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Fire! (Dunamin judging)


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Ts'iri enters the building and heads down the hall. She catches sight of one of the beetles around the corner and lets lose her baleful energy at it followed by a bolt of silvery energy. She smiles at the bolt impacts and she hears a slight crunch from it's shell.

[sblock=Details]Move: O20 to I20; [Gains concealment from shadow walk]
Minor: Curse B2
Standard: Eldritch Blast B2
1d20+4=17, 1d10+5=9, 1d6=1[+1 for prime shot, -2 cover]
Total damage to B2 = 10hp.
[sblock=Stat Line]HP: 35/35; Surges 9/10; AC 18[20 vs first attack], Fort 15, Refl 16, Will 15;
Action Points: 1/1
Second Wind: 1/1
Vampiric Embrace: 1/1
Scorching Burst: 1/1
Telekinetic Leap: 1/1
Armor of Agathys: 0/1
Fiendish Resilience: 1/1[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=OCC]Ever since Invisible Castle started requiring log-in's to post comments, I've been unable to put in comments. As such, I'll post comments after roll link.[/sblock]
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Soldier rushes forward and hacks twice at one of the those fiery red beetles with cold efficiency and ruthlessness. He calls out: "Focus on the beetles, comrades!!"

Move Action: Move to L6
Free Action: switch to cold damage
Standard Action: Reaping strike against B6(it is marked and take 15 cold damage)
Minor Action:N/A
1d20+9;1d12+6 → [14,9] = (23)

1d20+9;1d12+6 → [9,6] = (15)

AP use
Attack: Reaping Strike against same beetle(21 cold damage and it is slowed)

1d20+10;1d12+9 → [14,10] = (24)
1d20+10;1d12+9 → [7,9] = (16)

ok, this is gamble but I gonna use my magic item daily
Free Action:magic weapon daily adds a 1d8 → [5] = (5) to the damage


[sblock=Soldier stat Line]Soldier- Male Warforged fighter 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC:17, Fort:17, Reflex:11, Will:12 -- Speed:5
HP:36/36, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:12/12
Initiative +1, Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Cleave, Reaping Strike, Steel Serpent Strike, Warforged Resolve, Brute Strike,Frost Weapon(used)
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First Post
Just to be clear, the three people with Init 9 still go in order, so Solon gets to move before Soldier. Not a problem, though - if Solon's move takes out that beetle, I'll have Soldier do something reasonable.

Solon's turn, then I'll post for the bad guys...


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Well, here we go...[/sblock]

Hearing the sounds of combat within, Solon's grip tightens on his sword before throwing open the door in front of him. Seeing the beetles inside, he surges forward, knowing his brother will be right behind him. Raising his sword above his head, he cries out "For Justice and for Juna! before bringing it down on the beetle to his left.

[sblock=OOC]Minor: Open the door
Move: Move to G8, avoiding any opportunity attacks
Standard: Valiant Strike on B1: 1d20+9;1d12+6 → [20,6] = (26) (Crit!) for 14 damage[/sblock]


First Post
With a wicked snarl Goeth follows his brother into the room. As the paladin’s blade strikes its target, the warlock wills another purple dart forth and fires it into the flank of the weakened monster.

The holy soldier’s warcry does illicit a chuckle from the arcanist, however. “There is no justice to be served to these bugs, little brother. Only punishment.

Move: Move up to G7
Minor: Target Fire Beetle 1 with Warlock's Curse
Standard: Attack the fire beetle with an eldritch blast:
Eldritch Blast to Fire Beetle 1: CON (+3) vs REF (12) (1d20+3=20)
Damage to Fire Beetle 1 (1d10+3=12)
Warlock's Curse bonus damage (1d6=2)
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First Post
OCC: What Ozymandias79 said but I'll also add that you should curse BEFORE you attack with the beetle so you can add the d6 damage to that attack. ;)


First Post
OOC: And now the pain begins...

[sblock=Action Changes]
Ts'iri, I'm afraid you need to spend a minor action to open the door, so you don't have a free action to curse the beetle this turn. So you only do 9 damage, not 10.

Solon, the pews are difficult terrain so you don't have enough move to get to G8 (the last step costs double, so it would take you 6). I had to move you to F8 instead, so you only get +1 extra for Valiant Strike, not +2. (Doesn't matter since you hit with a crit.)

Soldier, moving to L6 would take 8 movement points, since you need to cross two squares of pews (difficult terrain). I moved you to N6 instead.

