without error and relay the message. Nikylik and Rin spent much time with Bianca, whom revealed to them that she is also leader of the thieves guild in Quarta Set, the Minute Men. By being in charge of all legal and illegal shipments, it helps her regulate and protect innocent citizens and protect others from being exploited. However, since the murder, she has grown suspicious that some of her men may not be loyal, as the assassin whom killed Searse was not native to Quarta Set. She knows everyone whom comes in and out, so someone in her circle was lying. She also knows that Nomarch Timothy Fonswinkle was the one whom hired the assassin. She believes the plan was to frame Syxen to prove once and for all that Forged are not sentient and suffer from malfunctions often.

Bianca ordered the driver, Fenrig, to hurry to her estate. They passed a mob scene of sorts, it seems the Nomarch has used the situation to punish his political rivals as well, saying that they consorted with Syxen. The mob scene is watching the public punishment of a man whom ran against Fonswinkle in the Nomarch election several years ago.

Fenrig quickly rides past the scene and to Bianca’s large home located in the High Common District. They are all escorted into the dining room which has been turned to Bianca’s war room. She has Fenrig read from a scroll to make sure that there were no scrying sensors in the building.

Bianca began to catch up Vivian, Syxen and Alexandria on whatever information she could not get across on the limited sending stones. The small gnome Nikylik climbed onto a chair and said that they party should go and investigate the body of Searse. The initial report in the paper said that Searse was killed by a large Falchion similar to the one that Syxen carries. Bianca, agreed that it was a good idea to obtain the body. A plan was then hatched to travel across the river, where the mausoleums are, and take the body, which was still on stay there. (High Officials bodies are on stay for 30 days before they are sent).

Vivian, Syxen, Alexandria, Rin, Nikylik and their new friends Fenrig and Patches stealthed there way across the river and to the gates of the Official Tombs. Three guards were guarding the tomb that contained Searse’s body. Fenrig began quietly chanting a spell, to check the magical defenses, but the keen ears of one of the guards overheard the murmering. The guard walked to investigate, but before he reached the outside of the gate, Alexandria, wearing Nikylik’s Ring of Disguise, jumped in front of him in the appearance of an old lady. Saying she was the nomarch’s nanny, she pleaded to see the body, despite the guards’ demands to her that it was too late, as the time by now had approached to somewhere between 2 and 3 o’clock. Alexandria insisted, and the guards finally broke down the lady. Vivian appeared worried as she realized Fenrig had not quite seen yet the remaining magical defenses. She used the vanishing ability of her heavy chainmail armor and tried to stealthly follow Alexandria. Unfortunately the large changing brought the attention of the guards. Alexandria walked through the doors of the tomb and her disguise was immediately revealed by the anti-magic field she had walked into action. One of the guards quickly went for his bugle to sound the alarm, but it was quickly knocked out of his hands by Rin. The other guards went after Vivian and Alexandra as the remaining party members jumped into action. Syxen ran into the tomb and grabbed Searse’s body as the other two guards were quickly dispatched by Nikylik’s sleep spell and the fists of Rin and Patches. The third guard ran, yelling loudly and alerting other guards in the area. Though dispatched by a sleep spell, he made enough noise to sound the alarm. The group quickly assembled the guards and stuffed Searse’s body, carefully, into Vivian’s new bag of holding.

Several other guards ran into the tomb area. None of them suspected the witchhunters yet, as their reputation and fame were high in Quarta Set after saving the Nomarch’s children. The party told the guards that they came upon the area to find the guards knocked out and Searse’s body gone. The group managed to leave the area by telling the other guards that they were going to see if they could scout the area and find the culprits.
Back at Bianca’s estate, the party told Bianca what happened. Knowing that they would be identified by the guards once they are awaked, she suggested that all involved in the group go to the Thieve’s Guild Warehouse and investigate the body there. She began breaking things and Patches decked Bianca, to make it appear as if the group had attacked her first.

The party then went to the warehouse where Nikylik, Fenrig and Alexandra used magic, alchemy and divination spells to figure out that the Nomarch died of a poison, not a Falchion.

Nikylik decided to take Patches and investigate the area where Searse’s body was found. There, they discovered a yellow substance on the trees and a perch that may have been used to ambush the Nomarch as he road by.

They went back and relayed the information to the party members, who were being taken care of by Vulture, one of the sub leaders of the Minutemen. The party decided to sleep and rest until the next day.

Upon awakening, Fenrig decided to travel to the docks where he met the dock foreman whom said he knew nothing about any oddities or smuggling of assassins. Fenrig noticed he was being watched by the dock workers and got nervous, as some of them appeared to be minutemen he had seen at the warehouse. Fenrig headed to the alchemists to find out about the poison used and to get the ingredients for the antitoxin. Upon returning he was confronted by a familiar face. Vulture, and several minutemen. Vulture admitted that he was the assassin and that Fenrig should join them. He took off the mask that he had always worn to reveal his true identity, John Swift.

