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Fire! (Dunamin judging)

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Sorry I'm taking so long with a reply but I'm really at a loss on how to react. Ts'iri knows little about Giths and even if I come up with a brilliant bluff, being strangled puts a damper on extended talks [I kind of need my throat to talk...]. Sigh... I'll try to come up with something so I'm not holding things up.


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No, i'm the one holding things up. Been busy with work, sorry.

Also, I didn't mean to say you HAD to talk your way out, I was just trying to say you don't have to stick to combat mechanics for this.


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"I wonder what is taking so long for Ts'iri to do? She should have been back out by now, Kama'zer." Soldier says to Kama'zer. "Can you check on her and see if she needs help while I stay here and hold the doorway up." He asks the female githyanki warlord.

[sblock=OOC]No rolls, just a roleplaying bump[/sblock]


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Callen and Mri'Thas:

You combine your spells and icy vapour billows out, blanketing the block with glittering fog. The fire is doused almost instantly as your magic sucks the heat from the flames. Some fires still gutter in individual buildings, that must be taken care of in case of flareups, but most of the fire is out!

For a brief moment, as the flames die, you see a dark cloaked figure outlined in frost - then it's gone.

Callen: That's the final success for Challenge 2! Everybody can act towards challenge 1 now.
Mri'Thas: That's a success for Challenge 1, and it removes a failure (down to 0 of 3).

Both of you can roll Perception to see how many details you could make out before the figure vanished.


They make you think of some sort of scuttling bug - maybe a giant spider or scorpion. You can't tell any more than that, though. The tracks lead towards the rear end of the sand pile and into a cobbled alley, where you lose them.


You struggle vainly to escape the githzerai's grip, without success.

Your eyes sting and stream as smoke wreathes your head. The gith starts wheezing and hacking as it breathes in the smoke. Finally its grip slackens and it pitches forward to the ground. You draw a shuddering breath, inhale a lungful of smoke, and double up coughing.

You lose 1 healing surge. You can get out of here with no further penalty, but dragging the unconscious gith with you will take an Athletics check; failure means you lose another healing surge.


The elf looks over his shoulder to see you following, just as your blast catches him. He throws his hands up to shield his face, dropping his sack, and gold coins spill out into the street. Your blast strikes his forearms and brands him with a purple burn; he jerks backwards and falls. Before he can drop his arms you are looming over him, cloak blowing in the breeze, the hellish glow of the fire behind you.

"Don't hurt me!" he grovels, and shoves a handful of coin towards you. "Take it! Take it all, just let me go-o-o!" His last syllable extends out into a sob.

You can hear the crowd just a block away, through an alley, but nobody's watching you here. You can easily grab a sack of coins if you'd like without anyone being the wiser. Or you could beat him to death and extract justice that way, without witnesses. Or, in his current state, it shouldn't be hard to drag him bodily through the alley and turn him over to the mob if you just want to get him off your hands. Then again, with his current state, maybe you've put the fear of wrath on him enough already.

Whatever you do here, you can get back to fighting the fire next round. Unless you'd rather linger to deal with the elf in more detail...


The dwarf puts his head down and runs, short legs pumping despite his burden. Over a long distance he'd have the advantage, but you're able to catch up to him with a sprint easily. He turns to duck into an alley; the violin falls from his arms and you put your foot through it. It slows you only a little, and oyou skid around the corner just behind him, right into the arms of the city watch. Two guardsmen are standing in the far end of the alley, and with you blocking the entrance, the thief has no escape.

"Thank you, citizen," says the older guard as he collars the dwarf. "We'd have had quite a chase if you hadn't herded him in here." They march the dwarf away, leaving the ruined violin on the ground.

You can take the violin if you want - might be worth a few coins to hock for the fine wood, or maybe it can be repaired. You can get back to fighting the fire next round.

Solon and Goeth's neglect of the fire causes a failure in challenge 1 - back up to 1 out of 3.


As the old, rotted wood begins to pull away from the house, you throw your arm forward and grab onto a more solid beam. You pull yourself up into the room even as the balcony collapses behind you.

The collapse has left enough beams and juts exposed that there are easy handholds to climb down. The children are too frightened to proceed at first, but with your athletic example you're able to goad the whole family into climbing down to safety.

That's a success for challenge 1. Just 1 more to go!

Challenge 1: 11 of 12 successes / 1 of 3 failures
Challenge 2: 10 of 10 successes / 0 of 3 failures

All right, just one more roll, if we're lucky!


Yet to act:


First Post
"You are right Soldier, she has been in there too long and something must be wrong. Take hold of the supports well, I'm going to step away and leave it on your shoulders while I go in to find her." After a careful moment of easing her burden to the warforged, Kama'zer sprints into the remains of the building to find Ts'iri and an unconscious Githzerai. Picking up the Gith, Kama'zer tells Ts'iri "Let us leave this place before it collapses upon us." With that, she will follow Ts'iri out of the building and past Soldiers hulking frame in the doorway.

Athletics check (1d20+9=18)
OOC: Hope you don't mind me stealing Ts'iri's task to try and finish this up. With Soldier talking about it taking too long though, I thought it might be natural for Kama'zer to try and help out if Ts'iri was in trouble since he was there to take over holding the doorway up.


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You push your way into the basement and instantly take in the scene - the githzerai collapsed unconscious and Ts'iri sitting next to him, still gasping for breath. By now the atmosphere is getting seriously dangerous in here, and the ceiling could collapse at any moment. You drag the gith outside, followed closely by Ts'íri - just in time, as a jolting crash behind you shows part of the ceiling falling in, burying Ts'iri's smugglers tunnel.

As you recover, you hear cheering from down the street. With a last spadeful of sand, the fire is out!

And that's the final success for the skill challenge! I'll give Solon and Goeth a chance to decide what to do with their victimsprisoners and/or loot, and I'm still waiting for a Perception check from Callen, and then I'll wrap this up.


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"Thank you, citizen," says the older guard as he collars the dwarf. "We'd have had quite a chase if you hadn't herded him in here." They march the dwarf away, leaving the ruined violin on the ground.
Solon watches the guards leave with the dwarf in tow. Seeing the violin at his feet he kneels and scoops up the pieces in his hands. "Perhaps I can get this repaired and returned to the owner. At the very least, returned to the owner, explain what happened...." Solon returns quickly to the scene of the fire, intent on returning to combating the blaze.


First Post
Goeth drags both the loot and the elf to the edge of the fire near to some of the townsfolk. Having cleared his name of arson, he'd rather play it safe on any potential counts of murder or larcenty. After a departing kick to the mongrel he returns to the brigade-work.

Voidrunner's Codex

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