Mri'Thas's orbs are followed by an inrush of warriors. Kama'zer stabs at a fire beetle lurking beneath the pews, but it skitters backwards out of the way; Solon skirts the edges of the pews, unable to reach another monster lurking among them, and settles for stabbing the one by the wall; and Soldier charges the beetle in the central row and strikes it two mighty blows with his glittering axe - WHAM! WHAM! - splitting its carapace in two.

As he sees Soldier make quick work of one of his pets, the arsonist screams, "PETEY! NO!" A ball of crimson fire forms in his fist and he hurls it towards Soldier. The fireball strikes him in the chest, causing his brass plating to glow red hot. Seeing the warforged barely damaged, the arsonist stares around in panic at the incoming warriors. He begins a mumbled argument with himself, head darting back and forth eratically, culminating in a shout of, "NO! They can all burn - YOU can all burn! I WON'T BURN WITH YOU!" It whirls and runs towards the stage door, thudding into it and jerking at the handle until it finally swings open.

The beetles swarm over the intruders, biting and belching flame. Two snap at Solon, but he's able to fend them off. Another forces its way beneath the curtain that blocks the stage exit and scuttles down towards Kama'zer and Soldier, passing unharmed through the wall of flames at the base of the stage. Yet another emerges from beneath the organ and joins it. Kama'zer and Soldier find themselves facing a line of beetles, mandibles clicking and an eerie red glow beginning to form behind their jaws...


Almost simultaneously the three beetles let loose three blasts of flame that wash over the two. They each manage to leap out of the way of the first, but the followups catch them in the center of an inferno. It's not just flame - the beetles are belching a sticky substance like droplets of burning pitch that attaches to the skin and burns its way in. Kama'zer rolls on the ground, scrubbing at his hair and face, and eventually is able to clean the substance from his reddened skin and climb shakily to his feet. Soldier is not so lucky - the substance splatters on his plates and forces its way agnozingly into his joints. By the time the attack has burned itself out he is near collapse, only the force of his will keeping him standing.

In the other building, Ts'iri snakes a blast of energy around a corner, leaving a scorch mark on the beetle's shell. It hisses and spits in anger, scuttles around the corner and snaps at the shadows around her, confused by her shadowy shroud. From nearby she hears a thudding sound and then a sudden crack and a crackle of flame - another beetle has gotten itself locked inside a room and, hearing the approach of prey, throws itself against the door which swung shut behind it. Its fires eventually burn a small hole through the door, and it rips its way through and emerges to squat among the splinters in the hallway.

There is a sudden swirl of black smoke in the pavilion the gnome vacated, and a puff of flame. When it fades it reveals a tiny demonlike creature, with twisting red horns and vicious claws, hovering in the air on batlike wings. It spits a vicious curse after him, causing him to shrink away from, face ashen with fear, and then launches itself into the air and swoops towards Mri'Thas's overlook. It gains altitude and folds its wings into a dive, straight for his face! He has a brief view of needle-sharp teeth darting for his eyes before he flinches away, and it scores a bloody line on his cheek and hovers above him, tittering in a high-pitched voice and licking the blood from its teeth. A second imp appears as it swoops over Solon, lashing at him with its barbed tail; its sting pierces his arm and he feels an acidic burning which quickly fades.

Amid the chaos, the fire at the foot of the stage is beginning to spread, little tendrils of flame running out along the pews...

Please remember to list all the bonuses to your attacks that aren't on your sheet. For example, it took me a while to realize that the bonuses for Soldier's second attack were higher because he used an AP while he could see Kama'zer, gaining +1 to hit and +3 damage from Tactical Presence. I was about to revise the damage down when I noticed that.
Ts'iri's "+1 for prime shot, -2 cover" is a great format for this.

Also, please include a mini stat block with every post that has an action in it, so I can easily see your HP and defenses without having to go to the wiki.

Kama'zer moves to O8 and misses Beetle 7.

Ts'iri opens the door, moves to I20 (gaining concealment until end of next turn), and hits Beetle 2 for 9.

Solon opens the door, moves to F8, and hits Beetle 1 for 14.

Soldier moves to N6 and hits Beetle 6 for 36 damage total (using an AP and the Frost Greataxe daily), killing it.

The Arsonist casts Burning Bolt at Soldier, hitting with a 21 vs. Fort for 7 damage. Soldier is dazed (save ends). Then it moves to F14 and uses a minor action to open the door. Now that the door is open, his Heat Haze penetrates to the far side, so it now covers only Beetle 1 and Beetle 4.

