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For the emperor ! (IC thread - always recruiting )


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"ahh.....feels good to bash some heads again" kelly thinks to herself as the guardsman behind him is still crying in pain from behind her.

Still, the Lt wasn't going to be happy about this. He did tell her he had enough to worry about without adding the various complaints about her misconduct.

Was it my fault that I can not go anywhere without having someone stupid enough to stare or whistle at me? Perhaps its the hair? Maybe i should start wearing a helmet like the other troopers.

But in any case i have my duties to consider.....time to head back to Zenorra

[sblock=ooc]sorry for the late response i wasnt sure how to add to my starter for the longest time ill try to be quicker in the future[/sblock]

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[sblock=Kestrel & Zhent] The moment the carriage leaves the Noble's district the scenery changes. The sense of desperation becomes almost palpable. The manicured lawns and well-cleaned streets make way for run-down buildings, crumbling statues and the filthy dregs of humanity. The carriage speeds up and makes haste for the station.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bruce McLane] The Lho-smoke calmes your headache and allmost takes the edge off your temper. The familiar weight of your backpack setles on your back. Time to move out. You make your way down the stairs and are on your way out whan you hear a gravelly voice call out your name. 'You looking for a job in the capital, merc?' A tattood bruiser stands at the entrance to the back-room, indicating you might wanna step inside.[/sblock]
[sblock=Dirty Rat] The boss-man sits behind his desk. A big big man is his late whatevers, scarred, tattood, able to survive whatever life throws at him, be it rival gangs, twists or dangerous women. He gives you a sneer that light be interpreted as a smile. 'Sit down, Rat' he growls. ' 's time for you to prove yourself. Get this ' he indicates towards a package, abour ten by five inch 'unharmed to Zhyltar in Zenorra, and your place in the gang is assured'.
[Sblock=Kelly Kinkade]It's a fair walk from the PDF-station to thetrainstation. YOu enjoy seeing people duck back into the alleys the moment they see your arbitrator-uniform in the distance. After half an hour you see the outline of the huge building in the distance. [/sblock]


Bruce let out a slow stream of smoke as he sized up the man, then nodded and headed into the room, his free hand hanging onto his belt, not un-near his knife.


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Rat tried the best he could to keep a straight face. This was his chance. The one he had been waiting many years fore. However, a small smile appears on his face.

"Where can I finds this 'Zhyltar'? They gonna meet me somewheres?"

He looks at the package carefully, trying to make a guess as what could be in there. Gun? Drugs? Who knows.


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[sblock=Dirty rat] 'Zyltar 's working for 'The Emperor's Fury', a big name for a :):):):):):) spaceship trader. You'll find him in his warehouse near the spaceport.' the big man rumbles. 'I'll get you some backup mudcle, someone noone knows, just in case them twists try something. They been getting a bit uppity lately.'
(Uppity being a nice euphemism, several gangmembers have passed away quite violently in the last couple of weeks) [/sblock]

[sblock=BruceMcLane & Dirty Rat]
Bruce McLAne enters the backroom. A big, tough looking brute, all scars and gang tattoos sits behind a desk opposite a piece of guttertrash who's just stashing away an object.
'So, McLane. Word is you're looking for a job. How about you accompany 'Rat there on a short trip to the spaceport and keep him alive 'till he delivers my package. Opposition is probably non-existent, but I'm not the man to leave things to coincidence. I'll pay you 30 thrones for two day's work, and the train ticket. You interested?'

[sblock=Kestrel, Zhent & Kinkade]
The station is an imposing, huge building. Its huge ceiling is covered in a layer of soot, obscuring the frescoes. There are four waiting platforms. The air is thick with a mixture of smoke, incence, promethium and sweat. A huge train, the locomotive sculpted in the visage of saint Drusus clUtching a thunderbolt, is being offloaded. PDF guardsmen coming back from R&R, buisenessmen, miners, traders all mingle in a huge cacaphony of sound. An ageing vox-system droning prayers to the emperor and travel iteneraries tries to make itself heard but only adds to the unintelligeble roar.
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Harrigan Zhent, Imperial Psyker

Harrigan can't help but flinch as he exits the space and isolation of the carriage for the throng of the station. He makes sure his hood is down as far is it can go and tightens his grip on his staff-cum-walking-stick. He tries to steady his breathing, focus on maintaining control and avoiding bumping into anyone, but even as he manages to avoid physical contact, he can't avoid touching the people: the abrasive scouring texture of panic, heat of agitation, stench of despair. But he sets his jaw and keeps his attention on Kestral, letting her choose the best path.


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Before Zhent could drift out of reach and potentially be seperated from her in the crowd, Kestrel caught hold of the sleeve of the psyker's robe, then took his arm and tucked it under hers. Her charge secured, she scanned the crowd first, then glanced up at the floating pictographs of the train routes and schedules. Most of them were greyed out...unused now. That made finding the Zenorra train quite easy.

She escorted Zhent up to the track, and the giant metal creature that crouched on it, hissing and groaning painfully.


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Rat looks up at the new arrival, and says "Thank yous for looking after me then. We should be going, unless yous have somethings else to do before?"


McClane looks down at the rat, then up at the 'boss'. "Never been much fer babysitting, but can't argue with the pay. Deal."

He looks back down as Rat speaks. "nah, I got all my stuff, was just about to blow out anyways. Lets get going."
As they exit, he says to Rat "Name's Bruce McClane."

So instead of a specific colour, is it fine if I just Bold McClane's speech? Still stands out and seems more fitting to the character than any particular colour.


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Kelly approached the building, feeling a bit of dread and excitement as she walked into the busy building. "oh man if a fight would break out in here i could really get some fun out of this, but on the other hand i could also get swarmed and die!" she realizes she said this out loud as a older lady looks at here with shock....but what ever time to find the platform thats heading to Zenorra. Cant have the LT getting mad for tardiness

Voidrunner's Codex

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