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Fire! (Dunamin judging)


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Solon surges to his feet and faces the remaining beetle nearest him. "Come beast, bring me your worst!" Solon strikes at the beetle, empowered with holy might. "Brother, where is the Imp? Find it!"

[sblock=OOC]Move: Stand up
Minor: Challenge B3
Standard: Holy Strike: 1d20 +7 = 9; 1d10 + 6 = 16[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat block]Solon Tobari - Male Human Paladin 1
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 12
Init: +4, Speed: 5, AP: 1, Second Wind: not used
AC:18, Fort:16, Reflex:13, Will:14
HP:17/25, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/10
Powers - Divine Challenge, Lay on Hands, Bolstering Strike, Holy Strike, Valiant Strike
Divine Mettle, Divine Strength, Piercing Strike
Paladin's Judgment[/sblock]

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"I'll leave this to you, then." the warlock says with a jerk of his head to the beetle. He then turns to the stage, scanning it for the fleeing monster. Picking out the smoldering trail of the imp, he fires a purple dart that harmlessly pierces one of the soot clouds. "This is going to be harder than I thought."

Minor: Check for imp Perception check (+1 WIS) (1d20+1=21) Success.
Standard: Eldritch Blast (+3 CON) (1d20+3=13) Failure to hit vs Ref.

[sblock=Stat Block]Goeth Tobari - Tiefling Warlock (Infernal Pact) 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 17
Init: +0, Speed: 6, AP: 1, Second Wind: not used
AC:14, Fort:13, Reflex:13, Will:14
HP:24/34 +1 thp, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:9/9
Powers - Eldritch Blast (CON), Hellish Rebuke, Dark One's Blessing
Infernal Wrath, Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos


First Post
Hold your horses there, there's still Ts'iri, Soldier and all the bad guys to go before it's your turn again! I've been letting people post out of order if their turn's coming up, but that's a little much.


First Post
Ts'iri steps back again and blasts the beetle. The beetle prove isn't as lucky this time; it's shell crunching from the impact. They were proving to be quite tough.

[sblock=Details]Move: slide from j20 to k20
Standard: Eldrich blast B2
Minor: n/a
1d20+6=21, 1d10+5=11, 1d6=3[+1 for prime shot]
Total damage to B2 = 14 hp.
[sblock=Stat Line]HP: 26/35; Surges 9/10; AC 18[20 vs first attack], Fort 15, Refl 16, Will 15;
Action Points: 1/1
Second Wind: 1/1
Vampiric Embrace: 0/1
Scorching Burst: 1/1
Telekinetic Leap: 1/1
Armor of Agathys: 0/1
Fiendish Resilience: 0/1[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Details]Sorry for the delay. I posted on the 10th, but it seems enworld didn't take it. luckily invisible castle saves your rolls, :)[/sblock]


First Post
Soldier draw a handaxe and throws it at the beetle, that has engage the Tobari brothers in combat but the axe hit the wall instead then he moves the wall and readies himself to climb up to Mri'thas at roof.

Minor Action: Draw handaxe
Standard Action:throw handaxe at B3 and mark it :) hits ac 10 :blush:
Move Action: move to Q12 and begin to climbs the wall

1d20+5;1d6+5 → [5,5] = (10)
1d20+5;1d6+5 → [2,5] = (7)

Athlethics check
1d20+10→[4,10] = (14)



First Post
[sblock=Changed Actions]
I ignored Goeth's action since it was too far out of sequence. Goeth, you'll need to post a new action when your turn comes. Which is soon, now.

Despite the illusionary flames roaring around her, Kama'zer is able to spot a tongue of real fire moving towards the stairs. She manages to put it out before the stage entrance is blocked off.

Suddenly, from above the stage, a sibilant voice hisses, "No, no, mortal child! Leave the fires alone! Let them burn!" She looks up just in time to see an imp appear in a puff of smoke, diving for her head. She ducks out of the way and it pulls up and hovers over her.

Solon surges to his feat, invigorated by the potion, and levels his sword at the beetle. It steps towards him involuntarily, caught in his holy challenge. Solon and the monstrous insect surge towards each other at the same time, each hoping to strike first, when suddenly Soldier's axe spins through the air just between them and embeds itself in the rear wall with a solid THUNK. Both combatants are forced to dive out of the way, ruining their attacks. The beetle uses the distraction to edge around Solon towards the stage, away from Goeth, while Soldier follows up by running towards the wall beneath Mri'Thas. Unfortunately he doesn't have enough momentum to start up it.

Inside, Ts'iri backs off from the two beetles and blasts at the nearest, sending a large chunk of its shell flying and revealing oozing, mottled red-black flesh beneath. Just then, the gnome sticks its head around the corner, takes in the situation, and cackles. "No escape for you!", it yells, and suddenly, somehow, the voice is coming from behind her. She risks a glance over her shoulder to see the dark-robed gnome standing there, smiling eerily. She looks back to the corner, expecting to see it in both places but it is gone. "Now, my pets!" the gnome calls from its new position blocking the exit. "Just like we practiced! The FIRE-ing line, a heh-heh-heh!"

The beetle in front of Ts'iri opens its mandibles and the glow inside its throat begins building, brighter and brighter. While it prepares the attack, the beetle behind it crawls up over top of its shell to lunges forward to bite at Ts'iri, in a weird parody of a military load-and-fire tactic. The bite draws blood, and its partner follows up with a mighty blast aimed to engulf the entire hall - but the scrabbling feet have knocked it off balance, and it aims its fire straight up over Ts'iri's head.

