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Amazing Triangle

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JonnyFive said:
primary stat baised on class, ie int for mages, cha for sorcerers.

but that beggs the question, what the prime stat for a fighter? monk? bard? barbarian? paladin?

This is where I ran into the problem of deciding. So I left it up to you guys. If you wanted a strong fighter Str starts high. Dexterous rogue have a high Dex. So have fun with it!

Nero Kingsley said:
The (near) finished version of Dunestrider. I'm pretty sure I did the ability scores right. And how should we calculate hit points?


I love the URL but I would like it if you could use the format


So that everyone has the same sheet so I can see what all your skills and such are.

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Just had a quick question about setting. I know we don't know anything, per se, but I heard someone mention the jungle. Is it appropriate for a character to have plate armor? Also, can we have any magical items we can afford or is there a level of magic you want to maintain? I was just thinking of background. Do we, as players, know anything about PCs or are we as clueless as our characters? Just want to know how much background information I should include on my knight.

Amazing Triangle

First Post
Lot - Great questions, Each of you knows the others names and that each of you were friends on some level but have no idea about what or why you would be friends. Each of your pasts are a jumbled mess but each of you will feel a paticular pull towards a certain action (based on your alignment) You may be from anywhere you will bee outside one of my favorite homebrew cities, Althora with a swamp on its border, a heavy forest a days walk, and a plain and a desert within 3 days walk. You are currently in a field on the outskirts of Althora. Assume that you had access to any level of magic items you had wished for (the city you "started" in was a Metro)

Nero Kingsley, All- This must seem like the most haphazard campaign geez you just keep getting everything in pieces as I get asked it or worked up. Hit points are max at first level average at odd, average +1 at even.

Moonstone Spider- To be truthful a Drunken master would be great fun in this kind of game. Pick the stat you would like to stat at 11 (wis or dex would be my first choice)
"I have the sudden urge to go drinking and drink until I forget"
"We have already forgotten"
"Oh right, lets do it again"

Voadam- Level 6 wealth is 13,000 gold. So you all should have 14,000gold. And your XP is 17,000xp
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Nero Kingsley

First Post
Final version of Dunestrider.

Dunestrider, Half-Giant Psychic Warrior - lvl 6
Medium Giant (Psionic), Chaotic Neutral
42 years old, 7'11", 334 lbs, male, pale blue eyes, deep coppery skin, black braided hair.

STR: 18 (+4)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 18 (+4)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 10 (+0)

Hit Points: 55 / 55
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (55 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Initative: +5 (+1 DEX, +4 Improved Initiative)
AC: 23 (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 DEX; touch 11, flat-footed 22)
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7

Fort: +8 (+4 Base, +4 CON)
Ref: +2 (+1 Base, +1 DEX)
Will: +4 (+1 Base, +3 WIS)

  • Psychokinetic Maul +1 - +7 melee (2d8+1d4+5)

Special Attacks:
  • Stomp 1/day

Special Abilities:
  • Naturally Psionic
  • Powerful Build
  • Fire Acclimated
  • Low Light Vision

Skills: (18 points, max ranks 9/4)
  • Concentration +13 (9 Ranks, +4 ATB)
  • Search +9 (9 Ranks, +0 ATB)

  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Maul)
  • Weapon Focus (Maul)
  • Psionic Weapon
  • Improved Initiative
  • Power Attack
  • Cleave
  • Quick Draw

  • Common

  • Psychokinetic Maul +1 (8315gp, 20lbs.)
  • Full Plate +2 (5650gp, 50lbs.)
  • Heavy Wooden Shield (7gp, 10lbs.)
  • Backpack (2gp, 2 lbs.)
  • Flint and Steel (1gp, 0lbs.)
  • Bedroll (1 sp, 5lbs.)
  • 50 ft. of Silk Rope (10gp, 5lbs.)
  • x5 Sunrods (10gp, 5lbs.)
  • 4gp, 9sp.
Total weight carried -- 97lbs.
Light load -- 100lbs., medium -- 200lbs., heavy -- 300lbs., lift -- 600lbs., push -- 1500lbs.

Power save = DC 13 + power level.
  • 1st- Biofeedback, Chameleon, Skate.
  • 2nd- Body Adjustment, Empathic Transfer, Psionic Levitate.

XP: 15,000 / 21,000

Dunestrider towers in at 7 feet 11 inches and 334 pounds. His skin has a deep, coppery complexion from years of toiling in sun. His pale blue eyes are a drastic contrast to his skin, and his braided black hair is tied into a ponytail in the back. When not clad in platemail for combat, Dunestrider enjoys dressing in the fine clothing noble's often wear and has fine tastes for jewels.

Dunestrider is generally indifferent, if not a little stand-offish towards those he does not know. His friendship and trust are slow to earn, but long to last. He does his best to call things as he sees them and goes with his gut instinct more often than not. He is not particularly skilled with words nor gifted with a silver tongue and relishes the opportunity to leap into the fray of battle.

Dunestrider, along with all of his kin, was born in captivity as a slave in a harsh desert land ruled by cruel sorcerer-kings. They were bred to serve as skilled warriors and laborers, and any half-giant who survived early childhood could only look forward to a life of suffering and misery. This idea did not settle well with Dunestrider, and he fled deeper into the desert to escape his captors and start a new life.

Indeed, he did start a new life. Several weeks after his escape with very little supplies, he stumbled upon a hidden outpost of other half-giant escapees, who gave him his name immediately after watching him approach their camp. He was initiated into their ranks and emblazoned his right arm with a stylized tattoo of a winged sword, to symbolize his flight to freedom and his newfound penchant for the style of fighting the other half-giants practiced - combining the power of the blade with the power of the mind.

After several years of living and growing stronger with his new family, it all came to an abrupt stop when the sorcerer kings discovered them. Dunstrider watched in terror as close friends were engulfed in flames or frozen in place with horrific expressions still on their faces from the sorcerer kings' spells. Not knowing what to do, he fled.

Though he lived to escape the deserts and find civilization, Dunestrider was shamed forever by his retreat in his people's time of need. To always remind himself, he heated a blade and pressed it to the left side of his face, the tip just below his eye and the length of the blade running straight down to his jaw line. He continued to practice the way of the psychic warrior, though he felt he needed to put his skills to greater use to redeem himself in his own eyes. Not knowing what else to do, he joined a military organization where he could do what he did best - fight.



Amazing, how do you want to handle spell costs for expanding a wizards' spellbook?

Part of my concept was that Voadam showed up on Toril reduced from higher level with nothing but his spellbook, with 13k +1K that is enough to own a 12.5 blessed book with a lot of spells in it as well as a few other trinkets.

Again a character not designed for the strongest mechanical build but a character I have played before and am keen to do so again.

How about 3rd party spells (say from Bastion Press, Malhavok, and FFG)?


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AT, my build is going for invisible dagger from CW, just wanna make sure that is ok so i dont pick up a few feats i dont want/need :p

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