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Fire! (Dunamin judging)

Voda Vosa

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"Get off of me devil!" Yells Mri'Thas, as he moves away from the edge of the building, and lunches a magical assault again against the Imp. He eyes for the suspicious smoke that sells out the position of the other Imp

Move: Shifte to
Standar: MM 15 vs ref for 9 dmg
Minor: Passive perception 12.

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Yeah, it's getting time to move on. I won't have time to post tomorrow, but if Callen doesn't post by Monday evening I'll NPC him.


Callen girds his mind as the illusory terrain threatens to bog him down. Free to move about, he chases up the stage after the gnome. But not before helping Solon with his healing word.

[sblock=ooc]Immediate Interrupt: Activate Staff of Defense to gain +2 to Will. Will 18, avoids the hit from illusory terrain.

Move: move up stairs to M11
Standard: move along edge of stage to H11
Minor: healing word on Solon healing word on Solon (1d6=1) = is at surge +1 hps

Callen Stewart - Male Human Wizard 2
Passive Perception: +13, Passive Insight: +18
Init: +1, Speed: 6, AP: 0, Second Wind: not used
AC:16, Fort:14, Reflex:16, Will:16
HP:28/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/8
Burning Hands, Shield, Staff of Defense
Freezing Cloud, Healing Word, Gloves of Piercing[/sblock]


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Galinndan is still a little shaken by the illusionary flames, but seeing Callen walk through the flames unscathed enables him to muster enough courage to move on toward the arsonist. Galinndan manages to position himself near the base of the stair leading to the stage when he catches a glimpse of the beetle who blasted Solon. He raises his hand an fires a magic missle at the beetle catching him squarely as it moves across the pews. After unleashing the missile Galinndan realizes he too is standing in the middle of flames unharmed and his mind is no longer held captive by the illusion.

Minor: None
Move: Start at T10 -> End at Q12
Standard: Magic Missile targeting beetle B1 in square I8 Magic Missile vs Ref. at beetle B1 in square I8 (1d20+4=21, 2d4+4=8)= hit for 8 damage.

Save: Save against wall of fire illusion (1d20=15)

Galindan Rithkan - Male Eladrin Wizard 1
Passive Perception: +1, Passive Insight: +1
Init: +3, Speed: 6, AP: 0, Second Wind: not used
AC:14, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:14
HP:29/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/8
Powers - Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Magic Missle, Scorching Burst
Burning Hands, Fey Step, Wand of Accuracy
Acid Arrow, Phantom Chasm


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The chaos of battle quiets and fades in the mind's eye of Goeth once he sees his brother fall. Skirting the monster as best he can, the warlock rushes to his brother's side and tries to resuscitate him using a healing potion. "Drink, brother!"

Move: Move to F7
Standard: Administer healing potion to Solon.
If this provokes an attack of opportunity, so be it.
[sblock=Stat Block]Eldritch Blast (CON), Hellish Rebuke, Dark One's Blessing[/COLOR]
Infernal Wrath, Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos


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[sblock=Changed Actions]
With 6 move, Callen can only reach N11, not M11. But he can reach H11 from that square anyway, so this doesn't have any effect on his overall move.

Galinndan, you can only reach Q11 with your 3 move. I just moved you there since there didn't seem to be anything special about Q12.

Mri'Thas, you don't need to spend an action to use passive Perception - you just automatically spot anything that takes 12 Perception or less. The minor action is to use active Perception, which is a roll. So you automatically spot the Imp, and you can pick a different minor action if you want.

Callen makes his way precariously along the edge of the stage, any misstep threatening to plunge him into the fire below, to where he can look down over Solon's body. A few words of healing magic are all it takes to smooth out Solon's ruined skin and cause the horrific burns to melt away.

