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Blake Mathius

First Post
Female Halfling Bard4/Monk2/Warchanter6
AL: CG HT: 4'7" WT: 98 Hair: Black Eyes: Blue

STR: 18 (+4) [6 points + 3 Level + 4 Enhancement - 2 Race]
DEX: 18 (+5) [6 points +2 Race + 2 Enhancement]
CON: 12 (+1) [4 points]
INT: 14 (+2) [6 points]
WIS: 14 (+2) [4 points + 2 Enhancement]
CHA: 16 (+3) [6 points + 2 Enhancement]

HP: 100 (4d6+8d8+12) AC: 29 (10 base + 5 dex + 7 Class + 2 Wis + 2 Deflection + 2 Nat Armor + 1 Size)
Saves: FORT: +14 (9 Base + 1 Con + 3 Resistance + 1 Racial) REF: +18 (9 Base + 4 Dex + 3 Resistance + 1 Racial) WILL: +15 (9 Base + 2 Wis + 3 Resistance + 1 Racial)
Init: +4 (+4 Dex )
Speed: 30

Bab: +10
Unarmed: +13/+13/+8 1d4+4

Skills(Total/Ranks):[104 Points] Perform (+18/15); Hide (+23/15); Move Silently (+21/15); Spot (+17/15); Bluff (+21/15); Listen (+19/15); Tumble(+18/14);

Feats: [7]: Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed), Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Flying Kick, Two Weapon Fighting

Class Features: Inspire Toughness, Warchanter Music, Inspire Recklessness, Combine Songs, Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge, Flurry of Blows, Evasion, Unarmed Strike
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Goblin

Equipment: 88k
Cloak of Cha +2 (4,000)
Gloves of Dex +2/Glove of Storing (single) (16,000)
Belt of Str +4 (16,000)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2/Wis +2 (14,000)
Ring of Deflection +2 (8,000)
Boots of Haste/Striding and Springing (20,250)
Vest of Resistance +3 (9,000)
750 gp
Preferred Weapon: Unarmed Strike/Quarter Staff (special attacks)

BIO: Dia was an old Shinra experiment. An artificial organic body was created, and infused with the soul of a young girl. The problem was the mind of the girl refused to acknowledge its new body, acting as it would in its normal body. She broke out of the research facility and has since lived avoiding Shinra. Her one passion in life was dancing, and she learned a great deal over the years, even combining her dancing style with the matrial arts style she learned on the side to keep her from falling back into Shinra's hands. When she is dancing however, her mind is at peace and she begins to tap into the powers the body was built with, releasing energies into herself and her allies to allow them to fight better. While she has very little understanding of her capabilities, she is eager to help improve the world around her, as well as looking for new fun and adventure.
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First Post
Cray Hawkthorne, dragoon

[sblock=Cray]Cray Hawkthorne, Dragoon
Human, Male, Lawful Neutral
Green eyes, shoulder-length black hair, pale skin
Age 27, 6'-4", 215 lbs.
Languages: Common, Draconic

Level 11 Warblade, 1 Fighter
Total Character Level: 12
Experience Points (XP): 66,000

Strength 16/22 (+6), Dexterity 14/16 (+3), Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 12 (+1), Wisdom 14 (+2), Charisma 10 (+0)

Total HP: 176, Current HP: 176, Nonlethal Damage: 0
AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +3 Natural, +3 Deflection)
Touch AC: 16, Flat-Footed AC: 28, DR: 2/- (if armored)
Base Attack Bonus: +12/+7/+2
Melee Attack Bonus: +18/+13/+8 (+21/+16/+11 longspear)
Ranged Attack Bonus: +15/+10/+5
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex), Speed: 30 Feet
Fortitude +14 (+9 Base, +3 Con, +2 Resistance)
Reflex +9 (+3 Base, +3 Dex, +1 Int, +2 Resistance)
Will +9 (+3 Base, +2 Wis, +2 Feat, +2 Resistance)

Feats: Vital Recovery (15 hp) (General), Weapon Focus (longspear) (General), Power Attack (General), Iron Will (General), Weapon Specialization (longspear) (General), Melee Weapon Mastery (piercing) (General), Combat Reflexes (General), Improved Critical (longspear) (General), Armor Specialization (full plate) (General)

