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For the Love of Tomeri...(23June2004)


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Part 27 Something is revealed, second half

The kingfisher perched on a branch above the water and watched the small silver fishes dart about the stream looking for food and shelter. Lifting its beak the bird sang a few notes of celebration and joy at another wondrous day.

It looked again at the fish zig-zagging between the green fronds in the water. The colour of the fish almost matched the silver sparkling bursts of light that were caused by the reflections on the surface of the water. However, the kingfisher was an experienced hunter and had successfully raised two broods. It leapt off the branch towards the water and with perfect skill and grace caught one of the silver fish that was too slow in getting to safety deeper in the stream.

The bird returned to its branch and was about to enjoy its meal when it heard the unfamiliar sound of something heavy crashing through the bushes. It quickly took flight and as it looked behind it the kingfisher saw a walks-on-two-feet creatures coming towards its stream and away from the colourful places in which the walks-on-two-feet nested.

The taller one with the brown fronds on its beak-less face gave the smaller one some coverings for its claws. The kingfisher was astonished to see the walks-on-two-feet things rise straight up in to the air without moving their featherless wings. The bird let out a startled cry and flew off to tell the sparrows what it had seen. The sparrows loved to gossip and news would spread fast ensuring that those who cared about the flying walks-on-two-feet could keep an eye on them.

“What is it you want to ask me?” Deus asked after they had risen just over a thousand feet in to the air. He pulled his coat closer to his body to ward off the chill air as if blew past him and across his small body.

“Why do you think that people are trying to send you to this location?” The dwarven scholar began with the question that had been bothering him the most since his conversation earlier in the day with Deus. He'd gone back to discuss it further with the halfling but he had refused to talk about it unless they could find a quiet and out of the way place. Littleby lent him a pair of slippers of levitation and the two had agreed to meet at one thousand feet straight up above the gate-town of Faunel.

“Well I think that people are NOT trying to send me to this location.” The halfling chant-broker spent a few moments admiring the view beneath him. The forested areas looked beautifully green and lush, vibrant with life that was concealed beneath the tall canopy of the trees. A few birds were flying nearby including a flock of swallows that were spiralling downwards in broad, lazy circles. “That is why I said that I am not supposed to know this.”

The dwarven scholar tried to mask his frustration after hearing Deus' reply. The halfling delighted in word games and only told the whole story when prompted and questioned extensively. It was always a long and drawn out process, right up until the point that the halfling would suddenly drop some very important details casually in to the conversation. “How did you come by this information?”

“I intercepted some communications between Nyon and his priests,” the halfling explained.

“Then you know about Nyon and Agar and their cross-over.” It was more of a statement than a question since Littleby knew the answer as soon as he said it. The look that Deus gave him confirmed his beliefs midway through the sentence.

“It was confirmed when you last me him. I'm sorry about that, but I had to be sure.” Deus shrugged and tried to look apologetic. He was doing a rather good job of it considering that they were both floating one thousand feet above the town and trying to hold a normal conversation.

“Where are Nyon's priests?” Littleby asked abruptly.

“Two in Sigil, several in Lammed.” Deus answered in a bored tone of voice. Between looking at the scenery below him and answering Littleby's questions, the halfling chant-broker was actually stealing glances at his expressions to see what effect the answers were having.

“You didn't happen to uncover any information about the priests in Sigil by any chance?” Littleby tried to ask in an off-handed manner.

“I know of one, but not the other.” Again the halfling answered in a bored tone and the end of his sentence was almost swallowed up in a long yawn.

“One is good,” the dwarven scholar prompted eagerly.

“She looks like a halfling lass and lives at 34b Stonecutters Row in the Lower ward.” Both of them knew that the halfling in question was Annaleese, the house-keeper that they'd rescued from Khaasta raiders who had taken over the place and used it as a house of ill-repute. Before Malkir and his friends had liberated the house and made it their headquarters. All of the women working there had joined the priesthood of Tomeri except for Annaleese.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Littleby said sincerely as he held his hand over his heart.