Using his empathy with his parrot, Orchid, Fenrig alerted the party to the folly. At the same time, several minutemen attacked the party in the warehouse. The minutemen stood little match for the experienced party, as they were quickly dispatched.

Fenrig, seeing that he was outnumbered, took a step back and turned into a humming bird. He then used his natural spell ability to cast a spell in the animal form, burning up two of his three attackers with a large fire spell. The third attacker, Vulture, ran towards the warehouse with Fenrig on his tail. Before he could get to the door he was shot with a fireball and met the hilt of Syxen’s Falchion.

The remaining minutemen were killed with the exception of one, whom pleaded for his life. He and Vulture were tied up. With the assasin in custody, Alexandra felt that she may be able to sneak into the temple and get an audience with Vizier Hemptont Ta. If she can convince him, the highest authority, that the Nomarch was up to no good, then Syxen would be free.

Alexandra left for the temple. Hours later she returned with the Vizier along with a dozen guardsmen whom surrounded the party. The Vizier cast a zone of truth and Swift told all about how he was hired by the Nomarch to frame Syxen. Unfortunately he also told of Bianca’s double business as Kesmet of Commerce and a smuggling leader. At this time the commotion at the dock warehouse had raised a small crowd of suspicious onlookers. The Vizier suggested they all go back to the temple and sort this mess out in public court. A special session was held and Fonswinkle was dragged out of his bed and charged with murder, a harsh crime for someone who is real. Syxen was released from any charged related to the murder and the party were reprieved of the deaths of the minutemen.

The party exited the temple and into the wagon that awaited them. Surprisingly, it was Madam Bianca. She explained that the party’s exploits bought her enough time to transfer the submarine ship they will use to get to the elven lands to a new more secure location. The ship is still being refitted and being supplied and will be ready to go in a week.

What awaits the party next season? Find out in three weeks....

Toon in next time!!!

Enjoy images of the characters, NPCs and Villains on the characters page.


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Episode 29: Director's Commentary

Directors ' Commentary

* Want to see images of this episode, go to the Characters Gallery
* We had a guest player this week Nik, brother of Ashley (Rin). He played Patches and did a great role.
* As Jalentriel has disappeared, the player playing him is playing a new character Fenrig. More on Fenrig in the next coming week
* This ran as your typical mystery with a coupld of fun twists.
* Kudos for Nik for suggesting out of the blue to do an autosophy on the body out of game. It took me by surprise. Way to keep me on my toes.
* The poisions used were made up and not found in any books.
* John Swift jumped out of a tree, punctured Searse with a syringe of types, then cut him with an enlarged Falchion.
* Ironically, all of the minutemen are dead. This will be an important fact in the next adventure.
* This adventure marks the end of Season 2, which covered the entire time in Quarta Set. The next Season will be entirely in the Elven lands (well mostly at least. A three week break follows this.)
* There were a number of outstanding role playing moments this episode


First Post
Episode 30: The Twisted Land of Lanai

The air smelled of rotten meat on the underwater boat. It had been a rough two months for the crew. Two weeks into the journey, the group found their first stowaway, Paula Searse’s daughter, Alexandria, whom nickname is Dria. Alone and without family in Quarta Set, she followed Syxen to the Quarta Set Docks and stashed away in some crates on the boat, surviving on table scraps.

It has now been two months, the boat submerged underwater a few weeks ago. Clayton, the handy gnome of Sparrow’s crew, nicknamed it a “sub” because it could submerge into the acidic waters of the Chrystarian Oceans.

This particular morning on the ship would not be like the others. Lydia, the ship mage, came down the stairs into the sleeping area on the ship. The area doubled as the cargo hold. There was not as much room on the ship as the other Rhapsodies. Mostly because there were at least 15 people living on the ship. Even Sparrow, normally flirtation and nice, had grown weary of his companions.

The others awoke and went through their morning routines. Alexandra and Vivian prayed. Vivian had seemed to devote herself the last few months to the teachings of Sardior. The Gem God, currently trapped in the body of a little girl, has been spending much time with her. Syxen spent time playing and talking to Dria. Dria has been very clingy to Syxen, obviously her way of mourning her fathers death. Nikylik has been learning the odds and ends of the ship with Clayton.

After Vivian finished her prayers, Rin, finally awoken from her nightmare, rushed Vivian into the engine room as she needed to tell her something quickly.

Madam Bianca came downstairs carrying a small table. The table had bowls of a gritty gray mushy food on it. The food smelled like bacon but obviously look nothing of the sorts.

“Dig in” she said. Untrusting of the food, Syxen asked Alexandria to conjure up different food for them two. Bianca’s father, Clode a large gray haired dwarf , urged Syxen to try the bacon smelling gruel. Syxen seemed amused at the idea, or at least amused for him, and took a small handful.

Nikylik on the other hand disappeared with Clayton, stumbling into Sparrow’s secret stash of Dwarven Ale. Drunk with only a small cup, the two gnomes found a stash of fresh biscuits Sparrow had been hiding, obviously the reason he never shows up for dinner call.