Skills: Balance +13 (8 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 synergy), Climb +13 (7 ranks, +6 Str), Diplomacy +5 (3 ranks, +0 Cha, +2 synergy), Intimidate +15 (15 ranks, +0 Cha), Jump +23 (15 ranks, +6 Str, +2 synergy), Martial Lore +3 (2 ranks, +1 Int), Sense Motive +7 (5 ranks cross-class, +2 Wis), Swim +21 (15 ranks, +6 Str), Tumble +18 (13 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 synergy)

Human Racial Traits: Medium Humanoid (Human), bonus feat, extra skill points, favored class is highest-level class.

Class Features: Proficiencies (all simple and martial weapons, all armors, all shields), Battle Clarity (ex, Int bonus as an insight bonus to Reflex saves when not flat-footed), Weapon Aptitude (ex, qualifies for feats as though effective fighter level is warblade level -2, can change feats allocated to particular weapons to be for a different weapon with 1 hour of training in the morning), Uncanny Dodge (ex, retains Dex to AC even when caught flat-footed or attacked by an invisible foe), Battle Ardor (ex, Int bonus as an insight bonus to critical threat confirmation rolls), 3 Bonus Feats, Improved Uncanny Dodge (ex, cannot be flanked), Battle Cunning (ex, Int bonus as an insight bonus to damage against flanked or flat-footed targets), Battle Skill (ex, Int bonus as an insight bonus on opposed checks to resist bull rush, disarm, feint, overrun, sunder, or trip attempts).

Maneuvers Known: Sudden Leap (tiger claw 1, boost), Mountain Hammer (stone dragon 2, strike), Claw at the Moon (tiger claw 2, strike), Soaring Raptor Strike (tiger claw 3, strike), Lightning Recovery (iron heart 4, counter), Death from Above (tiger claw 4, strike), Elder Mountain Hammer (stone dragon 5, strike), Dancing Mongoose (tiger claw 5, boost), Iron Heart Endurance (iron heart 6, boost).
Stances Known: Punishing Stance (iron heart 1), Stonefoot Stance (stone dragon 1), Leaping Dragon Stance (tiger claw 3).

Maneuvers Readied: Sudden Leap, Soaring Raptor Strike, Death from Above, Elder Mountain Hammer, Dancing Mongoose.
Stance Active: Leaping Dragon Stance.

Belt of Giant Strength (36,000 gp, +6 enhancement to Strength, 1 lb.)
Gloves of Dexterity (4,000 gp, +2 enhancement to Dexterity)
Ring of Protection (18,000 gp, +3 deflection AC)
Ring of Sustenance (2,500 gp, no need for food and drink, only needs 2 hours of sleep)
Amulet of Natural Armor (18,000 gp, +3 enhancement to natural armor AC)
Cloak of Resistance (4,000 gp, +2 resistance on saving throws, 1 lb.)

Traveler's Outfit (free starting outfit, 5 lbs., worn outfit doesn't count towards encumbrance)
Spare Traveler's Outfit (1 gp, 5 lbs.)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs.)
2 Belt Pouches (2 gp, 1 lb.)
Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.)
Tent (10 gp, 20 lbs.)
Rope (2 gp, 100 feet, 20 lbs.)
Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lbs.)
Whetstone (2 cp, 1 lb.)
Soap (5 sp, 1 lb.)
Flint & Steel (1 gp, 0 lbs.)
2 Torches (2 cp, 2 lbs.)

Potion of Cure Minor Wounds (25 gp, heals 1 lethal and nonlethal damage)
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp, heals 1d8+1 lethal and nonlethal damage)
2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (600 gp, heals 2d8+3 lethal and nonlethal damage)
Restorative Ointment (4,000 gp, has five applications, each application can heal 1d8+5 points of lethal and nonlethal damage, Neutralize Poison, or Remove Disease)
Potion of Fly (750 gp, grants the effects of a Fly spell as per a 5th-level caster)

4 Gold, 13 Silver, 6 Copper
Carrying 63 lbs.
Light load is 0-173 lbs.
Medium load is 174-346 lbs.
Heavy load is 347-250 lbs.
Can lift up to 520 lbs. over his head
Can lift up to 1,040 lbs. off the ground
Can push or pull up to 2,600 lbs.

