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Fire variant barbarian - Any ideas?


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Thia Halmades said:
Nyaricus: We disagree at times. That's what keeps my day interesting. :cool:

HA, nice comeback ::cool::

Anyways, Damion, perhaps a PrC for your barb, which can tap into their powers more would be appropriate?? Something like "Warrior of the Inner Flame" who can heat metal, do heat-or-fire-based grapple damage, etc etc etc. Maybe some spell-like abilities to cast fireball x/day, etc.

What do you guys think?? (and on this, perhaps appropriate PrC's for all your elemental classes???)

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Well, I definately going to be designing a Prestige Class for Fire called the Reapers of the Flame. Basically, the Fire Realms were in a constant state of destruction and turmoil before the lawful, regimented Azers immigrated to the planet from the Fire Plane. They saw the societies the way they were and realized everybody needs fire. If the dwarves want to forge their metals, they need fire. If the wind nomads want to cook their fresh caught game, they need fire. So through force of arms, they "unionized" fire, bringing the chaotic orcs and humans under their dominion and opening Fire temples in the Earth and Wind realms, and even reluctantly in some of the Water towns. If you want so much as a torch, you have to come to them. If you don't? The Reapers of the Flame will come for you. Basically, I'm going to take the Black Flame Zealot PrC (admittedly sucky as is) and replace it with a divine fire cleric/barbarian cross. The end result will be a raging, flaming assassin/enforcer designed to hunt down anyone who doesn't pay their dues to the Fire Lords. As for the other elements, I'm going to develop a Holy Liberator, Consecrated Harrier or Stormlord variant for the wind realms, basically the second generation for a Windstalker (ranger) to progress into. I still need to figure out the Earth and Water PrCs, but they'll come to me.


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on the subject of earth monks . . .

theres an awesome book called hammer and helm which deals with dwarves in all their aspects. There happens to be a dwarven PrC for monks which slowly change into stone. My suggestion? take that as a base, adn build on it. The entire series are excellent, and are making me a fan of Green Ronin ;)


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Nyaricus said:
theres an awesome book called hammer and helm which deals with dwarves in all their aspects. There happens to be a dwarven PrC for monks which slowly change into stone. My suggestion? take that as a base, adn build on it. The entire series are excellent, and are making me a fan of Green Ronin ;)

Thanks. If I can find a place around here to look at it for cheap/free, I'll give it a shot. The gaming community around here isn't very robust, so it's hard to find third party products to cherry pick from. I was thinking of an advancement based on the Earth Adapt/Mastery feats in the Races of Stone book in that if they and their opponent are connected to the ground, the monk gets bonuses. Some kind of progression towards earth elemental instead of just outsider will work, too.

Thia Halmades

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Two things.

- Nyaricus has a point; if you're going to remain true to Core, then you'll want your Monk evolving into something over time other than an "outsider" - ending their careers as Native Earth Elementals/Stone Elemental Outsiders would be rather nifty and a good reflection. I'm saying something similar to what he is, but trying to keep your vision for remaining within RAW at the fore front as well.

- Amazon.com. Bookstore, shmookstore. I get everything from Amazon; it's generally cheaper, and if they don't have it, eBay, bay-bay. Not that I'm endorsing a product, I've never read a green ronin book, but I have all of the 3.0/3.5 books printed by WotC to date, as well as a bunch of Sword & Sorcery books, and I get them all from Amazon.

- And if that fails, bookstore. B&N, etc., as I've said before, will let you sit there and browse with a note book in hand, scribing what you need to start.

I'll be on the lookout for your Monk build when it pops.


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Well, i was actauuly talking PrC for the stone guy, but hey, maybe we should run with it and make him an elemental. Anywasy, since we are going very off-topic here, PLEASE post your Earth monk Damion - we need to critque the bugger!!!


- - - -
And, since i a don't have one of those durned credit cards thing-a-ma-bobs, i don't do online bookstores . . . I go to my friendly neighborhood gaming shop. Oh well :p


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Well, I'm still building him right now. The other three classes I had a decent vision of, the monk I'm still working on. The overall vision I have for them is to combine the stability and firmness of rock with the fluidity of water and air, kind of a "become your enemy to defeat your enemy" mindset. Some of the abilities will include the Races of Stone feats that provide bonuses when the monk and opponent are both on the ground, as well as some bonus damage/penalty to an opponent that has been either pinned or tripped by a monk, coming into contact with the ground. Also, they're going to be fairly proficient at sundering, understanding the nature of objects made from the Earth enough to know their weak points. Beyond that, I'm open to suggestions.


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hmmm, I am liking the sound of your monk - sorta a earthly fighter rather than an estoric special ability fighter. Cool. There's a recent entry for a street fighter which you may want some ideas from > Kick 'em while they're down should intrigue you ;)

Maybe a fresh(er) build for the monk would help a bit? They seem like the most archtypical of the classes you are specializing for your elemental campaign - and thus they are the hardest to disassociate their steriotypes from. Probably the best thing to do is post whatever (and i mean whatever) you have for him ASAP and we can see whether he fits the role well enough. You Fire Barbarian is pretty much done, or so it seems. I haven't commented much on your Wind Ranger (i dunno why, but the Combat Styles kinda turned me off him ;/) and your Paladin i could fairly call a masterpiece. Give us your monk, we'll give you feedback!!


Thia Halmades

First Post
Drek. I'm agreeing with Nyaricus again. Create a new thread and put out an all call. The problem you immediately have is that Monks suffer from both MAD and being purely ability driven. Your best bet with them may be, similar to what you did with the Paladin, go point by point, replacing their current flavor with something earthier. Focus on building up their DR, their remarkable resilience (see: Warforged) and, if you haven't done anything with them yet, you might want to roll in some of the Psionic Feats (Up the Walls is a great one, which can be argued for the Monk's ability to manuever on stone/earthen objects).

Some initial thoughts, but yeah. Like he said. New thread.

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