“I will not charge you this time,” the halfling quipped. But we're even if you return my father, Deus thought to himself.

“The others?” Littleby prompted hopefully.

“There are a couple on the world of Lammed. Of which I only know one of their names. I can't tell you this because if the name gets out then he will most certainly be killed.”

“He's in a very unfortunate situation,” the dwarven scholar stated gravely. He was concerned for this priest as they were being misled in the same way that Littleby and his companions had once been misled.

“Yes,” the halfling muttered non-committally. He had his opinions on this matter but he had no desire to share them with his former travelling companion.

Littleby decided to spell it out more clearly. “He's been misled greatly, his priest.”

“If you say so.” Deus shrugged his shoulders and began to study the nearby clouds. “He's keeping an eye on Miranda Allman.”

“That's very interesting. See what wonderful discussions that you can have at one thousand feet in the air?” The dwarven scholar chuckled and saw that Deus was smiling, but none of the mirth was reflected in his eyes. In fact that halfling appeared to be staring at one of the clouds intently as if Littleby had just pointed out something important.

“One more question and I'd really like to go down.” Deus watched the flock of swallows dived past once again and cursed his ill luck for choosing the one spot above Faunel where a Mortai happened to be. He knew that they were found in the Beastlands but did not expect to see one outside of that plane. The creature had done a good job of keeping its many 'faces' hidden, but Littleby's jest had held a great deal of truth. This cloud had more than just a silver lining.

“Care to tell me what you have intercepted between Nyon and his priests?” Littleby suggested.

“There are so many things,” Deus waved his hand dismissing the question. He had neither the time or inclination to spend the next week telling Littleby everything that he knew about Nyon.

“You obviously have the directions,” the dwarven scholar pointed out.

“Would you like to know about the directions or about something else?” Deus said sounding somewhat impatient.

“Something else,” Littleby replied.

“I know why we have these carvings on our backs,” the halfling chant-broker proposed as he chose a safe topic to talk about. He was referring to the scars that Serena, Malkir, Deus and Max had on their backs after they were captured by fiends in Lammed and transported to a prison complex in Acheron. The carvings loosely translated to 'dedicated in the name of Orcus'.

“Now that is something that would qualify as something that I would really like to know,” Littleby stated keen to solve this great mystery.

“Because Nyon put them there.”

“Why do you believe that he put them there?”

“Strange as it may sound I believe that he put them there for our protection.”

“Deus, do you think...” Littleby paused to think about how best to phrase the question and the only sounds that they could hear high above the ground was the wind rushing by. Strangely the cloud nearby was not being blown or budged by the winds.

“These slippers are quite comfortable,” Deus said in a conversational tone.

“I'm going to need them back,” Littleby stated and made a mental note to get them back as soon as they had landed. The two men began to descend towards the ground and the swallows disappeared from sight.

“Deus, do you think he still holds a candle?” Littleby asked, referring to a certain god being very much in love with a certain goddess.

Deus wanted to reply with: Nyon does it all for the love of Tomeri. But instead he said; “Even a thousand suns does not compare.”

“Do you think that he deludes himself?”

“I wouldn't know, perhaps you can ask Serena.” The two men landed on the ground close to a fast flowing stream.

“Well this has been the most informative meeting. I hope that we can keep in touch.” They shook hands and prepared to go their separate ways.

“I'm sure that we will,” Deus smiled. He had taken a few steps when he suddenly remembered something and turned back to Littleby. “Just don't drop my father off at Tal'Nattan or Tal'Chuan. Any of the other cities will do fine.” He thrust an acorn in to the dwarfs hand and closed his fingers over it. “You can always use this to summon my allies and they will fly him to safety.”

The halfling chant-broker walked back to his caravan and the dwarven scholar walked back towards the place where his travelling companions were camped. The swallows flew past the solitary cloud one final time and descended towards the ground. They passed on their message to the sparrows who sang it to the kingfisher that was safely hidden beneath some low hanging branches. Once the king of the river heard that the walks-on-two feet were departing and not likely to return it took up its usual position and began to hunt for more of the silver fish in the fast flowing stream.

