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D&D 4E Forgotten Realms 4e Changes: Good/Bad?


They've actually started this. In "The Pirate King" they started the utter downfall of Luskan and in "The Ghost King" it looks like the Spellplague is coming and the weave is coming apart.

And the Haunted Land series mentioned before is the story of how Thay got to be the undead land it is today.

I generally like the way 4e handled the FRs.. mostly... with the exception of Talos. I was so disappointed he didn't make the cut. :devil:


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First Post
I miss the Red Knight and all the lesser gods that got the axe... now it feels like the same as any other setting...that to me was one of the worst changes. I guess they're still there, she's an exarch of Tempus, but I liked that each had their own write-up and really dug the less common deities. Hoar was another cool one.


First Post
So what is this Spell plague I just started playing 4e and haven't looked into the FR lately? Been a player since AD&D but just now joined a game that is set in 4E rules so any help would be nice


i have never played FR but these descriptions of new FR sound awesome
you are in a world that for some reason or another a few centuries ago got blasted back to the stone aged
its like post apocalyptic fantasy

The concept may sound awesome to you, but it didn't turn out that way. It's more like a sad shadow of the former campaign setting than a "cool" post-apocalyptic setting. The new FR is epically lame.


What makes me sad is, I don't know what is special about Forgotten Realms now. I don't see anything that makes me go "Wow, holy :):):):), I NEED to play in this world!".

Actually I am not really sure what they added in besides the funky new core races. The campaign guide only mention what changed from previous edition, but what was improved? No more mary sue npc, smaller pantheon, floating motes? Is that it? I am not against making a campaign setting more accessible, heck I am a newbie to FR and only know FR through novels and videogames. Finally when I wanted to run FR, it was really uninspiring. I also think people buy the player's guide just for the swordmage class and drow race.


What makes me sad is, I don't know what is special about Forgotten Realms now. I don't see anything that makes me go "Wow, holy :):):):), I NEED to play in this world!". (snip)

Actually, that's a good point, and I say that as someone who actually likes the 4E Realms as well as the earlier editions.

The current campaign I am DMing is very much the PCs vs The Elemental Chaos/Far Realm/Aboleth Sovereignty and, aside from the inclusion of The Elemental Chaos is essentially an update of the first FR campaign I ran in 3E which in turn was a loose conversion of Night Below.

The heroic tier starts in Akakul, goes to Aglarond then to the Sea of Fallen Stars then Chult. It certainly doesn't need FR to succeed.

My second campaign is about a civil war within the Zhentarim between Cyricists (who are now in the ascendant) and Banites (whose influence within the organisation has certainly waned).

It feels like it is going to be a lot more FRish as well as geographically wide-ranging and might be the sort of campaign where you would feel like the world itself is, as it were, adding value (if you will pardon my use of management-speak).

My biggest struggle remains the maps included with the FRCG. I still believe that the world map is one of the worst maps I have ever seen with any product in the nearly 30 years I have been involved with D&D. I think a good map with more details (and fewer "blotches" of indistinct terrain) would have been something to make people want to explore the world.

I also think smaller type should have been used so that there could be details added about the Plaguelands. In fact, the starting adventure should have involved an earth mote and a plagueland just to highlight the new features! Instead we have a generic adventure about goblins which, although enjoyable, was as generic as an adventure can be. (And, once again, the map sucked. You cannot compare the map of Loudwater in the FRCG with the map of Fallcrest in the DMG. Loudwater looks like one of those squarish maps from the 1970s/80s but given a nice colour treatment via Photoshop. Fallcrest is a functional work of art that make you want to explore the details.)

(snip)Finally when I wanted to run FR, it was really uninspiring. I also think people buy the player's guide just for the swordmage class and drow race.

I actually give WotC props for the Player's Guide. I love the fact that you can actually give it to a player so that they can read up on the regions and get a spoiler-free overview. I would have loved to have seen a larger book with more regions... and maps that did not suck!


What makes me sad is, I don't know what is special about Forgotten Realms now. I don't see anything that makes me go "Wow, holy :):):):), I NEED to play in this world!".
...is it bad if I've never thought that about the Realms? :)

I mean, even when it came out, it was intended as a generic fantasy world.


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