Others joined the table, several men and women Bianca brought on the boat to help man it, along with Fenrig and Patches.

As the crew ate, the air suddenly became unstable. A red electrical field swept the ship. It changed rapidly through the color spectrum and disappeared. Surprisingly, a familiar face sat looking somewhat sleep.

Another stowaway, Xioloch along with a 4 armed winged shadow demon.

Syxen took quick care of the sleeping shadow demon as the remaining crew wrestled Xioloch to the ground. Vivian pressed her sword close to Xiolochs throat and was seconds away from beheading her foe, when once again, the air shimmered.

The setting began to change as Vivian, Syxen, Rin, Nikylik and Alexandra found themselves in some sort rocky valley with the night sky upon them. Vivian recognized it, she was in a familiar place. Omaro’s layer.

The familiar half orc divine agent of Lathander stood out of the shadows.

“Greetings, Vivian. I see you brought new friends,” he said with a joking smirk.

Omaro introduced himself to the group and told him that he was happy that they managed to bring Xioloch/Ustran into the open so that he could trap him. It seems that the villain was not only a thorn in their side, but that the timelords had been looking for the time mage for some time. Omaro snapped his fingers and Xioloch disappeared into the nothingness.

Omaro began to explain how he survived his encounter with Ustran. The two fought for some time with Ustran believing he killed Omaro. However, Omaro played possom, using the time to watch over the Vivian and awaiting Ustran, possessing Xioloch’s body, to come out into the open. Once Xioloch was trapped somewhere he could not teleport away from, on the sub, Omaro used his borrowed Lathander magic to warp everyone there, where he delivered Xioloch to the timelords.

Omaro commended the new group on their actions but warned them to behave more like a team and less bickering. To this he appointed young Nikylik as the spokesperson or leader for the party. He also had another revelation, Vivian and Rin were sisters. Both could not believe it.

“But I look nothing like a a dragon,” said Rin.
“You take more after your mother, “ quipped Omaro. He explained that Blith’s wrath is always followed by the shadow. Just like when Blith attempted to find Vivian in Tilverton. Just like when Rin’s town was engulfed in the shadow dome. Blith wants his daughters for some purpose. Blith is the leader of the shadowdemons.

Omaro warned the party that the elven lands would be dangerous, and warned them to be ware of the Cerebrus. With that, he warped them off.

The party arrived a couple of months later than when they were taken, though only a few minutes had passed. They told Bianca about Omaro’s warnings but she knew nothing of the cerebrus. But Sardior, did. The little girl spoke in her husky voice and explained that the Cerebrus was contained to only a portion of the elven lands when Bianca was there, but it had sense spread to emcompass the entire elven land. Only magical enchantments protect the cities and towns from being swallowed.

A day later, the sub reached its destination. The group, along with several others, opened the hatch of the sub and found that the ship was in a cave devote of water despite being at the bottom of the ocean. Syxen used the sword of lord Regal to find the weak point of the elven shield just as Bianca told him. He then slashed through it, opening a whole for the group to go into. They tracked for weeks through treacherous mountains. After Nikylik meandered the party for some time, Rin took the lead and found the open path Bianca had described.

Though fresh air was refreshing to the group, the awe of the elven lands was fearful. The sky was dark, a deep purple as clouds and masses floated about. The group emeged from a cave in the face of a mountain. Their location, somewhere in a small mountain range. The familiar sound of flesh being torn into could be heard from above. They looked up to find a large black cloud like beast fighting with 5 flying humanoids. Without hesitation, or a plan, Alexandria and Vivian flew up to the ledge the being was on as Syxen and Rin fired arrows. The humanoids, whom appeared to be elves as the group got closer, looked oddly at the party. Vivian used her breath weapon as Alexandria used her array of elemental magic, but nothing seemed to effect the beast. Syxen managed to string three crossbow shots of massive amounts of damage into the creature. It flew towards him, swallowing Nikylik and Syxen. The being prepared to drop Nikylik and Syxen 1,000s of feet to their deaths. Nikylik luckily turned into a bat and flew out of the creatures mouth before he could drop them, but Syxen was not so fortunate. Alexandria rushed to save the forged casting a spell on him to give it wings. Distracted, the mass received a mighty blow from Vivian’s Masamune, causing it to fall to the ground and dissipate.

“Hello,” said Alexandria, hoping the elves would be thankful. But they flew away ignoring the group all together.

“Ungrateful” muttered Syxen.

The group, those who cannot fly, used the ropes and climbing gear to make their way down the mountain. After reaching the bottom, the morning had arrived. They proceeded out of the mountain range but found themselves lost as to the direction of the nearest village. The landscape was a twisted cauldron of evil. The rocks had faces of people in agony. The grass moved and scurried. The trees twisted with rot and looked as if they were eyeing the pcs. The PCs were amist in the Cerebrus.

The party will encounter a new foe for this next episode, plus Rika, the player who runs Vivian will be running the campaign.

Toon in next time!!!

Enjoy images of the characters, NPCs and Villains on the characters page.

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