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First Post
We Interrupt This Adventure to Bring you the Following News....

Convergence/Divergence is dangerous to your health

Chant mongers and touts are rattling their bone-boxes around the Cage bringing you this breaking piece of news. A Divergence has been witnessed in the Outlands and many greybeards now speculate that this is a sign that a new Power will soon be joining the Divine Golfing Club. Our intrepid journalist Ashenbach was able to track down a back-street sage in the Hive ward who has an almost unrivalled understanding of the process of Convergence and Divergence.

Ashenbach: "So, err... cutter, would you care to tell us what this Convergence/Divergence thing is all about?"

Ripperibo: "Convergence. This refers to reaching a limit or a meeting place. Divergence. This refers to a departure from the norm or a deviation."

Ashenbach: "Suren. But what in the Lady's name has this got to do with some leatherhead getting on the ladder to Divinity?"

Ripperibo: "A Convergent soul has collapsed several of its possible selves in to a single form. A Divergent soul has expanded its possible selves to create more possible futures."

Ashenbach: "Wait a minute. Surely in a infinite Multiverse there are an infinite number of possible berks that a sod can become?"

Ripperibo: "No."

Ashenbach: "Eh? Care to fill us in on the dark of this?"

Ripperibo: "No."

Ashenbach: "Lady's grace, you're certainly a blood who likes to rattle his bone-box. So what's to gain by adding or subtracting some possible selves?"

Ripperibo: "By reducing possible selves, a soul can theoretically advance to the next stage at a quicker rate. Each fragment of the soul would be required to perform some very specific actions in order to facilitate this."

Ashenbach: "Tarmy. So how does a blood get to join this Convergence club?"

Ripperibo: "If any of the soul fragments fail in their goal they are lost forever, reducing the overall soul. This is irreversible."

Ashenbach: "Ouch, that's going to sting in the morning and suren. How hard can it be to get all of a sods soul-bits to work together?"

Ripperibo: "It requires coordination that is beyond most mortals. A deity could conceivably control it. In certain instances it is preferable if some possible selves do not know what the other parts are doing."

Ashenbach: "So what happens if a berk Converges and then fails or Diverges?"

Ripperibo: "Again this would require Divine or Diabolical intervention. It is possible that those in the Far Realm could save this soul, but it is not a recommended path."

Ashenbach: "Well, there you have it cutters. Converging and Diverging are short cuts on the road to ascension, but this blood is suren not going to try them. Stay sharp and try not to get peeled by any knights of the cross-trade."


First Post
That would be a bit too cruel to inflict on a PC.

But there is the possibility that one of his other selves is working with Nyon. There was a priestly path available at the Convergence and Annaleese certainly seems to treat Malkir with a lot of respect....

For details of the convergence see: (long)
Would the Real Malkir Please Stand Up


“There was a beautiful women that I was in love with, but she did not love me in return.” Crowson's face took on an even more detemined and concentrated look whilst he carried on with his storytelling. “So I travelled to a place where I could see the future in order to find out which path I would need to take in order tolead me towards a time and place where she would come to love me in return.”

Duh! It was right there all this time!!! Well done Simson!

Crowson's voice became more subdued and he spoke as if burdened by many years of waiting. “When I returned from the future in which my beloved returned my love, I discovered that my future self had returned instead.” The innkeeper sighed as if he had told this tale many times. “Instead of appraoching the future with many alternate possible futures collapsing in to one as soon as a single choice had been made. I found that I was coming at it from the other direction. Now I continuously look for the choice that I am most likely to make and plot my way back to the moment when I first entered the tower.”

I have to admit i'm a bit boggled trying to grasp this bit...


First Post
crater said:
Duh! It was right there all this time!!! Well done Simson!

This will become clear the next time that the party meets Nyon. Time for more big revelations, or just connecting a few more of the dots.

crater said:
I have to admit i'm a bit boggled trying to grasp this bit...

