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Flight of the Resistance (Star Wars)


Here is my first VERY (very) rough draft...

Kospirian Cowl

View attachment 81640

Kospirian Cowl was born and raise in the Mid-Rim world of Chryya. His family was involved with the Spice Trade, smuggling it towards Hutt Space and other various criminal organizations. Kospirian never really thought about the illegal nature of the trade as it was not something talked about on planet; it was just another business. His ‘job’ within the family business was to act as a spy on the other families to make sure they were all being 'honest' with each other.

This all changed for him when he encountered a group of smugglers that were using slave labor to transport their goods. This awakened a powerful sense against the injustices of not only slave trade but the illegal spice trade itself (as it relied on a lot of other criminal infrastructure.)

Kospirian helped the slaves escape and got them off world, leaving himself when his family found out. They did not turn him in to the local enforcers but they made it clear he was not welcome on world any longer.

For a time he wondered a bit, working as a space hand on some bulk freighters, keeping to himself. It was in these few years of early wandering that he started noticing things that others did not. At first he thought he might be going crazy, until fate would draw him towards the Outer-Rim World of Akiva and a native Ania-Ko shaman who help him connect with his natural Force Abilities.

After a few months spend with the shaman, Kospirian returned to the Galaxy at large and found himself working for the Resistance against the First Order (he believes in their cause). He is not really admitted to anyone about his Force abilities but he wants to…

Good start! I agree you picked a fantastic piece of art for your inspiration; fits your scoundrel/rogue-type character very well. Good use of Star Wars planets on Wookieepedia too; I appreciate the links.

Hmm, I think I see a couple ways you can improve/clarify what you have here...

1. I'm curious about Kospirian's motives. He's defied his criminal family, freed slaves, and is aligned with the Resistance...yet foremost among his motivations are "Honor" and "Redemption to his family." Can you elaborate on that some more? It's seem like it could be paradoxical? And how do you see "Redemption to his family" being compatible with adventuring in the galaxy? I take it he doesn't one day hope to return to Chryya and settle down as a criminal kingpin. ;)

2. Not too many opportunities for other PC connections yet. I think that's because you've painted things in broad strokes, which I'll offer ideas on below. A few potential PC connections spring to mind...
  • A slave who Kospirian freed from the spice-smuggling vessel.
  • Another Force-sensitive who studied/discovered their gifts under the shaman of Akiva.

3. Looking at Kospirian's journey around the galaxy so far... Chryya is in M17 (in near proximity to Sullust, and close to Kabal – where our story beings). Then he ventured a ways to Akiva, which is in the Arcanis sector (along with Tatooine and Geonosis), where he had his "vision quest" experience. Then somehow he ends up on Kabal. I'm almost getting the picture that he became a bit of a drifter after his exile from the family? Do you think he's kicked around this general swath of the Outer Rim for a while? What's he been up to? Maybe that merits some Outer Rim Knowledge?

4. What brought Kospirian to Kabal, a rough-and-tumble trading planet? Was it the Resistance mission? It sounds like with his travels he may have crossed through before and might even have a bit of local knowledge. What do you imagine he's been doing there? (see details on Kabal in my OP). A few scoundrel-ish organizations on Kabal include the Houk Barcad (organized criminal protection racket), Office of the Premiere (nepotistic corrupt planetary gov't barely controlling local councils), and the Squib Merchandising Consortium (trading/smuggling/scavenging network).

5. What is Kospirian's attitude toward the Resistance? You describe him as having sympathies with their cause, but I think something more substantial and more personal makes sense, especially since Kospirian doesn't have a military background and isn't a pilot. He doesn't have to being connected to the Resistance if you don't want, but if you like him having that connection, how might you develop it some more to make it specific to Kospirian's character?

6. I haven't read Aftermath, so I'm unfamiliar with the Ahia-To alien culture. Do you have a grasp on that? From what I read on Wookieepedia, their shamanism emphasizes water as a purifying element...might be something to work into Kospirian's backstory/outlook?

7. With Kospirian's Force awakening, you mention he thought he was going crazy; I assume from his Uncanny Senses you were thinking some kind of hallucinations or visions? Do you already have an idea for what kind of Force user you envision him becoming? And what prompted him to travel to Akiva of all places to seek help? That seems like a story that should be further fleshed out!

8. Do you already have a trajectory for Kospirian's character development/arc in mind? Do you want his criminal family to play a role? Or is that something you entirely want to discover during play?

9. You made an interesting choice having Kospirian be governed by Morality rather than Duty like we'd expect a character aligned with the Resistance to have, or Obligation like we'd expect a character from a criminal family to have. How do you see his Morality playing out in a group? Is he going to act as the party's unexpected moral compass (when others are quick to assume he's just a selfish scoundrel)?

10. Since you're playing a Spy, once we confirm Kospirian's role in the Resistance, I may have additional information about the informant codenamed SKYLARK to pass onto you in secret.

11. Lastly, what's your vote for the Group Resource? (they're in the OP under Character Creation)
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First Post
Hmm lots and lots to consider :) I need to think about it more BUT the only thing I did have on my mind was where I was going with Force Powers/Abilities. I like of like both the Universal and the Foresee Talent powers. Why I went with Morality is mostly from the suggestion of you for Jedi-like characters EVEN though I don't have that book so it might be MUCH better if I went with a Duty.

I really like the idea of having a starting starship but I am open to the others Starting Resources also.

I need to flesh out the rest before I can answer the rest :)


[MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] Just writing my GM crib-notes for your characters so far, and I added some names for Arsinoe's family, if that works for you...

Arsinoe Anjuliz
FATHER Kyrton is ex-Imperial Navy admiral, former Corellian Senator, and current board member of the Corellion Engineering Corporation.
BETRAYED by her betrothed Samas (her older brother Moen’s best friend) in debt to Kwaltu the Hutt.
Kwaltu the Hutt who she escaped wants his “tiny dancer”; BOUNTY (OBLIGATION 20?).
Ship crashed on a LONELY PLANET (TATOOINE?) after attack by PIRATES.
She was rescued by a RESISTANCE ship.


I found some old stuff on my computer, including this optional Star Wars Character Relationships table and a Where is My Character From table (which I updated)...may be of interest...



EDIT: Adding these to the OP as well.
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[MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] Just writing my GM crib-notes for your characters so far, and I added some names for Arsinoe's family, if that works for you...

Arsinoe Anjuliz
FATHER Kyrton is ex-Imperial Navy admiral, former Corellian Senator, and current board member of the Corellion Engineering Corporation.
BETRAYED by her betrothed Samas (her older brother Moen’s best friend) in debt to Kwaltu the Hutt.
Kwaltu the Hutt who she escaped wants his “tiny dancer”; BOUNTY (OBLIGATION 20?).
Ship crashed on a LONELY PLANET (TATOOINE?) after attack by PIRATES.
She was rescued by a RESISTANCE ship.
Those look good. I think I had some names in an old version of her that I deleted to make this new version and was like, "D'oh!"

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Ah, well glad you're getting to play a character you've been mulling over for a while then!

Looking over the character roles covered so far (face, tech specialist, sneaky rogue), the party could use:

A pilot, most of all.

A frontline fighter type.

A sage/know-it-all type.

An explorer/recon type.

A support/healer type.


I'm confident there are two more players who really want to join in, but who haven't had time or haven't found this thread yet. I only posted on Monday after all! I'm impressed you guys have been able to devise such fleshed-out characters already. :)


One good thing about the system is that it's fairly easy to cover most things adequately. Agility and Intelligence are almost god-stats. And if someone has Piloting as a class skill, ot isn't expensive to put ranks in if you have some Agility already.

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