Forge of Fury PF system -OOC


Thy wounds are healed!
No problem I did forget that the stuff was in a haversack, good catch. Let me know what you do about the armor. And I am working on a reason for you want to go to StoneTooth (basically a treasure map is involved).



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Let me know what you do about the armor.

The changes are on my character sheet. Basically, I lost the hand of the mage, the armor's shadow property (maybe I can get it later), and changed the axe to an adamantine one.

And I am working on a reason for you want to go to StoneTooth (basically a treasure map is involved).

Awesome! Just remember, he might have been a low life thug most of his life, but now he's LG and reformed. So a treasure map for greed's sake wouldn't be much of a draw.


Thy wounds are healed!
Great I have just updated the IC and added Hinderpick you should post up something if you wish or at least subscribe.




Thy wounds are healed!
NP and to everyone, Since this is not a long term campaign please try and spend all your gp as saving it for something big later would be a waste.

Happy Shopping.. :p




Thy wounds are healed!
Hmm... I guess take one more crack at them and if you donlt identlfy them, then I guess you could pay a sage to do it. What would it cost for someone to cast a cantrip? Mostly paying for their time.


Walking Dad

First Post
Pfsrd says:

Caster level × spell level × 10 gp

Use a spell level of 1/2 for 0-level spells to calculate the cost.

Retrieved from:

Hirelings, Spellcasting and Services

So, should be 5 gp.
But let's say we need someone with higher spellcraft skills, too. A 1st level wizard / 4 level commoner elf (Int 16) would have a bonus of
3 (class) + 3 (Int) + 2 (race) + 5 (skill ranks) + 3 (Skill Focus) = +16

Maybe 20 gp?


Thy wounds are healed!
4 times the base cost?!? Them darn elves always trying to rip a guy off! :rant:

But if it were an elf you are right WD as he would not want to be bothered by every Tom, Dick, and Harry who thought he had something magical. :p

20gp each but first try again to ID them as you have leveled up and that should allow for another try.


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