Cray was born and raised in the village of Kalm, but always wanted a more exciting life than the quiet village could offer. He wanted to be a great warrior, bringing back trophies like the head of the Zolom to show off his exploits. So when a wandering spearmaster visited Kalm with his apprentice Cid, Cray jumped at the chance to try and receive training, maybe even join the warrior in his travels and hunt monsters all around the world. That would really impress the folks back home... Cray pestered the old warrior until he was finally given a chance to try and prove himself a worthy pupil. The spearmaster, calling himself Horn, challenged Cray to beat his apprentice Cid. The older boy kicked Cray's butt, though Cray got in a few good jabs and kicks too.

Horn decided to give the boy another chance, since he didn't seem completely helpless, showing a bit of strength and resilience from laboring in his father's shop every day. Cray was sent out to wrangle up some critters from the field, to prove he had some speed and cunning. After getting bruised and bloodied by animals, Cray managed to finally return with a few catches, and managed to talk Horn into accepting that as a success. Being around his father's shop so much had at least taught the kid something about being persuasive. After a few more days in Kalm, the spearmaster and his senior apprentice moved on, and Cray was just barely able to worm his way onto the trip as a junior apprentice.

Some years later, after Cid had finished training and gone on to do something or other in Midgar, Cray was still struggling to master Horn's techniques and prove his discipline, after so many rash fights and trying to compete with Cid, who was clearly the more talented and clever fighter. As they passed through Wutai, Horn decided it was time to let the teenager go, that he just might not be cut out for the kind of training and lifestyle a true warrior needed. Cray was too focused on glory and out-doing everyone else, despite his own less than excellent talents. So Cray was left on his own, told to seek Horn out again someday if he ever learned the discipline to finish his training, and figured out what it truly meant to be a warrior. Some cryptic parting words later, which Cray never really bothered to remember, and Horn jumped out of town like he was strapped to a rocket, leaving Cray behind to gawk and wonder how the heck the old man just did that.

Traveling for a few years longer on his own, Cray tried to find his way in the world and figure out what his master had meant. Cray fought for Wutai and others against Shinra during the war, briefly, as a mercenary to pay for his room and board while traveling. It wasn't personal, but Cray had no desire to join Shinra's military and be put on a tight leash in some stinking, smog-clouded hole like Midgar. So he did some random mercenary work, a few minor monster-extermination jobs, and general errands for small towns here and there. Eventually, Cray learned a few bits of history and folklore in Cosmo Canyon, and went off to see if he could find a dragon, as it seemed that Horn's techniques were based on the fighting style of some smart, not-so-primitive dragons in the distant past.

Cray did indeed find a dragon to teach him, in the mountains near Wutai, but it wasn't easy to find one of the rare old monsters, let alone survive the encounter and convince the beast not to kill him, and that he wasn't after the dragon's hide or treasures. Somehow, the young man had managed to convince the dragon with a peace offering of fresh couerl meat, some hasty words about a deal, and the emptying of Cray's gil pouch, to Cray's dismay. He wound up accepting the dragon's terms, after being commanded to go out and bring the old lizard more meat a few times, and Cray was the canny old dragon's servant for several years after that. Fortunately, he wasn't eaten, and though he left the mountains with not a gil to his name, Cray had learned what the dragon was willing to teach him about the ancient secrets of dragon-to-dragon combat. The old reptile had grown tired of the mortal's presence and sent him running off, really.

By that time, Cray had finally learned some discipline and the wisdom of not messing with anyone or anything much more powerful than himself, though he remained a bit reckless and still wanted to earn glory through monster-hunting and mercenary work. Still, he'd love to plant a gauntleted fist into the sneering face of that smug jerk Cid someday.... Regardless, Cray had to start traveling again, and slowly refamiliarized himself with living among humans. The dragon had taught Cray some of its kind's language, not that many others of its kind seemed to use it anymore, and Cray had at least learned a bit more about being intimidating from the old dragon.