Imagine standing at the entrance to a maze. When you enter and chose to go down a particular path, all the other paths at the junction disappear. The next time that you get to a junction and make a decision the same thing happens. When you look in front of you there are many paths, but behind you there is only one.

Now imagine that you are able to lift yourself above the maze and can see the outcome of the various paths that are available. As you move above the maze plotting the path that you want to follow, you find yourself transported to a distant point that you want to reach. However, you're not there 100%. A part of you is still in the earlier stage of the maze.

This means that the two halves of you have to try to find a way to meet up again otherwise you will never been complete again. The part of you closer to the entrance still continues as normal chosing paths and watching the other options fall away. But the part of you that is further on sees all the paths that are available. It has to try to navigate backwards to try to make sure that it meets up with the other half. One mistake and the two parts of you will never come together again.

Crowson is the part that is stuck in the future, trying to meet up with the remainder of himself. He is looking backwards in time, whilst the rest of us are looking forwards in time. Actually most of us are looking in to the present but those who are seers or linked to prophecy may be able to divine the best paths to follow.

Through the Convergence and subsequent Divergence Malkir is able to follow multiple paths for awhile. If those parts are able to complete their quests and meet up again later on then he will have advanced greatly and may be able to Ascend. But if one part falters then they may all fall.

Now try to imagine what might happen if a deity tries to Diverge in order to later Converge. They would be greatly reduced in power for awhile (just as they would be if they created too many Avatars), but could be stronger afterwards. Or perhaps that deity might have a different reason for Diverging... :confused:
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First Post
This campaign is current on hiatus due to player being busy with exams, work etc. The last gaming session was March 22nd and the next planned session is 10th May. In the mean time, here is another bit of in-game news.

We Interrupt This Adventure to bring you the following news

Regrowth of the Expansionist Sect

Chant mongers and touts are rattling their bone-boxes around the Cage bringing you this breaking piece of news. Those in the know have heard of the recent happenings in the Prime world of Lammed that the supposed long-dead faction called the Expansionists is making a come back. As we reported in a previous story unknown agents entered one of the Lady's mazes to retrieve the famous sword of the factol of the Expansionists. During those events the former factol managed to slip the blinds and give The Lady of Pain the laugh. Since then there has been a great deal of wild speculation about where the former factol, Vartus Timlin, had gone to.

Now we can exclusively reveal that our intrepid reporter the tiefling Ashenbach has located Timlin on the Prime Material World called Lammed. He has risked life and limb to bring you the dark of the Expansionists regrowth.

Ashenbach: "Vartus Timlin. Peery basher claim that you were either dead or ready for the Gatehouse considering how long you've been mazed. What's the secret of your survival?"

Vartus: "The answer is very simple really. It was an unwavering belief that my followers would one day spring me from the Maze and work together to rebuild our glorious Faction."

Ashenbach: "But isn't it true that you managed to escape by accident?"

Vartus: "As a Grower it is important to always be ready to expand your horizons. If an opportunity presents itself then you need to make use of it and then share it with others."

Ashenbach: "So what you are saying is that you can help others to escape the Lady's Mazes?"

Vartus: "No comment."

Ashenbach: "Suren. What is the next move that the Growers are likely to take?"

Vartus: "Well we will begin by getting our world back in order. My Faction, family and allies have done a good job of keeping everything in order considering the current situation."

Ashenbach: "Do you mean the illithid invasion of the Northern continent or the Harmonium taking over the mountain spire city of Tal'Chuan?"

Vartus: "Both. We have expanded our sphere of influence to ensure that the remaining free cities work together as a cohesive entity. Next we will deal with the city of Tal'Nattan that seems to be suffering from a fiendish infestation. Once that is done we will move on Tal'Chuan and then the Northern lands. Once control is established in these places then we will expand to other realities."

Ashenbach: "Lady's Grace, you sure are ambitious. Doesn't it worry you that others will learn of your plans and try to stop you?"