"That's not how we practiced!" complains the gnome.

Kama'zer moves to O10 and puts out the fire in N10.

Solon stands, marks Beetle 3, and misses it with Holy Strike.

Ts'iri shifts to K20 and hits Beetle 2 for 14 damage, bloodying it. Her concealment wears off.

Soldier misses Beetle 3 with a handaxe, overriding Solon's mark, and moves to Q12. His Athletics roll of 14 isn't enough to start climbing the wall.

The gnome's Illusory Terrain does not recharge. It moves to G20, and then uses a second move action to Fey Step to L20.

Beetle 2 delays its action to go after Beetle 4.

Beetle 3's Fire Spray does not recharge (link says Beetle 2 by accident). It bites Solon, just missing with a 17 due to Soldier's mark, and then shifts to F9.

Beetle 4's Fire Spray also fails to recharge. It moves to J20, flanking Ts'iri, and bites her, hitting with a 22 for 7. (Link says 20, but I forgot to add +2 for Combat Advantage.)

Beetle 2 uses Fire Spray on Beetle 4, Ts'iri and the Gnome. It misses all 3 with 10, 14, and 8. Oh, if only it had combat advantage too!

The Imp flies to O10 and attacks Kama'zer, missing with a 12 despite having combat advantage. This makes it visible.

The big double doors at Q3/R4, and the doors at B5, F14, N20 and U12 are open. The door at H18 is destroyed. The rest are closed. Soldier's handaxe is stuck in the wall at C8.

Callen's turn!

26 - M - Mri'Thas (28/35 hp)
23 - K - Kama'zer (18/31 hp, slowed (save ends))
11 - T - Ts'iri (19/35 hp)
9 - S - Solon (17/25 hp)
9 - W - Soldier (25/36 hp)
9 - A - Arsonist (11 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze, used Illusory Terrain and Fey Step)
8 - B1 - Beetle 1 (36 damage, cursed by Goeth, marked with Divine Challenge by Solon, used Fire Spray)
8 - B3 - Beetle 3 (0 damage, used Fire Spray, marked by Soldier, )
8 - B4 - Beetle 4 (0 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze, used Fire Spray)
8 - B2 - Beetle 2 (23 damage, concealment due to Heat Haze, used Fire Spray)
8 - B5 - Beetle 5 (39 damage, used Fire Spray, prone and immobilized until end of next turn, provokes an OA from Soldier if it shifts before the start of Kama'zer's next turn)
8 - B6 - Beetle 6 (36 damage)
8 - B7 - Beetle 7 (38 damage, used Fire Spray)
8 - B8 - Beetle 8 (32 damage, used Fire Spray)
28 - I1 - Imp 1 (26 damage)
28 - I2 - Imp 2 (44 damage, used Tail Sting)
7 - C - Callen (28/28 hp)
5 - G - Goeth (24/34 hp + 1 thp)
4 - R - Galinndan (29/29 hp)



First Post
Kama'zer? Goeth? Galinndan? Any of you have an action to post? (I don't mind getting a little ahead, if the person before you is becoming a bottleneck.)


First Post
"We have more pressing matters than the imp," the caster growls. "We have to try to use their strength against them." Darkness gathers around Goeth's outstretched hands he gestures to the beetle and the shadows swarm the monster, but disappate harmlessly. "This may be harder than we thought."

[sblock=OOC]Movement: Sidestep to E7.
Minor: Warlock's Curse on B3.
Standard: Vampiric Embrace (+3 CON vs Will) at B3 (1d20+3=8) Unsucessful[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]Goeth Tobari - Tiefling Warlock (Infernal Pact) 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 17
Init: +0, Speed: 6, AP: 1, Second Wind: not used
AC:14, Fort:13, Reflex:13, Will:14
HP:24/34 +1 thp, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:9/9
Powers - Eldritch Blast (CON), Hellish Rebuke, Dark One's Blessing
Infernal Wrath, Vampiric Embrace
Flames of Phlegethos [/sblock]


First Post
Galinndan looks to his left and sees an imp hovering close by. He thrusts his left hand out at the creature and shouts, "die you tiny winged demon!", as he lets loose yet another magic missile. The missile strikes the imp who lets out a high pitched shriek as the forceful blast slams into its chest. Galinndan then quickly turns and races up the stairs and makes his way towards the back stage door.

Minor: Shout at Imp
Standard: Magic Missile vs. Ref targeting Imp in square O11. (1d20+4=18, 2d4+4=11) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2106718/= hit for 11 damage.
Move: Start at Q11 and move diagonally to square P12, so I do not provoke an opportunity attack from the imp since I do not leave the square adjacent to him. Then continue on to end in K13. I moved diagonally from L12 to K13. This should be a total of 6 squares.

Galindan Rithkan - Male Eladrin Wizard 1
Passive Perception: +1, Passive Insight: +1
Init: +3, Speed: 6, AP: 0, Second Wind: not used
AC:14, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:14
HP:29/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/8
Powers - Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Magic Missle, Scorching Burst
Burning Hands, Fey Step, Wand of Accuracy
Acid Arrow, Phantom Chasm

Voidrunner's Codex

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