He traveled for another year or so, raiding a few old strongholds and ruins around the world to outfit himself with better gear, and find a few more gil to live off of since he had been broke for so many years. And, well, if he had to hire on for some work with Shinra or another company to continue earning a living in the world after Meteor, which had fallen shortly after he left the dragon, then so be it. As long as there was work for someone with a strong arm and skill at arms, Cray would find a way to get by and make a name for himself somehow.[/sblock]
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Male Human Scout4/Ranger1/Fighter1/Warblade4/Dervish3/Exotic Weapon Master 1
AL: CG HT: 6' WT: 180 Hair: Red Eyes: Green

STR: 24 (+7) [10 points +2 lvl + 6 Enhancement]
DEX: 20 (+5) [8 points +1 lvl + 4 Enhancement]
CON: 14 (+2) [4 points + 2 Enhancement]
INT: 14 (+2) [4 points + 2 Enhancement]
WIS: 12 (+1) [2 points + 2 Enhancement]
CHA: 14 (+2) [4 points + 2 Enhancement]

HP: 166 (4d12+5d10+5d8+28) AC: 30 (10 base + 10 Class + 5 dex + 2 Armour + 1 Deflection + 1 Nat Armour + 1 Dervish)
Saves: FORT: +16 (12 Base + 2 Con + 1 Resist + 1 Fortitude) REF: +18 (10 Base + 5 Dex + 1 Resist + 2 Clarity) WILL: +7 (5 Base +1 Wis + 1 Resist)
Init: +6 (+5 Dex + 1 Fortitude)
Speed: 50

Bab: 13
Full Blade: +21/16/11, 2d8+14 (19-20/X2)

Skills(Total/Ranks):[128 Points] Balance(+24/17); Craft:Weaponsmithing(+5/3); Concentration(+19/17); Diplomacy(+22/17); Intimidate(+22/17); Jump(+26/17); Perform: Dance(+21/16); Spot(+8/7); Tumble(+24/17)

Feats: [8]: Dodge, Mobility, Exotic W. Proficiency: Full Blade, W.Focus: Full Blade, Power Attack, Expertise, Swift Hunter, Monkey Grip

Class Features: Improved Uncanny Dodge, Battle Clarity/Ardor(+2 to reflex saves, critical confirmation), Uncanny Blow(Exotic Weapon 2-handed adds 2x str mod), +1 Battle Fortitude, Skirmish (+2d6 dmg/+1 AC if move 10'), Trackless Step, +1 AC Bonus, Movement Mastery, Dervish Dance (2/day, +2atk/dmg, 8 rounds)

(Ironheart 1) Punishing Stance - -2 AC, +1d6 damage
(Ironheart 3) Absolute Seel - +10 Speed, + 2 AC
(Tiger Claw 3) Leaping Dragon Stance - +10 jump, all jumps considered running jumps

Manuevers Known: 5; Readied: 4
(Tiger Claw 1) Sudden Leap - Make jump check and gain that as free movement *Straight line, provokes AoO as normal movement* (Swift Action)
(Ironheart 3) Ironheart Surge - End one condition with a duration currently affecting you, +2 attacks for 1 round.(Standard Action)
(Ironheart 4) Lignthing Recovery - Reroll a missed attack with a +2 bonus (Immediate Action).
(Ironheart 2) Wall of Blades - make an attack roll with your melee weapon vs an incoming melee or ranged attack and use it as your AC vs that attack. (Immediate Action)

Languages: Common

Equipment: 88k
Belt of Strength+6 (36k)
Vest of Constitution+2 (4k)
Gloves of Dexerity+4 (16k)
Circlet of Awareness [Intelligence+2, Wisdom+2, Persuassion] (16.5k)
Amulet of Natural Armour+1(2k)
Ring of Protection+1(2k)
Cloak of Resistance+1/Charisma+2(5k)
6,500 GP

Preferred Weapon: Full Blade
Preferred Armour: Mithril Breast Plate

Will is a tall, athletic man with long red hair, a cocky grin, and a giant blade slung over one shoulder.
An ex-Soldier (third class), Will became a popular gladiator at the Gold Saucer Arena when Soldier was disbanded, due to his combination of swordsmanship skill, daring flare, and attitude. Recently, he's grown bored with the Arena and is yearning for a challenge.