It takes a few moments for Goeth to recover himself after the onslaught, but as soon as his head clears and he sees his brother lying there, he darts around the Fire Beetle, which makes a few futile snaps at him as he passes, and pulls out his healing potion. By this time Callen's magic has already done its work and Solon's eyes are open, but he is so weak he can barely move his lips as his brother supports his head and pours the restorative liquid down his throat. A surge of energy rejuvenating rushes through his body.

Since you're awake, you can refuse to drink if you want. You'll have 10 less hp but one more healing surge left. I'll assume you accepted the potion unless you post otherwise.

Meanwhile, Gallindan forces his way through the smoke and obliterates one of the bugs that did this to him as it attempts to crawl its way to safety, while Mri'Thas continues his duel with the tiny devil, emerging victorious! The imp's ruined body flutters down in a tiny spiral and lies broken on the roof.

Goeth, you could have avoided taking that OA by just shifting to E7 instead of moving 2 squares. There's no reason you couldn't have given Solon the potion diagonally. I had you do the action you posted anyway because you specifically said, "If this provokes an OA, so be it," so I provoked the OA.

Callen negates the Illusory Terrain attack against him with Staff of Defense (no longer slowed). He uses Healing Word to heal Solon up to 7 hp (no longer dying). (Solon spends a healing surge.)

Goeth moves to F7, provoking an OA from Beetle 3: misses with a 10. Then he feeds his Healing Potion to Solon, healing him for 10 hp. (Solon spends a second healing surge.)

Gallindan moves to Q11, and hits Beetle 1 with a Magic Missile, killing it. Since it was under Goeth's Warlock's Curse, he gains 1 temp hp. Gallindan saves (no longer slowed).

Mri'Thas shifts to R15 and hits Imp 1 for 9 damage, killing it!

The big double doors at Q3/R4, and the doors at B5, F14, N20 and U12 are open. The door at H18 is destroyed. The rest are closed.

Kama'zer's turn!

26 - M - Mri'Thas (28/35 hp)
23 - K - Kama'zer (18/31 hp, slowed (save ends))
11 - T - Ts'iri (26/35 hp, concealment until EONT)
9 - S - Solon (17/25 hp, prone)
9 - W - Soldier (25/36 hp)
9 - A - Arsonist (11 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze, used Illusory Terrain)
8 - B1 - Beetle 1 (36 damage, cursed by Goeth, marked with Divine Challenge by Solon, used Fire Spray)
8 - B2 - Beetle 2 (9 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze)
8 - B3 - Beetle 3 (0 damage, used Fire Spray)
8 - B4 - Beetle 4 (0 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze, used Fire Spray)
8 - B5 - Beetle 5 (39 damage, used Fire Spray, prone and immobilized until end of next turn, provokes an OA from Soldier if it shifts before the start of Kama'zer's next turn)
8 - B6 - Beetle 6 (36 damage)
8 - B7 - Beetle 7 (38 damage, used Fire Spray)
8 - B8 - Beetle 8 (32 damage, used Fire Spray)
28 - I1 - Imp 1 (26 damage)
28 - I2 - Imp 2 (44 damage, used Tail Sting)
7 - C - Callen (28/28 hp)
5 - G - Goeth (24/34 hp + 1 thp)
4 - R - Galinndan (29/29 hp)



First Post
Kama'zer forces herself to move a little despite the flames and manages to work at putting out some of the fire in front of the stage by the stairs.

[sblock=details]Move Action: Move to O10
Standard action: Put out fire in square N10
Minor Action: none
Save vs. Slow (1d20=1) FAILED

[sblock=stat block]Conditions: Slowed (save ends)
Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 2
Passive Perception: +10, Passive Insight: +10
Init: +7, Speed: 5, AP: 0, Second Wind: not used
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:14
HP:18/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/9
Powers-Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack, Exalted Armor
Commanding (Tactical) Presence: When ally who can see warlord spends an action point to make an attack, they gain +1 bonus on attack roll (1/2 Int modifier) and +3 bonus to damage from Tactical Assault feat[/sblock][/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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