Vartus: "Not really. Some stand against us because they don't understand us. We encourage them to meet with us and converse. Those who have no interest in being open to the possibility of joining with us will fall by the way-side."

Ashenbach: "Well, there you have it. The Expansionists are back in action and they look as if they will soon be joining the Kriegstanz if things progress as rapidly as they have so far. One final question: Do you think that you or your followers will be establishing themselves in the Cage in the future?"

Vartus: *laughs* "Ashenbach, I'll take a leaf out of your book and reply with: soon, very soon."


First Post
simmo said:
This campaign is current on hiatus due to player being busy with exams, work etc. The last gaming session was March 22nd and the next planned session is 10th May.

We'll wait... impatiently. :]


First Post
We Interrupt This Adventure to Bring you the Following News....

Bwimb is Dead!

Chant mongers and touts are rattling their bone-boxes around the Cage bringing you this breaking piece of news. Baron Bwimb, the self-styled ruler of the Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze, was declared dead by his chief advisor today. Reports are still sketchy at this time, but it is apparent that he was killed in a massive attack that left no part of him behind what-so-ever. His mephit servants failed to find a single fragment of him despite his gigantic size for an ooze sprite.

There are conflicting reports coming from the Sinking Palace of Sublime Ooze as to who was responsible for the attack.One witness claimed that a dark presence, blacker and more evil than the deepest pit in the Abyss, visited Bwimb's palace and destroyed him with a single word. Another witness claims that the darkness was caused by the drow who had launched a lighting raid in which they deployed fell sorcery to ensure the complete obliteration of Baron Bwimb. Yet another witness has come forward who has stated that it was none other than Factol Skall of the Dustmen who eliminated Bwimb. The last witness to escape the Sinking Palace of Sublime Ooze whispered before he died that the fiends all went mad and killed everyone they came across including Bwimb.

Our intrepid reporter Ashenbach was unavailable to investigate this due to personal reasons that involved several angry Yugoloths enquiring about him at our office in the Lower Ward of Sigil, the City of Doors. Instead we have included below some comments from our dear readers in the Cage.

"Baron who? Never heard of him. Now pike it before I arrest you for wasting Harmonium time."

"Good riddance I say. Ooze is disgusting and the less of it the better. What was his name again?"

"His Imperial Majesty Bwimb, Grand Ruler of the Plane of Splendour, Ravager of Prime Worlds, Overseer of the Elemental Planes. Sounds like a mephit to me, someone's playing you for a rube."

"Your having a laugh, right? It was the Yugoloths that did it. They're behind everything bad that happens. My name? Oh, it's not important. You never met me, right?"

"Excellent! The revolution has begun. We will start with the elemental princes, sweep across the Primes and reshape the Planes. Long live the revolution. Down with... what was his name?"

"This is a serious blow for all of us. Uh thingy....., yes Baron Bwimb was prevented from ascending to the next level of sublime ooziness and the Multiverse mourns his loss. No I did not make up the word ooziness. Are you trying to inhibit my personal growth berk?"

"Yes I know. I got bored with Baron what's-his-name and decided to imagine him out of existence. Now run along little man before I get bored of you."

"I'm Baron Bwimb and so is my wife."

"To experience oblivion that must be really something. Of course, I'm planning on saving that experience until last."

"Justice has been done. This Baron was a tyrant who mercilessly subjugated all of his subject with an iron rod. What? No the iron rod was a metaphor. But now that you mention it, is this something that you have stolen? Confess now or face the consequences."


"Puddles there now perhaps less Hive ooze in the be will."

"Free ooze for everyone."

"Of course it's important that this creature... yes, Baron Bwimb, thank you, is now dead. But think about the effect that this will have on planar trade in dairy products such as cheese for example. What? Well you might think that it has nothing to do with cheese but we are blessed and you'd better not forget it."

"It is the beginning of the End, my friend. A darkness is coming the likes of which the Planes have not seen in millennia and the Powers themselves quake in terror. Forsake all hope, my friend, for the End is nigh."

Voidrunner's Codex

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