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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Name: Raphael Crescent
Class: Rogue 3, Fighter 4, Order of the "Gun" Initiate 5
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male

Str: 8  (-1)
Dex: 23 (+6) (+3 lvl, +4 eguipment)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Level: 12       XP: ???
BAB: 11         HP: 122 (3d6+4d10+5d8+24)
Grapple: 10     Dmg Red: None
Speed: 30       Spell Res: None
Init: 10         
ACP:  0       

                   Base  Armor  Shld  Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10     10          6           2          28
Touch:  ??             Flatfooted: ?? 

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      6     2    2      10
Ref:                       8     6    2      16
Will:                      6     0    2      8

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical
Rifle                    19      2d8+2         x2
-pointblank              20      5d8+2
-sneak                   20     5d8+2d6+2

Languages: Common, ???

Abilities: Evasion, Sneak Attack 2d6, Trapfinding, Trapsense +1,
Close Combat Shot, Ranged Precision 3d8, Greater Weapon Focus

Feats: Greater Weapon Focus: Rifle, Improved Initiative, Manyshot,
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Ranged Disarm, Rapid Shot,
Weapon Focus: Rifle, Weapon Specialization: Rifle.

Skills:                Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Bluff                  6/0/0   1    0     7
Climb                  0/0/1  -1    0     0
Craft (Guns)           5/0/0   3    0     8
Diplomacy              6/0/1   1    2     10
Disable Device         6/2/2   3    2     15
Gather Information     6/2/2   1    0     11
Hide                   5/0/0   6    0     11
Intimidate             6/4/2   1    2     15
Jump                   3/2/0  -1    2     6
Knowledge (Religion)   2/0/0   3    0     5
Move Silently          6/2/0   6    5     19
Open Lock              6/0/2   6    2     16
Search                 6/0/1   3    0     10
Spot                   5/1/5   0    0     11
Tumble                 6/0/2   6    2     16

Shin-Ra Tri-Barrel Mako-Bolter (Rifle)
Trenchcoat (Armor Slot)
Masterwork Thieves Tools (100)
Rinf of Feather Falling (2,2k)
Ring of Invisibility (20k)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (8k)
Boots of Sneaking (Elvenkind) (2,5k)
Bracers of Greater Gunnery (Archery) (25k)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4k)
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16k)
10200 gil
[sblock=Raphael Crescent]
Raphael is a longstanding member of the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department of Shinra, or more commonly the TURKS. Eventhough having been part of the special force for 20 years, bad luck kept him from being part of the world-shaking events his comrades saw.

Raphael was one of the few persons who could call President Shinra a friend. For five years Raphael had been the President's personal bodyguard. Always there in the shadows, no more than two meters away, never seen by the public, but always present when the President made appearance. He was there too when Sephiroth came back...

Raphael took the first hit of Masamune, which left in coma for three months. When he came around again the world had changed forever. President Shinra was dead, this was the one fact that conserned Raphael most. Midgar was in ruins and several craters dotted the world. Tseng gave him the details later but Raphael never recovered from the loss of his friend.

He returned to duty and worked alongside with Tseng for a while, but then came the Geostigma. It drove Raphael back to bed, and once again he missed on the fight that changed the world.

Now, years later he still works for Rufus. There was hope that Shinra could be rebuilt back to its glory but recent events have made it seem more distant again. But Tseng has a plan, a plan that depends on Raphael...[/sblock]
[sblock=Description]Raphael is a tall dark figure with a permanent five'o'clock shadow and short-cut corporate hairstyle. Little graying from the sides, his age is starting to show on his worry-carved face.

A long scar runs across his whole face, starting from left of his forehead and running down to middle of his chin. The scar actually continues downward still, across his chest and abdomen, but this is less known. It was left by Sephiroth when Raphael positioned himself between him and President Shinra.

Wearing the traditional dark suit of TURKS, along with matching trenchcoat and stylish sunglasses, Raphael is the veritable incarnation of Dark, Looming Stranger.[/sblock]


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