Beetle 1 bites at Solon, missing (9 vs AC). (Ignore the comment on that roll; I meant to row all bite attacks at once, but messed up.)

Beetle 2 moves to H20 and bites at Ts'iri, missing (16 vs AC).

Beetle 3 moves to G8 and bites at Solon, hitting (23 vs AC, 8 damage).

Beetle 4 moves to H18 and tries to break down the door (should've paid more attention to my own map when I said, "All other doors are closed."). It succeeds with Athletics 17 vs DC 16.

Beetle 5 moves to N9 (2 squares movement to get through the curtain at M12 - difficult terrain; 2 more to go down the stairs to P11; 1 more to N10, taking 1d6 damage from the fire, negated by its fire resistance; 1 more to N9 = 6 move total) and uses Fire Spray (close blast 3) on Soldier and Kama'zer, missing both (7 and 10 vs Reflex)

Beetle 7 uses Fire Spray on Soldier and Kama'zer, hitting both for 10 (16 and 22 vs Reflex; 10 damage)

Beetle 8 moves to P9 (takes 5 movement points for 2 squares of difficult terrain) and uses Fire Spray on Soldier and Kama'zer, hitting Soldier with a crit for 18 damage and Kama'zer for 14 (24 and 19 vs Reflex; 14 damage)

There were two invisible imps at H12 and J12, flanking the gnome and giving him commands and temptations. They rolled 28 init, and chose to delay their actions until some of the PC's entered the theatre (and also so I could move all the monsters at once). On his first turn, Mri'Thas tried to spot hidden enemies, so I rolled Perception for him: he rolled 8 vs their Stealth of 25 and 28 (includes +5 for being invisible), so he didn't come anywhere near detecting them. And now they uncloak and attack!

Imp 1 moves to F8 (sharing the square with Solon). This forces it to make a new Stealth roll at -5 for moving: 25. Solon's passive Perception isn't enough to spot it, so it's still hidden from him when it attacks, giving it Combat Advantage. It attacks Solon with its Reach 0 Tail Sting, which cancels its invisibility, but hits with a 19, for 8 damage. (Forgot to include the +2 for combat advantage on the roll so IC says 17.) It also gets a secondary poison attack, which misses with a roll of 13 vs Fort.

Imp 2 moves to N14, which forces a new Stealth roll at -5 for moving: 27. Mri'Thas also doesn't see it coming. It charges to Q14, which cancels invisibility, and bites for 18 vs AC, 7 damage (IC says 16 since I forgot combat advantage again)

After all the monsters have moved, the fire spreads. I rolled d2 for each square on fire, and it spreads on a roll of 2; if it spreads it rolls a d8 (1=north, 2=northeast, etc) to see where it spreads to. This round, fire spreads to I9 and K9.

The big double doors at Q3/R4, and the doors at B5, F14 and N20 are open. The door at H18 is destroyed. The rest are closed.

And now its Callen's turn! (The turn that Goeth already posted is queued up, but he can change his mind and post another if he wants. Use the same rolls, though.)

26 - M - Mri'Thas (28/35 hp)
23 - K - Kama'zer (7/31 hp)
11 - T - Ts'iri (35/35 hp, concealment until EONT)
9 - S - Solon (9/25 hp)
9 - W - Soldier (1/36 hp, dazed (save ends))
9 - A - Arsonist (11 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze)
8 - B1 - Beetle 1 (14 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze)
8 - B2 - Beetle 2 (9 damage)
8 - B3 - Beetle 3 (0 damage)
8 - B4 - Beetle 4 (0 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze)
8 - B5 - Beetle 5 (0 damage, used Fire Spray)
8 - B6 - Beetle 6 (36 damage)
8 - B7 - Beetle 7 (0 damage, used Fire Spray)
8 - B8 - Beetle 8 (0 damage, used Fire Spray)
28 - I1 - Imp 1 (0 damage, used Tail Sting)
28 - I2 - Imp 2 (0 damage)
7 - C - Callen (28/28 hp)
5 - G - Goeth (34/34 hp)
4 - R - Galinndan (29/29 hp)

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OOC: I change my Standard Action to a charge to L6(and charge attack B6 and use AP to use reaping strike with the same rolls) if Soldier cannot reach it by his move action alone then and if I may since it wasn't mentioned earlier.

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